Trust In Marriage

trust - this is the photo related to trust
December 21, 2009 4:39am CST
Hi friends, How much trust do you and your spouse have between each other? I mean to what extent do you trust each other, do you share everything with each other, tell each other every little thing happened ...? Has the trust changed after marriage if you had a love marriage? In my case, well, myself and my husband share each other everything... even little things that happened around ... i really trust my spouse and my marriage. but one of my friend's spouse don't trust her enough in order for him to share things with my friend. before their marriage they used to share everything .. literally everything... but my friend is worried like her husband is not sharing her all after marriage... what about you friends? how much trust do you and your spouse have between each other?
1 response
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
21 Dec 09
Due to my past, I dont trust anyone completely and most likely never will but if I had to say who I trusted MOST in my life its definately my husband! Even with him though its not 100% trust.
• India
22 Dec 09
hi ravenladyj, it is really good and lucky to have a husband who is trustful...