The second SUN, "Nibiru" Is it true?

December 24, 2009 9:31pm CST
According to the predictions written in the Mayan calendar, December 21, 2012 will be the end of evil age. What if the Nibiru comes near to earth? We'll be having 2 Suns and the ICE bergs of north pole could be melt and that may cause a giant wave that can swallow all islands. What can you say about this little information? Anyway, I've just read some 2012 predictions on net and I've also watched some videos about nibiru the second SUN.
9 responses
@ifa225 (14459)
• Indonesia
25 Dec 09
well, DarkMarixx. those information frighten me at first. But then i Think I have to believe in God. no matter what happen in the next future, i gave it to God. What i have to do now is just do the best things that I can do to live my life..Maybe nibiru is true, but i hope they just don't crash each other.
• Philippines
25 Dec 09
I was also frightened when I read too much information about our near future. It is also written that the golden age will replace our age, "evil age." It is true that we were in evil age.
@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
28 Feb 10
2012 is pure garbage. Ask any Mayan you run in to....yes..they are still around. Their Calender doesn't end and it doesn't predict anything. As for "nibiru", completely nonsensical psudeo-science. No planet sized object can have an orbit that iregular, it would achieve escape velocity and be flung out of the solar system, it defies orbital mechanics and all laws of physics. Not to mention that if there were such a planet, it would have been seen by any one of millions of amature astronomers by now. It does not exist, period.
@cobradene (1171)
• India
25 Dec 09
We can't estimate what the Mayans have said, and it's ancient knowledge which was not written in English. And, the interpretation may not be known to us. So, there could be possibilities of it happening either in 2012 or later or even before. The drastic climate change happening everywhere is already a startling sign. Especially, the snowfall in Europe and temperatures dropping as low as minus 30 is shocking.... And, also, Nostradamus has predicted a few things similar to what could happen in 2012. He predicted the same things would happen after the 3rd world war. There was also a prediction that the Gulf war would be the beginning of the 3rd world war. So, things are getting worse around, let's see what's to come. :-) Just pray we all live in peace... That's enough.
• China
25 Dec 09
er … after watching the movie , i also searched some predictions . do you konw the rumors about the end of the eWorld in 1999. there is new rumors ! my roomate is watching the movie right now .
@allknowing (141583)
• India
25 Dec 09
Some authorities claim that the Mayaan Calendar was worked out only uptil 2012 and it is no indication that the world will end. It serves no purpose however to speculate events as even those who have been saying it also base their statements on speculations. No doubt the planet Nibiru is nearing the earth and it is said that the earth could experience a magnetic pull when disasters are not ruled out. Lets cross the bridge when we get to it. What say?
• India
25 Dec 09
hi, first of all i have to sy that 2012 will not be end of this age. There are many physical things come near to earth but the word 'near' means '10 millions kilometers' away. And more importantly, there are millions of sun in each galexy and there are millions of galaxies. But they are billions kilometeres away from us. So, do not get panic. You can visit NASA website where you can get more information about all these things through. Ithink it all is just publicity stunt for promotion of a movie. Thanks.
@visijay32 (447)
• Philippines
25 Dec 09
I guess you have read Zacharia Sitchin's Earth Chronicles. The way I see it, it could be true and then again it could be not. It is a matter of perspective. I think the world will not going to go through that process. Besides, you cannot really trust everything you see or read through the net. then again, as for my opinion, Sitchin's Earth Chronicle is something to be looked upon as an alternative to the beginning of life here on earth. Peace.
@kaylachan (75568)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
25 Dec 09
I have heard things about 2012, but nothing like that. I heared there is a movie coming out called 2012. Or, maybe it is already out. I also heard or rather saw a youtube trailer for a Titanic sequel to celeberate the 100 mile marker for the sinking. But, nothing about the end of the world. Of course, People were freaking about y2k shutting down everything eletronic in 2000, and that didn't happen now did it? Roumar hokx joke. Until something actually happens, no one knows anything. besides its a good two years and one week away.
@PastorP (1170)
• United States
25 Dec 09
I really doubt this stuff is true, and I kind of think we are hearing added hype. Stuff added to the actual predictions. I have not read them yet, but regardless, I feel very confident in Bible prophecy instead.