Is America Truly A Christian Nation?

United States
December 21, 2009 1:43pm CST
Since the daily prayer has been taken out of the American school program our nation has seen a decline in moral behavior in the public school system. Also, public officials are not allowed to have a bible in their public offices. Does America practice what we preach about being a Christian Nation?
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11 responses
@Latrivia (2878)
• United States
21 Dec 09
We are not a Christian nation, rather, we are a nation with a Christian majority. Prayer was not taken out of schools - children are still allowed to pray, they just can't be forced to do it. Lack of mandated prayer in the school system has absolutely nothing to do with any perceived moral decline in the country. There are several other cultural, political, and economic changes that have taken place since then that play a far more prevalent role than taking mandatory prayers out of school.
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@uath13 (8192)
• United States
21 Dec 09
Very well stated. It couldn't have anything to do with the fact that the parent's are having to spend more time away from their kids ( working to make ends meet )could it? Oh no...It has to be that prayer thing...
• United States
23 Dec 09
As a whole prayer has been taken out of the public school system, there is no group prayer allowed at the beginning of the day, this was the staple of a child and young adult day. When I was young my mother, father, and grandmother worked, I looked forward to going to school and engaging in the prayer and reading the bible. Christianity is not a religion as God explains and Jesus taught doing his brief period upon this earth, it has nothing to do with cultural changes, it is more so about the moral responsibility our nation has to the children and young adults of our modern society. And yes, morale issues were taught in the class room once upon a time ago.
@Latrivia (2878)
• United States
23 Dec 09
There is still group prayer, though it varies from school to school. Students are allowed to have Bible study and prayer groups IF secular clubs are allowed as well. This is something mandated by the government. According to law, a school can not discriminate against religious students and not allow them a chance to form religious groups if secular groups can be formed as well. Regardless of what "Jesus" or "God" says, Christianity a religion by definition, and should receive no special privilege over any other religion (or lack-thereof). As I said before, it's not the lack of prayer in school's that's contributing to a perceived "moral decay". Even when "moral" lessons were being taught, people were still being murdered, raped, tortured, and discriminated against. It had no effect on societal ills then, just as it has no effect on them now. Of course, that also depends on how you define morality. According to some Christian moral beliefs it is impossible to be moral without being Christian - and even then morality is hard to attain.
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@andy77e (5156)
• United States
24 Dec 09
Nations can not be 'christian'. Only individuals can be Christians. A nation can be based on christian values, and undoubtedly our nation was. I would say that's changing, and one of the reasons we are having so many problems now.
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• United States
10 Jan 10
Thank you for your comment on this response, I feel that you have something to contribute in a positive way, this is what makes us better people on this earth we live and breath.
@EvanHunter (4026)
• United States
22 Dec 09
You can still have prayer ever day in school there is nothing banning prayer, the only thing that was banned was the forced co-operation. Also public officials as well as any other official can have any religious text they wish to keep. We are a democratic nation as others have pointed out with the majority being Christians. We have freedom of religion not freedom from religion. I think Christians in general need to practice what they preach. The moral decline is a factor of many issues, like having both parents struggling working over time to make ends meat, the commercial society we live in where human life is De-valuated while material things are given greater importance.
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• United States
23 Dec 09
Again, the group prayer has been abolished in the public school system, Christianity is not a religion - it is more so a way of life. The prophets were teaching this long before Jesus set foot upon the earth to set mankind free. If a child decides to stand up in a classroom and have a silent or public prayer he will be disciplined and scrutinized. The life we lead as Christian people have nothing to do with materialistic values, a true Christian knows their place within Jesus Christ teachings.
• United States
22 Dec 09
Our government is certainly not Christian. If they were they wouldn't behave as they do. They are not honorable people on either side of the aisle. As far as the citizens are concerned, some are and some are not and some want you to think that they are but it's in name only.
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• United States
23 Dec 09
You are absolutely right about many people proclaiming to be true Christian people, this is what Jesus talked about, and the Holy Scriptures speaks about hypocrisy and hypocrites, a sin that God does not take kindly.
@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
23 Dec 09
Whether it's from schools no longer having daily prayer and/or Bible reading, it is obvious there has been a moral and ethical decay in this nation. You also have to wonder about the religious rights of public officials. I'm not sure how having a Bible in ones office constitutes making a law establishing a religion.
• United States
10 Jan 10
It is a fact that the morale of our nation depends on the youth of tomorrow, if we take away the fabric of what this nation was founded upon..,- then nothing matters or exist in the realm of our lifetime.
@magtibaygom (4856)
• Philippines
22 Dec 09
The pioneer groups in America which I think are true Christians are the pilgrims that boarded the Mayflower. They landed in Plymouth and established a real Christian community. It is a small community that's why it is not that significant in American history. I agree with some of the posts here that America as a nation was founded by Deists, and not by Christians. You can learn about the truth by reading the book Illuminati by Garret Sutton books. You will be surprised to learn about America's founding fathers' dark secrets.
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• United States
23 Dec 09
The Illuminati were exposed by the true Christians many centuries ago, but the ills of their sect still exist today. The true founding fathers of America were true Christian people, and their devotion to the law and order of Jesus Christ teaching has always separated truth from false teachings.
