Wives submitting themselves to their husbands, do you think its right?

United States
December 29, 2009 10:19am CST
Ephesians 5:22 Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord. I notice a lot of woman get pretty upset when you talk about this scripture. I also noticed a lot of preachers like to point out this scripture but they rarely seem to remember what follows is how husbands are to treat their wives Ephesians5:25 Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Ephesians%205:22-33&version=KJV Do you feel that this in its whole context is a good description on how a relationship should work? Or do you feel its old and outdated? Before you comment you might want to take a look at it in whole with the link I provided.
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14 responses
• United States
30 Dec 09
I think a lot of it boils down to one's definition of "submit," and how it's used in this particular scripture. In these verses, Paul is speaking to believers of Jesus and it is my understanding, and I could be mistaken about this, that it was God's plan that the husband was to be the spiritual head of the family. As such, it was best for the family's spiritual life if the wife and the children adapted to the husband/father's spiritual leadership. If the husband is following the precepts of Jesus, I don't see how the rest of the family can complain or not submit. However, if the husband does not know Jesus, the wife should do whatever it takes to keep peace in the house while still obeying the teachings of Jesus. Maybe that's why it is said elsewhere in Scripture, "be not unequally yoked to unbelievers."
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• United States
3 Jan 10
Thank you for your reply. Yes there is another verse entirely different for someone who is married to a non-believer, this sets up spiritual order in a home as you pointed out.
@PastorP (1170)
• United States
29 Dec 09
lol, I've said enough on the other discussion. But I will say I wholeheartedly agree with what the Holy Bible says. You are right to point out that the Ephesians passage gives us the command to love our wives. Within a kingdom, there is submission. And so it is in the Kingdom of God. In Christ, the husband needs to submit to Christ, which, when this occurs, makes it easier for the woman to submit to her husband. Submission does not mean being domineered, but in a partnership where one takes the lead so to speak.
• United States
29 Dec 09
I find it funny how one word offends most women so much. But on the other side of the coin there is a lot said to men on how to act including they should be willing to give up their lives maybe even literally but that never gets talked about. In fact I would think most wives would expect their husbands to do these things.
@speakeasy (4171)
• United States
29 Dec 09
I think this is outdated. Please remember that this was written at a time when very few women were permitted any education and they were considered to be nothing more than property that took care of the home and bred children. Their husbands were more likely to have at least a rudimentary education and were as far above their wives as God was above them. Also, you have to remember that the book of Ephesians is nothing more than a few surviving letters that were written by Paul to a group of early Christians in Ephesus. Paul was nothing more than a disciple. He was not Christ. This was one man's opinion that was sent to a small group of people. Paul also wrote letters to Romans, Corinthians, Galatians, Phillipians, Collossians, Thessalonians, Hebrews and to specific followers (Timothy, Titus, and Philemon). But, he was only a disciple; he was neither a prophet; nor, was he Jesus. And, anything he wrote was intended for a very select audience (he did not send copies of these letters to each and every group he wrote to like office memos); nor were they intended for everyone who would follow over the centuries. Paul could not have envisioned the world we now live in where women have rights and are as educated as the men (or in some cases more educated than the men). If he had, I believe he would have told both the men and women to "submit themselves unto God and love each other".
• United States
29 Dec 09
Thank you for your reply. So other than the word submit what do you find offensive or useless in Ephesians chapter 5?
@speakeasy (4171)
• United States
29 Dec 09
Most of this chapter is just a recommendation for clean living and I have no problem with that; however, in verse 4 Paul also condemns "foolish talking" and "jesting". As long as these are not hurting anyone, I see no problem with them. Foolish talking and jesting are just ways to lighten a person's spirits and help them get through the day. They help people bond with one another and can strengthen the community.
• United States
30 Dec 09
Foolish talking and jesting..I do this way too much and I can understand what it is that he was trying to say. Often I say something to cover how I really feel. Its a bad habit I am trying to break. But I can see where he is coming from on this matter. We are suppose to speak the truth and get things resolved.
• United States
31 Dec 09
sounds like a good reason not to get married to me. equal terms or nothing.i will respect a person as long as they respect me.
• United States
10 Jan 10
i agree with 5:22-31."For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh". one heart,one mind is a great thing when it happens. often disrupted by in laws though.
• United States
10 Jan 10
As I said somewhere else too often I think people forget its suppose to be about the "US" and not the him and her and are out for what they think is best for them individually. Maybe that was on my divorce discussion. Anyways the separation there also kind of implies that its a new life and not to hang on to the things they did when they were under their parents roof.
• United States
3 Jan 10
Thank you for your reply. So how do you feel about the what the rest of the chapter says?
