AARRgghhh!!! Thanks Again Stupid Cable Company!!

United States
December 22, 2009 5:05pm CST
Somedays I just want to hit somebody or something ya know? Today its my stupid , stupid cable co. again; http://mexico-mo.uscable.com/ I wake up really really early of a morning most days, My plan was to get on the internet check a few things, I have no INTERNET this morning, No phone and no cable...well there was sound but the picture quality was AWFUL SNOWY/STATIC CRAP!! so I fix breakfast do a few things plug in my cell phone to charge up so I can call them at 8:00 a.m. which I did and the "stinker" on the other end says once again THEY ARE DOING UPGRADES IN YOUR AREA!!!!!!!! same stupid answer I get all the time...UPGRADES MY BIG OLD BUTT!!!! I'm getting really really tired of it, I had no internet service friday/afternoon/night went to bed I was so irritated, all weekend it all worked fine, yesterday it was in and out in and out, and then NOTHING/..........@@##@@!!!!!!!!!!!!! couldn't watch my shows last night, couldn't get on the internet last night, couldn't use my friggin frackin phone....so I took my meds and went to bed...(sigh)! and then the same old crap still when I got up...GEEE I wonder what will happen later tonight or in the morning again? so how was your day??? do you have all of your services in one place? I am beginning to regret having all three of mine at the same place.... I sure hope they get their act together and SOON!!
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13 responses
@kellyjeanne (1576)
• United States
22 Dec 09
I would be on the warpath myself, Jan! That's one reason why I'm afraid to bundle (as they say). I have my internet with my phone company. They say that bundling in the long run saves money, but, I'm still a little nervous about doing it for the very reasons you've mentioned. Like all of us I do many things online and I can't afford to be offline for 1 or 2 days like that. You would think that at the very least they would warn you about the so called, 'upgrades'! I hope you are able to get your internet and cable back very soon, hon! Purrs, Catwoman=^..^= & Mija
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• United States
23 Dec 09
HI Kellyjeanne: How ya doin?? Hey you were "first" this time around (G)!! Yeah that's the whole idea to bundle and save money...pffttt!!! Great idea until it all "poops out"....and Lord Knows I am the worlds worst when it comes to having NO PATIENCE for this kind of crap! LOL! I even had women at the YMCA asking me today , What's wrong? I was that mad for my class and missed my class yesterday cause I was so friggin mad... no, they never give you any kind of notice or warning for their "upgrades"... that's the same thing they ALWAYS say... When I was headed out to the farm this morning I saw one of the cable company's truck/vans a guy was up high working on a pole and I had this awful thought of RAMMING THE VAN...LOLOL! you know Road rage sort of thing but I didn't... I thought about it, but I didn't do it... Glad to see you... Happy Holidays to you if I dont' get back on here before then...one never knows with my set up here...(sigh)!!
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• United States
23 Dec 09
LOL! I've had thoughts like that many times in my life! So, don't feel so bad about that! I used some of my points from My Points to get my housekeeper a $50 gift certificate at Macy's. She mentioned that Macy's is her favorite store, so, this will be a nice surprise for her! I hope that you and your family have a great Christmas and a wonderful New Year! Stay safe, too! Purrs, Catwoman=^..^= & Mija
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• United States
26 Dec 09
Hi Kellyjeanne: MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! Wow! That was nice of you to do that for your housekeeper; I have a mypoints account but I never seem to get around to do anything in it; I hear and read where a lot of people do get many things from it; I must try to do better at that in the coming year and get back to doing so many other things too ( to help earn some money).. There just is never enough time in the day you know? Hope you had a Grand day today... Love & hugs to you... oh yeah I still want to just "ram" that Cable van...LOL!!
• United States
23 Dec 09
Yea bundles usually suck as it either all works or none of it works. Yes, I've had this problem many times before and usually I just demand an ample refund seeing they could have notified everyone they were doing these upgrades or changes before they did it. And if it takes too long I usually just ccntact our district manager of our bundle provider (Cox Communications). Either way it works out pretty well but I would demand a ample refund if I were you.
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• United States
26 Dec 09
tgillen; Oh trust me I plan on complaining about it but knowing this place they won't give out any sort of credit on my next bill..PPffttt! Wishful thinking I'm sure; Welcome to mylot and thanks for stopping by; Glad to have my service today I know that much (G)!! HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!
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• United States
26 Dec 09
heroman; HUH?
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23 Dec 09
defo =D
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
25 Dec 09
Well if that was me then I would ask for a refund for the Days you where not able to use it as that is terrible you are paying for a service and you are not getting it and that is awful Jan tell them that you want a refund, if it was just a couple of hours fair do but not for that length of time
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• United States
26 Dec 09
Hi ya Gabs; How's little Gisi?? OH trust me I plan on bellowing about it very loudly when I pay my next bill but I doubt it will do me any good; places like this in our small towns know most of us have very few options when it comes to Cable and stuff; Happy Holidays to you!! Give that little Gissi a big old Hug now for me will you??
1 person likes this
• United States
23 Dec 09
ours goes down occasionally too-we have the bundle service. it's not always all of them at once,just maybe the net and cable. worst thing they ever did tho was shut us off when they meant to shut off the people next door..i guess they don't have it marked at the pole. that they had to credit my bro for because it was out all day.
2 people like this
• United States
26 Dec 09
Hi Scarlet_woman: OH no, now that would make me mad to have them disconnect me when it should have been next door...ARRgghh!! Yeah when I see those darn Cable trucks here where I live especially when its close to my unit I always try to make sure they are dis-connecting the right ones and not mine; its just so frustrating ( for me) when the service goes out and they always ALWAYS do it when my silly soap opera's are on and then I'm gone, and all I have on my VCR tape is a black/blank pile of NOTHING... if I'm home and know the stuff is off then I can run out to my Dad's farm and at least maybe watch my silly soap's (G)! Yeah I'm that addicted...LOL! Happy Holidays to you;
1 person likes this
• United States
27 Dec 09
LOL my mom is too.. and she's found the soap channel,so it's non-stop now LOL ah well,it makes her happy.
@jerzgirl (9327)
• United States
23 Dec 09
Woo hoo!!! She made it!!! So what was it, around 4:30 when you finally got service again? That's effin ridiculous, I'll tell you!! You'd damned well better get a credit for that full day of service for all three things that you didn't have!! Good talking to you again, though, GF. Man - we were BOTH fired up about events in our lives, weren't we??? Holy mackeral! I'm just happy you were able to get back on to the 'Lot and enjoy your Christmas bonus for a bit. Something's better than nothing in these days of famine, right?
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@jerzgirl (9327)
• United States
23 Dec 09
It's odd because my friend in Virginia has the bundle as does my aunt in Arizona and neither of them has those kinds of outages. Maybe it's just because it's a brand new feature in your area that they're not through installing? If so, then they shouldn't offer the service until they're completely done!
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• United States
26 Dec 09
Hey Girlfriend!! Yeah we were fired up for sure weren't we?? I'm not sure what time it came back on the other day it was "late" I know that much; I was so "F"IN MAD THAT DAY!! I thought I was gonna bust a blood vessel for sure; This town just has stupid people in it that do things ...they don't do it right and can't do it right and that way they have to do it over and over and over and over and its just insane!! ARARRgghhh!!
