Time to go back to old fashioned whippings?

@fwidman (11514)
United States
December 21, 2009 4:20pm CST
Every morning while drinking my coffee I listen to my police scanner. I am amazed at just how many calls the police must answer these days because a teenager is fighting with their family members. I blame it mostly on the silliness of the past few decades where parents were taught that a good butt whooping wasn't right. Instead they should treat their child with "time outs" and other peaceful solutions to disagreements. What hogwash! All we have done seems like is teach kids that they can get away with just about anything, the parents will not fight them. I raised four sons and all of them knew that I would smack them if they deserved smacking, just as my mother did to me when I was growing up. They all have grown into responsible adults with jobs and families of their own, and the best part is there is no trauma in their lives from any butt whippings they got as kids. Seems like it's time to throw away those psychological BS books and get back to reality when it comes to our children. Why should a parent have to call the police just to get their brat to behave??
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22 responses
@Java09 (3075)
• United States
21 Dec 09
In my day kids got a whipping for bad behavior.Now a days you'll get in trouble for spanking your child,most of the children know this.I think spankings for bad behavior work and make the child listen,because they don't want another spanking.I've met alot of children in my neighborhood are badly behaved.I know this because they destroy my property and their parents take their childs side,and I've caught the kids doing something on my property.I think it's these parents here,they let their kids harass me.I've called police about it and they don't do anything.These kids swear at me ,when I yell at them to get out my yard.They're all brats!
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@fwidman (11514)
• United States
21 Dec 09
Kids these days are brats and they do think they can get away with whatever they want. Maybe you should buy yourself a big dog for your yard, that might slow them brats down a little
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@Java09 (3075)
• United States
21 Dec 09
I gave a big dog some thought.I may do that.I agree.Thanks
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@fwidman (11514)
• United States
21 Dec 09
Just make sure you chain it up or whatever else the local laws require you to do. Then if the dog bites one of them brats it will be their fault and not yours
@musicman6 (2408)
• United States
21 Dec 09
I've trying to tell people this for a long time, now, and they don't believe me! They have no idea how wrong they are, I was raised up that if you did something wrong you got punished, and if you were smart you didn't do it again! These new 'so-called psychologists' don't know squat about raising kids, nor exerting discipline!
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@fwidman (11514)
• United States
21 Dec 09
These so called experts are only expert at one thing and that is making money by selling their ideas to people. They have ruined our society and they don't care, they made their money and are happy. If you punish a child and they continue to misbehave, then it might be time to seek some professional help. Parenting is hard enough without making it impossible to truly discipline a child.
• Regina, Saskatchewan
22 Dec 09
All I want for xmas is an end to bleeding heart liberal policies. Back to basics and nuclear families and lines drawn and not crossed.........you know, the old fashioned way, like we were raised. Won't happen though. YOU however deserve a whipping for those shoes! LOL What happened.......the elf boots pinch your tender toes? ROFL
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@fwidman (11514)
• United States
22 Dec 09
I'm sorry, but me and my bleeding heart liberal buddies are here to stay I would think that, by now, the cycle should have returned to the spanking parents but I guess not. I don't recall my fellow hippies being afraid to smack their kids so it must have come from the kids of hippies Them elf boots were a tad tight, but these fancy shoes are okay for now
• Regina, Saskatchewan
23 Dec 09
Frank I want my boots back! LOL They fit ME just fine. ..............ROFL Boo----you rock! I couldn't have said it better!
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@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
22 Dec 09
I hope this doesn't ruffle feathers (but if it does oh well) but one of the problems you just nailed on the head. We need a return to basics and NUCLEAR FAMILIES and lines drawn and not crossed. Boundaries. Few rules but NON NEGOTIABLE. EVER. I am so sick and tired of seeing kids who are being raised by multiple families, where way too many adults seem to have some sort of 'say' in how they are raised. Kids should first and foremost be raised by their parents, whether they are the natural biological parents, adoptive parents, or they receive custody some other way, but I'm talking about one mother and one father, OR one mother OR one father. There is too much of this other people being involved crap, which means too many people with some sort of vested interest in the children. I believe in 'our family, our business' and if you aren't actually part of the immediate family, butt out unless you were invited. There is a lot of undermining that goes on when too many responsibilities are shared, as well as young parents who are lazy and decide to let THEIR PARENTS do the dirty work, which leads to an even bigger breakdown of things, as well as kids pitting all the adults against each other or manipulating them to get what they want. Kids also need to know - you don't GET EVERYTHING. That isn't life. If you aren't willing to work hard or work smart, you don't get anything, really. That's a good lesson for parents these days to teach kids. If you aren't willing to do anything, then you don't get anything.... but if you are, the sky's the limit!
