Bad news last night

@cynthiann (18602)
December 22, 2009 9:12am CST
I knew something was wrong when she walked into my room. My daughter came home last night and sat on my bed and told me that the courses she is currently teaching at a University will not be offered. Therefore she is officially out of work. I gave her a hug but all of the time my mind was racing - I now have 3 children out of work and there are no unemployment benefits in this country. My second son has prepared some land on the farm but cannot plant until January ( rains permitting) and then it will be 3 month before the crop comes in. So I said all the right things to comfort her but the reality is that there has been a freeze on the Ministry employing people and it will be very difficult for her to get employment. Staff that leave or retire are just not being replaced. The recesson has not even bottomed out yet. I have been in worse situations and will somehow survive. But this now - at Christmas? Have you ever had a Christmas present that you would like to have given back?
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28 responses
• United States
22 Dec 09
I am so sorry to read your news. I imagine how difficult this must be on your entire family. Perhaps your daughter can do some online work with tutoring or language. I am not sure what her teaching areas are but there is a demand onlne for this type of thing. Are you all living together? It sounds like you are a tight family and that you will all have to rely on each other to make it through these scary economic times. Does your son have the ability to start seedlings now to give his crop a headstart? I wish your family to receive good news very soon!
@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
22 Dec 09
My son has started seedlings and fortunately my DIL is workung. Witht the economic turndown there is not the opportunity for my daughter to tutor privately. She is an Earlychildhood teacher with her Master's in literacy. She will map out her campaign over the next two days. We are a tight family and love ech other so much so we will laugh and cry and get through this. Blessings and have a wonderful Christmas!
• United States
22 Dec 09
What does it mean to map our her campaign? That is a little confusing to me. Do you mind sharing with me how that works? Sorry if I sounds ignorant but I have never heard that phrase before...
@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
23 Dec 09
I meant that she will look at her options and then contact schools in the area to see if there are any vacancies. She will network to see if any vacancies are available too. Also she will go online to check out schools in Canada. So she will write down a plan or campaign and get started to look for work.
@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
23 Dec 09
Seems to me, the one time that Richard got laid off, it was right around Christmas. No fun, no fun at all. I hope your daughter finds something. Maybe a private company with a training department or something?
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@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
24 Dec 09
Merry Christmas to you and your family too and best wishes that next year will be much better!
@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
23 Dec 09
I am amazed that sxshe is facing this so well. She is planning a plan of action. The years in the USA cedtainly taught her independance. As long as we stick together - and we will - we will get through thids. Have a wonderful Christmas. I am so glad that I shopped last week for turkey, ham, etc. We will have a great Christmas together. Many blkessings to you and your family
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@ersmommy1 (12588)
• United States
23 Dec 09
Wow, very sorry! That is difficult. I have had other times (not necessarily Christmas) where I have wanted to give something back. And once was able to. I hope things work out.
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@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
23 Dec 09
I am an optimistic person so I am praying all will work out. Have a wonderful Christmas with your family.
@thea09 (18305)
• Greece
22 Dec 09
Hi cynthiann, what rotten news. I thought when you talked about your daughter being at university in the states that she was there currently as a student. I've no doubt that you'll all muddle through together. In the meantime you are in desperate need of an assistant to help you deal with the boss from Hell.
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@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
22 Dec 09
Now I am laughing. We will get through somehow. We will start planning this evening. Rachel was a lecturer out here. She taught and did her Masters in the USA as I cluld not afford it for her to do it out here. We do not have part time jobs for students. I am a tough old bird!
• Philippines
22 Dec 09
Hi there cynthiann. I really felt sad upon reading your story. I know how it feels like to see your daughter and 2 other children suffering from this kind of situation. I have never been a parent but some day, I will. Even if that's the case I can still understand you now. I know how much you wanted to comfort her with your words but some times, words are not enough to mend a broken heart. Yes, your daughter's heart was broken becuase I believe that she loves her job so much but it was taken away from her. But I hope you won't lose hope for there's always hope after rainy days. Just keep on believing that something good will happen this Christmas that could probably change your lives.
@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
22 Dec 09
Thank yo for such a kind response! We will get through it somehow - I have a strong faith in God and pray for wisdom for my family.
• United States
23 Dec 09
That totally sucks. Best wishes to you and your family i hope things get better for you guys.
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@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
23 Dec 09
Thank you for your best wishes. We will get through this somehow. Blessings
@winterose (39887)
• Canada
23 Dec 09
that is terrible news, my son in law just lost his job last week just before christmas he has 4 kids a wife and a baby on the way. It is just terrible. Yes there have been many christmases I wish I could give back. One time I spent christmas totally a lone with no one at all with my. My son was young and he had gone to his friends for a christmas over night stay and I was totally by myself.
