How many days do you need to read 300 pages of a Novel

Windmill of the GODS - A Novel by Sidney Sheldon
@taurisca (104)
December 22, 2009 11:54am CST
Sometimes when we read a great book or novel, it will keep you glued to the pages. I need 1.5 days to finish a novel of Sidney Sheldon. How many days do you need to finish read a great novel (300pages)?
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10 responses
@checkmail (2039)
• India
23 Dec 09
Hello taurisca and think that it would depend on the content in the book, if interesting then might read out the book in 10-15 days just as you do.But if the book is having lot of complicated contents, means requires meanings to it, then it might take some more time as would have to refer to an dictionary .Even if the book is based on some learning or teaching subjects than also will required more time to complete it reading.But if its normally but great to read book with simplified wordings, without more complex contents then would be easily readed within 10 days also, even 300 pages.Keep it up, Happy mylotting
• India
23 Dec 09
Hey there checkmail, Taurisca, has said that she will finish the 300 page novel in one and half days and not 10 to 15 days, as you have mentioned. I think you are one of the person who underlines the words which you do not understand and refer the dictionary. I never had the habit of refering the words which I did not understand to a dictionary.
@maezee (41988)
• United States
22 Dec 09
For me, it honestly depends on the book itself. If it's a really interesting and engaging book, then as little as one day. If it's the worst book I've ever read and totally boring, then probably weeks upon weeks.
• United States
22 Dec 09
I'm the same way, for really boring books I put them down frequently so I can take weeks to finish one of those. If it's a book I like a lot about 2 days.
• India
23 Dec 09
Usually, I also take about 1.5 days to 2 days to finish a good novel of 350 to 400 pages. The last novel, which I have read is also by Sidney Sheldon, (of course written by some one else), which I finished in just two days.
@cher913 (25782)
• Canada
22 Dec 09
well it depends on the book and my interest level in the style of writing plus what i have planned to do that day but i have read books in that period of time that have been quite thick. i tend to read mostly classics but i have read a book of that size in a couple of days.
• United States
23 Dec 09
It depends on the book. I've finished 300 page novels in one day before, but I've also taken weeks to finish others. I tend to spend lots of time reading, but when I'm busy or the book just isn't gripping, I won't spend as much time on it.
• Philippines
31 Dec 09
It depends. If I'm familiar with the author or it's a genre that I like, then probably it would take me half a day (assuming no interruptions) to finish the whole book. Something like Twilight, on the other hand, would take me weeks to finish because mushy prose slows me down.(No offense meant to the fans)
@leeloo (1492)
• Portugal
22 Dec 09
I read less now then when I was younger, whereas before a 300p novel would have taken 2 hours or so if it was good now it may take and evening or two, depending on the book and how much free time I have. I have to admit the time I used to have reserved for reading before is more often then not spent on the computer, so I am not certain, I do have a stack of books waiting to be read by my bedside table some half read so I can't give a accurate answer.
@jb78000 (15139)
22 Dec 09
i am a compulsive reader and i read too quickly. which is not actually a good thing because it means i regularly run out of books - 300 page novel? that would take an evening if it was good, couple of days if less so. one very boring weekend i read don quioxote (badly needs editing by the way, loses steam after a couple of hundred pages).
@jazelann (112)
• Philippines
22 Dec 09
A Sidney Sheldon novel isn't that long right? I've remembered reading it during an hour break, and so, but didn't take that long. Well, It actually depend on the novel that I read. I remembered reading Angels and Demons in 48 hours, that was waaay back 6 years ago,.yes, I wasn't able to sleep. a nap will do, an hour maybe. I can actually read twilight in one whole day.
• China
22 Dec 09
It is very fast if I am interested in this novel,maybe one week is ok,or maybe I need one year.In fact I don't have patience to read so thick book, I like to browse magazines,journals,great novel is not my choice.