Who else out there misses Bob?

United States
December 22, 2009 2:55pm CST
and if you are wondering what bob i am talking about, i mean Bob Barker, former host of The Price Is right. Drew Carey took over for Bob something like two years ago when Bob finaly deicded to retire. Not that i can blame him, he had been doing the show for something like 30 years, and is into his 80th decade on the planet. But my oh my i MISS him terribly. I was propted to start this discussion after in another of my discussions about game shows, many people had mentioned either their like or dislike of drew carey as a host. Some think he is doing an ok job, others, like myself, just think the show isn't quite the same. Nothing personal against Mr. Carey though...i have always loved his shows and him, i just don't think he brings the same vibe to the price is right that i knew and loved. I used to LOVE getting my "Bob" fix on snow days or sick days from school..or on days where i was actually home during the week and didn't have to work. So what do you think...has Drew been able to fill bob's shoes? Or has the show taken a bit of nose dive? and on another slightly related topic..has anyone out there been watching the new re-make of "Let's make a deal" that is being hosted by Wayne Brady? Let's make a deal was another one of my guilty pleasures when i was home in the mornings, and i always thought the crazy costumes and the sonks were hilarious. They seem to be doing a good job with it! I think my favorite part of that show though has always been at the end where the host offers money to people if they can produce weird, random items from their purses/bags...
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6 responses
@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
22 Dec 09
I miss Bob as he had it so long it was his show and to me it just isnt the same not to see him up there on stage . Now I really havent watched it for 5 years.
@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
22 Dec 09
The only time it gets on here is the other grandma watches it
• United States
22 Dec 09
I still have the tendancy to turn it on if i am actually home during that part of the day, but i am no where near as avid about watching it as i once was when Bob was still the host. I am glad to see however that they didn't change much of the show, just the host.
@AmbiePam (96740)
• United States
23 Dec 09
Bob Barker was so cool. Drew Carey tries, but he can't match Bob Barker in personality and ability. Maybe in a few years Drew Carey will find his stride.
@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
23 Dec 09
and we can only hope that the popularity and love for the price is right that was founded by bob barker can carry the show through until he does! LoL
@max1950 (2306)
• United States
22 Dec 09
for the last 40 or so years i occasionally saw Barker on the P.I.R. FOR A FEW MINUTES HERE AND THERE, maybe longer if my grandmother was visiting, and i must say Carey hasn't got half the gumption that Barker had
• United States
22 Dec 09
I think what i liked most about Bob, was that he didn't really seem to fit in with the modern era....but that in it self was a breath of fresh air. He just kinda gave off this vibe of old time standards....always gentlemanly towards the women, flirted just a little bit....yet grandfatherly at the same time
@megamatt (14291)
• United States
22 Dec 09
Yeah, I do miss Bob but I think anyone would have a hard job filling his shoes. I mean, he's Bob Barker! He's a legend in the game show business. There are few if any who could match up to him. Drew Carey is doing the best he can in the role he was given. I think when you put aside the fact he isn't Bob Barker, then he's a perfectly acceptable game show host. But unfortunately, Bob had to go sometime. Watching Price is Right was a big part of my childhood and Bob Barker is the center of those memories.
• United States
22 Dec 09
I know..there was just something so charismatic about him that you were even able to feel THROUGh the tv I agree with you though, now that i think about it, if i had never seen bob host the price is right, i probably would have much better reviews of drew's job on the show. It makes me sad though to think that today's children will grow up never knowing the wonder that was Bob Barker LoL
@kaylachan (76294)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
22 Dec 09
Wow you scared me there for a second. When you mentioned Bob Barker being the formar host of The price is right I thought you were going to say he had passed away on us or something. When I saw a Jim Carry Episode of the Price is Right I had no idea he'd taken over the show permently. I saw a few second clip on youtube that involved a strange ....yeah... cos-played version of Sailor moon. I went like o.o when I saw that. But glad to know he's alive still. Bob I mean. rough losing him but hey at least as far as I know he's alive and probably wants the break.
• United States
22 Dec 09
Sorry..didn't mean to scare you and make you think he had passed on! Nope, so far as i know he is still alive and kicking (well, kicking as hard as a man in his mid 80's can anyways LoL) and probably still playing golf on a regular basis, as it is one of his favorite pasttimes. Oh..and i think you mean DREW carey...though Jim Carey as a host would be even more amusing! LoL...
• United States
22 Dec 09
I love Bob barker as well. I also love drew on the show he is faster with everything. I think he is doing a better job than Bob was able to do . he was just too old to keep up. Great post here I say..
• United States
22 Dec 09
I suppose i can see your point.....but at the same time he was just so grandfatherly and poised all the time. I have noticed that the crowed in the audience has changed a lot since drew took over. It used to be a pretty even mix of mostly college aged kids, then the older, retired generation. Now the college aged kids and younger generation dominate the audience, and i thin kthis is due to drew. (just my veiw) This could be a good thing for keeping The Price is Right alive and breathing and on air.