What Color Are You?
@purplealabaster (22085)
United States
January 6, 2010 11:07am CST
I have been working with my little one on identifying colors, and she is doing really well at it, especially for her age. Recently, she has been associating people with colors, but probably not in the way that you are thinking. For example, I am purple (big surprise there, huh?
) according to my little one. We are not exactly sure why she associates a certain person with a specific color, but we find it quite interesting. She is far too young to explain her reasoning for the associations that she makes, but we think we have figured out the most obvious ones.
I think that I am purple, because that is my username on here. Both of my daughters are blue, because that is their favorite color (and also my little one adores her big sister and wants to be just like her). Her daddy is red, even though he really doesn't like the color and never wears it, because he has a big, red truck that my little one loves to ride in. My brother is also red, although we really think that he should be orange, because he always wears bright orange work-shirts, and my little one has problems telling the difference between orange and red. Another family member is black, because that is pretty much the only color that he ever wears.
Have your little ones ever made associations that you would not think to make, but you find them very interesting? What color do you think that my little one would associate you with and why?

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47 responses
@thea09 (18305)
• Greece
6 Jan 10
Hi Purple, reading this made me think of that business which was going round about a decade ago, I think it was called something like 'colour me dreadful'.
I've never associated anyone with a colour apart from two local fishermen who share the same name so they are locally known as 'black V and white V' to distinguish them. As they are both brown in colour with grey hair now the names must have started long ago.
Your little girl would probably think brown if she saw me at this time of year, as I'm usually found in a brown jacket and brown boots.
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@thea09 (18305)
• Greece
6 Jan 10
Well the two V's who both got stuck with white and red did better than the chap we know as 'fat' before his name, 'crazy' or other descriptive adjectives. Possible one started to go grey before the other and one does look quite black in the summer.
My coffee could never be described as brown though Purple, black is the colour there. The Greek got hold of some really wonderful Turkish coffee for me but sadly it didn't last long. Re the business name I was teasing, it was an awful idea though, it was a company which set up as 'colour me beautiful' where people were told which colours would suit them, as if they were incapable of working it out for themselves. There must have been a lot of gullible English around to make it work. I mean if someone suddenly announce I should be 'orange' and ought to wear it I wouldn't take a jot of notice, and would stick to the colours which I know go well, one of which is brown.

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@purplealabaster (22085)
• United States
6 Jan 10
Thea, I don't remember "color me dreadful". Was that a song or a game or what?
My little one would probably either think of you as brown because of the brown jacket and boots or blue because of your avatar. She would most likely think of you as brown, though, because if I remember correctly you drink a lot of coffee, which is brown to her even if it does not have cream in it. Therefore, even if she did not go by your clothes, which is not necessarily how she chooses a person's color, she would probably still choose brown due to your beverage choice.
I wonder how the "Black V" and "White V" came into existence. I am sure that it happened years ago, as these names tend to stick with us. Maybe one usually wore white and the other black clothes or perhaps their cars were those respective colors. I know somebody called "Red", but he does not have a particularly ruddy complexion and his hair is dark brown almost black, so I have no idea where that came from.

@valkerion (1827)
• United Kingdom
12 May 10
I do the same thing. I really can not explain how and why I get this feeling, but I have certain colours associated with the people around me. My best friend is red, my girlfriend is green my other friend is black and the other one is brown!
And so forth... I really do not know why I do that, what they mean but I just feel it that way.
I am so happy to see that I am not paranoid and that it happens to other people too.
Anyway, I am clearly an orange :)
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@purplealabaster (22085)
• United States
12 May 10
I think it is really neat, but I would love for you (or my little one) to be able to explain it to me. I just think it is really fascinating and would love to understand it better.
I would not call you paranoid for doing this, but I definitely am starting to think about changing my favorite color. I think my new favorite color might just be orange!
Please tell me that the "green" girlfriend that you have is just money ... 

