dreams that come alive

@lahari (133)
December 26, 2009 12:22am CST
Has it ever happened to you,that you dreamt of something(while sleeping,not with your eyes wide open) that actually happened later? It has happened to me quite a number of times. Once I had seen myself walking on an unknown street with someone,and after some months I found myself passing by that same locality with that very person! Its a strange feeling! How can these things happen! Have you ever experienced anything like this?
3 responses
• Philippines
27 Dec 09
I do experience that kind of thing. I think it's called Deja Vu.
@lahari (133)
• India
28 Dec 09
Hey nomarests99 can you share one of your experiences with us? Yes,it is called Deja Vu,& it's rare I guess!
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
26 Dec 09
Not exactly the same as what you were talking about, but sort of on a similar tangent. It was just the other day ago that I had a dream about being bitten while I was asleep. Well, when I woke up that morning, I had a bite mark on my arm in the exact same place that I dreamt that I was bitten. I don't know if I bit myself in my sleep or if for some reason or another one of my kids was in the bedroom and bit me. It is weird though.
@lahari (133)
• India
26 Dec 09
Ya,your experience seems to be strange too. Its hard to find explanations of these things.
@apexiph (123)
• Malaysia
26 Dec 09
Hi. I have a few dreams that I can still remember it till now. But I've never have my wish come true although that I wish it will. For me, to a dream that can become true you must have a luck on you..: