He hit her!
By jesf1988
@jesf1988 (202)
United States
January 1, 2010 5:39pm CST
I have a very close friend. One who I have been friends with for 15 years, and I am 21 so most of my life! Well anyways her boyfriend and her have been together three years and he hit her in her mouth and caused her to get stitches!! He tells her he will never do it again and he is sorry because he didnt mean it and so she stays with him!!! How do I tell her to leave him?!?! Since this incident he slapped her one other time. Dont all men say they would never do it again?
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10 responses
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
3 Jan 10
Hi jesf,
Yes, they ALL say they will never do it again and 9 out of 10, they will do it again. I think they really are deeply sorry and hope to never do it again but the thing is that they have anger issues. They reach a point where they just can't control themselves. They need help. As for your friend, there is not much you can do other than to be there for her. If you push her too hard to leave him then she will begin to avoid you and try to hide these things from you as well. The person that stays with the abuser needs help equally as much as the one who does the abusing. She needs help in understanding why it is that she would stay with a man that most women would run from. I hope your friend gets out of that situation soon as it almost never gets better. It usually gets worse.
@jesf1988 (202)
• United States
3 Jan 10
Yes that is what I have heard, and that is what I am afraid of. I hope and pray that this doesnt happen to her again, but there is nothing I can do. If she stays with him, I hope it wont happen again but it probably will, and then I hope she will see that it is a cycle, and get herself out of that. Its just so hard to see someone you love being abused, and not want to help themself and leave.
@pentagan12 (757)
• Philippines
2 Jan 10
Hi friend. As a woman, I feel so sorry for what happened to your friend. Hitting by someone you love can really cause not only physical, but emotional pain as well. It can even be traumatic for some people. I guess the fight they had was really severe which caused him to hit her easily. And as what you've mentioned, she had stitches on her mouth which was a sign of a very strong punch. I believe it was extremely traumatic on the girl's part since she can always see the outcome of that fight every time she looks herself at the mirror. When the man said and promised he won't do it again, believe me, he will still do it. If he has done it once, he will always do it over and over again. And as what other mylotters have said, he will ask forgiveness again for that. Well, that has been the so-called cycle of violence which should not be tolerated by the victims. If she was hit once, then she should stay away from that man already. Yes, it might be very painful at first especially if she truly loves the guy. But if she won't stop loving him, she'll always get hurt until she reach the point of hurting herself too. As her friend, I know that you are concerned about her. You can try to help her by simply talking to her and just try to explain the consequences that may happen if she continues that kind of relationship.
@jesf1988 (202)
• United States
2 Jan 10
Yeah it is very hard to know what to do. I normally dont become such a part of someones business but in this case i feel like I have to. I know she loves him and she says she knows he loves her. Thats just fine maybe she believes you can love someone and still put your hands on them violently, but like I tell her SHE needs to love herself to get out of this situation. Im getting sick of talking and talking to her and have her not listen but I cant turn my back on the situation, I just dont know what to do anymore. Its a complicated and touchy subject to have to talk to someone about. Because Im not in the relationship and I dont know how it feels to be in an abusive relationship, but I know that I have heard alot about how it starts as a push or a slap or something, and then turns into someone more severe!
@jennybianca (12912)
• Australia
2 Jan 10
Yes, they do say that. Actually some dont say that... they deny they even assaulted in the first place, like my ex did.
Your friend is like I was. I guess she is trying to save her marriage. But it cant be saved. He will do it again.
Does he emotionally and verbally abuse her too?
Im sorry, this is domestic violence.
He will not stop, unless he is one of those rare few who get help.
All you can do is offer her support, until she decides to leave him, as she will eventually.
@jesf1988 (202)
• United States
2 Jan 10
They are not married!! They are just boyfriend and girlfriend. He tells her he will never get married because he doesn't believe in marriage. Yes he does emotionally and verbally abuse her all the time!! I have gotten into it with him a few times because of the way he talks to her. He calls her names and tells her to shut the f*** up!! He is an idiot and I cannot stand him. He called me a b**** one day and I got right into his face and told him I dare him to hit me! I said you dont talk to me like that and I got into his face and said he was a scared little boy and he does not act like a man and I told him I dare you to hit!!! try it and then Ill have a real man (myine) come over here and show you how a real man acts!! He wouldnt take another person calling me that and he would NEVER in a million years call me a name or anything. We have gotten into arguments of course like all relationships, but then he normally will be like wait why are we arguing this is stupid, and come over and hug me or something :) I wish she could find a man even half as good as mine .... because her man is not a man at all!!
@drakesuyat (1063)
• Philippines
2 Jan 10
how can he assure that he wont do it again? wont they be arguing for another topic? the fact that he have already done it once, there's a big possibility that he'll do it again. she cant just trust him like that. happy mylotting
@jesf1988 (202)
• United States
2 Jan 10
I know she cant, she shouldnt. i just dont know how to tell her this without making her feel like I am judging her. I do not want her to start pushing me away or start feeling like she cannot tell me things. Its just a very touchy subject with her. She always just says its not a big deal and then changes the subject so I think I am going to stop talking to her about it and just hope she will realize she needs to get out before he hits her again.
@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
2 Jan 10
Yes..they do always say that. I am here to tell you that if they do it once, it is just a matter of time until they will do it again. Everytime it will get a little worse too. It will be hard to convince your friend of this and if you confront her, she may slowly push you away until you never see her again. He will make sure of that if he finds out you have said for her to leave. Be there for her and support her when she is ready to get out. It is a hard situation but I don't know any other advice to give you.