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@purplealabaster (22085)
• United States
13 May 10
Haha! That link did not answer the question about your girlfriend, but it did provide some really good information. If my little one is instinctively associating people with colors based on those meanings, then she is doing a pretty good job.
By the way, I knew that the association was instinctive, but I was wondering whether there was a feeling associated with it or you just see a color (kind-of like an aura) around a person or you just think of a color when you see a person. I get feelings about some people right away when I meet them. I don't know why it happens, but when it does they are very strong and have not been wrong so far. That does not mean that I have not been fooled by people, but those people just did not give me a strong feeling either way.
There have been a couple other people that said that they or people that they knew associated people with numbers. Is that similar to associating them with colors or is there another reason for the number association? If you can't tell, I really do find this fascinating.

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@valkerion (1827)
• United Kingdom
12 May 10
Haha! There is not a real explanation. I can try and search why I put these colours but the point is that I do it by instinct and not because I thought of it.
Sometimes I even have numbers for people but that's a total different story!
About Green: http://crystal-cure.com/green.html
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@bjcyrix (6901)
• Philippines
7 Jan 10
Oh for a moment there I thought that maybe your child can read auras. Ive read about that that certain people can read a person's aura or energy that surrounds them. It was said that this kind of ability is more prominent in children and maybe gradually decrease in intensity once the child gets older if the gift/skill was not nurtured.
Anyway, reading from your post, I think that your child is having her own system of learning things, in this case, color association of people of the objects and things that these people are attuned to.
I have not seen my little cousins do that or any other child for that matter. I just dont have that many "little" friends to play with and observe.^_^
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@bjcyrix (6901)
• Philippines
8 Jan 10
Not to get too serious about this, it was just a thought.^_^
People's aura is definitely an interesting topic to learn about. But of course this has been met with a lot of skepticism since the rational mind cannot fully grasp such phenomenon. Anyway, do tell me how your observation go.
Maybe your child is seeing auras, or maybe she's just finding her own way of learning about new things. Whichever it is, always have a fun time.

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@purplealabaster (22085)
• United States
7 Jan 10
You know, I had heard of people having auras and energy surrounding them, but I never even gave it a thought that she might be seeing this and telling us what color is around us. I guess that it is possible, although I do not really know all that much about the subject. Maybe I will read up on it, because it does sound interesting. We just figured that it was based on things that we could see and relate to, but there really is no way for us to tell whether or not we are right. As she gets bigger and learns more colors and sees more people, I guess that it might be easier to tell. I have noticed that not all people are colors. I just thought that she hadn't had enough interaction or bonding time with them for her to have associated them with anything. If you are correct about reading auras, though, then perhaps theirs is not strong enough for her to see or she just doesn't know the color yet, since she is just learning to identify all the colors. I will have to keep this in mind when she is telling us that people are colors, because there are some people that she has identified as certain colors and we have no idea why.
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@purplealabaster (22085)
• United States
8 Jan 10
Bjcyrix, I am not saying that is what she is seeing, but I am also open-minded enough to explore the possibilities that others might not want to accept or investigate. Basically, we are a mass of energy, and our brain works through electrical impulses, so why couldn't we have a particular type or color of energy surrounding us? Just because something isn't "tangible" doesn't mean that it doesn't exist nor does it mean that it does exist, but if we are not open to the possibilities then we will never know. I think that it is quite an interesting topic, and I think it would be fun to explore even if that is not what my little one is seeing. If she is just finding her own way of learning new things, then that is great, too, because it shows that she has a very creative and intelligent mind. Either way, I think it is fascinating, and I will come back and let you know if we figure out anything more about how she determines what color a person is.
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@jdyrj777 (6528)
• United States
7 Jan 10
My color would probably be green. Because my eyes are green and i love wearing green. My clothes are many colors but most are green and many shades of green. Thats cute and funny how your little one does that. When i play my sims3 game i do that with the people's clothes and things. Make things be their favorite colors.
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@jdyrj777 (6528)
• United States
9 Jan 10
Yes, i think it makes them happier. I started doing that because sometimes the kids go to sleep on the sofas. It was easier for me to remember their bedrooms that way. Im into sims 3 now. Its the best ever. I have a lot of time to spare. I live alone so theres not much else to do. Its the perfect mother-in-law game. I can control everybodies lives. LOL!!! Warning thought. If you havent played sims3 yet. Set the options where people cant move to different houses or you can loose track of them.
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@purplealabaster (22085)
• United States
10 Jan 10
I haven't played Sims3 yet, and I lose people when they go to the mall and wander around, especially when the husband wants to talk to somebody and the wife wanders into a shop or vice versa, so that is definitely a very good tip for me. If they moved to different houses, then I would be losing them all the time, and I would have to keep starting over. Right now, I have a problem keeping my family of four and a half (she is pregnant) alive and happy, so I need all the help that I can get. I know, I am a loser!

