Trinity is now True!! God is not a trinity
By daylstone
@daylstone (126)
January 1, 2010 10:07pm CST
there is no verse in the bible that says that there is a trinity...
6 responses
@PastorP (1170)
• United States
4 Jan 10
Hi daylstone. I'm about to give you a little more on the Trinity but first I want to tell you I responded to a question below you had regarding Jesus praying
Now, for daylstone and others who wonder about the Trinity or do not think it exists please see,
That is a very simple proof of the Holy Trinity.
Did you know that in the Old Testament, Yahweh sends Yahweh? Also Yahweh in Zechariah stands before satan and Yahweh essentially says "Yahweh rebuke you!" Any reason why Yahweh standing before satan did not say "I rebuke you?" The reason is because almighty God subsists in such away as to provide man's salvation.
Genesis 1:1 the word God is plural but the very "created" is singular. Right from the start we see One God, but subsisting for our salvation.
And, though the word "Trinity" is not used in the Holy Bible, "Godhead" is.
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@daylstone (126)
• Philippines
11 Jan 10
How then are we to explain the following verses?
1 Corinthians 11:3 - "...The head of christ is God..."
Mark 13:32 - " one knows the day or time...not even the son, only the father..."
Colossians 3:1 - "...christ is seated at the right hand of God..."
John 14:28 - "...God is greater than Christ..."
These are very straight forward Verses that says that trinitiy does not exist. There is one God, he has a son, that is Jesus Christ.
Trinity came from Pagan beliefs like almost all of the beliefs out there, like christmas, belief in saints, etc.
@daylstone (126)
• Philippines
11 Jan 10
And also, john 3:16 shows that God sent his only begotten son because of his love for mankind. It is not said that he sent himself nor did he say that he turned himself to someone else to become christ.
I know how difficult it is for someone to reject an age old teaching that was taught to us by our forefathers, but let us look at the bible and read through the verses thouroughly and we'll see that a lot of things which we came to believe is not true and they take their roots from pagan rituals. For example, long before christ came to earth, Osiris, Isis, and horus (from egypt) exists as a trinity, Brahma, siva and Vishnu exists as a trinity as well..
these some of the pagan beliefs that influenced the Trinity belief. And with these in mind some people even rewrote the the verse in John 1:1 and misinterpret what the the other verse said about God and christ being one.
@daylstone (126)
• Philippines
26 Feb 10
This is story is believable if you don't know anything about the bible but what does the bible "really" teach?
1 Cor. 11:3 says that Christ's Head is God, meaning, Christ... Jesus Christ, has someone Higher than him and that is God. There is no second man (the theroy of your second man that is), there's Christ, the "son" of God and There is the God Almighty. It is UNCOMPARABLE to us being tired and our body don't want to work but our mind does.
Colossians 3:1 - by the way, I didn't see your explanation in "Christ sitting at the right side of God", which I understand because it will jeopardize your belief system.
and you quoted Philippians 2, did you realize that the verse talks about Jesus NOT being equal to God (Philippians 2:5). It also says there that God "exalted him" (2 Philippians 2:7), meaning, there was someone who exalted and someone that was exalted.
You do not need theology to know about God. All you need is the Bible.
There are no clear passages by the way that they are all one but there are clear (very clear) passages saying that they are different personas.
In Conclusion: Trinity does not exist. There are people everywhere who did not study 'theology' but can interpret the bible more than anyone of us can do.
Christ didn't study anything compared to theology when he was here nor did his disciples. They came from different backgrouds and yet they understood what God says.
The 'pharisees' on the other hand, studied and even placed the bible in their foreheads but I guess you know their story.

@spalladino (17891)
• United States
2 Jan 10
The various parts of the trinity are mentioned in many places in the Bible but this one might interest you. Matthew 28:16-20 is a passage referred to as “The Great Commission.” In verse 19, Jesus states, “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,”
Jesus teld his disciples to baptize people in the names of all three members of the Trinity. This passage indicates that the entire Trinity is God. There are many more examples of the trinity in the Bible if you look.
@daylstone (126)
• Philippines
2 Jan 10
then how was Jesus able to pray to God when he was here on earth, if he is only praying to himself?
@spalladino (17891)
• United States
2 Jan 10
Because God is not singular like you and I...He is not human. Jesus was an extension of Him.
In John 8:58, Jesus says "Before Abraham was, I am."
And in John 14:9, " Jesus *said to him, “Have I been so long with you, and yet you have not come to know Me, Philip? He who has seen Me has seen the Father; how can you say, ‘Show us the Father’?
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@PastorP (1170)
• United States
4 Jan 10
For, daylstone, first of all greetings. I'm going to post a bit more about the Trinity in a main response to your initial post, but I want to address the question you asked here.
I can't copy and paste yet, so I hope I don't throw your question out of whack. I believe you asked how then was Jesus able to pray to God. This was necessary not for Him, but for our salvation. We cannot be rescued from sin and hell by our own works, so it was in God's design, subsisting as Father, Son and Holy Spirit to rescue us by the vicarious life and atoning sacrifice of His Son.
Per Philippians 2, the Son did what was needed to be done by the direction of the Holy Spirit. The same we are supposed to please God (check Romans 8).
@EvanHunter (4026)
• United States
4 Jan 10
Let the stoning begin! Just kidding, no I don't believe in the trinity I believe God and Jesus are two different beings.
@ckyera (17331)
• Philippines
12 Mar 10
hello there,
yeah i think so...
i believe that there is only one true God the Father...and a mediator/savior...Christ.
God said i am God and not man ... while Christ said i am man, with flesh & bones...
all i know is that the teaching of trinity or teaching that christ is true god was created in the council of niceain 325a.d. if i am not mistaken...
@felice369 (239)
• United States
2 Jan 10
I am not a religious person, and I don't have any religion whatsoever. I am just curious here, what exactly is trinity according to your bible. What is it all about?
@achilles2010 (3051)
• India
11 Mar 10
It is true that neither Old Testament nor New Testament teach the doctrine of Trinity, however, it does provide material at two places on which the doctrine of Trinity is based.
The first is in Gospel according to John at passage 1:1, where he says, "In the beginning was the word, word was with God and the word became God".
Further at John 14:25-26 it says, "These things I have spoken to you while abiding with you. But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all that I, said to you".
The verse John 1:1 ought to be interpreted thus, "In the beginning God gave his word, He kept His word and He came and abided amongst us as His own Son." The verse at John 14:25-26 however reveals the mystery of the Holy Spirit. Thus, there is only a tacit hint about Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit.
@daylstone (126)
• Philippines
12 Mar 10
JOhn 14:16 says that Jesus WILL ASK the Father to send his apostles another counselor to be with them forever. If he said this he is only saying that he will not be with them anymore, right?
Meaning he is in heaven (already with his father), therefore, how can he ask his father if he himself IS the father.
Why didn't he simply say that "I will send you a new counselor"? The only reason is because, he is not deeming himself as equal to God even if he is already in heaven, because he knows his place, he is the Son of God, as reported in many verses in the bible thus he is a God but NOT the all mighty God.