@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
23 Dec 09
That is so awful about your son in law. I hope that he has a family to help him out at this time. I felt so sad hearing about your Christmas on your own. That must have been awful for you as at Christmas we need to be with family or friends. You must have felt devastated but that is now a bad memory and you have moved on. You are a much stronger women now and probably a more compassionate one too. It is when we have experience desolation and hardship that we can empathise with other women. Many blessings and I have already started to pray for the family as I am typing this.
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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
24 Dec 09
it was from that experience that I stopped planning for christmas and just took it as it came. We don't do much for christmas any more especially since I am disabled now but that is fine I am okay with it, I look at all the good christmas's I had in the past and those are my memories of christmas. I enjoy just watching the classics on tv on christmas eve and having this year christmas breakfast at my grandson's house and christmas day supper home with my son.
• United States
22 Dec 09
What awful timing for this to happen. Unfortunatly, there's not much anyone can do but help each other out and hope for the best. I imagine some of that is because people don't have the money to go to school much anything else. Unemployment benefits are nice but not when the economies are struggling as much as they are. Many people's benefits are running out & then what? Same situation as your kids are now in. My MIL's cousin has a son whom has been trying to sell his house because of being unemployed before it gets forclosed upon. Looks like his house will go up for forclosure before he can even sell it. I hope things improve for your family.((hugs))
@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
22 Dec 09
Thank you so much. I am an old survivor and we will get out of this mess. Blessings
@SomeCowgirl (32190)
• United States
22 Dec 09
I am so sorry to hear about that. Right now my husband and I are not at the point where if we were to be unemployed it would hit us to hard... but we don't have many bills to pay now. I can't begin to imagine what it's like for your daughter now, and especially with teaching, I'm sure she had a passion for it. I hope she can find something else soon... This economy needs to be turned around... Hopefully that will come to be true after Christmas...
@SomeCowgirl (32190)
• United States
22 Dec 09
Your daughter is so brave to go to so many different places, you yourself are. I am not one to travel outside of my own country, though I am sure the horizons would be broadened for me. Alas, I stick to the computer, and friends like you, for a glimpse of other coutnries, foods, and cultures! Best Wishes to you all this Holiday Season!
@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
23 Dec 09
And to you my dear friend. And in 2010 may some of your dreams come true. Blessings
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@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
22 Dec 09
Thank you my dear friend. Life presents many challenges and if we stick close together as a tight family unit then it is easier for us to deal with problems. The economy will take years to turn around so she will probably leave as soon as the economy in the USA allows her to return to N.C. She does have a house there. Alternately she and her fiancee are looking at Canada. Blessings my dear. I have been through worse things.
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@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
24 Dec 09
That is unfortunate at this time of the year! My husband and I received similar news during our first Christmas as a married couple. We had just taken out a mortgage and I was working part time and my husband got put off from his job. I remember feeling devastated and scared but trying to be supportive and positive for his sake because he felt terrible. I don’t remember all the details except that it was a very tough time for us but we somehow got through it. I hope you will manage until your daughter finds work again. I will send you some prayers and hope things turn around for you, in the meantime I wish you and your family a lovely Christmas.
@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
28 Dec 09
Tjhank you my friend. We ar a close family so that the son who is working will assist his sister and brother who are both out of work until they get something to do. Thanks you for your prayers
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@jkcokley (265)
• United States
25 Dec 09
I'm sorry to here about your daughters job loss. I here you. This is truly a bad time. I will pray for you and your family. yes, I have had a christmas present that I would like to given back two fold. Every year, I would like to give back all the love I feel to everyone. I would like to spread joy where - no joy seems to be found. I you I am a survivor of life and to sit in our misery will only let the misery spread. I know times are hard - very hard - very hard, but joy will come and I know it will come soon. Hang in and Hang on... Maybe your daughter can do some work on the computer or something... Anyway, praying for you and family. Smile and the world will smile back at you. Don't think about what you don't have then about what you can have. Cry for now but tomorrow is a new day.
@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
28 Dec 09
I have just checked out your profile and I have been to Raleigh in N.C. My daughter taught in Gastonia for over 3 years and has a house there. She had to leave AS LAST YEAR WHEN SHE APPLIOED FOR CITIZENSHIP homeland security SAID THAT THERE WAS AN ILLEGAL IMMIGRNAT WITH THE SAME NAME AND AS SHE HAD ANOTHER YEAR ON HER VISA SHE WAS TO WAIT UNTIL THIS YEAR TO APPLY FOR CITIZENSHIP. They gave her the clearance in February AND ALL SHE NEEDED WAS A LETTER FROM HER SCHOOL SAYING THAT SHE WAS EMPLOYED. However, the recession started and the non USA people were the first to be laid off. Her visa only allowed her to teach at that school only. so she had to come home and we are now facing recession big time. She did so well and won many awards for teaching Early childhood . I will always be grateful to the US that she could work and get her Masters there. It was just awful as they children and parents wanted her to stay. What was really bad was this young lady was making a fantastic contribution to your society and had bought her own home and had not even got a speed ticket. And yet, you have millions of illegal people who are sucking you dry but are still in the USA. Sorry for the caps but no time to change - lunch break has finished now. Blessings
@jkcokley (265)
• United States
6 Jan 10
you see it take one bad person to screw up everything for everyone else that play by the rules. I'm sorry your daughter wasn't able to renew visa. If it weren't for crazy people who high-jack planes your daughter would still be here. The US has to protect its interest but it makes it all that harder for the good people that could and do contribute to the USA from other countries. Again I say hang on. Can she apply to other School here and get here visa renewed that way? I'll keep praying.