@purplealabaster (22085)
• United States
8 Jan 10
I think that green eyes are very pretty. My little one doesn't always associate a person with their favorite color or even the color that they wear most often, but I can see people wearing their favorite colors more than other ones, especially if they look good in them. I would think that green would look very good on you, because it would accentuate the color of your eyes.
I like playing Sims, but I haven't played it in several months. It is quite addicting, and I could get caught up in it for hours. I never thought about making things my character's favorite colors, but now I will have to try that when I play it again. Does it make them happier to wear their favorite colors?

@edu4625 (188)
• United States
7 Jan 10
I think this is a wonderful discussion.
I use to associate colors with subjects when I was younger. English was blue, math was green, science was yellow, social studies was orange etc.
Your child probably has a feeling about colors or picks up the energy and that is why she relates people to a specific color.
If I had to be a color right now it would be a sky blue.

@edu4625 (188)
• United States
11 Jan 10
I'm hoping that your description of sky blue is why I like or feel drawn to the color. I definitely admire those qualities in others and try to emulate them.
I still think that your child may have some special skills. If she is identifying people with colors. It has already been proven that we all are surrounded by electrical energy called an aura which seems to be a different color or pattern of colors for each person. Perhaps your child is able to "see" these colors.
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@purplealabaster (22085)
• United States
12 Jan 10
A couple of people have mentioned that my little one might be seeing people's auras, and I think it would be really neat if that is what is happening. There are some people that would not even be open to this possibility, but I am not one of them. I know that our body is just a mass of energy, and our brains work by electrical impulses, so why couldn't this energy be seen as a color surrounding a person? I do not know whether or not that is actually what my little one is seeing and how she is associating people with certain colors, but it is an interesting concept and makes as much sense as anything else that we have come up with related to the reasoning behind her associations.
@purplealabaster (22085)
• United States
8 Jan 10
I think it is neat that you related colors to certain subjects in school. Another person on here did the same thing, but the colors for the subjects were different, if I remember correctly. I am not really sure how my little one picks a color for a person, but I think you might be right about getting a feeling from a color and perhaps matching it to the energy of a person. I really do not know, but I find it very interesting.
Why would you be sky blue? Are you calm, relaxed and centered? That seems to be how a lot of people see the color sky blue. Are you picking sky blue for some other reason, such as it is the color of your vehicle or is it your favorite color?

@Nameless_ (1180)
• Australia
6 Jan 10
I think I'm blue, because it's my favourite colour, though I may be wrong. I often associate orange with art teachers, and brown with geography and history (I wonder why), blue as well for science and maths, red for english, and yellow for japanese. I'm weird, huh?
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@purplealabaster (22085)
• United States
7 Jan 10
I don't think it is weird, but I do tend to be weird myself, so I might not be the best judge of that.
I think it is neat that you associate colors with learning subjects such as math, English, history, etc. I wonder if my little one will make these types of associations as she gets older, too. It will be interesting to find out.

