Prayer in islam
By shanemre
@shanemre (357)
Saudi Arabia
December 22, 2009 2:09am CST
I am a new convert and Im just starting to learn the things about Islam. I do know the pillars now and I've started making it my way of life. But I have one question, in Islam we are praying but can we actually talk to Allah in the language we know, I mean can I actually pray to him in the way like I'm talking to a friend when I need a shoulder to cry on?
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8 responses
• India
31 Dec 09
allah told to muslim by prefrence of profet.mohammed sallellahu alai wassallam the first and last messenger of allah told that allah is one who love us more than 70 mothers when you tell one time allah he says 70 times that my child i am with you only now say that the one loves you greater than 70 mothers cannot gives you support that another matter that it is in different ways please my brother dont blame to allah and always give thanks to god that god had given you chance of being muslim it is very big good news for you if you read my discussion reply to me hen i will say you how you are lucky to enter in islam
khuda hafis
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@shanemre (357)
• Saudi Arabia
4 Jan 10
I am feeling lucky, from the day i converted up to this day and the days to come. But in this time, i am feeling that the things i need to know i dont know yet... i really want to learn to pray the arabic verses, but i am confused how i have to memorise, i mean which comes first and last. right now, i am reading the quran which is written in english, i am getting my strength from the love Allah.
@freelance786 (89)
23 Dec 09
It's good to know that you have converted.
May ALLAH shower his blessings on you.
well friend,you cn pray to ALLAH in any language though it is very good if you pray in Arabic but it is not compulsory.ALLAH has created all the languages and he understand a person in nay language.the only condition is that you pray.If you pray to HIM,he would give you a lot.
You can pray and talk to HIM as a friend but of course always address HIM with respect.
As a Muslim i have firm believe on this thing that when you pray wholeheartedly HE really bless you.And try not to commit those things from which ALLAH forbade.Try offer Namaz/Salat/prayer 5 times a day.
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@rogue13xmen13 (14402)
• United States
22 Dec 09
Well, this is what I do not get about Islam: 1. Why do they pray five times a day? 2. Do they really think God is listening to all of those prayers? 3. Have they ever heard of the phrase "Actions speak louder than words"? 4. Why do they have to pray a specific way? Doesn't God hear them no matter how they pray? 5. Why do they take their religion so seriously? Being so serious makes people go insane. I am not against Islam, but I just wonder why they pray the way they do? Do they really think that God will smite them for not doing everything that the Koran tells them to do? Because if they really do think that way, then that is just so sad. I was always told that if there was a God, it would be a merciful and forgiving God that would judge you on your actions and not your prayers or words. God wants people to look out for their fellow man, not judge them or hate them for not believing a certain way. "God helps those who help themselves" right?
• India
2 Jan 10
you are the one who had very terrible thinking but dont worry my brother i will help you for getting real way which takes us near to god ''inshallah''. your answers of questions
1.the prayer is one of the way to get something from god.
2.yes, we all heard that action speaks louder than words and we are the first who discover it.because, in ancient times the man is worst as compare to animals and we are the one who teached them the lesson of humanity by proving them that god exist. nobody hear, but my brother, we are the one who made their believes toward the real god. you know about their believes, listen they believes that sun,moon,statues are god. we proved that this is wrong.
• India
2 Jan 10
how? listen we our one of the messenger of god called ''ibrahim alai salam'' tell to that group of that people who believes that sun , moon are god he told them that o.k. i believe that this are god ,but at evening when there is sun-set he says that this sun came to an end how can my god came to an end. similarly, he had done with moon. then he had give the introduction of real god. now, your proverb ''action speak louder than words'' listen our god ''allah''which is acually god of whole galaxy ,our god gives a mst beautiful proof ,i think you had heard about it .i.e.''FIRAUN''he is the one who is believing that he is god he made every one in kingdom to pray to him . you dont know that he is the man who never get illness, fever even he not get a small sneezing for 450 yrs.
• India
2 Jan 10
why this is so ?,because god says to us by preference of one of the messenger ''moosa alai salam'' that you are away from the punishment till where you dont have know about that rule , if you are doing as it is after that also then you have to suffer from punishment. now your final question that why there is a specific way? it is because the man is one who want to do anything. listen, there are many peoples who belives that non living thing are god like statues,sun,moon,etc. some thought was towards animals like cow,dog,monkey, god tells that no, i am your god by taking prefernces of our messengers, they made every thing perfect in islam so that nobody likes you say that questions that why cannot we see allah?, why there is specific way to pray?,and one more thing i have to say that there is also a specefic religion to pray.
i think your questoin has been solved if not please make questions as you can, ''insha-allah'' i will solve it ,because islam is perfect and whether you beleive or not world take lessons from our islam

@systems (459)
• India
22 Dec 09
No.. I'm not a Muslim and I think you cannot talk or interact with Almighty GOD like a friend.
Its only a One way communication.
And you must pray only with respect and not casualness.. Must pray like slave in front of the Almighty..
I had even read that Prophet Mohammed got the Knowledge of Quran through some other prophet or angel.. Almighty did not Directly interact or give the message to Prophet Mohammed.
please confirm the things I have said as I too dont know correctly and I had read these things in some discussions only..