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@tav_8164 (151)
• United States
22 Dec 09
I DEFINATELY AGREE!! I grew up in a strict household w/physical discipline. As a child growing up ofcourse I felt it was excessive; only now as an adult am I grateful for my upbringing. I surely could have been worse off. Now as a parent myself I am conflicted! I want to be strict with my kids and discipline them as necessary, but have NO desire to open the door for CS to get involved! And if I find a method that works what good is it if the schools don't condone it? I can manage my kids at home. But w/out me at school with them to enforce the same method (which would never be tolerated in today's public schools!), there is no consistancy and therefore, unfortunately; the school gets the worst of their behavior. I feel that if parents were allowed to actually parent or discipline(in moderation and with common sense) their children without all the outsiders trying to help and judge a parent's methods, we would surely have less parent/child conflicts as well as further down the road most likely better disciplined adults. Thank you for this topic.
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@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
22 Dec 09
And herein lies the problem. You state 'and if I find a method that works, what good is it if the schools don't condone it? I can manage my kids at home. But w/out me at school with them to enforce the same method, there is no consistency and therefore unfortunately the school gets the worst of the behavior.' This is why I think it is very important for parents to remember that we have a LOT of different forms of discipline, punishment, behavior modification, and learning opportunities at our disposal. Just because people talk so much about spanking, grounding, timeouts and the like, does not mean THOSE are the ONLY forms available. The key point here is that you want your children to learn how to control their behavior and act in positive rather than negative ways - not necessarily to not ever be angry or disappointed or disagree with others but not to have a tantrum, hit people, throw things, scream, or otherwise act inappropriately, right? The importance is consistency, not necessarily ONE sole way of discipline. If you are worried about your kids misbehaving whenever you are not with them, then you need to examine your forms of discipline when they are with you. They need to be learning that they need to control themselves period, not 'just with my mom in sight' or 'just so I don't get spanked'. See what I mean? If a form of discipline is actually effective, it will create the desired behavior from a person - in ALL areas of life, regardless of who they are with or the temptations that occur. Believe me, there are times when I wonder if other people don't get the brunt of my son's 'bad day' because he argues with me or doesn't do what he's supposed to, but when I hear from my friend that he's a good babysitter and he cleaned up her house and played wtih the kids outside and made them lunch and made sure they put on jackets or picked up their shoes, I am full of pride.
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@fwidman (11514)
• United States
22 Dec 09
It's really too bad that we did away with allowing schools to swat their students. I got swatted with wooden paddles while going to school and it really made me think about just how much misbehaving I wanted to do after that
• United States
1 Jan 10
You are totally and completely right. It really is a ton of psychological BS. I got spankings when I was a kid (I'm 17 now) and that did NOT mess me up at all. Sometimes I really didn't think I deserved it, but I did. I got whipped with belts, and sometimes on the back of the leg with a switch, but that's how my parents were raised to deal with bad behaviour. I understand that, and I ended up a better kid for it. All this crap about kids being "scarred" and stuff from getting whippings... It is just that, crap. None of the kids that I know that got whooped at school by a teacher (a letter was sent to the parents about the punishment, and they had to sign their permission for it) were messed up at all. They ended up knowing right from wrong better than most of the kids that age today. In this day and age, we SHOULD know how to deal with kids better than having to call the cops when a ten year old won't behave. It's a bunch of bull.