@SViswan (12051)
• India
19 Mar 10
lol...my little one who is 3 gets mixed up with his pinks and purples (both are pink for him till we go 'hunh' and then he says it's purple..lol) Besides that he's good with all his other colours.
Anyways, coming back to the topic on hand. Both my kids (who are 6 years apart and so weren't really influenced by each other to do so) related people with animals. The only difference is that the older one associated us to wild animals and the little one associates us to farm animals..lol
Hmm...your little one might associate me to blue (because I like to wear bright blues) or maybe yellow/orange because I have a lot of those colours around me.
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@SViswan (12051)
• India
23 Mar 10
It's interesting how the little minds work, isn't it? I worked with kindergarten children recently and lots of kids seem to relate people around them to things that adults don't associate with. I'm also studying Psychology...and I prefer to learn more about how little children think to what adults think.
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@purplealabaster (22085)
• United States
19 Mar 10
That is very cute about your kids, and it is neat that they both associate people with animals, although they did not influence each other and choose different types of animals to associate with people. I love how little ones think, but I am not sure that I will ever truly understand it.
I think that she might associate you with blue if you wear a lot of it, especially if they are shades of bright blue. On the other hand, you might be right about the yellow and orange if you have those colors around you a lot. I still have not figured out how she associates people with colors, but now that she is able to identify even more colors she is associating more people with colors.
@purplealabaster (22085)
• United States
23 Mar 10
I have always thought that Psychology was interesting to begin with, but the psychology of children is definitely far more interesting than that of adults. I love watching them and seeing how they think and react to things before adults "corrupt" their thinking and limit their possibilities and creativity by telling them that certain things are not possible.
@mysdianait (66009)
• Italy
6 Jan 10
Hi they PA!
How sweet and fun it sounds when you are busy with your children.
If they saw me it would be yellow offline too. I think it's my smile or laughing that does it. Many associate me with the sunshine and I do tend to burst in and if the atmosphere is dull it tends to cheer up. Not because I am the life and soul of the party but because I quip and someone laughs - usually anyway
I do have a beautiful bright yellow jacket that I wear on the summer evenings... sometimes. I have to be sure there are no greenfly about as they are drawn to it like a magnet! 

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@mysdianait (66009)
• Italy
6 Jan 10
I guess we can dream can't we?
I doubt we would ever be all off work at the same time but....
we will be on the pension together - maybe we can over there then 

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@purplealabaster (22085)
• United States
6 Jan 10
Awww, thanks MysD.
I do really love spending time with my children, so I guess that it shows when I talk about them.
You have an advantage here, since you already know that you are the "yellow ball", but I agree that I think she would think you were yellow if she saw you off-line, too. I really like your description of how you are like sunshine and brighten the atmosphere in a room. I can totally picture that happening. I bet that we would have a ton of fun if we were ever able to go out together.
Of course, you would have to hijack Alice and bring her, too, because we can't leave her out.

@purplealabaster (22085)
• United States
6 Jan 10
Well, you and Alice might be on pension together, but I still have quite a few years until I even begin to think of those things. By that time, I might have to push your wheelchairs around the bars.
It really would be great to get together, but I know that it probably will never happen. Like you said, though, it does not hurt to dream, and sometimes dreams even become reality.

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@purplealabaster (22085)
• United States
6 Jan 10
Zed, thank you for saying that my little one is cute, and I would definitely have to agree with you on that one!
I like your description of yellow. I would say that from the interactions that we have had on here, yellow does seem to fit you. I am not sure that my little one would agree with that, though. You like dirt-bikes, right? Do you have one? What color is it? I would suspect that you would be whatever color your bike is, because she really likes cars, trucks and bikes, so that is probably how she would associate you - with the interest that the two of you share, which would be your bike.

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@SomeCowgirl (32190)
• United States
6 Jan 10
I was actually going to suggest that her associations were because of the color people liked, but well that sounds just right for what your daughter's reasonings are! How cute! In any case, what would she associate with me? Hmm, I'm not really sure, I don't wear more of one color, maybe white as I am quiet most of the time, or red because I am passionate, but well really she's just learning her colors, right? I don't know then, maybe Red because if we were to visit, we'd ride in in a red truck!
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@SomeCowgirl (32190)
• United States
10 Jan 10
The truck is small. Hubby and I have "held" our overnight bag before in the middle. You know put our arm across like you would to protect a child? Lol. In any case, Yes brown is a color associated with farming, country, and Cowgirls. Actually I like the color red, purple, and brown. I think that they are all pretty colors.
Brown is a nice color for furniture, to go off topic a bit!
Well if she liked the mama cow, we'd probably ride in in our cowgirl/boy attire! We've never farmed, but we'd have to try it just to get a bit muddy! Of course we'd stay outside! 

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@purplealabaster (22085)
• United States
7 Jan 10
I think you have it, SomeCowgirl! She would definitely love your red truck, and I am sure that she would insist on you taking her for a ride in it. If you did, then you would have a friend for life, and you would definitely be "red" in her mind.
The only other thing that I could think of for you, based on your user name, is if you had horses or cows. Then you would probably be brown, because she loves horses and cows, and we used to visit a "Momma cow" that was brown.

