Ok, it nearly happened

By Gabs
@gabs8513 (48686)
United Kingdom
December 21, 2009 7:53am CST
I was shocked, my Gissi nearly got Dogknapped I was in the Shop and as always Gissi was outside waiting for me, when I heard him bark, it was not his friendly bark or his Mum hurry up Bark, it was a vicious bark, even the Girl at the Till said something is up, I shot outside and there is this little Boy of about 8 years old trying to get the lead of the Hook standing well away from Gissi as he was snarling I asked the little Boy what he was doing, he told me it was his Dog and they where going home I told him, that no the little Dog is not his, he said yes he is and how do you know, so I told him quite bluntly that the little Dog was mine When Gissi saw me he stopped the Snarling and just barked at the Boy who stood away from Gissi by this time, I then said to him that I hope he will never try this again, Gissi could have bitten him and also it is against the Law to steal Dogs, he looked to the Ground, at that minute his Mum came out of the Shop and asked him what was wrong, I was calming Gissi down, the Boy just looked shifty and looked at me, I then told his Mum what he had tried to do, she was very apologetic I do not believe in telling tales but she had to know because if he did it again I would not have forgiven myself, I heard his Mum tell him of and he said, but he is so cute, I did have to smile then Now I hope he will never go near Gissi again, because I know Gissi will remember this and will be nasty with the Boy, even the Staff in the Shop could not believe it When I got home it hit me, I could have lost my Gissi today, ok eventually someone would have recognized him and wondered why I was not with him, but that is beside the Point, I am just so glad that Gissi let me know, yes he is friendly, but not when someone tries to take him when I am not in sight
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35 responses
@angelsmummy (1696)
21 Dec 09
Oh my words! That mustve been so scary! I am so glad you managed to save him! That is so lucky! Its so lucky that you heard him bark! I am glad you didnt lose Gissi especially not this close to Christmas that would be the worst hurt ever! When I read this I was thinking what a cheek that boy telling you that he was taking HIS dog home when Gissi is yours! But I guess at 8 years old you will think of any excuse!
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
21 Dec 09
Hello Angel It would have broke my Heart, as my Little Gissi is my everything and to loose him would have broke me He was only a Child that is why I was being nice as yes ok he was trying to steal my Gissi but at 8 they do not think, all he saw was a cute Dog that he wanted lol but all is Good Gissi is here with me
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
21 Dec 09
I know the little Man's different barks and that is what made me move so fast He always barks while I am in the Shop and the Staff always say he needs to let everyone that his Mum is in the Shop and he is shouting for me to hurry up lol but even the Girl on the Check out said there is something up Gabs But yes I am glad I caught the Lad
21 Dec 09
No they dont that is a problem at times! Well I am glad that you got to save Gissi! Well done for being so fast it couldve been a very different story!
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• United States
21 Dec 09
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
21 Dec 09
Well I think he will have got a good roasting when he got home as his Mum was not happy at all
@blackbriar (9075)
• United States
22 Dec 09
OMG!!!! Gissi..puppy napped? nooooooooooooooooooo...I'm so very happy Gissi brought to attention that someone was trying to take him. It would crush you if Gissi was every to disappear. I hope that lil' boy learned a well-taught lesson here.
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
22 Dec 09
Hi Blackbriar It certainly would have crushed me It hit me when I got home what could have happened, little Fellow was not bothered lol he did as he always does after his walk, he rolled around and charged around the Flat lol I will bring home first in future and then walk back to the Shop as I am not risking this ever again
• United States
22 Dec 09
***HUGS*** to you and Gissi!!!
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@p1kef1sh (45681)
21 Dec 09
A close shave indeed Gabs although I think that his mother would have returned Gissi very quickly. When I was little something similar nearly happened to me. I was in the shop and holding my mother's hand. I stood there for ages and eventually we walked out. When I looked up it was another lady!!! My mother came flying out of the shop looking for me and the woman was explaining to me that we'd go back in and find her. I was handed over and then got ticked off! All I did was hold my mother's hand - but somehow I must have held the wrong woman. LOL.