@shanemre (357)
• Saudi Arabia
4 Jan 10
thank you for your concern and response. I am really new and right now I am still learning to pray. The prayer is long and it's not easy to memorize, especially its not in my language. But sure that in time, I will pray the right way. I am praying to him, but not as like what is written in the prayer, i am praying through my heart. May Allah give me the strength and knowledge to learn as soon as I can.
@freelance786 (89)
23 Dec 09
hello friend,
i am sorry but your concepts about Islam are terribly wrong.
You can pray to ALLAH.It is up to you whether you want to pray or not.Allah bless everyone and give everyone anything but the difference is that when you pray you get it is your choice to pray or not to pray.
it is not that you pray like a slave.If a person prays he prays it for his/her own benefit ALLAH don't need our is we,who need ALLAH and our prayers are a way to get his blessings or it is a way of communication.
yes,it is true that ALLAH has transfer Quran through Angel Gabriel to Prophet Mohammad(SAW)but angels do those things which ALLAH command them to do.
Prophet Mohammad(SAW)is the only prophet or being in the universe who met ALLAH face to face on the night of Miraj.

@Harley009 (1416)
• India
23 Dec 09
Assalamu Alaikum/Peace be on you/Shalom aleykum shanemre!
Welcome to the path way of God.
For sure you can ask to Allah in your language! Any time anywhere, He is the pardoner, forgiver and most merciful. You can ask to make your life better here in earth and in after life, for forgiveness of sins you did knowingly or unknowingly, can ask for betterment of your family. You should pray to Allah to show the light of truth to your parents and you may convey the message to them.
In fact you should pray in your language or in the same words as prophet taught, or other prophets prayed, Prayers will ease your life. Pray only to Almighty God (Allah).
Best time for a such great prayers are, in the night after midnight passed and while many people sleeping. And the other times are after the Obligatory daily prayers. also while breaking the fasting.
One of the main form of worship in Islam is called the 'Salat' which is to be done 5 times a day as you know. As a beginner there will be some difficulties in pronouncing Quranic verses and prayers, However you will learn if you have the mission in mind and don't just make it some whispering, but let it come from your heart with real meaning of those.
Islam guides us in many aspects of life, it shows how to eat, how to deal with other, guest, neighbors etc. there are small prayers in different instances, try to learn them with understanding and practice it in your life.
Insha Allah(By God's will) I will be ready to help you always as my time allows.
Don't blindly follow some people so called leaders or scholars, but you may listen them and verify it with proofs of Islam, The Quran and the way of Prophet. If anyone say something about Islam, you can ask proof to back up it regardless he/she is a bigger figure or not.
If you open my profile you can see a chat box, which will allow to chat with me without sharing mail id if I'm online. I used to be online in day times of GMT + 4. Or you can send me message via MyLot.
Where are you basically from?
"Verily, Along with hardship is ease." (Quran 94:5)
May Almighty Allah guide us to the right path.
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@awapak (1275)
• Pakistan
31 Dec 09
Assalam o Alaikum......Welcome to Islam.May Allah Almighty shower his blessings on to you and your family,amen.You can pray/talk to Allah Almighty in any language but the best way is that of our holy Prophet Muhammad(pbuh)who guided us in every field of life.According to him,each prayer has always three sure results:
1.The prayer is accepted and same thing provided.
2.Some alternate thing given.
3.Reserved to benefit him in next life.
So prayers are never wasted.We must keep praying to Allah Almighty alone without making any mediators or associates in between us.Otherwise it will be Polytheism,which is the biggest and only unforgivable sin in Islam.Allah Almighty listens to your prayers directly and can show you miracles while accepting your prayers....The best way of praying to Him is bowing in prostration in loneliness,weeping an asking for His help.May Allah Almighty show us the right path,amen.
@alftas (19)
26 Jan 10
Salaams to Shanemre just want to say really happy that you have accepted Islam as your religion May Allah bless you and if you need further guidance in relation to prayers there is some really good resources such as Islam and there are really helpful Imams that can help you with the arabic prayers.
• India
31 Dec 09
and other thing that allah had accept his request and allah is ready for visiblity and when allah try to be visible and when the action of removing of cloth in front of allah is taken the space like ant cannot crros that clot the hill on which yonus alai salam was standing is being destroyed and the yonus alai salam had suffered madness . now listen why allah do this?
• India
31 Dec 09
asalam-u-allaikum my friend first of fall congratullation for entering in islam i will tell you why we cant see allah. i think you had know about yonus alai salam he is one of messenger from allah to telling truth of real god that is allah and one time in his life he told to allah that ,oh lord! why cant we see you ? allah told him that you cant see me because you dont have much powers to see me .but yonus alai salam are not understanding and saying that i want to see you at any cost .but listen i tell you that they can talk to allah not face to face but allah is in hiding position