Do you see anything good about the health care bill? I really want to know.
By dragon54u
@dragon54u (31634)
United States
December 22, 2009 8:21am CST
The only thing I can see positive about it is that people with pre-existing conditions could get insured for them and that you couldn't have your coverage canceled when you needed it. Otherwise, nobody has read the whole thing and it's full of pork that has nothing to do with health care.
Harry Reid said it's a Christmas present to the American people. He's Scrooge for me. What happened to representation and doing the will of the people? The latest poll says only 42% of people want this. I think it would be 100% or close to it if we had any confidence that our "representatives" actually had intention of doing the will of the people that we hired them to do.
So tell me, why do you like or dislike this bill? Not what you think it will be, work on what you know is true and convince me of the merits or detriments of this health care bill.
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10 responses
@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
22 Dec 09
I don't know because I haven't seen the latest incarnation of it. Is it online to read yet? Right off the top, I'll bet 1/3rd of it is nothing but "christmas presents" for senators that voted for it.
I can't understand the mentality of thinking that just doing something, anything, for the aske of doing it, even if it's better than not doing anything at all. Have we really gotten that stupid and complacent as a voting populace?
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
22 Dec 09
I haven't seen anything online, just a lot of chatter and people complaining that it's not there for us to see--as PROMISED by Obama in his campaign. There's already a LOT of pork in it, some of which has nothing to do with health care. Nelson finally caved after selling his vote in such a way as the rest of us will pay for Nebraska's Medicaid.
Yes, we have become stupid and complacent but people are beginning to awaken. Glenn Beck asked his audience last night who had read the Constitution this year and nearly everyone raised their hands. Only 3 or 4 had read it prior to the last election. So at least people are reading our precious document--now I hope we can all take action to throw these bums out.
I think it was Jefferson who said when people fear the government there is tyranny but when the government fears the people there is freedom. Let's put some fear into these jerks!
@Sourceseeker (1197)
• United States
22 Dec 09
Its been a long road to change. Anyone who pays for healthcare understands how high it is and knows something has to change.
You have copays, cost for check ups Xrays and everything else. There cost for medicines and other countries can keep these cost down but in America medical companies are getting a windfall jacking these cost up knowing that people have very little choice if they wwant to get well.
This is the bureacracy that Presdent Obama wishes to change. Healthcare is not something that can be left for bureacracies to determine because they are most concerned with their bottom line.
More people with preventive and maintained healthcare is better for the country and provides a fight against a national security risk. Healthy people are productive people and provide more taxes, more production and more help against all problems we have. Health care is a national security issue and we must do our best to get it right.
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@sbeauty (5865)
• United States
23 Dec 09
I keep hearing senators say, "This is what the people want", and I wonder which people. No one has asked me. I sent Senator Grassley an email regarding the fact that I have no insurance any longer and could really use some help. He never responded, but he's been totally adamant that the people in our state don't want reformed health care.
I makes me sick that they sold out to several states just to buy their votes, and they've watered the bill down so much that I can't imagine who it will help. They talk about forcing lower income people to buy health insurance and then giving them a tax credit to help them pay for it. Unfortunately, low income households don't pay taxes in the first place, so there's no way they could get a credit. If they could afford health care, they'd have it already. This whole mess is a joke that they're trying to shove through Congress just so they can go home for Christmas.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
23 Dec 09
Yes, it's a joke. What good does a tax credit do anyone when we need help making ends meet RIGHT NOW?! When you can't buy your kid new shoes you don't give a crap about a tax credit that won't help you till the following April!
(By the way, have you tried Aetna? That's who insures me. I couldn't get coverage for my spinal scoliosis but it saved me a bundle when I needed an appendectomy this past May. $190 a month and it saved me $15,000!)
Nobody asked me, either. My representatives' mailboxes are full as are their voicemail and voicemail is the only way to speak to them right now. They aren't talking to us, they don't care what we think.
There is a revolution coming next year, I'm sure of it. I'll be right there helping in some way if at all possible. I'm sick of taxation without representation, having my liberties stolen and seeing my government trampling on the Constitution.
@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
23 Dec 09
I see the revolution starting a few years later myself, depending on the results of the 2011 elections of course, those could change things. It's funny though, I made this prediction over a year and a half ago...even I thought I was nuts at the time myself, but I couldn't argue with what I was seeing develop before my own eyes...I feel vindicated now that some pretty smart and prominent folks out there now share this same view, but it's kind of usettling at the same time ya know...
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@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
23 Dec 09
Another much as many want to dismiss the tea party folks as a bunch of rowdy, disrespectfull people shouting at congressman at meetings, I don't think people realize that the movement may well be the only thing standing between this country and an outright civil uprising. Tea partiers may be shouting down congress, but the folks who come behind, after the tea party, won't be doing much talking....
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@missybal (4490)
• United States
22 Dec 09
What you see as a positive I see as a negative and I have pre-existing conditions. It will increase premiums even more and I will not buy rationed government healthcare so I will be stuck with the higher cost. Obama's approval rating is now seriously tanking according to the always reliable Rasmussen reports because of this. The people don't want it... I won't be able to afford this thing because I know that I will be making too much according to the government to qualify for anything paid by my tax dollars and will have to purchase healthcare when I don't want to. Of course I got to read this thing all over again when the final is out but I'm sure it's still a piece of trash and yes all those people will have healthcare, because they will be forced to buy it... it's unconstitutional.
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@missybal (4490)
• United States
22 Dec 09
I agree in the U.S we do need something so that people who are unfortunately struck down with an extreme illness should not loose everything because of it. I'm not against healthcare reform I'm against what they are trying to pass. I hear you on the high taxes... everything here has gone up over the past year. I don't think anyone can take the unconstitutionality of this bill to the supreme court until it completely passes, you better believe it will get there. The majority of Americans hate this Bill.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
22 Dec 09
Yes, I believe it is unconstitutional. The government should not be able to force us to buy goods that we don't want. I'm afraid of the tax increases, I'm barely getting by as it is. I have a pre-existing condition, too, but I was thinking of people who develop life-threatening conditions which mine is not.
I was really searching for anything positive as I'm sure it will pass and nobody has guts enough to challenge its constitutionality. Michele Bachman and a few others are making noise but not enough. The peoples' voices don't matter to these "representatives" who represent only themselves and special interests. I see no benefits, really, to this. With your vote that the pre-existing conditions are not a good thing I guess that shoots down any positive aspects of this monstrosity.

@cher913 (25781)
• Canada
22 Dec 09
well i am in canada where we have that sort of health care already. there are definite good points to it (such as everyone being able to get healthcare) and bad points (such as wait times to get into see specialists etc.)
for my family personaly, it is a good thing because we have no health insurance, my hubby is not working and i only work part time - not enough hours to get health care with my company, plus, even when he was working, the boss didnt think health care was necessary!
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
22 Dec 09
Sometimes businesses can't afford to supply insurance. I have a very good policy that costs me $190 a month and since I had my appendectomy in May, they sure won't be making any money off me for quite some time!
I hear about wait times in Canada frequently and a lot of Canadians-those that can afford it-cross the border for health care here. I think there could be benefits from a national health care plan but not when the government is involved. Every program our government manages has gone bankrupt or is in big financial trouble.
@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
22 Dec 09
I think they asked about specific parts of the bill and why they were good, not generalities. Have you read the current monterous 2500+ page senate bill? What particular sections do you think will acomplish the generalities you talked about?
You see,this is the very problem here. Everyone assumes just because there is a bill it is ging to magicly fix things, reguardless of whats actually in the bill. Most haven't read it, even fewer understand it, but everyone assumes just because congress put together a bill that the bill actualy fixes things.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
22 Dec 09
Xfahctor, I think anything our Congress passes is bad now. It's only for their own power and profit. I'm so sick of it!
@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
23 Dec 09
"The latest poll says only 42% of people want this."
Does that mean 58% don't want it? So much for the majority. Like other give away programs, after they're in, it's impossible to get rid of them.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
23 Dec 09
Yep, 58% don't want it and 8 out of 10 people surveyed are happy with the health care they receive. It's all about government control. But the people are getting angrier and angrier. I think next year will be very interesting as we grow angrier and fed up enough to finally start taking our country back from those who would destroy it for their own aggrandizement and profit.
@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
23 Dec 09
Hi, and welcome to myLot!
Nope, nobody will see it. The senators and congressmen haven't read it and have no idea what they are voting for. This is taxation without representation, the very issue that started a revolution in this country over two centuries ago. It's time for another revolution and it is brewing.
@MrNiceGuy (4141)
• United States
22 Dec 09
Has anyone even read the whole bill? The people voting on it haven't yet had a chance to review the whole thing but they are pushing it forward just for the sake of getting it done. I think the Democrats just want to do this because they will lose the Senate in a couple years and the Presidency when Obama's first term is up. It seems foolish to me. Sure it sounds good, but when the American people realize how hurtful it actually is to our country, it will be too late.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
22 Dec 09
Nobody has read the whole thing, that I know of. More things keep being added, more pork and more conditions that restrict our liberties.
I like your avatar, Dale was one of my favorite characters on King of the Hill!