@jesf1988 (202)
• United States
2 Jan 10
Yeah I try not to confront her about it because she is the victim and she doesnt see it. I dont think she will see it until she is ready. I just hope that it is sooner rather than later. He knows I have told her to leave. I have said it in front of him before. I tried going over one day and we were going to go out and he opened the door and said she wa ssleeping and didnt want to go out anymore...so I pushed through him and went inside!! She was in the bathroom he was just being stupid.
@RevampSkunk (107)
• United States
2 Jan 10
In this case yeah, the woman should end the relationship. But then again she might hit him and then verbally abuse the man as well. It can happen in any relationship, but I hate how people automatically condemn the man for hitting the woman, but if the woman uses a club or another weapon and hits the man, or hits him herself, then that's ok. Bull fu**ing s**t!
@jesf1988 (202)
• United States
2 Jan 10
Yeah I understand where you are coming from. If a women is abusive too then no you should not just blame the man. But in this case she is NOT in anyway at all abusive towards him. So I do understand what you mean but in this case it is just him who is doing the abusing. Not her, so he is the only one to blame.
@rogue13xmen13 (14402)
• United States
2 Jan 10
If he hit her once, then what is to stop him from doing it again? He will hit her again, they always do. Once an abuser, always an abuser. She is going to have to get away from him. "Love does not have to hurt". Go to the Domestic Abuse sites. You will see that he cannot and will not stop. The only way that the abuse will end is if she leaves him. When they say that they will never do it again, they never mean it. They will do it again because often times they cannot help it, they are violent by nature.
My boyfriend has gotten angry, and he has never yelled at me or laid a hand on me. He will hit his bed or his pillow, but will never hit another person.
Your friend's boyfriend could have hit anything but her. He could have hit a punching bag, or a wall if he truly loved her and did not want to hurt her, but as it is, he hurt her. He will do it again. The question is: Will she stand by him and let him do it again? Or, will she have the guts to get away from him and do the right thing?
@jesf1988 (202)
• United States
2 Jan 10
I know, in my relationship it is the same thing. We have been together almost 5 years now and he has never put a hand on me. He has never pushed me or anything. When I talk to him about it he gets so mad because he loves me so much and he can see that this is hurting me too because this is my best friend, that he wants to go over there and beat his ***!! And he is not an angry person but like I tell him that will not solve anything, it would make matters worse. Next time he would probably threaten her that if she tells me he will do something else. I just dont know anymore. I mean I have never really liked him, she deserves better then him. He is rude. He will make himself a one person meal for dinner right when she gets home from working a long day. Instead of making food for them both. I just cannot believe this guy he is rude to her and I feel like he has always been verbally abusive towards her. He calls her nasty names, he is just not a man at all. I hope she gets him out of there!!
@valentinesdiner (1214)
• United States
2 Jan 10
Once one person crosses taht line and hits another, you can never go back to where things were and you can never return to that level or trust from before.
Make sure the woman involved communicates taht to her friend that things may return to OK, but they will never be exactly the same again.
I am so deeply sorry for your friend. Best of luck and vaya con dios.
@jesf1988 (202)
• United States
2 Jan 10
Thank You for your thoughts. I hope for her everyday that she will leave him. I dont know i guess all I can do is be there for her and support her. The last thing I want to do is make her feel like she cannot talk to me about things. Thats why I watch my words because I do not want her to think I am judging her.
@Madwirch58 (23)
• United States
1 Jan 10
Once a hitter all ways a hitter. He will only get worse, and if they get married and or have kids it will get worse still. The best thing she can do for her self is to get out of there and fast. There are lots of places she can go to and people who will help her.
If you care for her get her out of there.
@jesf1988 (202)
• United States
2 Jan 10
I know I have tried but I dont think she sees it! She honestly doesn't think he would ever do it again, and when i ask her why she thinks he did it the first time she says he didnt mean it and she really believes him that he didnt mean to do it. How does somebody punch your face and cause you to get stitches but they didnt mean it?? I dont know how to make her see it. I have been with my man for 4 years almost 5 and he would never even think about putting a hand on me.
@angie497 (22)
• United States
2 Jan 10
He did mean it, and he'll do it again. In fact, from what you say, he's already done it again. When he says he'll never do it again, he means it - but he'll do it again anyway. And he'll apologize again, and he'll be very sincere, and he'll promise not to do it again.
You get the idea.
Unfortunately, until your friend is ready to end the relationship, you can talk yourself blue in the fact, and it's not going to change anything. Very few women leave the relationship the first time they're hit. They make excuses, and they stay. There's no predicting how many times she'll go through the cycle before she's ready to make that break.
In the meantime, all you can do is be there for her. Support her, encourage her, and be there when she needs you. And if he ever makes the mistake of doing it in front of you, call the cops, and be willing to testify. You could try calling the cops even if you didn't see it, but unless she's badly hurt, he's going to deny it, and she'll probably make excuses for him.
@jesf1988 (202)
• United States
2 Jan 10
Oh yeah I would!! If I ever witnessed him hitting her I would call the police on him. I dont care if she told me shes be mad and hate me....I would do it anyways because she would thank me in the end. Thats kind of how I think it is going to go. I dont think it matter what I say because we have been friends so long we always listen to each other and for her not to even listen to what I say....I know something is wrong. Another thing is this is her FIRSt real relationship shes been in .... and I understand that those are hard to break off but I mean I dont get it. I hope she comes to her senses and leaves him because she deserves so much better than that.