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• China
30 Dec 09
wives may devoted to their husbands and children more than the husbands does but i do not think that's a good way to submit their whoe life to the husband.if the husband do not love her anymore then she lost everything she got. just have some own time and own friend or own income . wife is still a sepearte human at aleast.
• United States
30 Dec 09
I don't know, I think a lot of the problem is people don't take marriage serious anymore they have a what can I get out of it attitude. There isn't any team effort in it anymore, I think it has a lot to do with the way humanity is moving we are increasingly more selfish and unwilling to do anything that would be an unselfish act. As far as wives devoting more than husbands I would have to disagree with that.
• China
30 Dec 09
I agree with that.There is reserch says that the most stable relationship between hus and wife is that both have jobs and work for their family together.
@matsulori (269)
• United States
30 Dec 09
I don't think there's any reason to "submit" to the man in the marriage unless his version of the situation makes the most sense. If the woman's idea makes more sense, then by all means, her version should be the one implemented. Since when does male genitalia make one forever and always smarter than one blessed with female genitalia? I don't think ANYONE should get automatic respect and leadership simply because one was born with outdoor plumbing. If you think about it, it's asinine.
• United States
3 Jan 10
Thank you for your reply. So than did you read the rest of the chapter or did you see the word submit and stop cold there?
• United States
4 Jan 10
Well than if you read the rest of it you should see it isn't automatic respect but there is a lot of things that are required for the man to do in the relationship. Other than the beginning and the ending most of it is outlining the way men are to treat their wives and be the spiritual head in the relationship. Of course this is for christian couples as there is different scriptures that deal with only one person being a christian and the other being a non-christian.
• United States
3 Jan 10
I read the whole of what you linked to. I'm also quite familiar with the bible. I'm just all about the better mousetrap. I don't care who makes it more efficient, only that it IS made more so. Genitalia notwithstanding, I will listen and use the ideas of that of the person whose ideas are best. Doesn't that make sense? I mean, am I way off base here? Why should genitalia be taken into consideration? But, this is just my opinion. When I'm trying to figure something out, I go to my friend that has the most likely means of helping me, male or female. I don't go to my female friends in favor of men. I'm not a man-hater. I'm an inefficiency hater.:)
• Philippines
1 Jan 10
Hi EvanHunter! I'm a Christian too... However, I didn't always agree with this verse. Before, I used to be very feministic, and I couldn't understand why wives have to submit to their husbands; it seemed like a very imbalanced power struggle or something, to me. However, the more I got to know God, the more I got to know the Bible, the more I got to know myself and my fiance, the more that I got to understand that women are indeed wired differently from men. Thus, I learned to accept this verse more and more. Today, I know that I wholly subscribe to this verse. I see the women who do not know how to submit to their husbands and more and more do I see the immense blessing that there is when we do submit to them. God is so wise to create us in a certain way; I may wonder and I may question, but the moment I learn to understand the "why," then do I learn how to respect God's sovereignty in matters, including this one. For me, I noticed that men are more firm in decision-making. I appreciate that they have simpler and yet more decisive thought processes, and I appreciate that they are more objective than women are, in general. And in a family, having the husband as the last say simplifies things, and gives me a way out, in case I don't feel like being responsible. Heheh. Kidding! All in all, I think this works out, and I respect this verse and appreciate it very much, today. :) Though I would respect everyone else who can't live with this one. :) Happy new year!
• United States
3 Jan 10
Thank you for your reply. Haven't ever given it much thought on the way you put it but I can see your point. I guess what I was mainly shooting for here was to see how many people were offended by it and if they had any idea what the rest of the chapter even said or if they knew it was setting a spiritual order within a christian home. Honestly I feel that most people who get upset over it saying submit are as bad as the people who abuse it out of context because they see one thing they don't like and they are turned off by it all and don't see any wisdom in any of it or try to.
• India
30 Dec 09
As much as I know about the major religions of this world, including my own Hinduism, all have been created by man for his own benefit and all show women as subservient to man. To offset this bias, all religions again tell the men to take good care of the women, as if women are supposed to be the property of men.
• United States
3 Jan 10
Thank you for your reply. I don't know if I would consider being told that you are to treat your wife as yourself as being a claim that she is your property.
@cher913 (25781)
• Canada
29 Dec 09
i agree with it but (there is a bitg but there) it doesnt give the man permission to do anything they want. (i have heard of a minister who actually beat his wife because 'the Bible said he could'.) the husband has to treat his wife very special. this verse works both ways.
• United States
30 Dec 09
Thank you for your reply. I agree it doesn't give permission to do whatever and when read with the rest it goes on to talk about how many different ways a man should adore his wife and treat her.