• United States
26 Dec 09
Oh yeah DUH! I forgot ...That figures maybe your friends in VA and AZ have smart people that work there and know what they are doing huh? LOL! Like I said my town is just full of idiots and A$$holes and have no clue as to what they are doing;
@smartie0317 (1610)
• United States
22 Dec 09
Sorry to hear that. My day was fine because I was on break, but due to all the snow NJ got I am sick now. I agree with you about breaking them up so they're not all from the same company. I have comcast and my internet used to go in and out all the time. So, after finally getting someone to come, they used to only help over the phone and I had no time to be home, someone came a week later and charged us 50 bucks, despite saying it was free and I told them "If it's not free, don't come. We don't have any money to pay you!". They reconnected my box. Now, because this trip was free, they couldn't fix our tv's cable which was bad. Now, that I think about it I'm annoyed because they shouldn't have charge me because it was there fault my internet was not installed right...
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• United States
23 Dec 09
HI Smartie; Oh Wow! I didn't realize or remember that you too live out in that area that got hit so hard with all that snow...OMG!! I feel for you I really do; That is just WAY TOO MUCH SNOW ! (for me ) it would be; Oh Lord sounds like you really got the screws put to you too; How awful that these companies can just take advantage of us you know? They all want their stinkin money A.S.AP. but as soon as the service is blowing chunks they get all Uppity about it...Like its all our fault; Sorry you had to go through that, but I think for the most part it probably happens to many of us and we just don't know about it you know? There's no sense in it; You be careful now in all that blasted snow out there .... There's another big system headed my way which of course will again be headed out east by Christmas?? or the weekend?? Happy Holidays to you if I don't get back online between now and then;
1 person likes this
• United States
23 Dec 09
Thanks. I hope you have a nice holiday, too. I really hope there isn't anymore snow. The cold I can deal with, but the people here like refuse to shovel.
@Thoroughrob (11742)
• United States
23 Dec 09
I had that trouble a couple of weeks ago, but I don't have my phone with them. My internet and cable would go off for hours at a time and then just come back on. It happened like 5 times in a few days.
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• United States
23 Dec 09
Hi Thouroughrob: How are you? OH My! Doesn't it just make you crazy though or is it just me? I swear this has gone on now for months and just when you think they are done (like they said they were) when I bundled up my services with them then this happens just two weeks later...very very frustrating (for me it is); and now that the crap is all back on for the moment I'm so tired I'm headed off to bed...crazy huh? Happy Holidays to you, just in case I am not able to get back online between now and Friday ok?
@GardenGerty (162499)
• United States
23 Dec 09
My phone and internet come through ATT, and they are fine. I do not have cable or dish or anything on the TV. I do not think I need it. I would be looking for an alternative if I was in your shoes. It does you no good to "have" these services, if you are never able to use them.
• United States
26 Dec 09
HI Gerty; How's the Cold weather your way huh? DARN WINDY here! Yeah it is very very aggravating, and I do hope it all improves and soon; I had my old service with AT&T too for awhile there but they always seem to jack up the prices and have fee after fee's...(sigh)!! It just makes me crazy though as that's the only answer I ever get when its down...we are doing "upgrades" in your area blah blah blah...if only that were true... stay warm now!! Happy Holidays to you!!!
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@leenie50 (3992)
• United States
23 Dec 09
Hey Jan, Sometimes those all in one deals are no deal at all. Our computer and TV are with our Cable co. and then we just have cell phones with Verizon. So as long as I am able to pay the bill, we at least have one or the other. We got rid of our home phone years ago. Merry Christmas sweetie. Hugs Leenie
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• United States
26 Dec 09
Hey {{Leenie~darlin}} Merry Christmas to you too!! Hope you had a good holiday today, twas darn cold here that blasted wind I could surely do without it; yeah this is the first time I've ever had/or done any type of package deal, hopefully it will work out for me, time will tell I guess; Love & hugs to you stay warm!!
@cyrus123 (6363)
• United States
23 Dec 09
Hi Jan! Just when you get your cable back they decide to do upgrades! I was so happy for you when you were able to get it again and now this,! My day has been pretty busy and I'm tired now. I swept and mopped my kitchen floor and believe me, it's a big floor and it was dirty! It took a lot of time to get it done. I put it off long enough and even though I'm not having company for Christmas, I wanted it to look nice for the holiday. I hope everything goes better for you tomorrow and that you will get your cable back. I hope you and yours have a very Merry Christmas!Kathy.
