Reincarnation, what are your beliefs? Study may shock you!

United States
January 5, 2010 4:31pm CST
I was wondering what people who believe in reincarnation might believe about it. It sounds kind of glamorous and many religions have a firm beliefs system based on reincarnation. But what if its not all that its cracked up to be. Recently I just finished reading the book "Old Souls" by Tom Shrodder where he writes about a psychologist named Dr. Ian Stevenson who has spent the better part of his life and the past 40 years researching cases of children and adults who claim to recall former lives. The book deals with his trip with Stevenson to Beirut and India and makes arguments for both pro and con of the possibility of reincarnation. Stevenson also believes this might be the cause of some peoples phobias. Ian Stevenson believes that birth defects or just birth marks may be caused by past life occurrences. There also seems to be a correlation with those who remember past lives and the majority of them that met a tragic ending. There seems to be no rhyme or reason to how or why someone comes back, in fact those who recall near death experiences recall being drawn towards a pregnant woman's belly. Most disturbing is the one I read about a poor Indian girl who was burned to death in her place of work where she made cheap jewelry and led a pretty dismal life. A teen who now works at the same factory claims to be the reincarnation of that girl and has the same dreary life, she also has a birthmark that matches the mat that she was burned to death on. So much for karma if its true. What are your feelings about reincarnation do you believe its possible? Or do you feel that somehow beyond our understanding these memories were implanted on the new born? All opinions welcome!
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13 responses
• United Kingdom
6 Jan 10
I'm not sure that I believe in this idea but it's interesting that you created this discussion as it was only two days ago that I saw a film called 'Audrey Rose'. I don't know if you are familiar with this movie? Anyway, it's about this couple who have a daughter by the name of Ivy! The wife is collecting her daughter from school and there's this man just standing there watching and then following them both back home. Anyway, I will try and cut this short! This man eventually arranges a meeting with the husband and wife and they have a long chat. The man tells the couple that he lost his wife and young daughter in a car accident! His daughter's name was Audrey Rose! He believed that his daughter had been reincarnated and her soul had entered the body at birth of the couple's daughter Ivy. During the night, Ivy would panic and cry and scream and the couple were so worried. It happens that this strange man is present when Ivy is going through this experience and he calls her by the name Audrey Rose and she calms down and runs into his arms crying 'Daddy!' In one scene where Ivy is running around panicing and crying she places her hands on her cold bedroom window and she burns them! How could this happen? Well, the stange man's daughter Audrey Rose, in the car accident she was being burn alive and was slamming her hands against the car windows and supposedly she burnt them. Anyway, it's a really touching film, quite sad as well. There's nothing at the beginning of the film to say that it's based on a true story or anything like that but it really gets you thinking. I would definitely recommend a viewing of the movie 'Audrey Rose'. As I mentioned, I'm not sure that I believe in it but I have heard about so called birth marks and how they could possibly relate to an injury suffered in that exact position in a former life! That's my take on it! Andrew
@cobradene (1171)
• India
7 Jan 10
I would like to say something related to this and also the birth marks. In India, we have a famous system of Astrology called Nadi Astrology. This form of astrology is at least, more than 4,000 years old. The most ancient rishis or seers of India had cast horoscopes through their intuitive powers, for all those souls who would be reincarnating in future. They wrote predictions of their lives, not just for one birth, but for successive births, with all details, whom they would marry, what profession they would follow. You would be surprised, they even cast the names, of the person, their parents and how many siblings and children they would have etc. It's so much in detail, that even I had a shocking experience with it. In this astrology, they even sometimes talk about particular marks of the body, and if it has been caused due to some incident of a past life. The most shocking thing is, 4,000 years back, they knew there would be aeroplanes, and computers and motor vehicles. For my father, in the palm leaf, it was clearly stated he would work in a locomotive company, and my friend, it was given she would be an airhostess. And for me, it said I would be an artist and my path would be of a yogi, which I am now. So, nadi astrology is one way of proving reincarnation exists.
• United States
7 Jan 10
That is pretty interesting I think I will see if I can dig into finding out more about nadi astrology, got any sources you care to point out that I might be able to find on the web?
• United States
6 Jan 10
Thank you for the reply Andrew. Yes I seen that movie a long time ago. I think you are correct it was just simply a work of fiction as far as I know also and was based on a book by the same name. I had heard the thing about the birth marks also from my mothers side of the family but had just considered it an old wives tale.