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@purplealabaster (22085)
• United States
10 Jan 10
Brown is a very nice color for furniture. It is also a beautiful color for a library, or at least it is in my opinion. Originally we did our library in an outdoors garden theme, but when we had problems with our roof and had to redo it, we chose two shades of brown that really go beautifully with the dark green rug. The walls and ceiling are a light, creamy brown and the trim and curtains are a deep, chocolate brown. I love the way it turned out and the way the colors go together, especially when you add the natural wood tones of the bookshelves made from both light and dark woods and some green plants because that really brings it all together. After reading the description it sounds like it might be a little dark, which actually would fit the kind of library you read about in some novels. However, there are a lot of windows in the room, so it really is a very bright room, which is why we had originally gone with an outdoors theme to capture the lightness of the room. I really like the way it looks now, though, because it has a more sophisticated feel to it.
You could wear your cowgirl and cowboy attire and ride in your truck, and I am sure my little one would just love it. Why would you have to stay outside, though? We live in the country and are outdoors people with animals, so mud is expected - that is what vacuum cleaners and mops are for.
I literally vacuum my house every single day. I am not a "neat freak" by any means but with everybody tracking things through the house I just have to do it to keep it manageable, so you would not be intruding with your muddy feet and clothes but rather just fitting in with the rest of us.

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@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
7 Jan 10
Hey PA! I think your little one is quite smart! Maybe she knows
more than you think!lol She knows her Mommie loves purple (and
so do I)! I think she would pick blue for me! I am always wearing
blue jeans and love the color blue the most! So I think she
would probably pick that color for me! I think she understands
and reasons pretty well! How old is she? When I was a little
girl I had an all purple bedroom because it was my favorite
color! You would have loved it! There were all colors and
variations of purple! My father and grandfather were interior
decorators so it was custom made just for me!

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@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
8 Jan 10
Oh, Thanks PA! It was so beautiful! And one of the only nice
things that my father ever did for me! (Long story-another
discussion!) But, as I said about your daughter, I do think
she does "see things" far beyond her years! She is quite the
little "smarty"! Watch her closely, I bet she continues to
surprise you! Hugs, Opal
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@purplealabaster (22085)
• United States
9 Jan 10
Opal, I am sorry to hear that you did not have such a good relationship with your father, but I am sure that makes it even more special that he took the time to design such a perfect room for you. *HUGS*
I am amazed all the time by both of my girls. My oldest daughter was just as creative, although she expressed herself in a different way. My oldest daughter was reading and writing at four years old - before she even went to school. Of course, they were small "sight" words like "mom", "dad", "moon", "noon", etc. and sometimes she would write the letters backwards, but the doctor said that was normal for someone so young. I tried to tell the teacher what my oldest daughter could do, but the teacher didn't believe me at first. Then, a couple months into the school year, we were called into a parent-teacher conference, and the teacher told us "your daughter can read". DUH!
I wanted to slap her, because I had been trying to tell her that all along and she wouldn't listen to me, and now she was acting like it was some big discovery. It seems like my youngest one is following in her big sister's footsteps, so I hope that we have better luck with my little one's first teacher or I am afraid that she will be bored in school just like my oldest daughter was.

@purplealabaster (22085)
• United States
8 Jan 10
Opal, thank you very much for the compliment about my little one! I think that she is very smart, too, and perhaps I do underestimate her ability to understand and process things. She is just two and a half years old, so I already think that she is advanced for her age, but maybe she is more advanced than even I give her credit for being. I guess that intuition is an ageless thing, and maybe she is just very intuitive about things. The funniest part of her saying that I am purple, though, is that I do love the color but do not wear it all that often. I mean, I wear it more than orange or pink, for example, but definitely not more than blue or black.
The room you had as a little girl sounds wonderful. I am sure that I would have loved it! You were very lucky to have such a beautiful room made just for you, and I am sure that it made you felt very special. It makes me smile just thinking about it, and it wasn't even my room.

@hagirl (1295)
• United States
8 Jan 10
Maybe it is her way of associating colors for people.....Some kids do weird things and no one can explain all the reasonings behind what they come up with..... I think it is cute though and it is a way for your child to learn their colors though.....

