I lost my virginty a mouth ago and i regret it,help plez?

United States
December 23, 2009 2:41am CST
I'm 20 and my bf is 21 i know thats is the age of an aduit but still i have been having a lot of regete of losting in october of this year.(i don't know if its cus i was a v for so long or what) i have been cheat on before and i hate the fact that he mit be, but at the same time i don't want to be one of those girl friends that keep thinking their bf is cheating when their not i know alot of people cheat but there still people out there that don't. I have been mad at my self that i have been regreting this . if there is any words of wiesdom that would be good.
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34 responses
• Canada
25 Dec 09
Most people have lost their virginity to a person they are not going to be with for the rest of their lives. I think you need to let it go as hard as that may be because regret will serve only to upset you, it's not like it is something you can get back. Make the mature decision and move on.
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• Canada
25 Dec 09
Hun don't worry so much about it. It happens to us all, I just can't believe that you held out for so long. I was eightteen when I lost mine and I had serious regrets. I just regretted how it happened though. It wasn't with anyone special you see. Anyway I got over it and I was with someone special afterwards. So that's gotta count for something. But I think we all feel that way afterwards. So just lighten up and give yourself a break, it's not the end of the world.
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@lelin1123 (15594)
• Puerto Rico
23 Dec 09
I was in your shoes 33 years ago. I lost my virginity at the same age. I felt sick and dirty after it was all done. It was not a very good experience even though I loved the guy so much. We were together for 11 years and two kids later. I felt better after about two weeks but still was not happy that I gave it up. However, I know I was probably the last of my friends to lose it but it just felt really bad when it happened. As to you dealing with cheating my ex cheated big time and that is why we are not together. To me about 70% of men cheat and there is no running away from it. I got a good guy that I have been with for the past 20 years and he won't cheat because he loves me but also because he is terrified of getting a disease and bringing it home to me. Good luck to you.
• United States
23 Dec 09
yeah thats exzatily what i feel like i keep crying i don't know whats wrong with me its crazy.
@shadow41 (2351)
• Philippines
23 Dec 09
Hi. I feel sorry for you but it already happened. You can't bring back your virginity anymore. All you have to do now is protect and nurture the love you're sharing with your boyfriend. But always use your mind. It happened and a second, third, fourth time is not that impossible. So both of you should protect yourselves especially you from becoming pregnant. Trust your boyfriend and trust your instinct. Don't let anybody fool you. Don't lose self worth. It's a normal thing to happen. Even if you're married you still can't be too sure that you and your husband will stay together for the rest of your lives. shadow41
@kd_fmay (554)
• Philippines
23 Dec 09
Hey, I agree with this.... You're good adviser shadow41.
@shadow41 (2351)
• Philippines
23 Dec 09
Well thanks. shadow41
@atebuds (187)
• Philippines
23 Dec 09
I am not saying that what you did is right. Because if you belong to the old school, it is immoral. And you're only supposed to do it with your husband when you're married. But we are in a different era now. It is now acceptable to those who has an open mind and who understands. Don't feel bad or guilty. You did it with your boyfriend. I just hope that you really love each other. Try your very best to avoid doing it again. Unless you really want to. Just be very cautious as not to get pregnant, because that will cause you the real problem later on. Be strong..
• United States
23 Dec 09
i like some of the stuff you say but plez don't tell me about the immoral stuff some kind of way my church found out and i really don't want to hear it from some one else right now.
@atebuds (187)
• Philippines
23 Dec 09
Please don't get me wrong. I am not trying to be a preacher. What I'm saying is, during the old times, it was immoral. But nowadays, it is already acceptable. So you don't have to be guilty or feel wrong about it. What is important is that you love your boyfriend, and your boyfriend loves you. Stay in love if possible. It's so wonderful to be in love. Take care..
• India
23 Dec 09
Well!! I would only like to say this "A human is allowed to make mistakes but the person that does not repeat them is on the way of becoming super-human(god)". So,humans are bound to make mistakes and if you learn from it that is the greatest achievement in one's life.You have learnt a lesson from you own personal experience. If you repeat the mistake then you can feel the emotions that u r feeling now. I don't think u should be regretting on the thing that happened to you. A person who doesn't explore life will never make such mistakes and he is stupid. You are exploring your life and that is a normal human behavior. Just learn from it and move ahead. Best of luck!!!
@agv0419 (3021)
• Philippines
23 Dec 09
I don't know what to advice because I don't have experience too. I think you should be ready about the consequences of it and be careful next time because you might get pregnant. I have personal reason why I'm still virgin up to now but I think it is not an issue anymore if you lose your virginity as long as you now how to be responsible and be careful.
• Canada
28 Dec 09
My husband and I were not virgins when we met eachother, but because of how we felt about eachother, and how we trusted eachother, and still feel about and trust eachother, there are no worries about how our relationship will be, or whether or not the other is being faithful. It's the relationship itsself, not virginity, that will tell you how faithful he is.
@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
29 Dec 09
How silly...it's a bit late to be worried now. You were not too worried last October. If you lost it to stop your boyfriend cheating then you are very silly indeed . No man is worth you being untrue to yourself...ever. A good man will not let you be untrue to yourself.
