And people think that cats don't feel emotions

@Loverbear (4918)
United States
December 24, 2009 12:34am CST
I just got back from feeding Max. Max weighs about 20 pounds and came to my neighborhood about five years ago. He started looking for someone to live with the next street over. While the people loved the guy, they couldn't handle that Max never shut up!!! (LOL) Max is a real conversationalist. I heard him meowing in the draw behind my home and started calling him. What emerged from the shrubs was a beautiful cream colored long haired boy with the most amazing yellow green eyes that pierced your very soul. He tried to join my family, but my crew really didn't want another boarder. He was relegated to live outside. I set up a house for him complete with bedding and a heater. He got food and treats and petted and talked to constantly. Then one day Max disappeared. We couldn't figure out where he went, but figured he crawled in someone's car and rode home with them. You see Max loved to ride in my BF's golf cart, on the roof of my car and yes even in the passenger seat when I went to check my mail. So, it would be simple for him to ride home with someone. One day we went to our 83 year old friends house for dinner, and there was Max, sitting on the patio table like he owned the place. Our friends had just had to put down their dog of 15 years of age. Max came up to console them over their loss. He had wrapped the couple around his paw! The husband is very fussy about his cars and would have fits if a cat or raccoon would step on it. Not with Max, Max can do anything he wants. Max gets special treats, expensive cat food and turkey and other meats on a daily basis. The wife will go out and brush Max twice a day and then they will sit and talk. The husband has lunch with Max and will of course fix a plate for Max. A couple of years ago, just after Max moved in with the pair, the husband sustained second and third degree burns over 30% of his body. Because of his age we really didn't expect him to survive. He was transferred to a hospital 100 miles from his wife, and his wife wasn't able to drive. We would take her there periodically to visit the husband as he was in the burn hospital for two months. What was wonderful during her time of need was that Max was there to keep her company, perform outrageous stunts, and to give her the love and understanding she so desperately needed. He kept her busy and entertained. If nothing else he would curl up in her lap and hug her close. This year when our friend's son suddenly died and the wife was beside herself with sorrow, Max would be on her lap every time that the wife sat down. He would stare into her eyes and purr and "talk" to her for hours. As the husband said, Max saved the woman's life and sanity, just by giving her love. The wife admitted to me that she would talk to Max and cry in his fur. He would snuggle up close and become that combination consoler and kleenex to catch her tears. When she was done crying and would crawl into her own mind, Max would sit on her lap and purr and hug her hand. It amazes me every time I think about it, Max was very happy with us and loved his home; but something in him said that these people needed him more. He was so right with the amount of emotional and physical problems they have had, Max has become a very true and loving friend. Even now, when they went up north to spend Christmas with friends, Max is right there at his "home" waiting for his people to come back so he can be there for them and love them and comfort them unconditionally. At this time of year, when we are wrapped up in ourselves and sometimes giving to those less fortunate, it is wonderful to see someone who gives to those in need without any thought to the return. How great the world would be if we each could do the same unconditional caring that a simple cat that had been dumped could do for a pair of people who really needed the extra love.
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5 responses
@minx267 (15527)
• Hartford, Connecticut
24 Dec 09
Ok, thanks for making me cry! What a wonderful story.. I really believe that they do KNOW. I have 14 wonderful cats that have 14 different ways of showing me how much they care. I am glad Max found a place he loved. You must've have been surprised to find him there. I have a few cats that have left my house and go to "visit" the neighbor around the corner. She feeds all the cats canned food twice a day. Mine may disappear for a week or more during the summer.. She treats them so well. I think they are a great motivation for her to get out of bed and keep moving. I am in negotiations with my 12 year old cat now to move back home. He lives with her for the summer the last few years -but always came home for the winter.. This year he prefers it there (even in the cold). I have brought him home a half a dozen times and he will stay for the day and then leave the first chance he gets (right between the dogs legs as they run out into the yard). I guess maybe he thinks she needs him more than I do. He disappeared for almost 3 months this summer and neither her nor I know where he was. Maybe he is spreading his love around. Everyone of my friends who has come over always talk about GOBI when I see them again.. I have over a dozen others but Gobi makes himself memorable.. He too is a beige cat with gorgeous yellow green eyes......
@Maggiepie (7816)
• United States
24 Dec 09
Aha! I knew I liked you! You love Garett and cats! talk about "good taste!" Maggiepie 'SAY 'MERRY CHRISTMAS!'"
@xuara1 (82)
• United States
24 Dec 09
This is a really heartwarming story. I admit I don't have anything as incredible as that, but I have even seen a cat or two cry before, though people say they can't. In 2006, I went to England, and my mom's cat who we had owned since she was 3 months old would mope around and cry at my bedroom door and sneak in whenever my mom went in for any reason. She spent almost all her time at my door, even sleeping there. I really think she missed me. Now I'm in Utah and they are in Texas, and I must say I miss her, and my mom, very much. I would bet anything that she misses me too.
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@ElicBxn (63532)
• United States
24 Dec 09
Isn't that the truth! Cats can be so sensitive. Oh, I know they have a rep as loners, but there are some nights I wish they were as 3 or 4 of them vie to be the closest to my face! Oliver came up and was kissing (licking) my cheek this morning, saying "Hi Mom! I love you!" I only wish more people would come to realize that cats are great friends and fun companions!
@Maggiepie (7816)
• United States
24 Dec 09
Of course they do! Only someone who's never known a cat could possibly imagine they don't! I've known it since the very first time I even saw a cat (age 3). What a wonderful story! You should sell it (Cat Fancy Magazine would love it, I'll bet), so as to spread it around to as many people as possible! It's such a warm-hearted, uplifting story. Thank you so much for sharing it! Maggiepie 'SAY 'MERRY CHRISTMAS!'"
• Saudi Arabia
25 Dec 09
AWWWW that is a real emotinonal story, I love it and I love cats, I have a cat called Pinky and she is the most thing I love in the world even though my mom wants me to get rid of it for no reason, but still I'm hanging on to her. Everytime she gives birth to those little kittens I would give them away coz I just can't afford it but not Pinky, she is my daughter :D I remember once I digested poisonous liquids "long story" and I was there lying with no movement, I think I passed out at some moment, and even thoug my cat do not get too close to me especially when I'm laying on bed, that day she was sitting right on top of my pillow looking at me all the time I've been there, wehn I woke up after my passing out hours later she was still there looking at me and crying in a very low voice like she was waking me up, suprisingly when she saw me open my eyes and actually woke up she just hopped off the bed and sat on the floor like she just got relieved! I couldn't believe it, then I crawled for help and spent about a week at the hospital :( when I got back "and once again Pinky doesn't approach me so often" she ran too fast to my feet and was actually rubbing her body all over my legs with her tail up! you know what it means when you have a cat, it means she is sooo happy to see me back, WOW I was so surprised I held her up an hugged her so hard she was hugging me like she never did, and yeah she doesn't hug she is one remarkable snobby cat :P but I love her regardless Now she wants to get outside after I gave her kittens away, she is soooo bored but I just wouln't let her out because my bro has other cats that live outside in our house that I don't want them to hurt her, plus I know she would run away and I can't afford to lose her :( Thanx for the story I really got watery eyes, all of ya'll your stories are amazing