Are you a lucid dreamer? If so do you believe you can change your life dreaming?

United States
December 26, 2009 9:17am CST
I have been a lucid dreamer all my life and I have always wondered what it is like for other people who have some amount of control over their dreams. I have also wondered if it is somehow possible to change your life while you are dreaming, I would like to hear about either of these. Also when you dream do you ever have any part of that dream come true, I know that has already been asked. However, I know that for me, there have been times when I was working on something and I couldn't figure out how to do it, then that night I would dream the solution. So lets see if we can get some good responses to these questions. If you are a lucid dreamer then you have some ability to control your dream or in some cases if you are having a bad dream you can change your dream to a different one. Do your dreams either come true or do they help you solve a problem? Ok, so that's two questions, you can either answer one or both. Latter I will do the same so I hope to get some good responses before I post mine. I have had a bit of a hard time sleeping tonight so it won't be until latter when I post my response. So I hope there are at least a few of you dreamers out there that will add to this because I would really like to hear what it's like for people that have these kinds of dreams.
7 responses
@jb78000 (15139)
26 Dec 09
i am an occasional lucid dreamer but don't always have control (or at least total control) over what is happening. they do not tend to be bad dreams though. anyway i think dreams can certainly help you solve problems (this is one of their main purposes) - as for them coming true this is not something i have experienced and if it has happened to you then there are various explanations.
• United States
27 Dec 09
I would like to know what various explanations you are talking about. I have had several dreams come true, some of them were ok but most of them were very disturbing, including the first war in Iraq, the twin towers, breaking up with my girlfriend, and the list goes on. But all-in-all I would say that most of my dreams are happy ones and only a few of them have been as vivid and as tragic as the ones I mentioned before. One of the things I have learned to do when I can't get out of a bad dream is to force myself awake. However, I also have those dreams where you think you are awake but you are still dreaming and it goes on like that for some time. Happily I haven't had any of those for a long time. Well I look forward to hearing what might explain how I know something is going to happen. Although those are few and far between for the most part and I haven't had one in a long time. Thank you for your reply.
@divalounger (6182)
• United States
10 Jan 10
I too am a lucid dreamer. I recall most of my dreams upon waking and to my mind, my dreams contain a lot of detail. I also often solve problems in my dreams. Usually when this happens, I wake up, note that I now have a solution, and then fall back to sleep. Upon waking in the morning, I will recall the dream and the solution. Unfortunately for me, I also often have very frightening dreams that are both clear and memorable. I am often being chased in my dreams. Do you know what that represents?
@lyzabelle (1668)
• Philippines
27 Dec 09
I could never control my dreams. I do have few bad and pleasant dreams from time to time. But when I am dreaming...those dreams took charge of everything and I can't do anything to stop or intervene. Am just glad I don't have those nightmare dreams or else that would be really scary.
@arym72 (49)
• Philippines
27 Dec 09
I am a lucid dreamer coz it makes me feel good having to see my life in a different perspective.But then I did not forget where my feet at and open my eyes to reality.Sometimes though,it helps me solve some difficult situation,it's like deja vu to me,like Ive been to it and I know what to do.
@mjcookie (2271)
• Philippines
27 Dec 09
I cannot control my dreams, and I don't know anyone who can. But I am a very lucid dreamer. I love it when I dream, esp. if it is a good one. There are times when I hated waking up from a very good dream, and when I do wake up, I don't get up from the bed yet, I try my best to recall every detail to my head. It just makes me feel good. As for my dreams coming true, there are some that did. I remember having a very good dream about me dating my celebrity crush. Although it wasn't the exact dating thing that happened, I did see him in person, though, which I never thought would actually happen. :)
• United States
1 Jan 10
I started to Lucid dream 5 years ago, and I define this as I becoming consious with in my dream. If I'm really stressed about a problem I will dream about a solution. This only seems to happen when I'm really stressed. I cannot induce a Lucid dream at will though, at least not on a consistant basis. I do believe that Lucid dreaming is a natural undeloped defence function that we can use for interprating a problem, changing the out come of a bad dream, as well as other functions.
@kashers (649)
• Jamaica
26 Dec 09
welcome to the lot i saw your discussion on alice not so long ago i was interested in seeing more from u,so dreams u say,let me introduce my self spiritual,i am an initiate of the second circle of the ancient teachings of soultravel eckankar,in this teachings u learn the true nature of soul and its purpose here,u can visit my profile to see more on this,now dreams as we were led to believe by many researchers that it was a brain memory play back thing happening,now being apart of the soultravel teachings i now realize that dreaming is an unaware state of consciousness that u step out of the physical body spiritually,the aware state of stepping out of the body is known as soultravel,we are spiritually forces,if u do believe in the spiritual life,the physical body and world we live in is just for a moment while we are here gathering information,to return home soon to the worlds where soul belongs,so upon rest of the physical body u the spiritual self steps out,gone to explore worlds which it is familiar with,and this is why upon returning to the body u hardly have any memory of what took place,cause it was not a brain thing happening,visit my page to see the discusions on dream i started