• India
24 Dec 09
Life is ongoing always, so don't regret n look back - it will pinch u again n again. it happened which u were not able to stop so let the life goes with the same smooth flow.
@kquiming (2997)
• Philippines
24 Dec 09
well a lot of people go through with that kind of confused feelings mixed with regrets, but like the saying goes, there's no use crying over spilled milk. You gotta learn to forgive yourself and next time be more careful with your decisions especially if it's something that can never be undone again.
@nrn2003 (661)
• United States
24 Dec 09
I am sorry that you do regret losing your virginity to a boy that you dont know you will spend your life with. I am proud to say that I slept with the guy that I will spend my life with forever. We were not married yet, but as of today ew have been together for almost nine years and we are soon going to be engaged. The one bit of advice that I can give you is this, If you dont know if he is cheating, be aware, but dont be paranoid. More than likely if he is cheating you will find out. Not everyone cheats. Many do but not all. So give him the benfit of the doubt. Until he gives you a reason to believe he may be cheating, dont waste your time worrying about it. Enjoy your time together. If you sit around and think he is cheating and he isnt' you will be making yourself miserablea nd your time with him miserable, and at that time he may start to think about cheating because you two aren't happy. Just be happy and optimistic.
• Philippines
24 Dec 09
This may sound weird and strange but by the time I give it to my husband I don't have any regret. After that he married me at least he's the one. I gave it before we got married. So I can say that it was fine for my case. Well, for you I can say that the damage has been done. Stop blaming yourself and start to stand up again. Forget it, you can still enjoy life.
@quita88 (3715)
• United States
25 Dec 09
Forget the regret. What is done is done and if you do find out your boyfriend is cheating, leave him. Until that time, enjoy the man and don't drive him nuts. We women all lose our virginity at one time or the other but good grief, it's a fact of life, go on and enjoy what you have. Regret will eat you alive. Stay calm and go on with life. You'll be happier if you let yourself just be who you are, a woman.
@olepmis (840)
• Philippines
24 Dec 09
Forgive yourself for losing your virginity. Time will heal the pain and soon you will forget it. You really love the man that's why you gave all the way. Trust your bf and pray your bf will not cheat you.
@34momma (13882)
• United States
24 Dec 09
what's done is done now. you should not regret it now. if you keep thinking your boyfriend is cheating then you are going to push him away. like you said, not every boy is a cheater. if he is a good guy who is treating you well then you need to be happy and not worry
@Harley009 (1416)
• India
24 Dec 09
Virginity gone means its gone, it is not gonna get back. However if you feel guilty of what you have done, you may keep your mind better from now onwards, and don't go for that :p You may understand or not I don't know because you are from the US, and se.x is not an issue there at all, However I'm being an Indian and a Muslim I suggest you that se.x is sacred it is not to be done with someone, as I believe se.x is to be done only with our married partner. However the concept of marriage and relationship has been turned upside down in this world now. I had been a virgin man until I got married in my 26.
@judelen (428)
• Philippines
24 Dec 09
Hello! Cheer up for you are not alone! I've also lost my virginity with my first boyfriend many years ago. The fact that we really love each other. During that time i'll never had a problem of love because he really love me. But thing gonna be changed and happened which you cannot tell, until I meet my husband now. The first thing in my mind was that i have no choice to any guy except my former boyfriend because he got me already. But my husband now courted me, and i really fell different to him may be because we are in the same field in our job. But what i did was that i told my husband now frankly that i'm not a virgin anymore. But because he really love me he agree with me and even not asking me why i do that or any question, he accept me. So in my experience being a virgin is not an issue in marriage, if your boyfriend cheated you, just tell honestly to your husband to be what had happened. I'm sure that guys now is already broad-minded people but still there are guys also not thinking that way. But the most important there is the love and relationship that you have. Cheer up, continue to do good, learned from the past and pray to GOD.
@aerous (13434)
• Philippines
24 Dec 09
I think you don't be mad of yourself if you agree with your bf doing it. But if he done someone that force you make it...You need to be regret because you did not resist. Since that is being happen you don't get it back. What you do now, is to think the second move. Because it is possible your being pregnant. If that will be the case you should talk to your boyfriend before your parents knowing it...But if your being pregnant you should to your bf to be ready on the consequences that you both doing... That is normal for a girl losing their virginity I think but that is only a few days then you forgot what happen...
@ebuscat (5935)
• Philippines
24 Dec 09
That's not good that you gave it your boyfriend unless if he's the one you want to be your husband so that there's no hard to ex plane if ever if your husband is not you bf now.
• India
24 Dec 09
Hey dear Don't be so angry on yourself, if you had made a sin if you think then forget it, if you keep on thinking i lost my virginity, this & that, then it affect your personality.So be matured and think that one day you had to lose your virginity and that day had gone.If you feel like your boy friend will cheat you later on then your relationship won't work for long and your nightmare may come true.There is whole life in front of you don't spoil them. Merry X-mas & happy mylotting ^_^