Are we alone?

December 31, 2009 4:09am CST
Are we alone or do you think there is something that guides us or prompts us to do the things we do? If we are indeed alone, are we fully responsible for everything that occurs, independent of external factors? What are your opinions on this mylotters?
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8 responses
@samson1967 (7414)
• India
31 Dec 09
Our lord is our guide in whatever things we do... without his will even a grass will not shake....
1 person likes this
• Malaysia
1 Jan 10
Thanks for the response. Happy New Year 2010 to you and all with you. Cheers
• Canada
2 Jan 10
Your lord is your guide. I don't believe in a lord per say.
@vanila (491)
• Israel
31 Dec 09
I believe that there is a God, that you have to want to be close to him and to be like him, as meaning merciful, giving and so on.. Also you have angels or demons you have created that are moving you for one place to another, even in your mind, so the most important thing is to want to be close to god and resemble him, and he will do your life easier and you feel like he makes things for you but it is you and him because life without choice is no life and God gave you the freedom to choose so you feel you are not a puppet on strings, that you actually eist and not just god puppet, so you need to go on the right things but God will help you in that and guide and prompt and take you like a river whereever you want. happy mylotting.
• Malaysia
1 Jan 10
Yes God is what we all wish to emulate. Thank you for your response and a Happy New Year 2010 to all family and friends. Cheers, Vanila.
• Canada
2 Jan 10
I don't wish to emulate god, well not the christian god anyway. He commanded fathers to kill sons and stands by and watches while people suffer. Also, choice. People don't chose to be abused, homeless, diseased. Some actions we take can lead to those things. This is what I think about choice, for example if you were given the choice to kill one of your children so the other one could live otherwise some god would kill them both then that's not what I call choice, it's torture. That is just a metaphor for some of the "choices" we have to make in life. I want to emulate a figure who practices justice and compassion. And from the research I have done and from where I am standing man is the only one who has begun to practice such things. All references to gods have been in relation to their power and fear mongering.
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
2 Feb 10
If you mean is there some unseen force/forces that causes us to do things be they good or bad..then my answer is NO....We make our own choices, every choice we make regardless of whether its a "good" one or seemingly "bad" one has purpose and yes we are responsible for everything we do...
• Malaysia
2 Feb 10
Thanks Ravenlady for the honest response. Yes, most of the time we decide on what we do... the good and the bad.
@EvanHunter (4026)
• United States
4 Jan 10
There are lots of things that guide us and influence our behavior. Looking at the non spiritual side gravity, the moon, air pressure, foods we eat, chemical build ups in our bodies. Does this mean we aren't responsible for the things we do? Obviously not. I can choose to follow anyone or anything but that doesn't mean that I have no freewill or that I don't have to own up to some things I do wrong in my life. 95% of the time the things I regret I knew I shouldn't have done to start but I felt it was worth the risk.
• Malaysia
4 Jan 10
Thanks for your honest opinion, Evanhunter. Have a wonderful New Year.
4 Jan 10
We are not alone, But the only thing that prompts us is our own EGO and the desires of self.
• Malaysia
4 Jan 10
Freethinkingagent, it is so clear from so many of the responses that many are aware of factors that prompt us to do what we do. Some are capable of making better choices, while others are not wise or experienced enough to do so.
@cloud31 (5809)
2 Feb 10
We are not alone, God is with us always, He promise his word for us in the bible,he will always be with us till the end of time, he promise not to leave us nor forsake us..His the creator of heaven and earth, the creator of mankind..if not guide can we afford to handle things by ourselves? I don't know if you believe God yourself but i respect everyone's view about this,God bless and Peace be with you!
• Malaysia
3 Feb 10
Thank you cloud31, for your response. Yes, I agree God is there guiding those who wish to obey Him. As for those who go against His will, temptations, greed, jealousy and other forms of negative thoughts creep in and mislead them. Faith together with trust and devotion can go a long way for those who believe and put their trust in the Almighty.
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
31 Dec 09
Good Morning and a very Happy New Year to you my friend shobhan. I believe that we are spiritual beings having a human experience and that we are never alone. I feel too that circumstances are set for us before we come into the physical realm but that we have a choice in how we handle the situation. As I've often said, it's not what happens to us but the way we take that really counts. I believe too that we can get help from our higher self by going into the silence. There may also be guardian angels or spirit guides, as some like to call them, ready to help us if we are listening. Blessings.
• Malaysia
1 Jan 10
Thanks for the wishes for the New Year. Blessings from heaven is important for all, the good, the bad and the ugly. Well it is our choice and our inclinations that determine how those blessings can be showered on us. Everyone has equal opportunities to open the doors to heaven and it is whether we fulfill those obligations or not and if so how much. Thanks for the response Pose123, and have a nice New Year Celebration.
• United States
2 Jan 10
I believes there's an invisible world that tries to influence us, but we're the ones who make the final decision. Of course I'm taking about God's Holy Spirit who tries to influence us to do good, and demons who try to influence us to do anything that's against God's will, even things that might seem good at the time.
• Malaysia
3 Jan 10
Thanks for the response. Have a wonderful New Year. Cheers