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@fwidman (11514)
• United States
2 Jan 10
Yep, it IS bull! It's sad when we, as a society, feel compelled to call the police in order to get children to behave properly. It's no wonder all the jails are full, people just didn't teach their children anything much at all
• United States
22 Dec 09
Yes!! Yes!!! It is long over due to go back to spanking these children. My 25yr old son threatened me with the kids hot line when he was maybe 10-11yrs because I told him I was gonna spank him. Needless to say I threw the phone on his bed where he was,and told him to start dialing so they could listen to me spank him. He never threatened that line again. Not long ago my 15yr old decided to disobey my order to be home by 6pm for dinner so 8pm came rolling around no child, so I called the police and filed a missing persons report. The officer that came to the house was over thrilled that I had done so and wished that more parents would do the same. He stated that he sees everyday these kids that just have no fear nor respect for authority. That many of the parents actually tell these kids when they get in trouble not to worry about it because they cant do anything to them. (Hello what are they teaching these kids??) I blame it on not only Dr Spock and such but the government and parents. I remember all to well in 1982 (my last yr in school)when they took the rights away from the teachers to give swats for misbehavior.Since then many teachers have been attacked verbally and physically. Right along with the parents. Never heard of that non sense when I was a kid but you sure do hear alot of it today. Sad....
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@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
22 Dec 09
I have NO problem with some form of discipline happening for misbehavior at school - removal from class, missing the class time and thus the assignment and not being allowed to make it up, detention, in-house suspension, suspension, etc as well as things like having a conference, having mom go sit in your classes all day etc and embarrass you - but I am not okay with any teacher or admin swatting any of my kids. Trust me, if they did something wrong, there will be consequences at school AND consequences at home, but neither consequence is going to involve physical punishment, especially not from someone other than me. If it would ever happen at all, it would be from us - the parents - and if we don't, then nobody else will either. I can't understand why so many people are thinking that no spanking or physical punishment is equal to no consequences. There are always consequences and they are carried through if they are threatened. The kids KNOW in advance - so if they make a wrong choice, they also know the consequences will be coming, and there's no two ways about it. I mean, it's never one of those 'oh maybe my mom will give in' or 'maybe she won't notice'. It's more or less - yeah, I'm gonna do it but I'm gonna lose my privelages so if I'm going to do something bad, it better be worth it because my parents get harder-asssed about each time....'
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@fwidman (11514)
• United States
22 Dec 09
I certainly would not want to be a teacher in this day and age. They live a dangerous life just by going to work
• United States
23 Dec 09
I'm pleased to hear that there are still some parents that stands by their words. Yet it is amazing how many DON'T. My 15yr old has at least 5 friends I can think of off the top of my head who have no respect for even their parents. I actually had one over last night playing video games with my son talking to his mom on the phone like she was scum. I nicely went in the room asked if he was on the phone with his mom. He said yes. I then asked if he would like a bottle of dawn dish soap placed in his mouth. If he wanted to talk like that at home that was between his mother and his self, but I was not gonna stand for it in my home. You may not believe in a teacher or any school administrator touching your children and I do honestly understand. School detention and in house suspension are nothing but jokes to many of these kids anymore. It's free time out of class. No credit for assignments from my experience just gives them more of an excuse not to do any of the assigned work. Its late I'm not gonna get credit the heck with it, is many kids state of mind. That's because they have no consequence when they return home, and for most mom's its not an option to be able to sit at school with their child all day in a classroom. I remember all too well that when I got in trouble at school, I got a swat just one on the butt (unless it was sister Anthony who loved the chalkboard and pointer over the knuckles)and I knew that my mother would be called and told of the incident. That's when the real punishment began. What I got at school was nothing but embarrassment. So when all else fails the kids think its all a joke. The parents do nothing what are the schools suppose to do? Let there staff be attacked? It happens it has happened at my own children schools which have been the burbs not inner city. So it doesn't matter the economic standing it happens
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• United States
22 Dec 09
I am have always spanked my daughter when she was naughty and she passed that method of parenting on to her son and daughter so now my great grandchildren are well behaved. I think that beating or whipping is wrong and cruel! A slap on the butt does just fine.
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@fwidman (11514)
• United States
22 Dec 09
A spanking has always seemed to work wonders on a kids butt It certainly worked on mine LOL
@littleowl (7157)
22 Dec 09
Hi fwidman, I totally agree with you when I was at home if needed I could expect the whip! yet both my sisters and myself have turned out responsible adults and respect our mother and father inspite of them. Good old fashioned strictness and discipline should be allowed to happen in families cos now it is the children rule the parents not the other wya round...LoLo
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@fwidman (11514)
• United States
22 Dec 09
Nothing wrong with good old fashioned respect
@Chevee (5905)
• United States
22 Dec 09
I agree with you totally. I got whipping when I was growing up and I did the same to my children. I got respect from my children and they respected other adults as well. Now the parents are doing this *timeout* thing and children are having their way with any and everything. I have heard of children threatening to dial 911 on parents if they whip them or even attempt to whip them. Some children are very disrespectful, rude, bad, etc. And the parents give them anything they desire. To me that is rewarding them even though they are disobedient. Thank God, I didn't have that kind of trouble out of mine when I was raising them. I am not saying they didn't get into any bad situations but I can say that I didn't have to go through some of the things some parents do.
