what is the first discussion you started in mylot?

January 2, 2010 6:50am CST
hi friends,when i was new member to mylot i don't know that we can start our own discussion.at first i responded to man discussions.after some time only i noticed that option,i was thinking what topic to start discussion,at that time trailer of the movie "2012 END OF THE WORLD" was going on in television.so started a discussion "2012 end of the world your opinion" .i got a 6 response to that discussion :) what is the first discussion you started in mylot friend ?
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14 responses
@MrKennedy (1978)
3 Jan 10
I'm not sure, I think it was something along the lines of "What is the Best Memory you Have of Your Life". It was okay, and attracted a whole page worth of posters. However, I don't tend to start discussions that much as I'm too busy replying to existing ones.
• United States
3 Jan 10
my first discussion was "Sleep", about sleep advice and about my trouble sleeping. that took MANY pages to go through
@drakesuyat (1063)
• Philippines
3 Jan 10
the first topic i posted was about the no therapeutic claims tag on herbal medicines. i even mistakenly posted it twice. and i never received any response on it. that was 3 years ago. happy mylotting
@checkmail (2039)
• India
3 Jan 10
Hello karthi_88 me too had started an discussion at mylot after spendign some time responding to tohers discussions.Well mine first discussion was based on nature and environment, about the various adv of nature and also its imp in our lives.Though didn't got too many responses some of my just made friends at mylot did respond to mine first discussion.I was a little on back step when started the discussions, as was thinking how to respond to the responses i will be rec.But thanks just rec a few that too from my mylot friends.Later got enough experience in it and started to particpate more and more on mylot.Anyways enjoy your discussions and replying them.Happy mylotting.
@edxcast (1168)
• Ecuador
3 Jan 10
Hi karthi My first discussion was about the latest album of my favorite band Sonata Arctica. Guess they are not too famous around mylot since no one responded to that discussion until someone who added me as friend did. My guess is he or she did it for pity (well as he or she didnt knew nothing about them).
@sunisami (93)
• Australia
3 Jan 10
Hello :) I had an encouraging entry into myLot land. I joined yesterday and my first discussion has posted 20 replies and found its way onto 'todays top'. Although with such a shining start I suspect I will now find it difficult to live up to this.
@yogeshdhusa (2236)
• India
2 Jan 10
Hi ! karthi_88 The first discussion started was"does my lot pay really pay" as i had joined newly and was curious
@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
2 Jan 10
My first discussion was Is ignorance truely bliss...lol..I only got a couple of responses.I still have discussions from when I first started that I have 0 responses to..lol..it's just part of being new. The more friends uou make and the more active you are, the more responses you will start to get.
@maezee (41988)
• United States
2 Jan 10
My first discussion was one.. that ended up only getting 3 or so responses. Not too many at all. It was about a very dull topic, apparently. (Well, not really, but a very specific topic anyway.) I was asking about a certain store in America (not sure if it's elsewhere) and about their sizing. It was something that had been on my mind for a while and I was happy to have the outlet to vent about it.
@veromar (1453)
• Argentina
3 Jan 10
When I first joined myLot, I had no clue what to write about, so I decided to ask if anybody had ever been to Argentina, which is where I live. Nobody responded! lol. Not a single person! I came to realize, though, that it was my own fault because I didn't use good "tags" for the discussion. In time, I've come to understand more how the system works and get many more responses. You just don't realize how important those tags can be! lol.
• Philippines
2 Jan 10
The first discussion I made was three month ago and it was about mylot. WHAT DOES MYLOT HAS TO KEEP YOU HERE? Thats the discussion all about. I was only new back then and gained three responses. Well I am still new for i was off mylot this past few month because of a band internet connection. Now that I can be more here at mylot hope I can gain more responses, gain more friends and discuss a lot more.
@OYGAK2005 (371)
• Saudi Arabia
2 Jan 10
hi.karthi...wait ..i have to check my first discussion...lol it is a got no more responses but totally forgot about my first discussion.. ....nice day.........
@bhav27 (442)
• India
2 Jan 10
the very first discussion i started here was how to earn in mylot and i got very poitive response from a user and he guided me so well that i am still following his instruction and it really helps me to earn money from mylot , when i joined mylot i did't knew how to earn , what to do of these discussions and then i made that discussion and got answers of all my queries and that was fun and i was exited because i got a website where you get paid for chatting or typing.
• Canada
3 Jan 10
It was a question about tripods. I started it yeasterday and nobody responses me yet.