Do you ever forget anything while going out?

@checkmail (2039)
January 1, 2010 12:53pm CST
Helo mylotters this thing always happens to everyboidy in their life, as no person among us is such an perfect in our life.Many a times i also do forget many things while am going out, for any work or just an walk.Well for instance when am going on walk sometimes forget my napkin, used to absorb sweat.Even soemtiems while going to office or outdoors forget to get my watch, gogs, cell, keys, etc stuffs. Few times even missed out my homemade meal due to haste to work, even some office files.Also a few times my wallet and money at home, it did cause me an terrible experience.I think this type of habbit of forgetting things is cool, but embraccing in nature. What about you? Did you ever forget anything?
9 responses
@kaylachan (76290)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
1 Jan 10
I'm no stranger to being forgetful. Like you said yourself, it happens to everyone. Most of the time I don't always realize I've forgotten something until I'm at what ever place I'm at. Lucky for me when it comes to forgetting money I've been lucky enough to not be alone when I've done that. Otherwise I would've been screwed.
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@checkmail (2039)
• India
19 Jan 10
Hello kaylachan me too foten used to forget money a few times while going out, and recgnise it when it was to be transacted.It was so embracing for me to return without the purchase, but again went and buyed it.Even some times had forgotten my travel expenses money at home while going to office and have to take day off because of it.This problem of forgetting is really getting weird on me so am now practicing some solutions to it.Anyways keep it up with your mylotting, Happy mylotting.
• United States
1 Jan 10
oh my goodness yes i have forgotten some thing one time forgot money had to get some from my brother to pay for a meal.... today i forgot to take a present for our son , just didnt think of it till i got there.
@vathsala30 (3732)
• India
6 Jan 10
Hello checkmail Normally I will bot forget anything but in a hurry if i rush out, i will sometimes, forget to take the keys, kerchief, wear slipper and even some times forget to lock the house
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@checkmail (2039)
• India
19 Jan 10
Hello vathsala30 me too think that our haste in routine makes us forget our thing back.Me too observed that when am in haste forget a number fo thing back home, office, restaurants, etc places.Some of them are recoverable some are not so most probabilty is lose.Well now am going slow and easy in my routine and its working for me in this problem of forgetting.Anyways keep it up with mylot and its participation, Happy mylotting.
• United States
2 Jan 10
I forget things all the time, its quite sad actually. It's usually about school, i'll forget to do my homework or to even turn it in. Then sometimes it's important things like forgetting to put the dinner in at the correct time. Yet i'm so use to it that it doesn't bother me much anymore, and I can actually help myself to not forget things anymore.
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@checkmail (2039)
• India
18 Jan 10
Hello XxDreamszXx me too used to forget my homework in my schooldays, but teacher used to punish me thinking it was done deleberatly.Well have landed many a times in problems due to forgetting somethings.There are many things that i forget to do which aren't good for me.Nowaday am practicing some methodological ways to stop this problem of forgetting things.Anyways keep it uop with your mylotting and your stuffs.Happy mylotting.
• Philippines
2 Jan 10
I often forget my umbrella and sometimes my pouches, my wallet, my bracelet, handkerchief and cellphone. And that why everytime i go out I see to it that i check my things and put it in my bags or else i would really forget the important item especially if I am rushing. The things which i often forget or lost when I ride is my handkerchief and my umbrella. I have lost them while sitting on a chair, while sitting on a chair as I place them beside me then when i stand to leave and after i already out in the place it is then i could recall i have forgotten something which cause me to laugh for being tactless. So far from now on i slightly change my behavior then have to be constantly alert in order not to lost an item or else i probably have to pay for lost item especially if it is not mine...
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@checkmail (2039)
• India
19 Jan 10
Hello neelianoscet me too often do forget some thing when in rstaurants, office, cars, buses, etc.But never got that much annoyed as got when forgot my things other than this places as its really unable to get it back.Yes i do get my things back if inquired properly about it.But nowadays am practicing slow and easy going in my routine so won't forget anything.Anyways enjoy your mylotting, Happy mylotting.
