Survivor Samoa – A Disappointment (Warning Spoilers) - Finale
@doubleloveyou (2466)
United States
December 22, 2009 1:59am CST
Not Sure what to say.
Ok so I was right on all of the final 4 except Bret. He earned his way into the final 4. However, the finale show was rather disappointing. Of all the seasons of Survivor EVER, No one deserved the million more than Russell. You say, Well she just played a different type of game. No she didn't. She got the sympathy vote from the jury. The lone girl on the Foa Foa who survived. Gave up her job for the show. Crazy!!!
The Real Reason
If you want to know the real reason Russell did not win it is because they knew that he is a millionaire. It was a bunch of spoiled entitled wannabees who will probably never be successful because they think that the world should be handed to them. Since they can't have it then neither can the one who earned the title "Sole Survivor".
My Ending remarks for Season 19
In my book, Nat won 1 million dollars but there was only 1 Sole Survivor. There was only one man who played the game like never before. Only one man who made if possible for Nat to be 1 million dollars richer. The true winner of Survivor Samoa...Russell H.
Can't Wait
With all of that being said I would like to thank each of you who contributed over this past season and I look forward to hearing from you in Season 20.
BTW. Here is a tid bit that I imagine you did not know. Heros verses Villians was an idea that CBS got from one of their fans. Guess who?
Pastor G

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8 responses
@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
22 Dec 09
Same comments, fewer words:
Russell should have won.
I don't understand these people....
Did you give them the idea? Good for you. Hope Russell is in there, but of course the dynamics will be totally different and it will be a miracle if he's half as successful as he was here!
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@doubleloveyou (2466)
• United States
22 Dec 09
It will be good to see the next one. Perhaps this next season at the very least he will get the respect he deserves.
Yes I did send CBS that suggestion. Now whether I was the only one or not I do not know. But I did send them that idea earlier in the year.
Thanks for all of your great comments.
Pastor G
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@doubleloveyou (2466)
• United States
24 Dec 09
Hands down the best player ever. I will miss him until next season. :)
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@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
23 Dec 09
Honestly, how could anything compare to:
1) finding 3 hidden idols, 2 without clues
2) making the right move with people every single time it counted
Nobody has ever been better at reading people and taking the right action. Not ever....
Oh well, in the jury's defense, they didn't get to see everything we did, and we didn't nearly get to see everything they saw. But still....
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@abbypringles (1613)
• Philippines
22 Dec 09
Overall, this was a good season for me because I thought that we had a lot of competitive players among those left. Thankfully, Shambo was ousted because she was probably one of those few whom I believed had no idea how to play this game. I was rooting for Brett though (for obvious reasons - forgive me
). But kidding aside, I had so much fun with the series of blindsides leading up to here such that those who survived till the end were worthy of being there.

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@doubleloveyou (2466)
• United States
22 Dec 09
It was a very good season. I was disappointed that the jury thought the person who played the game the least of the 3 finalist won, but I digress. As always I look forward to the next season and a brand new set of blindsides. :)
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@abbypringles (1613)
• Philippines
22 Dec 09
I know. You can't blame the jury really in this case. The idea of being blindsided by Russell still seems to fresh to overcome the idea of plotting revenge against him. But that is what the beauty of this game is, such that one cannot really predict how the jury votes are gonna go, which calls for a complete game plan.
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@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
26 Dec 09
The blindsides where characteristic of Kenny & Crystal - which was the duo that blindsided and engineered a lot of interesting ousts lol. I loved when Eric got blindsided but I sure wish they had kicked him before he made it on the JURY. I also could never stand Laura, it was a tossup almost between who annoyed me more, Laura or Shambo. Laura was a spoiled, holier-than-thou biatch who thought she was somehow better, stronger, etc than anybody, Shambo was (what my hubby says) a typical ex-military female. She seemed very socially inept, I also couldn't stand her mullet-thingy, and sometimes the way she treated other people. I am a civilian first... a woman, a mother, a wife, and I think being respectful to others includes NOT treating them as if they are in the military, also as a woman I think femininity is important and if she had a feminine bone in her body, I never saw it.
Monica never really got on my nerves, the only thing against her was that she was so tight with Laura. Never minded Kelly either. David and John... bleh. Didn't care for either of them. The little interlude with Brett and Natalie sharing bible verses was weird, they pick ONE ep to focus on that? After an entire season? Looked to me like a showcase to either turn people toward or against them.
Yes, I always have lots of comments about Survivor... lol!
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@skysuccess (8857)
• Singapore
22 Dec 09
Pastor G,
I suppose there's a saying that goes: "What goes round, comes around" and Russell has accumulated enough for whatever is coming to him in this game.
I must say that Foa Foa has to be commended as team to reach the finals, it is really no easy road for all of them. I mean look when they merge, Foa Foa looks sitting ducks and from then on all of the Galus were taken off one by one.
I really could not believe how they can be so smart and dumb at the same time. Where they just got themselves become targets for elimination at the councils. I think in any survival situation, we need to be streetwise, resilient, friendly, decisive and most of all be "environmentally friendly".
I cannot say that Russell is most deserving as I feel that he should be "nice" enough to let everyone know that there is a time where we need to give a pat to those who have fallen. Maybe he was just too involved in the game (unfortunately, if I may say here).
All the best and hope to see you for the next season too.