@djbtol (5493)
• United States
22 Dec 09
America clearly had a Christian heritage. The founding fathers were Christian, although their Christianity did at times have variations. They were definitely God-honoring and Bible-believing people. America today is not a Christian nation. The leadership of this country has been resisting God in every way for a number of years, apparently seeking God's judgment. Remember, to whom much is given, much is required.
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• United States
23 Dec 09
This is a wonderful comment that deals with this perplexing subject.
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
22 Dec 09
Since the daily prayer has been taken out of the American school program our nation has seen a decline in moral behavior in the public school system LOL I'm sorry but that is SO NOT true! Religion in the schools or rather the lack of it has ZERO to do with whats goin on..I'll tell you what IS though, the fact that the school system is trying to turn out mindless robots...The kids today are being pushed TOO HARD and THATS where the problem is...
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
23 Dec 09
first off not everyone believes that ANY god created anyone or anything..Secondly America is NOT a "Christian Nation", not by a long shot and thirdly I didnt say that any god created ppl to be mindless robots...I said that ppl (particularly school aged kids) are becoming mindless robots...Adding to that.. is also to blame religion... You need to realize that though the majority (though not so much in the lead anymore) of America "claims" to be Christian (lets face it there are NUMEROUS ppl out there that SAY they are but actually ARE NOT Christian and the reasons vary) doesnt make it a Christian nation by any means.
• United States
23 Dec 09
When God the creator of all things made man in his own image - the creator did not make us mindless robots, indeed the exact opposite is what we are. We are intelligent human beings created with a higher purpose, again my post is about American being a Christian nation.
• Thailand
22 Dec 09
America is not now and never was a Christian nation. Most of the founding fathers were at best Deists and not Christian. Morality has little to do with religion and the removal of forced public prayer in the school system was a godsend to people who are not practicing Christians. America is a country that was founded on the idea of religious tolerance with constitutional prohibitions to prevent the establishment of a state sponsored religion. It is the duty of every citizen to be sure that this tradition is preserved.
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• United States
23 Dec 09
My friend I must say that you may need to study American history and the roots of our American founding fathers before you leave a comment of this magnitude.
• United States
22 Dec 09
The U.s. Has Never had a official religion. That would be against the Constitution.But the U.s. Has and always will have more Christians than any other religious group. But that doesn't o automatically make it a Christian nation.Thankfully here in the U.S. you are free to believe in Any G-d or religion or not at all. The taking out of Daily prayer Doesn'y mean you can't pray daily if you need to. it just means No one can force you to pray at a certain time to a certain g-d. That Should make true religious people happy, How would it go down if there were a rule that made it Manatory for All opf us to pray to a Pagan G-d?
• United States
23 Dec 09
But not Every American believes in your G-d. That's why there is freedom of religion so if you have a different religion than Christianity, you are Still an American.
• United States
23 Dec 09
There is only one true God, it is not a pagan God, and God is not a religion, the bible verses of Corinthian speak about this how man will try to make God out to be some sort of demi-god. This is one of the reasons I started this post, this is why our nation is moving away from the true teachings of God's law and creation.
@Galena (9110)
21 Dec 09
forcing people to pray to a God they don't believe in doesn't make them a better person. I'm not a better person for being pulled up in front of the whole school and smacked by the headmaster for not bowing my head when he said "let us pray" (and as a child from a Pagan family in a non religion based school, how was that considered acceptable behaviour? why should I have been expected to know that those words meant I was expected to bow before anothers God?) but I am a better person for the love and compassion instilled in me by my mum. a Pagan single mother at that.
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
22 Dec 09
I'm not a better person for being pulled up in front of the whole school and smacked by the headmaster for not bowing my head when he said "let us pray" WHOA WHAT?!?! REALLY??? thats vile!!
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@Galena (9110)
23 Dec 09
well isn't it a good thing I'm not American then. and as I am not Christian, I'm sure you'll understand that what your religion says about mine isn't really of interest to me. just as I'm sure if my religion said yours was evil, you wouldn't care. not that it does. my religion is quite polite and civilised about each persons spiritual freedom. but if it did, it wouldn't matter to you, as you don't believe it. just as I don't care what Christianity teaches about my religion, as I am not a Christian. so I don't actually believe in what it says. telling non Christians that the bible says they are wrong is just an empty message. because if they believed in the bible they wouldn't be non Christians, would they. the point I was making is that forcing non Christian children to pray to a Christian God is not right. if they are an atheist it is meaningless to them, and if they are not an atheist it is in fact blasphemous to them. I would never be so disrespectful as to force you to pray to my Gods. you should extend the same courtesy to others.
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• United States
23 Dec 09
I am a bit clueless on what point you are trying to reach, my post is about America being a truly great Christian nation, this is what we have to deal with. The daily prayer was a public honor to the nation, God, Jesus, and for all of the Americans, foreigners and Africans who built this country with blood sweat and tears. You may need to read the scripture about how God feels about pagan religion, pagan gods, and false teachings - this is the acceptable behavior all Americans should believe.