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@fwidman (11514)
• United States
22 Dec 09
All parents go through difficult times with their kids, just as their Mamas said they would (Just wait til you have kids!) Kids know who is in charge these days and it isn't the parents nor the schools
@jazel_juan (15745)
• Philippines
22 Dec 09
really? well i still believe in good old butt spanking. that is how i discipline my kids, sometimes you have to be strict in order for them to learn. i have seen in televisions where kids gets so bratty they put their own parents to jail!! and it is sad because some gets so spoiled that they do not respect their parents anymore. But i am glad i am still in a society / community where parents can still control their kids
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@fwidman (11514)
• United States
22 Dec 09
It's good that you live in such a place where you can actually control your children
• United States
22 Dec 09
I use spankings and my kids are ok so far I was spanked and I am just fine I just want to know when did society become so afraid to parent their own children?
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@fwidman (11514)
• United States
22 Dec 09
I don't know exactly when we became so afraid of raising our kids properly. I just wish we could change things back to where they should be
@coolcoder (2018)
• United States
22 Dec 09
It's high time to bring back the spankings. My parents spanked me--once with a leather belt--and I got paddled twice when I was in elementary school because I was too busy reading and not doing my work. If more parents would stop trying to be their children's friends and start being parents, this world would be a whole heck of a lot better.
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@fwidman (11514)
• United States
22 Dec 09
There is plenty of time to be friends with your children after they grow up. When they are kids a parent should be just that, a parent, in control
22 Dec 09
I was brought up by a strong parent who would resort to physical beatings to get me to comply. However, I can honestly say that it made me more angry and determined to do the opposite of what they wanted. And all these many years later after bringing up my own children I still feel exactly the same. It is most definitely wrong to physically chastise your children apart from being against the law. The only way is to use 'tough love' with children that involves actively listening, communicating and setting and carrying out consequences for poor behaviour. The times I have heard parents saying to their offspring 'If you do that again I'll take you straight home' - of course they never do and the child soon learns that you will not carry out your threat. One straight away to the child! I think parents have so little time for their children because they are so busy with their own lives. It can be very difficult especially for fathers who work long hours and mothers who have so much to juggle. Modern expectations of life do not take account of the family. But quality time for all family members is essential. Even if it's a family meeting to discuss family issues or planning a holiday or an evening out together. What you put into the family you will get out!
@fwidman (11514)
• United States
22 Dec 09
I would not condone actual violence on a child but I do not consider, as many do, that a spanking is violence. A lot of people these days should not have children because they have no time to raise a family. They just don't realize how much work having children can be.
@LADIKEY1 (21)
• United States
22 Dec 09
Thats not right that the parent have to get the police in there business. They are not doing there job as a parent then. Or they believe that there child is going to hit them. They need to stick to what they know, such as give them old fashion whippings. You do not let a child get away with murder just cause you don't wanna give them a whipping.
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@fwidman (11514)
• United States
22 Dec 09
Unfortunately, too many parents do let their kids get away with murder
@sbeauty (5865)
• United States
22 Dec 09
Unfortunately, most parents these days are allowing their children to rule the roost instead of taking the responsibility themselves. Even if you try to make your own children behave, it's hard when all of their friends have no rules, no morals, and no respect. We've gone to the opposite side of the circle -- instead of parents disciplining kids, kids feel they should have the right to "discipline" their parents. Until the pendulum swings back again to where people start being the boss once more, we're stuck with the problems.