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@GardenGerty (162499)
• United States
26 Dec 09
Yes, the weather is really cold and predicted to stay that way for a few days. I have some aches and pains that are really getting to me, and keeping me from sleep, and of course they happen when everything is closed. I would visit the chiropractor otherwise. I do not live alone, so I do not have as much lonely time as you might. I am glad you have the option of watching your shows at your dad's place.
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• United States
26 Dec 09
HI Ya Kathy; MERRY CHRISTMAS TO YOU; Yeah I really really really hate it when I'm without my Cable TV, but that day they had the whole darn system down, no Cable high speed internet WHICH I AM LOVING when its on and working (G)!!! But that day I had no phone, no cable and no internet and old Jan was hot under the collar let me tell ya! and then to get that "snarky woman" on the phone...we are doing "upgrades" in your area, same silly answer I always get from them just put me over the edge.. UGH! I need to mop my floors too when it rains my dog tracks in of course and I do too and the neighbor kids have been in and out and well IT'S DIRTY...my shoulders and arms have been killing me as I've been busy baking and cooking in preparation for Christmas today so my next project then is to CLEAN THIS NASTY FLOOR!! ugh! I HATE CLEANING TOO!! LOL! Wish I had a magic wand to just ZAP IT CLEAN! Hope your holiday is a nice one for you, its been awful cold and very very windy here today thankfully once again my area missed out on a big snowy/icy storm we only had about an inch of snow but we have ICE from all the rain the last few days too, so it all sucks! I hate winter, I hate ice, and I especially hate the cold; {{hugs to you }}} frozen Jan.....
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@cyrus123 (6363)
• United States
26 Dec 09
It's bad when you have to do without any of this stuff, isn't it? I'm bundling with at&t and I hope it never happens to me. I have dishnetwork with my television. My house is very quiet even with the television, radio, or clothes washer going. I would probably go crazy if I had to do without any of these things. The reason why it's like this is because I'm set back so far from the road. Also, when daddy built the house 50 years ago, he had the walls soundproofed. I like it quiet like this, in a way, but it can get a little too quiet without the television, vacuum cleaner, etc. going. I know just how you feel about the cold, wet winter weather, too. I don't like it, either. We don't get as much snow as youall do but what little we do get, it only sticks about every other year. I only get out in it long enough to feed my horse and I'm ready to get back in the house. I loved it when I was a child but now it makes me ache. Kathy.
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@nijolechu (1842)
• Canada
23 Dec 09
My stuff isn't really all carried by one company or place. My internet is supplied by the telephone company I use. Good thing they are so up to date and correct any problems with my connection. My cable is a whole separate thing. Whenever it goes out I usually have to wait a few days before they can fix the problem.
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• United States
26 Dec 09
Hi there nijolechu: Wow that's awful that you have to wait several days for your cable when it goes out I'd go stark raving crazy...LOL! Being on Disability my TV, and my internet time is about all I have in life you know? Well I do have other things but you know what I mean right? Thanks for stopping by, sorry it took me so long to get back to you, been crazy busy baking and cooking for Christmas today; Happy holidays to you;
@madteaparty (2748)
• Japan
23 Dec 09
Fortunately in my apartment I have never had any problem with any service provider. Internet, gas, electricity, water, etc work correctly so far. Where I lived previously we had electricity and internet outages all the time, I got angry every time it happened.
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• United States
23 Dec 09
Hi Madteaparty: ( love your username there ) (G)!!!!!! Wow! I guess this sort of thing just happens to all of us at one time or another but it sure makes me crazy here of late; Being without Electricity though is worse you can't do anything and this time of year its just too cold for that!! Hopefully you won't have to endure any more outages either, thanks for stopping by; Happy Holidays to you!!
23 Dec 09
lol hilarious
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• United States
26 Dec 09
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