Do you know how to pray?

praying - do you know how to pray?
@simonelee (2715)
December 24, 2009 10:52am CST
Hello guys. This question may sound stupid to some people but have you ever questioned your self if you really know how to talk to Him?? Do you still pray? Do you know how to pray?? I'm not sure if there are people who pray using a format in praying and in every situation? WE people have different ways in taking to HIM. We pray to thank him and ask for something and etc. or simply pray what we feel at that moment. In your case, how do you usually pray? can you pray anywhere and anytime? Merry Christmas to all and God Bless.
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25 responses
@menolly22 (217)
• United States
24 Dec 09
I pray any old way and anytime. It may just be a quick one sent up for someone that needs strength or healing. Or it may be my long drawn out one as I'm laying in bed. God doesn't care how you pray, as long as you pray. My boys on the other hand have certain prayers for meals and a certain prayer for bedtime. But they are still too young to fully understand prayer. I am just now teaching my 4 year old that you can ask God for anything and can say anything to God. He understands it all. Afterall, he is God
@simonelee (2715)
• China
26 Dec 09
I also pray while laying in bed but i fell asleep so i have to repeat all the mysteries, i think i did it for 4 times until i finished praying the rosary . I was so sleepy at that time when i did that. Now, i prefer seating while doing it. That's nice. I guess your four year old child is so cute every time he/she pray. Pretty sure a smile paint in your face when you hear your baby praying. Such an innocent voice. Thanks for the response. Merry Christmas!
@cream97 (29085)
• United States
24 Dec 09
Yes, I know how to pray. I don't always get on my knees either. I can pray by standing up or sitting down. I pray secretly to God and I do it in a way that is pleasing unto Him. I pray 24/7. It does not matter the time or day. I pray when things are going well in my life and when they are looking bad. I pray when I need guidance in my life. I pray when distress comes upon me and my family. I can pray as I am cleaning and walking around. Prayer can happen for me anytime. I do talk out loud to God.
@simonelee (2715)
• China
26 Dec 09
Me either. Kneeling is okay for few minutes but kneeling while praying the rosary? I can't stand the pain. I prefer to seat while doing it so that i can concentrate and meditate on the mysteries. Its good to know that there are still people who pray if the are happy. It's very common to us that we only talk to HIM if we are in trouble. And if the prayers are answered we tend to forget HIM and thank Him for listening. Merry Christmas.
@Harley009 (1416)
• India
23 Jan 10
For All types of prayers we Muslims have clear guidance from almighty God that how to do them and when to do or where to do, etc. Peace.
@rainie30 (146)
• United States
28 Dec 09
There are no stupid questions! I think people who follow a specific format or verses aren't doing it the right way. God doesn't want puppets, otherwise he wouldn't have given us free will. I believe that by speaking from your heart, and as often as you feel appropriate, is the right way to go. We thank God every day for our food, our family, our friends, our family. We pray when family or friends fall ill or get hurt. We pray at Bible Study. We talk to Him when we are confused. He is our Father, so He hears from us a lot. :-)
@dhysanne (449)
• Philippines
22 Jan 10
There are lots of ways in praying. Participating the Holy Mass, praying novena, praying the Holy Rosary, and doing it in your own personal way. I pray most of the time. When I was a kid, I always pray for guidance to my family and thanking Him for all the blessings. When I was in grade school, we were thought this simple guide on praying. A.C.T.S. Adoration-praising God; Confession-Asking forgiveness; Thanksgiving-thanking God for everything; and Supplication means to plead humbly. Approaching God with our request, asking God for exactly what we want.
• India
22 Jan 10
Most of the people pray God to ask something. God has given everything on this earth. Still we ask. God wants us to live like king not like begger. We should use our life and whatever God has created for the service towards mankind. God will be happy to see this rather being prayed for something always.
• India
25 Dec 09
Personally I don't think one does need to know how to pray. I don't know how to pray particularly. Whenever I feel like praying I pray at the moment.
@missweety (626)
• Latvia
25 Dec 09
Hello! To my mind there are no rules how to talk to HIM and I don't believe that if you talk to HIM in your way that HE won't hear you!!! I don't go to church, I don't pray.. but when I have really hard times, when I don't see the way out, then Yes, I do ask help, I don't ask in a kind or rhymes or text from a bible, I just ask in my words!!! And I have experienced HIS reply...So you don't have to use specific phrases or special words, just talk from your heart and remember that HE hears you sees you through, just be honest and talk through your heart!!! Good luck!!!