@cannibal (650)
• India
7 Jan 10
Reincarnation obviously cannot be proven objectively but there are certain 'tried and tested' methods to testify its validity. Whoever has indulged into deep meditation has affirmed reincarnation and therefore I reckon it does carry a bright chance since it at least offers subjective evidence. It also seems to be coherent to me. Why else would a God make someone short-tempered eugenically? Why are some kids naturally retarded? Why are we subjected to such glaringly different conditions in life? Why would someone be orphaned at a tender age? Why do babies die? Interestingly enough, this God's whims do not take the blame for how a person would react after knowing that s/he is inferior to a significant many! Some people say that for it to be true, reincarnation should be 'experienced' by direct contact in an easy way. However, it is said that the culprits for us not remembering past lives is we alone, our ignorance. I mean before incarnating itself our soul being an ignorant and un-evolved one took the decision of making our mindset that way. [To make the conditions harsher] Karma is highly misunderstood as a law. Well, I feel it isn't a frozen law. Of course, the gist is 'As you sow, so shall you reap', but the working is way more complex and involves several factors. The free will of the soul does make a huge difference.
• United States
7 Jan 10
Thank you for the reply. Science would say kids are born with defects due to genetic abnormalities. Science would also say that someones temperament is caused by their upbringing and what their parents did. Anyways there is always at least two explanations but like I said this book can really make you question some of it.
@cannibal (650)
• India
9 Jan 10
That was never my point. The question is, why are fortunes, instincts, features etc. so drastically different?
@cobradene (1171)
• India
6 Jan 10
Reincarnation is a fact and those who don't want to believe it, cannot be convinced to believe in it. There are a set of 8 videos on Youtube. Look out for it, as they were banned way back on television, in Australia. A group of psychiatrists, experimented on this by putting women under hypnosis and taking them back to their previous lives and helping them recollect facts, and finally they visited those places where they lived, and they were not given any directions, they were just taken to the country, and these women spotted the place themselves. Just watch the video on past life regression - banned... I think that's the thread. I will look for it and post it here. It's very interesting and intense. One of the ladies was taken away by the Nazi in her past life, and she also recognized the house she lived in Berlin in her previous life. We can experience past lives, and all of us do, in dreams or flashes, but we don't seem to recognize them.
@cobradene (1171)
• India
27 Mar 10
I don't agree with you. I have had past life experiences through meditation also. But its not necessary that psychiatrists try to throw anything. There are many past life regression therapies happening successfully.
• United States
6 Jan 10
Thanks for the reply. The thing that made this book different than other stories is it didnt require any hypnosis. A lot of psychologist will throw anything out that has to do with hypnosis because the human mind is so susceptible to the slightest thing while under hypnosis.
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
6 Jan 10
Hi there evanhunter, I really don't have any firm set of beliefs but am open to the possibility of all things such as this. I have in the past read with great interest many stories and theories regarding the possibility of reincarnation. Years ago, I read a book titled "the search for the girl with blue eyes" by Jesse Stearns. What a great book. I read it again a few years back. It was a great book. Still, there has never been any concrete proof of such a thing so who knows. Perhaps we will never know for sure. Perhaps we aren't supposed to know.
• United States
6 Jan 10
Thank you for the reply. I enjoyed this book because it offered the pros and cons on how it could be true or false. But in the stretch to explain it away rationally some of the stories were more rational than the explanation to deny them.
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
6 Jan 10
Well you've gotten my curiosity up now. I think as soon as I finish the book that I'm currently reading then I'm going to the library and look this book out. It really does sound like a very good read. I'm sure I'll enjoy it. Thanks evan!
@1hopefulman (45114)
• Canada
6 Jan 10
Everyone can believe what they want. And that is the way it should be. However, I personally don't believe in reincarnation. The teaching of reincarnation does not make sense to me. My argument is that, if reincarnation existed and would be of any benefit, then everyone would have to remember their past lives vividly so that it would then serve a purpose. This way, based on the experience of our past lives, we would have learned lessons so that we could move forward. I personally don't have any recollections of any past life at all.
• United States
6 Jan 10
Thank you for the reply. Look at the post above this one and you will see a scientific theory that I recently found. I have to admit the stories were pretty compelling in this book and it does raise my curiosity to find out exactly how they knew some of the things they did.
• India
6 Jan 10
I believe in reincarnation, first because it forms the basis of my religion. Second it is through reincarnation that one can beautifully explain the inequities of life. If understood well and in a non-fatalistic way it is one of the well-constructed non-standard theoris that explains the vagaries of human predicaments, predilections, and proclivities.
