What according to you are the top qualities that define a "Real friend"

December 26, 2009 12:37pm CST
To me 1. be always there when I need him/her 2. I should be able to share with him/her all that I can't even share with my wife and children 3. trust worthy 4. understanding 5. interesting company How about you?
17 responses
1 Jan 10
a freind in need is the freind indeed my freind. this is what a best quality in a freind. who really come forward when you really need his help in life and no need to think too much. who always stand with you in thik and thin situations.
@jaiho2009 (39140)
• Philippines
28 Dec 09
hello dear brother, I don't have any requirements for friendship... But,i only had one quality to find in a friend... "he who finds the bad and wrong in me,and criticized me,yet,still accept me for who i am" How about you dear brother?...what qualities you want from a friend?
@Buchi_bulla (8298)
• India
28 Dec 09
A real friend gives his shoulder when you cry, extends hand when you need one, says 'I am there' in good times and bad times, rises your energy, when it is going down, on the whole, you turn and he is there.
• Philippines
28 Dec 09
A real friend have to feel you. There are friends that will not know that you are having pain inside you unless you share it with them, for me a real friend have to feel pain. Of course when I need them they have to be there for me, not always in person but in thoughts also. I love when they say they will pray for me and I hope they really do. A real friends should be understanding and giving. If I made a mistake she will not tolerate it and she will tell me the truth. She will not support me on bad decision. I can be able to share my secrets to them freely without having hesitation of safe keeping it. A real friend should be always there to support me and having faith and believing we can't withands the odds together.
@shobhan51 (376)
• Malaysia
28 Dec 09
Oh my, Vijayanth, I thought that your loving wife should be your best friend. I would want my spouse to be first, my best and most trusted friend, before being my better half. I tell my husband everything, both good and bad. I feel that if he can take me for my plus and minus points then only will my marriage be tolerated as well as be accepted by him and family. Cheers and a Happy New Year.
@bingchen (1119)
• China
28 Dec 09
i agree what you said this standard of real friend,i find that as real friend need trust,it is important for me.because of trust each other,so we can make real friend and communicate my happy and sad life and can give me mental help and take some advice.at the same time i can care them each other.
@eshaan (6188)
• India
27 Dec 09
so ....if a friend is busy and is not available ..then you wont consider him as your best friend???...in this busy life...very few friends can give you their time...though they may be good to you..share things with you..like..if you dont see someone from long time..that doesnt mean that he is not your good friend...life has taught me many new definitions..and many times i feel that relations die within your mind only...
@mods196621 (3652)
• Philippines
27 Dec 09
I consider as my top qualification of real friend is love. If he/she loves me he /she can give all the best in him. Everything is carried by his/her love. They can do everything to show his love as a friend. THey can do what is best for their friends. And i can do the same with them also... Thanks and have a nice day...
@ckyera (17331)
• Philippines
28 Dec 09
hello vijayanths! a real friend for me is someone who will accept me for who am i... someone that i can trust and don't betray nor back stabbed me...someone that's honest to their feelings towards me... they are people that i can talked my feelings to without feeling afraid of being judged...they are the people that even i don't see for a long period of time, even i don't talk for quite sometime, when we saw each other again, we will just feel that we are still friends no matter what... real friends stays in our hearts...and lives in our memories...
• India
28 Dec 09
Yeah you are right. If we care them with all the qualities as u said and if they don't care for us........just saying hi when ever they feel like and won't have time for us...It's only we who always keep on calling or mssgng....and they say dont have time...always busy and hesitate to talk or share...even if years have gone by...if so should we have a relationship or break.....
@yogambal_64 (1014)
• India
27 Dec 09
A Real Friend should be one who helps us when we are in need, sincere trustworthy and ofcourse loving.
@eurekafemme (5874)
• Philippines
27 Dec 09
I only have two qualities for a friend: HONEST. I can never and will never consider a person my friend if he/she is not honest with me. There's no way our friendship to last long if he can lie to me. Besides, trustworthy is a kin of honesty. SINCERE. I don't want hypocrites as friends. If you want to be my friend, you must be sincere with the friendship you are offering to me or else will end up as worst enemies if you are only playing head games with me. There are friends that are friends only when they are with you but once your back is turned they are like snakes inflicting you with venom until you realized later that you are a ruined victim with their false friendship. Just have these two qualities and the rest will follow suit.:-)
@vathsala30 (3732)
• India
27 Dec 09
Though we have lots of friends, only with a handful of people we feel comfortable to move around freely pouring our heart and sharing our soul. A real friend really loves me but he is not my lover, he cares for me but he is not from my family, he is ready to share my pain but he is not my blood relation. He is my friend, true friend. He scolds like a DAD, He cares like a MOM, teases like a sister, irritates like a brother and finally loves me more than a lover.
@vandana7 (101612)
• India
27 Dec 09
I am ok with the first quality, I am not ok with the second quality, I am ok with the third and fourth, I am not ok with the fifth. Not all my real friends can be classified as "interesting company". But they have been with me through thick and thin. So I can't really think of throwing them out from this category. They are the silent types, and fawning types. I love them. They know only to be there for me. How can I say they are not real friends just because they dont know how to use computers, or share the witty jokes that come in forwards? Nope I an not ok with the fifth point at all (one of them just called this evening to tell me she'd bought a new car, and that she wanted us to go to a temple). And I wouldnt like to be privy to some information which my friend wouldnt like to share with his or her spouse, unless it is something to do with keeping the lady/gent happy because of some cancer or likes. I dont encroach. There should be that bond that should be stronger than the bond that the person develops with me.
@mariah_5 (97)
27 Dec 09
Apart from the above mentioned qualities, I would also look for caring, understanding [me in and out],unselfish, and a true guide who can give impartial suggestions to me about anything and everything.
@yugasini (12893)
• Secunderabad, India
27 Dec 09
hi vijayanths, what you have said is common in life in trusting friends,i will also do the same as you are doing,but some times we may get no above qualities in him or her,at that time better to quit that friendship,it is also danger to have such friendship and friends also,real life we have to take care about friends,have a nice day
@maezee (41988)
• United States
26 Dec 09
1.) Trust 2.) Loyalty 3.) Genuineness Those are the top three I can think of. I had to put in the "genuineness" (not sure if that's a word, but my spell check on Firefox didn't put a red underline under it..So I should be good, lol!), because it's really important to me to NOT have friends who act fake around me and then talk behind my back about me. I've definitely had my fair share of those in the past, and I'm done with those kind of people. I must've grown up in the past few years or something, because I just don't take it anymore like I used to! I like when people can be real and up-front with you.