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
21 Dec 09
Lol P1ke what a fright for your poor Mum I am surprised the Lady never noticed though lol I hope his Mum would have returned him because you know what that would have done to me lol I was only nice because it was a Child if it would have been an Adult I would not have been so nice lol, Children do things at time without thinking of the Consequences, but it was when I got home, that it hit me lol yes I think his Mum would have returned him but that did not go into my Head at the time Gissi carries his Phone Number with him so she would have had a Contact Number lol
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@savypat (20216)
• United States
21 Dec 09
This had a happy ending but it could have been much more tragic. I would rethink where I leave my dog, and experienced dog napper would have brought treats and Gissi may not have been able to resist them. Look at this as a lesson learned. Blessings
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
21 Dec 09
Hi there Pat That is another good thing about Gissi he will not take treats from anyone, a couple of Ladies that love him to bits always asked if they could give him a Treat and it was treats he liked but he would not take them even though I said he could, he would not take them from them, when I held it to him he took it so that is good, but I will be keeping my eyes open now also I take him home first now and then go back to the shop
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@Yonnutz (53)
• Romania
22 Dec 09
I know for sure that nobody will ever try to still my preious girls, Aicha. That's thea advantage of having a big dog...few people dear to get close. And she can be really friendly with other people, but only when i'm with her, if not, doesn't let anyone to get close. And she is so protective...and very gelous on other dogs. She can't stant other dogs near me. ;)) But still, i don't know what would i do if i'll ever lose her...i don't even wanna think about it. She is to close to my heart
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
22 Dec 09
Hello Yonnuz I know what you are saying it is like my little Gissi he is a big part in my World and I would be lost without him That is the good thing with Big Dogs not many would attempt to try and take a big Dog Merry Christmas to you
• Romania
22 Dec 09
Yeah, so that was my point, i really understant what you must of been true. It's really hard do lose something what you love. but sometimes we don't realize it until something like this happends. Merry Christmas to you to.
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• United States
22 Dec 09
You were very fortunate Gabs that Gissi was not taken from you. Sometimes you'll even get a parent that isn't honest either and would have supported the child by assisting in the theft. Glad that Gissi is safe and sound at home with you.
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
22 Dec 09
Oh I know Elusive I know and as said by another Member here it does sound strange the Boy trying to take Gissi when his Mum would see it so as from now I will take Gissi home first and then walk back to the Shops It is sad because everyone leaves their Dogs outside the Shops and it is a quiet Village but after this little Man will not be outside the Shop
• Australia
21 Dec 09
Firstly . . . THANK YOU GISSI for alerting Mum. I KNOW you could have handled things if the boy had succeeded, and you WOULD have managed to get back home . . . but can you imagine the state Mum would have been in? Good boy Gissi! You can have another chapter of the book opened now. Happy reading! Gaby, what a thing to happen. The boy was right. He is "so cute" but what a fright for you! I am sure it wouldn't have lasted long and Gissi would have been returned, but the trauma of it would have set you back. It is just as well that you and Gissi "talk" all the time and he was able to tell you that something was wrong.
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
21 Dec 09
Thank you Auntie Cloud, I was so ready to bite that Boys Butt and I would have to, taking me away from my Mum is not on and then trying to tell my Mum that I was his Dog, I do not think so thank you Auntie Cloud I will start the Chapter tonight big Hugssssssssssssssssssssssssssss Cloud I was in shock when I got home, while little Man was running around and rolling around I just sat there looking at him and thinking what could have happened Gissi always carries his Phone Number but they could have got rid of that The good thing is he is chipped, yes on the old Address but on my Name so I could have proved that he is mine but I never want to experience that again Even the Staff and People in the Shop where shocked when they found out what was upsetting him like that I know the different Barks of Gissi and I knew that was the Alert Bark, so I knew something was up But your Nephew is here and he is staying here lol, the thing is he had no care in the World once we got back, he was full of himself as he always is when we come back from the walk lol Hugs to you
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
21 Dec 09
Oh yes she is Gissi is her little Nephew and has been now for 3 years and he loves his Auntie Cloud like she loves him so yep she is a Dog Auntie or should we say Gissi's Auntie lol
@thea09 (18305)
• Greece
21 Dec 09
Cloud are you really a dog aunty? What have I been missing here.
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
21 Dec 09
Now if this had been my Spunky she would have helped the kid get the lead off the hook and gone with him quite happily, she's such a sucker for attention. lol But I am so glad that Gissi had the presence of mind to know that something was wrong and let you know. Extra treats for the little man today I think! I just can't imagine you and Gissi separated and I guess he can't either, lol. I'm so glad it turned out well for you, but good heavens what a scare!
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
21 Dec 09
Oh goodness Spark lol you better tell her that she is not aloud to go with Strangers I am so glad to I always suspected that Gissi would not go with anyone he does not know but I did not think I was ever going to be proved right lol It would have broke my Heart Spark and you know that I was shaking when I got home and realized what could have happened, even though little Fellow by thi time was not bothered any more and running round the House as usual lol
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
21 Dec 09
He said Thank you Auntie Spark and he loves you just like I do
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
21 Dec 09
Well there is only one Gabs and only one Gissi and they belong together as your little man has proven to you! Give him some hugs and say well done, from Aunty Sparks.
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@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
22 Dec 09
Hopefully his mom would have been right on top of it and made him bring him back if he had gotten away with Gissi, but good of him to start barking and making a fuss to let you know. How scary!
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
22 Dec 09
Well Dawn I hope she did I really do
@TheCatLady (4691)
• Israel
22 Dec 09
OMG. What a bad kid. He tried to steal the dog and lied in your face.His mom should have really had a discussion with him about stealing and lieing. I would have had a serious discussion right then and there and grounded the kid for a month for doing that. That kid will end up in prison by the time he's grown unless his mom get very strict and makes him understand he can't do such things.
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
22 Dec 09
Yes that is true, but the Village is small and there a few Witnesses who know Gissi and me and they have warned him and told his Mum if a Dog ever goes missing their House would be the first Place they would be looking
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
22 Dec 09
Hello Catlady Well I hope she had serious words with him and I hope he never tries to go near Gissi again as Gissi will remember him Merry Christmas to you
• Israel
22 Dec 09
Gissi might remember him, but what about the next poor dog he tries to steal. Te dog might not be as smart as your dog.
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@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
22 Dec 09
Hey gabs! OMG! I am so sorry and so glad the Gissi is such a smart dog! Good for Gissi to let you know that something was very very wrong! I hope he would have given that boy a good bite on his butt if he would have gotten him free! I'm sure his mother would have realized too that he had stolen the dog anyway, but how frightening an experience that must have been for you and for Gissi! I guess you can hardly turn your back for a minute! That is so sad! Poor Gissi! I guess that you will have to really keep an eye on the little guy, although I see that he seems to be able to "speak" up for himself! I'm so glad that everything turned out ok! Calm down now gabs, and try to relax! Gissi is alot stronger and smarter thatn any rotten little brat!
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
22 Dec 09
Hi Sweet The thing is everyone leaves their Dog out the Shop as this Village is quiet and nothing like this has ever happened Kash said something that made me think why try to steal a dog when the Mum is with him knowing she will question it, Kash says something does not sound right and I agree with her but I don't know I am just glad that my Gissi is with me where he belongs and in future I will bring him Home and walk back to the Shops as I am not risking it again Love to you
@thea09 (18305)
• Greece
21 Dec 09
Hi gabs, well your dog will be safe from me, I promise not to steal it. Terrified of the things I am. I'm suprised though that a child would try to steal a dog as should have been told that a strange dog would eat him alive. Well something like that.My ten year old son is fully aware that all dogs will try to eat Mama alive and he has to protect me.
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
21 Dec 09
Lol Thea you would not be scared of Gissi believe me the way he is you would forget he is a Dog lol How can you be scared of Dogs they are the best Friend you can have
• Australia
21 Dec 09
"a strange dog would eat him alive" Oh Thea - not our Gissi. He is ADORABLE! - and TINY!
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@thea09 (18305)
• Greece
21 Dec 09
Tiny ones can be the most lethal. Surely I've mentioned that yapping poodle thing the Greek neigbours bring out, Willie, it tried to bite me when they invited me round. And it's learning to scale the wall. Vicious it is and it only comes up to my ankle. To be fair my friend has 3 little dogs and one of them is quite sweet if it doesn't try and lick.
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@allknowing (141894)
• India
21 Dec 09
Dogs sure know to identify a stranger. They have different barks. My Preiti is no exception. She has different barks for different situations. And a particular bark is a warning that something is creeping in the garden and she will do it from a distance and rightly we spot a reptile running for its life!!
