Giving baths to dogs

United States
December 28, 2009 10:34pm CST
So my husband just gave a bath to my 40 pound basset puppy, in the bath tub, because she's just too big for me to handle. I gave a bath to my 10 pound daschund in the kitchen sink, because he's so small and that's what he's used to. Does anybody else give baths to their dogs or do you take them to the vet or groomer? It's easy to give baths to dogs in the summer, because you can let them outside to run around and dry, but in the winter, it's hard....what do you do?
1 response
• United States
30 Dec 09
I give both of my dogs baths and they are over 100 pounds each I take the garden hose to them during the summer and I dont bathe them in the winter because they live outside I used to bathe them in the tub before the old one got too old to hop in and out of it and before my husband made them live outside