@rene12 (794)
• Philippines
22 Dec 09
Humans are capable of surviving crisis like that coz we have extraordinary determination which is a unique thing among living things. I know you can do something to survive it and maybe mylot earnings will somehow help you on your expenses. I know your family could do it :D
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@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
22 Dec 09
I have been through bad times before and nothing can be as worse as my husband dying so anything else I can get through. Blessings
23 Dec 09
Im really sorry to hear about what happened. I'm sure something will come out of this which is better. Sometimes we are in situations which at the time seem harsh and we wonder how will i get through this!! but then that harsh situation is a cause for better times to come and we realise there was a great wisdom behind what happened. There is always light at the end of the tunnel...our prayers are with you!!
@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
23 Dec 09
Thank you so much for your prayers. I am praying hard myself and believe in th power of prayer. We have had hard times before and will get through this with the grace of God. Many blessings to you and your family
@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
24 Dec 09
Thank you - I will never give up
23 Dec 09
dont give up!! live for the now, yesterday is gone, and tomorrow is out of our hands. God bless you all
• Pakistan
23 Dec 09
GOD will help definitely to all.
@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
23 Dec 09
Yes He will and I am praying hard for wisdom. Blessings
@AmbiePam (96740)
• United States
23 Dec 09
I am so sorry. I'll be praying for you all. I wish I could help. I know wishes won't help you out, but perhaps prayer will.
@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
23 Dec 09
I so appreciate the prayers - I am doing much of that myself. By the grace of God we will get through this. Our God is merciful. Many blessings my friend
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@Debs_place (10520)
• United States
23 Dec 09
It sounds like she is well educated. Can she tutor in her field? Open up a tutoring center for younger kid? can she branch out and expand her field of expertise? Can she teach at another level? She is smart, there must be other avenues. Don't give up yet! Do some brainstorming. Even if it means she types and proofreads papers for college students she can make some money!
@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
23 Dec 09
Thank you for your ideas but we are not in the USA and what is hapopening is that the Government is not employing peope because of the recession. When teachers retire their posts are not being filled. Yes, she is very smart and is now working on a plan of action. We will survive - I have been through far worse
• China
23 Dec 09
I'm really sorry. The economica crisis has a serious impact on almost the whole world. Millions of people became unemployed overnight, even before they realized what's happened. These are difficult times for all of us. But don't be too upset. Tough times never last but tough people do. All you need is self-confidence and a strong mind. As you daughter formerly worked as a university teacher, she can look for a job in some training institutions or online. There are many online programmes now for which many people are working for and they are also well-paid. I'm sure your whole family will get through it. Good luck!
@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
23 Dec 09
The problem is with the collapse of the economy the universities and schools are not allowed to hire. She is looking hard for something and I pray that something will come up. Thank you for your support.
@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
23 Dec 09
Hey cyn! I am so sorry to hear that your daughter is out of work. I didn't know about your other children too. I know how difficult times are all over the world. It is really bad here in the US, especially in NY. I don't know what to say to you. I can only imagine how awful this news is and especially now right before Christmas. I will say a special prayer for you and your family. Hugs, Leslie
@cyrus123 (6363)
• United States
23 Dec 09
As far as I can remember, I never have had a Christmas present that I wanted to give back. I sure do hate to hear this about your daughter, though. I remember how excited you were for her when she first got this job. I will be praying for you and her both and I hope she and the rest of your children will find work one of these days. They say when something bad happens something good usually comes out of it. Kathy.
@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
23 Dec 09
Thank you Kathy. I am a tough old bird and have met many hardships in life but as long as we tick together then we will get through this trouble. I thank you so much for your kindness and wish you all a very Happy Christmas.
• India
23 Dec 09
Sounds like the situation is worse out there. Wish I could help, but all that I could give you is my wishes and support. I'll pray for you and hope that things will turn around this Christmas. I get tears when I see people who cant afford Christmas gift for their children. I have deep thoughts for you! Keep mylotting and hope for the best! Cheer up for Christmas!
@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
23 Dec 09
It is very hard but as long as my family is healthy we will get through this. Many bkessings