@bellis716 (4799)
• United States
30 Dec 09
It does not matter what we think, it's God's word. Both verses carry equal weight. We cannot emphasize one and ignore the other.
• United States
3 Jan 10
Thank you for your reply. I think you are correct it creates a problem only because no one bothers to read the entire chapter.
@andy77e (5156)
• United States
30 Dec 09
Yes I do. Not because I think it's right, but because I understand this is God's word, and he has the right to make the rules. Is it right for parents to tell their children to go to bed at 8 PM? Yes. Why? Because they are the parents. Well, God is God. He has the right. The biggest problem is people who use this passage to mean that you should force or make women submit. A man should never say to a women "see? The Bible says you should submit, so you better submit to me". Why? Because that passage was not written to men. It was written to women. Submission is a choice of the person in question. Not the spouse to make them submit. It is up to the women to determine if she will, or will not submit to the man. A man shouldn't even be reading Ephesians 5:22 unless he's teaching a bible study. Another way to think about this is how the Christian faith works as a whole. Jesus Christ never forced people to believe in him. Jesus never went around with a sword slaughtering people who refused to believe in him, like Mohammad did with Islam. It was up to each person to choose to believe. If anyone is running around trying to cram submission down peoples throats saying "you must!", then they have missed the point of submission, and the entire Christian faith. But as to whether or not it's "old and outdated", that's crazy. Submission is part of our daily lives. We all have to submit to each other at some point. Specially as it refers to the marriage relationship, all I can say is, the best marriages I've seen have been ones where the women submits. I have yet to meet a couple where the women was not submissive, that had a good marriage. I suppose there could be one someplace, but I've yet to see it.
• United States
3 Jan 10
Thank you for your reply. I agree with most of what you are saying but I also see that it is necessary for the man to read the whole chapter not just this verse. The rest of it deals with the things the man must do which outweighs the one word that is so offensive to everyone in my opinion.
• India
31 Dec 09
Both ways it is happening. But wives submitting to husband is talked more, the reason is that the husband may be the sole bred winner. If husband is kept healthy only then they can be happy to run the day to-day family affairs ( improvement of home and needy expenditure money is required).Above all the Children should have a father.However if both are understanding each other and submission is always welcome. There is a saying in Tamil " In one submit to other in a dispute one is the winner".Because all the dispute ends there and there after, the Parties are likely to be friends. If otherwise the enmity continues even for ever.
• United States
3 Jan 10
Thank you for your reply. Good point if you really understand and love someone you will be more open to submit to the others ideas. I think people think marriage is about being individuals who area couple when in the description God wants it to be a couple who act as one and not put their individual needs above the family.
@poingly (605)
• United States
29 Dec 09
It could be a poor translation as well. I've read another translation that words it as "Wives, understand and support your husbands..." and another that I honestly think that if you look at it both ways (that both should support the other) then it's fine.
@ClassyCat (1214)
• United States
30 Dec 09
I just lost my husband of 50 yrs. the end of April. We didn’t always see eye to eye of course, but for me, to submit is ‘not’ what so many men and preachers try to make it out to be. To submit is to “fit into his (and he yours) plans.” It’s a mutual thing, and the Bible does say to “submit yourselves to one another.” I tell youngsters that when they’re going to get married, to not be hasty, and that the main goal in all marriages is to “OUT – BLESS” each other. Set out to be the biggest blesser in the relationship. Make sure that your mate knows they are valuable, important, and that you are behind them in their plans and goals. If you’re sure your mate is on the wrong road with their plans and goals, pray for God to show them, and do your best to be patient with them. I find it interesting that part of the curse given to Eve after disobeying God, He said to her: “and thy husband shall RULE over thee.” Jesus taught that we lead by love, not ruling over someone. Love is the greatest promoter of good in life, don’t you agree? C. C.
• United States
30 Dec 09
thank both of you for your reply. Yes poingly I have to admit I picked that translation cause I knew it would cause the most dramatic effect...lol, Sorry. But I did notice that it drew the attention I expected just by saying submit people take offense. Of course when you look at other translations it doesn't seem offensive at all. But the fact is we "submit" ourselves in many different ways every day and never think about it. When we do something our boss wants when we do something the kids need done etc. But when you take one thing out of context from the whole point of view and say it people get pretty worked up about it.
@magtibaygom (4856)
• Philippines
30 Dec 09
I'd like to comment on your question of, is it old and outdated? ... Well, the Bible never get outdated. If ever it gets outdated, it is not God who made it outdated, but man. You know, man has a propensity to make Bible outdated. And the result is, broken families and broken homes. The word of God is forever. It never get expired. If you make it expire, the side-effect can be horrible. Let's accept that fact.
• United States
3 Jan 10
Thank you for your reply. I see your point, its not God that has changed but humanity.