
@savypat (20216)
United States
December 30, 2009 3:38pm CST
The hens arrived today. This is our newest rescue effort. We have quickly built a house and pen for over 20 chickens. I have fought against having chickens here on the ranch, they are a lot of trouble and keeping them safe is very hard. Almost every wild guest we have wants a nice chicken dinner. Hopefully there will be eggs to help pay their keep. BUT I HATE CHICKENS Welcome to 2010 everything happens for a reason, right?
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14 responses
@tawny_24 (341)
• United States
31 Dec 09
I think maybe you are right. Maybe the chickens want to teach you how to like them for what they are. I personally love chickens. When I was little my granpa would make us chase the chickens and catch them, then he would make them "go to sleep" by putting thier heads unter thier wings. They would stay like that so we could carry them around. We also would play with the baby chickes when they hatched. Some times we could even keep one as a "pet" until the next time we came back for a visit.
@tawny_24 (341)
• United States
31 Dec 09
Oh my grandparents were old school when we were on thier farm we had to do chores. I have mucked out horse stalls, been attacked by geese and bucked and butted into the ground by goats, I'd take chiken poop any day.
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@savypat (20216)
• United States
31 Dec 09
Most children like chickens but that is because they are kept away from the gross parts of chicken raising. And you are right there is nothing much sweeter than a baby chick, until it poops in your hand.
@jb78000 (15139)
30 Dec 09
hiya - very curious as to how you have ended up with 20 chickens?
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@thea09 (18305)
• Greece
30 Dec 09
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@savypat (20216)
• United States
31 Dec 09
We do rescue and these were part of the last one we did.
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
6 Jan 10
Oh Dear Pat. well I hope that you have got used to them by now and that they are being good
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@savypat (20216)
• United States
6 Jan 10
Well they are eating the kitchen scrapes and the roosters, all 6 of them greet the morning just in case we miss it. Time will only tell about the eggs, we have to get rid of those roosters or we will have blood specks in the eggs. They are pretty chickens, all shapes and sizes, red, white, buff and black hens and the roosters are beauties. All are small exotic breeds. We'll have to get some pictures. Hubby is taming them to eat from his hand so that he can get some good pictures.
@bhanusb (5709)
• India
31 Dec 09
You hate chickens.But you built a house and pen for chickens. Is it not self contradiction of your character.
@suzzy3 (8341)
31 Dec 09
You just may grow to love them.I hope you do ,think about all those eggs.You are a good woman to even give them a chance.
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@savypat (20216)
• United States
1 Jan 10
I am not new to chickens, been there done that. From egg to frying pan I have raised chickens. My first chicken we got when I was 11, we brought it to feed a snake, the poor thing was bind and seemed on it's last legs, we put it into the cage and left for the night, in the morning the snake was all curled up and the chicken was nesting in the curl. We figured anything that brave deserved to live, all we had to feed it was canned dog food, it did very well and layed two eggs a day for several years, by then both my brother and I were away at school so Mom gave it to people who had children to love it. And then I got married had kids and a flock of chickens, that's when I learned to hate them. I don't like to kill anything and certianly not chickens, and I don't like to medicate them or clean up after them. So I doubt I will learn to love them again. But thanks for the good wishes
@jugsjugs (12967)
31 Dec 09
I have chickens and they are soo easy to look after.We got some that were also rescued from a farm.Our chickens are about 2 years old now.The eggs are nice,better than the ones from the shop.We have also put eggs in an incubator and watched chicks hatch it was great.
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@savypat (20216)
• United States
31 Dec 09
I know that they can be fun especially for children. Enjoy
@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
31 Dec 09
I have not reared chickens for a long time now but I am not really into chicken rearing for meat or eggs. I can only manage two or four at a time just for fun. I go for those high breed chickens, which is quite popular here. Those that look like pigeons, short and colorful. They look retarded because the legs are so short. Maybe they are cross breed between bird and chicken.
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@tawny_24 (341)
• United States
31 Dec 09
My grandparents ate thier chickens. I even saw my grandma cut off chickens heads. They used the eggs and sold the babies to the neighboring farmers.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
31 Dec 09
You poor thing! I don't hate chickens but they are smelly and messy and I would never want to have to take care of them. Maybe you can sell their eggs? Everything does happen for a reason, although we don't often see it right away. You are very kind to take them in. I hope your new year is healthy, prosperous and joyful.
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@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
30 Dec 09
hi savypat I did not think there was another person who had beenborn or raised on a ranch that hated chickens like I do. I hated having to pluck the feathers off chickens that had been killed to be frozen and specially I hated that stench of wet chicken feathers, as old as I am I still remember those days and that stink. I did not mind feeding them or gathering the eggs. but I hated the stupidty of the hens and the nasty rooster who had it in for me and would spur my legs. Also I absolutely refused to kill chickens or to watch the results of those who did kill them, they seemed to get some sort of glee out of seeing a chicken with its head chopped off. No I still hate chickens. Hope the eggs put for their keep with you. Happy New Year.
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@dawnald (85147)
• Shingle Springs, California
31 Dec 09
cluck cluck.... Which reminds me of an article I saw in the paper a few days ago. They don't allow chickens on residential lots in Sacramento, but since I'm in El Dorado County, I'm not sure what's allowed....
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@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
31 Dec 09
Hey pat! I do hope that you will be in the egg business pretty soon! And I also hope that you will be able to keep those poor little chickens safe! I can only imagine how very difficult that will be and how much extra work will come with the caring of 20 chickens! But, I do think it was nice of you to rescue them! And when you do a good deed, something good is bound to come back to you! Have a Wonderful New Year!
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• China
31 Dec 09
i like chicken very much and we ever tried to feed some chicken on our apartment but they were really annoying and they make nosiy voice all the time and we can't stand it at all then sent it to others live in the mountain . if we have a yard ofcourse i will feed some chicken then.
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@thea09 (18305)
• Greece
30 Dec 09
Hi savypat, the ones who keep them round here have large savage dogs chained up nearby to protect them. Okay one of them has a sign saying he has a dog but it keeps human chicken thieves away. They do smell a bit though and the floor needs a good dousing out with bleach every night. Lovely fresh eggs though.
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@PeacefulWmn9 (10420)
• United States
31 Dec 09
When I was a child, my parents raised some chickens, and I always hated gathering eggs, as the roosters were mean and tried to peck the backs of my legs! But I adored the baby chicks. The coop was always locked at night, but yes, predators are out there. Best of luck lol. Karen