How do u think of the execution on the British man made by Chinese government?

December 29, 2009 4:17am CST
"A british man convicted of drug smuglling in China has been executed" , BBC reported. Despited of whether or not this man was mentally illed, the executaion itself has given rise to wide discussion over the world. According to Ine Internation Law, death penalty should be only executed when it's relating to other deaths, thus some people believe taking drugs shouldn't be treated as a lethal crime. Some people even call it a "Dark Age" now in China. However, Chinese government has its own reason. They believe the amount(more than 4kg) of drug the man took could cause thousands of deaths as well as ruins to more families and the British man deserves the final judge. Let's get rid of the disputation on ideology and discuss only the crime and sentence itself. Whether or not this man deserves a death.
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