@bhav27 (442)
• India
2 Jan 10
well many times , i forgot many usefull things while going out , though i make the preparation early in the morning or about an hour ago before going out but still one and the other thing is left behind and sometimes when i am out i even forgot some useful and iimportant things which i was suppose to buy and when i reach home then i realised that i forgot the thing to buy but usually forgot to take list of things which i made to buy thing and if it is vacations then i forget many stuff at home.
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@checkmail (2039)
• India
19 Jan 10
Hello bhav27 me too tried to do various thing in order to get rid of this habbit of forgeting.But nothing worked for me till now, not even list, reminders, etc, instead now am practicing some slow and easy going through my routine and its working for me in beter position.Anyways keep it up with your mylot and its participation, Happy mylotting.
@px_yeap (269)
• Malaysia
2 Jan 10
it happened to me quite often...! especially while doing grocery shopping...i knew i had to bring my grocery bag (since here in where I live, there is a no plastic bag days)...and i had it ready, but then when i go out...i would forget! then again...while buying my grocery...i would only remember what i'll need to buy when coming back! Working as well...i had everything ready when going to meet a customer...but then there is always a file missing...which is on my desk!
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@checkmail (2039)
• India
19 Jan 10
Hello px_yeap me too many a times do forget while shopping for grocery, sometimes its the list or some items of it, or a few times money to buy it.Even in office too sometimes forgot the file of presentation at back home.even sometimes had really missed everything without any problem with anybody.So am now working on this problem and started to go slow and calm in my routine.Hope it works fine for me as its started to work for me a little.Anyways keep it up with your mylot and its participation.Happy mylotting.
@BinaryKat (735)
• United States
1 Jan 10
Sometimes I will forget things. One time rushing out the house, I forgot to throw on some long underwear outside because it was snowing and really cold. It was not fun standing at the bus stop as my poor legs ended up being frozen. I have forgotten my breakast and lunch and ended up buying something. I now make sure to get up early enough to make sure I have everything together.
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@checkmail (2039)
• India
18 Jan 10
Hello Binarykat me too often forget to get my umbrella durign the rainy seasons, even sometimes caps and shades in summer seasons.Well this forgeting habbit never seems to end with us, though we take enough precaution, still we miss out someting in haste.The only solution ot its is to go on slowly at an constant pace.Anyways keep it up with your mylotting, as wel as your pace.Happy mylotting.
@sublime03 (2338)
• Philippines
2 Jan 10
I sometimes tend to forget like my camera or some un important thing so it is okay to have it left behind. I always make sure to keep everything in my bag so that I will not forget to bring any important documents or any little thing needed where I am heading.
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@checkmail (2039)
• India
18 Jan 10
Hello sublime03 me too often do forget some imp things on some imp workdays, like some office files, banking etc stuff.Its all beacuse of we make haste to do our stuff, if we follow an constant routine with slow pace then we won't face such an problem.Currently am working on to it and the results are good.Anyways keep it up with your mylotting and your works,Happy mylotting.
@jewels49 (1776)
• United States
1 Jan 10
I almost always use to forget either my list or my coupons when I went to the grocery store! I now keep them in a basket below my where my keys hang and that seems to have solved the problem. I still forget my phone alot but I think that is a sub-conscious way to be left alone for a few minutes. The loss of memory that bothers me the most is when I forget what I went into another room for!
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@checkmail (2039)
• India
18 Jan 10
Hello jewels49 me too often forget someting whiel doing my grocery stuffs, eiother i forget to keep the cash or the list, Even msot of the time forget some items to be buyed.This forgeting problems in never ending for me atleast, so am now concentrating on not making haste and do my works slowy and its effective in it.Anyways keep it up with your mylotting and grocery shopping.Happy mylotting.