@srganesh (6339)
• India
25 Dec 09
I don't think there should be an exact format to pray.When you can focus your mind towards the lord,then whatever you think of becomes a prayer.If there is a strict format to be followed then there is the danger of it to get mechanical and it holds no use then.
@ckyera (17331)
• Philippines
27 Dec 09
hello simonelee! yeah, i still pray...i always pray! i pray before every meals, before i leave the house, before i sleep, when i wake up... i pray whenever possible. well, the way i pray to Him is like i am talking to Him, i say what's on my heart, what i feel... usually on my prayers, specially on the devotional prayer that i am doing, i ask for forgiveness in all my sins, i praise His name, thank Him for everything, ask for what i wished/hoped for...i also pray for my loved ones...and everything i asked in the name of Christ... and also, i bring all the glory back to Him... and as much as possible, i want my prayers to be a solemn one coz i want to feel Hi presence... God bless my friend!
• India
27 Dec 09
Hi simonelee, i think it is not a particular way to pray god. god lives in our soul he says you think about me so we think about him all time it doesn't matter how to pray.
• United States
25 Dec 09
I accepted God and He is my Father.I always pray like if were talking to Him in person.I always give thanks first.I talked about my day and my problems.I ask Him for advices.I don't really think that everybody should have the same way of praying. I think that God would love you to be yourself when talking to Him and not pray in a way that other tells you to.Of course that is just my way of thinking.
• United States
25 Dec 09
God know what is in our mind n heart. It is very simple to pray, just close your eyes, wether you are in where ever place, and think that you are in front of God, and than wish whatever you wish. simple and really works. Merry Xmas n Happy New Year
• India
25 Dec 09
hi its not bout praying its bout having a good feelling in you and positive attitude that gives you a lead toward u r success. well praying is bout yourself and making yorrself ready to fit the challenges u going to face and thats what its all about praying. Ya i pray many times to get confident in me and so as to face the upcoming events and to get lead in to that. Praying is good, anytime u want and it has no limitation and make u feel good andshow u the right way and your destiny.
• United States
24 Dec 09
I pray all day to myself, sometimes in the restroom, before I eat or go to bed, and I do it in no particular manor. I talk to him as though he is right there in front of me, I start off thanking him for everything the good and bad I don't memorize what to say, I just say what ever comes from my heart, in truth and love
@ebuscat (5935)
• Philippines
25 Dec 09
Yes for me I'll pray every day eight times ask to jehovah God for thank you and evwerything that I can say that I will ask him in rayer.
@Hazelrose (2179)
• Philippines
25 Dec 09
Hi simonelee,Yes,i used to pray to God since i was a child.It is my way of communicating to our God.I dont have any format in praying,I feels talking to our God To thank in him for giving me life and strength,to serve and worship him.Thanks for his countless blessings given to me and to my family.Asking guidance for the rest of my life.Yes,i can pray to God every time,any time or any where but only in my heart,in my soul and in my mind.Have a nice day!
@hunieby (207)
• Philippines
25 Dec 09
I grew up in studying in a Catholic school so we were taught to pray . I also pray with my own prayers and intentions and sometimes I do go to church. I believe though that wherever you are you can pray to Him and not necessarily have to go to church for your prayers to reach him. I pray before meals and before I go to sleep. I pray whenever I feel like praying.
@atebuds (187)
• Philippines
25 Dec 09
There is no standard procedure in praying. What is important is that you always talk to Him. Whatever you're doing, wherever you are, just talk to him. Orally, or just in your thoughts. He is always listening. I always talk to Him, as a friend, and as a Father. I tell him everything. What I hate, what is making me angry at the moment, what is making me happy at the moment. What I should do. Everything! And I always say, "thank you, Lord". Sometimes, when I am anxious, or troubled, I pray the Lord's Prayer over and over again in my mind. It helps me calm down. You don't have to be a religious to pray. Everyone should pray, even only in your own words. I also have a vow of praying the Novena to St.Gerard (Patron of Mothers), and The Fifteen Prayers. I have been praying these prayers for years now and I don't feel my day is complete if I don't get to pray them daily. Praying is just a matter of giving time to pray. I don't believe one has no time even in his busy schedule, not to pray. If you really think you're so busy, then maybe it's time you give time to pray.
• Indonesia
25 Dec 09
Hi friends,... of course we still pray to God, anytime, anywhere, while we happy while we are sad. in the hope fervently pray what we want to God. with prayer can calm our hearts when we are sad and may God grant the prayers of our fast. God bless us.