Murphy's Law
January 4, 2010 12:37pm CST
You know when you are in a hurry to finish something like when you are running out of time for a deadline then everything seems to be going wrong as if the universe is out there to get you? Then what do you do? I admit, I am your resident procrastinator and as such, I am always running out of time trying to beat the deadline. And as always I find myself in that position when everything would go wrong. Heavy traffic or no taxi when I'm running late for a meeting; computer crashing when my report is due just minutes away and other things like that. Just recently, I am venturing into a new phase in my life. I am applying for a grad school and of course I submitted my application on the day of the deadline itself. And as usual, things went awry. My internet connection was I think incompatible with the platform of the site or it's just failing me as I can't upload my files. I am way past the deadline before It occurred to me to use a different computer as the error was probably mine and not with the site's server. I was not able to pay the application fee on time because apparently you can only pay via bank transfer and cannot use all the online services available. As I panicked and watched as my dreams dissolve right before my eyes, I have no one to blame but me. I knew this is gonna happen with the way I have been putting off my deadlines. I wanted to blame the people around me (i.e. no one's there to help me, I am all alone kind of crappy drama) but know in my heart that it was all my fault. I thought of all the wasted time and money and can't help but cry. All my efforts just gone to waste.
I still finished and uploaded all the requirements even if it was way past deadline. I have just recently check the status of my application and it says that it was now "In Process". I feel mixed emotions. Lucky, as apparently they still consider to process it; trepidation as I keep on refreshing the page waiting for the status to change into "Rejected"; I wonder if they rejected it I would know right away. I am in a limbo right now. I keep remembering the things I wrote in my motivation letter and can't help but cringe. It was after all crammed. Even my CV looks crap! Oh, what a wasted opportunity, but hey you never know. Sometimes I feel my whole world is governed by Murphy's Law but I can still be that one lucky b*tch! Here's to hoping luck would win on my side!
Note to self: Stop procrastinating! When am I ever gonna learn?
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