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@fwidman (11514)
• United States
22 Dec 09
Seems like the pendulum is never going to swing back
@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
21 Dec 09
Hey fwidy! I had no idea that you had 4 sons! Are they as into shoes as their Daddy is? Did you beat them with those shoes? If you did they must cringe at the sight of those heels!lol I would have to sort of agree with you, although I wasn't beaten as a child, smacked yes, beaten no! One time my mother was so mad at me that she hit me with whatever she had in her hand at the time and unfortunately for her it was a feather duster (if you remember those things)! It broke and she started to cry and I lmao! I guess I was lucky that's all she had in her hands at the time, it could have been a brick or hammer!lol But, things have really gotten out of hand these days with kids calling 911 on their parents for stupid sh1t like even their parents threatening to smack them! I definitely agree with you that things have gone to far. My girfriends son did that to her many years ago and they got her on child abuse ([b]he was 14, much stronger [/b]than her and he was the one threatening her) She ended up almost losing custody of him in the divorce hearing because of that!
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@fwidman (11514)
• United States
22 Dec 09
My sons may like high heels but only on their wives I beat them with my hands, not the shoes! My mom used to use whatever was handy. She always liked to use our own belts. One day I wasn't wearing a belt so she picked up the first thing she could reach and beat me with the Bible Kids do have the upper hand these days which is really retarded to me
@srganesh (6339)
• India
22 Dec 09
You are right.Now they have started that in our schools too.Punishing a student is abolished which will not help them to grow with discipline.In our days,the parents and the teachers will not hesitate to whip whenever there is a discipline needed.And that is not taken into the head when they grow up.Soothing words or councelling is not a good solution for adamant kids.Just whipping as in the past is right to do and it yields immediate results.
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@joerhonda (476)
• United States
22 Dec 09
Amen to that! I agree with you 110%! We have brought up a lazy, spoon fed generation! Thanks Dr. Spock! The kids these days have no ambition or respect and it burns my butt! I believe some of it's the way they were raised and some of it is us letting the government dictate every move we make! Instead of disciplining the children they slap a label on them (Bi-polar ADHD and ect) give them medication and try to reason with them! In return the kids learn how to play the game to get what they want. The government has people scared to spank their children because they might be charged with child abuse. If my child needed a spanking, she got it! If the government wants to get me for it, then come on with you big, bad self! If it means that my child will grow up to be a decent, productive human being, then so be it! (and she did by the way!)...The government has taken Christ and Christian values out of every aspect of our lives! I refuse to let them take it out of my home!
@fwidman (11514)
• United States
22 Dec 09
It has become a crime to punish our children and that truly is a shame. It's not good for the government to be in as much control as they are
@madteaparty (2748)
• Japan
22 Dec 09
I agree with you. Nowadays parents let kids do anything, and they don't use any kind of discipline at all, so they have became wild and will hit parents, steal, and even will have to be taken to the police. Kids need to learn to tell between right and wrong, and parents are the main responsibles for their educations, so is their responsibility.
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@fwidman (11514)
• United States
22 Dec 09
Parents these days appear to be too busy working and commuting to and from that job to actually raise their kids. But even stay at home parents don't seem all that willing to teach their children proper manners Too many "professionals" through the years telling parents that discipline of spankings and such will damage the poor childs psyche have ruined parenting. I got lots of spankings and there's nothing wrong with me or my psyche
• United States
22 Dec 09
Here here!! I have a 3 1/2 year old and we pop his butt when he won't listen to us. We go by what the Bible teaches which is "spare the rod spoil the child." We don't beat him but we do pop him to get his attention. I was spanked as a child and I don't see any reason why it should be a bad thing. I think as long as you do it without going overboard with it it's safe and not tramatizing. And what I mean by safe is not beating them to bruising or hospitilization. I will not agree with that kind of treatment. Popping a few times on the butt or the hand is no big deal. Just do it with some control. Once it's done then you talk to them to let them know why that happened. I believe that this country has become WAT TOO liberal and need to put more structure back into our society. Make people be accountable for what they do or not do. If their kids are out of control you can't make other people control them if you can't even do it. It is your responsibility to raise your children and not anyone else's. If you want someone else to raise them then you shouldn't have them. Sorry I will step off my soap box now.
@fwidman (11514)
• United States
22 Dec 09
No, I agree. A smack or two is fine and will work wonders. Too much and going overboard will not work at all and will only get the parent into more trouble than its worth. If you can't control your kids, then perhaps you should consider giving them up to someone that will. Society really needs to take a giant step backwards on parenting