• India
7 Jan 10
The actual purpose of karma is corrective in nature. We are made in the image of God. So we need to imbibe those very characteristics- pure, unmixed, and no-expectations-in-return kind of Love, impartiality, and so on which are Divine Qualities, that distinguish God from Man. Till such time we need to incarnate. As man/woman grows over several lifetimes- for it is next to impossible that someone who has begun his journey to "know it all" in one lifetime-- a pretty small "interval" to get anywhere near God's Great Qualities! That serves as the basis for more than one lifetime, which in turn implies rebirth, so everything fits in place. The problem really is, we do not have in our conscious mind any memories of our "past". This is explained away in the Classical Texts saying that, this forgetfulness is in fact a "blessing" for otherwise if only every man prepared and unprepared would know what was his past and what is expected of him in this lifetime, he/she might be so debilitated as to not do anything at all and get into a fatalistic mood! The "memories" are you are wont to calling them,the Hindu books use the term Samskaras,which translates into impressions or imprints and tendencies all three rolled in one that go to define a personality in this lifetime. On this subject even many Hindus are not as clear, as they tend to connect the just-previous lifetime for all the happenings of this lifetime.This cannot be. It is here that Edgar Cayce - The Sleeping Prophet of Virginia Beach was very appropriate. The bundling of "karmic+ and "saamskaric" elements that we bring to a particular lifetime are chosen out of several of our previous lifetimes. All said and done, conducting a brutally honest enquiry into one's past lifetimes, needs lost of personal courage on the part of the candidate and professional honesty and scientific detachment on the part of the therapist. Yes it does fix some phobia problems.
• India
7 Jan 10
I am a firm believer in reincarnation mainly coz my religion. Hinduism teaches reincarnation and karma and the link between the two. While I sound very illogical and blind but somehow the idea of reincarnation gives me a feeling of being rooted to this earth, safe and sound LOL…the belief that I’ll be back, no matter in what form. Also the link with karma is equally significant to me…good karma in this life means I have a chance to have a better life next time, so I try to do as much good as possible (how selfish, amn’t I? LOL)
• United States
7 Jan 10
Thank you for the reply. Listening to you talk brings up another topic I recently started that asked the question is this planet a prison for souls. You view it as a place of learning but others say we are kept here in the physical form as if we were prisoners.
@Bionicman (3958)
• Czech Republic
5 Jan 10
Nah, I don't believe it. Haven't read the book but even if I did I wouldn't really trust everything in it. I'd have to do my own research
• United States
5 Jan 10
Thanks for the reply. Of course people who are skeptic aren't going to do much research. I used to have a theory that these cases might be like ancestral memories somehow buried into our DNA code but the cases shown in this book kind of make that hard to believe considering most aren't related.
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
7 Jan 10
Hi EvanHunter, I am a firm believer in reincarnation and have been for as far back as I can remember, which makes me believe that I was born with the belief. In the beginning I didn't know the word or understand the concept but there was a knowing that is very difficult to explain. The teaching of reincarnation is found in most and probably in all world religions, it was accepted by many of the early Christians and taught by some of the early 'Fathers of the church'. Indeed it was not until the sixth century that the teaching was formally condemned by the church. To me reincarnation makes complete sense and as I understand it, contains an in between life period where the lessons learned or unlearned in each life are considered before one is reincarnated. Reincarnation gives one the opportunity to see life from many different aspects, rich, poor, powerfully and slave, to say nothing of belonging to different world faiths. I suggest that you read the story of Edgar Cayce as contained in the book,THERE IS A RIVER BY THOMAS SUGRUE. Blessings.
• United States
7 Jan 10
Thank you for the reply.
• Malaysia
7 Jan 10
hi evan i believe in re incanation , just because it explains "y somethings happens the way it happens" furthermore reincarnation is ment for the soul to go tru "purification" and "self realization" before the end of the cycle .. with this "re incarnation" i can understand why one is a begger and another a prince - it also explains y pope is so spiritual, y i am me n y u r u n y we r friends discussing this topic cheers
• United States
7 Jan 10
Thank you for the reply. So than what happens to the beggar who becomes king is he over stepping his place in the universe?
@May2k8 (18490)
• Indonesia
6 Jan 10
I believe in reincarnation, when we given a chance to be born can we remembering in the past? Of course we cannot, sometimes if I want to do something I thought seemed to have done the same thing, but didn't remember when or where just a glimpse of my mind.
• United States
6 Jan 10
Thank you for the reply.
@Rycharde (18)
7 Jan 10
Reincarnation is assumed to be just an eastern belief, but it occurs in European thought too - just read Plato's Myth or Er (easy to search and simple explanation on wikipedia). Even in Plato there is a river of forgetting. Such ideas disappeared once Christianity spread its messianic myth. If true, then there will be a mechanism for it and hence can be researched. I don't believe in any religious myths but do think there are some phenomena worth investigating. Our mind is really the weirdest place in the universe.
• United States
7 Jan 10
Thank you for the reply. Yes i know of a few people with very western beliefs who are open to the idea of reincarnation.
@syaryel (155)
• Malaysia
6 Jan 10
I'm not sure with this one..but once, in my place there is this one holy man who can experience and sees paranormal activities..he claims to see souls drawn to pregnant woman's belly..he's long gone now.. but looking back at it, if he lied, I didn't see anything to gain from that..
• United States
6 Jan 10
Thank you for the reply. Maybe one day science will be able to measure the soul until than I guess all we have is faith.