@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
22 Dec 09
There's far too much that is wrong and detrimental to fit into a response. It would take a page, maybe two pages, maybe 2000 pages since every page of the health care bill is a mistake for America.
Suffice it to say that if a bill was good, productive and beneficial for America it would seem unnecessary to have to lie, bribe and cheat to get it passed. The political shenanigans and the subversion of not only the will of the people but the law and the rules of the Senate are enough to prove that this bill should never pass.
I am disgusted beyond words.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
22 Dec 09
I don't find much to like about it. It's all about control, in my opinion, and we'd better stop this kind of thing now before we find ourselves in a new form of slavery.
What gets me is that the House is exempting themselves from having to participate. That right there tells me there's nothing good in it. I try to look at the positive but can't find much here.
@oneidmnster (1384)
• United States
22 Dec 09
The U.S government doesn't care what the people want.I thought the idea was to vote in the people that would carry out the peoples wishes.Instead,it seems to be about what the governmant wants.Most of what they decide for the people,doesn't affect them.
Our health care system could do with some tweaking,but an overhall seems way too drastic.Of course,Obama doesn't care what is best for the people.In fact,I can't figure out what he does care about,other than hisself.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
22 Dec 09
Even Pat Caudell, a diehard Democrat that worked for Carter, is saying there is going to be a storm the likes of which has never been seen because the people are sick of being pushed around.
I do agree our health care system needs some tweaking but it's basically a good system. People come from all over the world to be treated here. And I agree with you that Obama cares nothing for the people and neither do our "representatives". It's all for power and the hell with the people.
@matersfish (6306)
• United States
22 Dec 09
This seriously, honestly, literally scares me. I'm not even 30 yet, and thinking that my country could be something wholly different, where my money isn't my money and "freedom's" just another word because government makes you choose (sorry, Kris), is extremely frightening.
Maybe other countries can truly pull it off. Maybe having watered-down care and cradle-to-grave entitlements does work in some other places. But America is different. 300+ million and more illegals than some of these supposed socially just countries have citizens; more under/unemployed than some have citizens, too. An insanely large government, corrupt from the smallest town council seat to the highest office in the nation. An already "social" idea (sorta) in Medicare that's seriously lacking in efficiency due to government's ineptitude.
And if that's not enough to make anyone want to put the brakes on any major "change" and take baby steps to knock off the dirt before you shampoo the rug (or, in progresive land, just make us pay for a replacement altogther), you then see how they conduct business to get things passed.
Against the majority's will; secret rooms where favors--wink, wink--are done; intimidation; outright lies and slander; dangerous tactics of painting people as villains in the media SOLELY so people despise opposition; cutting off debate entirely; cooking the numbers; misleading the public in so many ways, none the least of which is ramming the idea of IMMEDIATE change down our throats that, oh, by the way, won't take effect for years; and then the bill itself, which is undoubtedly laced with enough pork to feed the Memphis in May crowd.
It's all done for the sake of being done -- just so they can say they did it. And how insane is that? "Hey, at least we did something!" They don't even pretend anymore that it's well intentioned.
If it's not obvious to everyone that government simply wants to be in control, I suggest they pull their head from their rear end and simply use basic common sense to see that, so long as these types of politicians have been in power, they have NEVER done anything outside of their own best interest. Everything they've been in control of has fallen apart rapidly, and it's the rest of us bailing them out.
Even on the 00000.1% chance that Obama is slightly different, he's far from the only one trying to ram things down our throats. And moreover, he's only the spokesperson for social justice. It's the same cast of characters--career politicians who are woefully inept criminals--writing this stuff and strong-arming its passing.
I don't know what good will come from this bill. I really don't believe it's a step in the right direction for anyone but government.
So a few more million people will receive coverage and the criteria of coverage (preexisting, etc) will change. Okay. If someone tells me that THIS was the only way to make that happen, they'll be laughed at and called a moron. And I'm the nicest dude in the myLot political section, but someone would have to be a loon to think this cruddy government and their shoddy, bussiness-as-usual tactics are the only way to get things done. Some act like America can't exist without government directing our lives.
Rant over. I simply don't see politicians doing right by the people. They're interested in power. They want control. And the long con is evident: creating dependents gives them permanent control.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
22 Dec 09
You and I have an attitude in common. I don't believe this bill is for anything except more control over the people. It's scary. Everything you've said is exactly how I feel. It's a shame about Obama. I was scared to vote for him so I chose the lesser of the two evils--aren't we all sick of having to do that in every election?!
--but when he was elected I hoped for the best. My hopes have been shattered, he's no different except that he's promoting Marxism.