@skysuccess (8857)
• Singapore
22 Dec 09
And a Merry Christmas to you too, Pastor G
Happy New Year too!
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@doubleloveyou (2466)
• United States
22 Dec 09
Oh you will see me in the next season for sure. Thanks for your comments. They are true. Any other jury over the years would have respected his game to give him the win. But you are right Foa Foa came a long way from where they were.
I will get over my disappointment in a few days. :)
Have a Merry Christmas!
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@doubleloveyou (2466)
• United States
12 Feb 10
New season new discussions. Look forward to hearing from you.
@pixeltwistr (613)
• United States
23 Dec 09
You know as much as I disliked Russel at the beginning...i have to aggree with you he definately deserved to win it....I think with his findint all 3 idols without even a clue he probably deserves the title of all time survivor champ...but in the end it is up to the jury and that is part of the game.....
Although i do have to say what the heck was wrong with this jury?? In any other season as you said they would have given it to russel for his game play and put their feelings about him aside...and there were some really intelligent people on that jury it just doesnt make sense why they were so emotional....and why they acted like him pouring out water and burning socks was so horrific...yeah it was rotten but dont they remember the stuff rupert did...and everyone loved him....its part of the game....they are just all too immature as people yet to see past their dislike of the one who put them ALL in the jury...
That said though...i just gotta say i was real dissapointed in how russel handled it...i mean yea he did deserve to win but offering to buy the title was classless really...and poor sportsmanship....after all how does the motto go? outwit outplay outlast? well he did 2 of 3 but technically he didnt outlast Nat.I just wish he would have accepted it better.
And i didnt understand that whole question about making them tell what they do for a living and how much they earn...yea russel lied about his wealth but almost everyone that goes on there does that and besides that shouldnt have anything to do with it...if they just wanted to give the money to the brokest guy there they could do that on day one and save us all the trouble....this is about game play not who needs the money most...but i was glad to see him tell the truth like he would have hurt him worse to lie cause everyone already knew anyway....
I loved seeing his wife....the guy cant be all bad!
I also wish if they felt they just werent going to give it to russel that they would have given it to bret then.....natalie definately didnt deserve it...and i honestly do NOT believe that her strategy was to notice the strong women were getting voted out so she stayed low...i think she made that up when the question was asked....she latched on to russel just like everyone else did she just never thought for herself enough to make him want to get her out like the others did....but i guess it worked for her!!
On to 20....I cant wait....thats going to be great...Im sure russel will be in it but he will have to come up with a whole new strategy because everyone knows his tactics now....but of course you can say that about all of them....except russels will be more fresh in everyones minds....
How many people think shambo will make next season too on the heros side? I do....
there has to be one villian and one hero from each season....i hardley even remeber who was who from the first several seasons now....but im sure johhny fairplay and rupert and the winner of season one what was his darn name?, and also from that season Rudy the navy guy will all be on there...
who else do you think will be there?
I just hope they are not planning to make next season the last season...i would be lost without my survivor!!
Whew ok finally
sorry so long...
Merry Merry Everyone!!
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@doubleloveyou (2466)
• United States
24 Dec 09
There are a lot of things that should have happened but Oh well.
I too look forward to next season. It will be great to see some of my favorites and not so favorites.
I really can't stand Coach but I hope he will be back. I would love to see Yaoman too. Michael stupen from outback would be a great addition. Also the other Russell from this season.
Can't wait to see the line up
HAve a Merry Christmas.
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@pixeltwistr (613)
• United States
23 Dec 09
i meant should have given it to mick...not bret
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@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
26 Dec 09
I definitely don't want to see Coach.. or that chick from the first season that claimed she wouldn't pee on someone who was dying of thirst or something similar. There are a couple people I never want to see ever again, I can't even believe the producers of the show thought it was a good idea to put them on there. Corinne? Johnny? LOL! Randy?
Russell pales in comparison, true I didn't like how he treated most of the women but he wasn't as evil as some of them - AND he played a better game.

@leenie50 (3992)
• United States
23 Dec 09
Pastor G,
I'm so sorry for your extreme dissapointment. You are right about Russell being the best player to ever play this game. Unfortunately, I think he sunk his own boat. Aside from his arrogance during the game, he was overly arrogant during the questioning and right on up to the vote. All that work and al his strategies were just buried under his arrogant attitude. It's really ashame that he couldn't just be quiet and let them make the right choice. I think Shambo helped him lose. All the winking and smiling at him, if noticed by galu members, wouldn't go over very well. I'm sorry Pastor. So my guess about on the next show is good old Russell H.