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
22 Dec 09
Yes allknowing they certainly do and if you know your Dog you know the different ways of their bark like you do with yours Merry Christmas to you
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@wolfie34 (26770)
• United Kingdom
21 Dec 09
OMG! Sweetheart that must have been awful, thank god his mum was apologetic, you hear so much of parents not giving a damn and that some kids are so vindictive and behave in this fashion. Thankfully it was lucky that nothing worst happened, it could have been so different. I know Gissi wouldn't of have but if had of bit the child then you would have been in the wrong and sued or worse, it doesn't bear thinking about. Gissi is your world and my bessie mate too and just before Christmas. Give him a big hug from his best mate and I am sure a few extra doggy treats wouldn't go amiss too. Sending you a big Wolfie hug, that was far too close for comfort xxx
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
21 Dec 09
Yes Wolfie I also hope that his Mum has a stern word with him and explain to him he can not do that I actually had witnesses so if Gissi would have bitten him then there would have been a couple of Ladies (who adore Gissi) that would have stood by me I did find out that they had asked the boy what he was doing but he ignored them and I think if the Boy would have got the Lead of they would have come in the shop and raised hell lol They did say though that I just came out as one of the Ladies was about to tell the lad to leave Gissi alone My Baby is so smart lol he knows it was not Mum xxxxx
• China
23 Dec 09
it is interesting.
• China
25 Dec 09
@winterose (39887)
• Canada
22 Dec 09
yep that is sad but if the boy was going home with his mom surely she would not have let him take the dog especially when it has a collar and lead. I never took my dogs to the store just for that very reason.
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
22 Dec 09
I don't know Rose it seemed strange to me The thing is the Store is on the way back from our Walk and everyone leaves their Dog outside there as it is a quiet Village But in future if I need anything I will be taking little Man Home and then walk back
@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
27 Dec 09
Good grief! That's awful gabs. What a little rotter. How did he think he was going to get away explaining where he got the dog from to his mother who was obviously close by? I'm sure if he had taken Gissi, his Mum would have made him take him back. The thing is though...it could have been an adult who tried to take him and then you both might not have been so lucky. Thank goodness Gissi is such a good communicator.
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
30 Dec 09
Hi MsTickle Well even if it was an adult I would have called the Police as I have Gissi chipped so there was no way anyone could have said he was not mine and also People in the Village know that Gissi is mine and there are not many Dogs like Gissi about
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
30 Dec 09
I've heard that the incidence of dognapping rises just before Christmas. The dogs are kidnapped in a different county or state and given or sold a long way from home.
@ElicBxn (63795)
• United States
22 Dec 09
Maggiepie read this to me when I was at her place today. That's just SHOCKING! I'm sure his mother would've made him give Gissi back when she discovered he'd taken someone's dog - but that Gissi was defending himself is GREAT! Now you know that if any other dognappers try to get him, he'll probably be biting them and calling for his mom for help! Good boy, Gissi! Smart boy, Gissi! Give the little man a treat and special pet from me!
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
22 Dec 09
Oh yes he certainly knows how to defend himself and I am so glad about that to
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@ElicBxn (63795)
• United States
23 Dec 09
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@LadyMarissa (12148)
• United States
21 Dec 09
Thank God Gissi knew he was in trouble & warned you!!! It would be awful to lose that precious little fella!!! I've had 1 cat & 1 dog in my lifetime that just disappeared. To this day I wonder where they are & if they're OK!!! It bothers me that the little boy thought it was OK to lie to get what he wanted. It's obvious that he didn't think it through!!! HUGGG Gissi for me please!!!
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
21 Dec 09
Hi LadyM I am also glad that Gissi alerted me but I always said he would never go with anyone and he would create I have had one Cat going missing about 14 years ago and never found him he was the sweetest Persian and so loving But if I would have lost my Gissi I don't know what I would have done, I mean the other thing to is was he going to hide with Gissi, because his Mum would not have let him take him, so I really do not know what the little Fellow thought what he was doing But Gissi is just fine and he sends a big Hug to you
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@LadyMarissa (12148)
• United States
21 Dec 09
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• Canada
24 Dec 09
I am so happy for you that he was not taken. May I suggest having him microhcipped? It is not painful for them or that expensive. This will allow rescue agencies to track your dog and also prove that he is yours if someone tries to deny that. I have 3 cat's and I would be devastated to find one of them missing or taken. Hugs to you and Gissi and that you are all safe. Cheers!
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
30 Dec 09
Hi there Lynk Gissi is already chipped I got that done the Day I ot him so i could prove that he is mine there is no doubt on that Hugs back to you