@skysuccess (8857)
• Singapore
25 Dec 09
I just cannot help but to add this that the majority in this world still prefers to be backstabber that does not own up than one that is outright and honest.
Firstly, I felt that everyone in the council was voting with their heart than mind. They have forgotten that Russell is by far the most remarkable player in all the Survivor series and I do not find a tinge of insulting in his replies. On the contrary, I just cannot help finding a lot of sore loosers in the jury look at Eric and Jaison.
In fact, if you have watched this series closely, everyone is just playing and adopting predictable moves from the series' predecessors. There was not one who had the initiative, so much tenacity and courage to start playing the game right from the start. So, the jury has been overruled by their emotions in every aspect.
However, let's be comforted that at least the majority viewers did some justice for Russell's efforts and ingenuity.
@doubleloveyou (2466)
• United States
24 Dec 09
I was disappointed, but not surprised. I really think that the reason they did not vote for him was because they knew he was the won that masterminded their demise. I DO NOT think that they gave it to Nat because of her game play. Because she did not play. I think that the only game play she did the whole season was the last tribal council. I do not think that Russell should have helped her prepare. That was a big mistake on his end. Probably a million dollar mistake.
Merry Christmas!!!
Pastor G
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@doubleloveyou (2466)
• United States
12 Feb 10
leenie, I'm back and ready for the new season. Check out my newest discussion. Can't wait to hear from all of you and more.
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
24 Dec 09
I think that this past season of survivor was probably one of the most memorable ones of all. At least it is as memorable as any of the seasons that I've watched, I think I may have missed one or two seasons over the years. I too think that Russell should have won the game because I feel that he is the greatest player of the game in all of history. He did things that no other player has ever done in the history of the game. I really think that they way that the jury voted was heavily based on the amount of money that each of the finalists had the ability to make or was making at the current time.
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@doubleloveyou (2466)
• United States
12 Feb 10
I have been gone a while but new Survivor now I have a new discussion so would love to hear from all of you
@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
26 Dec 09
Oh my gosh... well... at the beginning I HATED Russell. The whole dumping canteens and burning socks was classic Russell evil. Then his little sound bytes about how he was using everybody and he had 'named' his blondes, the short hair dumb blonde, the long hair dumb blonde, and the older dumb blonde... wasn't that how he tagged them? LOL!
I don't think Brett earned anything, that was pure young-guy physical luck and determination because he knew he was TOAST if he didn't win immunity. As the sole remaining Galu, he was up against Foa Foa who had shown shared loyalty from the BEGINNING.
Now by the end of the show I was actually rooting for Russell despite his catty comments and the fact that he didn't need the million - because he was a mastermind and so charismatic that he played EVERYBODY, regardless of their tribe loyalty. Outwit, Outlast, Outplay? He did that and then some.
I HATED the jury, who was all Galu. The only one I liked at all was Jaison and that was only because I was really sad to see him voted off. I would have preferred Mick got voted out but that's just because I thought he got more paranoid and snippy than Jaison did near the end. Jaison I thought was always who he really was and he didn't have inside info from Russell like Mick did (which could and did influence some of his choices).
Yep, Natalie won via the jury votes but I bet if we voted it would have been Russell. He appeared to be pretty gracious too, and he did treat Natalie pretty well the whole season despite his initial 'blonde' comments. I think she was right to play it the way she did. If you're aggressive, you do get gunned for.... and if you're just a little too good at any one thing - enough to be considered a threat. It's a fine line between being competent and liked - and being a threat...
@doubleloveyou (2466)
• United States
12 Feb 10
Sorry I never commented on you response. I had a change in circumstances and was not getting all of the emails. I do look forward to hearing your insights on the new season. I have posted a new discussion and would love to hear from you.
@emilie2300 (1882)
• United States
25 Dec 09
This was awful ending I really wanted Russel to win. Natalie really should not of gotten that she didn't deserve it.
Russel played good and out with all of them he was a true survivor and should get the survivor title also.
Yes I cant wait for the next episode also to begin. It was definitely a good season with Russel in the game.
Have a merry Christmas...

@doubleloveyou (2466)
• United States
12 Feb 10
emilie I have start the new discussion and would love to hear from you this season as well.
@emilie2300 (1882)
• United States
29 Dec 09
Plunk I agree he should of not had to buy it it really should of just been given to him he deserved it.
He out smarted all of them and played a better game then all of them. the skills the manipulative. snake moves.
@emilie2300 (1882)
• United States
29 Dec 09
Albert those are not the only reason I liked Russel he was very smart and out smarted all of them.
He had the skills do be a survivor. As you see he was one of the finalist at the end none of the ones on Jury were.
He played a wonderful game..