@purplealabaster (22085)
• United States
9 Jan 10
I don't think that I will have to wait until my little one goes to school. I work with my children to help them learn, and I am sure that my little one will be able to express herself way before she is old enough to go to school. She is only two and a half years old now and already learning colors, numbers, objects, the alphabet, etc. so I expect that she will be advanced for her age. I think that the more a parent works with a child early on and helps them learn, the better their foundation will be throughout their entire life, especially if the learning is done in a fun and playful way.
@purplealabaster (22085)
• United States
8 Jan 10
Yeah, I am not sure why she associates people with colors. It might just be her way of processing and remembering the new information. Maybe thinking about people being colors helps her to remember the colors better. Other people have said that she might see people's auras or energy. I don't know what her reasoning is for doing it or how she associates which people with what color, but I think it is very interesting, and I would love it if as she gets older she could explain it to me.

@msfrancisco9369 (10002)
• Boston, Massachusetts
7 Jan 10
Hi Purple,
Ever since i was a kid i already love the color yellow. i am a yellow person. they say that yellow person are those who are cool, patient, hardworking, easy to get along with, open-minded, loving but i am stubborn and sensitive hehehe.
@purplealabaster (22085)
• United States
8 Jan 10
I think of yellow as being fun, positive, and full of energy. If you are stubborn rather than cool and patient, though, perhaps you are a shade of yellow that is mixed with a little red, because red is more passionate and stubborn (or at least that is how some people describe it).
@purplealabaster (22085)
• United States
8 Jan 10
Msfrancisco9369, they say that we learn more patience as we grow older and become more mature and experienced in life. I guess that I am more patient than when I was younger, but I still like things to happen fairly quickly. It seems that you have grown into being totally yellow, though, which is good. Life is definitely worth living and enjoying to the fullest, so we should try our best each day to not let the little things bother us.

@msfrancisco9369 (10002)
• Boston, Massachusetts
8 Jan 10
actually, i already overcome that stubborness. not anymore appropriate with my age hehehe 40 beihng stubborn hmmm what a shame hehehe! you are right friend i am more cool and have that patience for everything. but not to the point of pushing me to the limit-- i can be...someone you will not imagine and like.hehehehe. so i am not allowing such thing to happen. life is worth lilving and i want to be happy always.
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@Lovelytear (14)
• China
9 Feb 10
Children are the angels in our lifes. They are lovely, beautiful, innocent and pure. I think no spirits in the world could compare with theirs, as they haven't been influenced by the complicated society, which is full of sins, even if there do exsist truth, good and beauty, I'm afriad, covered up sometimes. So treasure the moments that your little ones are little enough, enjoy their gentle thoughts and spurred minds. It may be a good idea to take down all their funny stories, then you can taste these interesting moments in your rest life.
What color am I? Probably blue. First of all, it's my favorite color the same as your little ones, because I like the blue and clean sky(without any clouds), it makes me relex when I look up, and you can strech your eyes as far as you can, without any restrictions. I like the blue sea as well, and it is so abstruse. Apart from the above reasons, the word blue itself carries kind of sorrow, and I seem easy to be in sorrow, so blue should be apropos to me.
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@purplealabaster (22085)
• United States
9 Feb 10
Yes, children are beautiful gifts, and we should cherish and enjoy them each moment of the day. I love the fact that I get to spend so much time with my little one, because I do not miss a thing. I was not able to stay home with my older daughter, and even though we are very close and spent a lot of time together, I still feel that I missed out a little. She does not feel that way, because I have always been there for her when she needed me, but it is the little, every day things that I missed with her that she does not even remember but I would have always treasured.
I think that blue is a very nice choice. The way you describe it is quite lovely. It captures so many different aspects of the color from the calm blue sky, which to me is very relaxing and rather hopeful, to the vast blue sea that not only can be turbulent but also can bring sorrow. It is more complex than it first might appear, which also perfectly describes a calm, blue lake - still waters run deep. I think that you have done an excellent job of capturing and describing the essence of blue.
Perhaps that is why my little one likes the color so much, because she is quite complex, too, especially for her age. I know that her mind is always active and trying to figure out things and putting information together to understand meanings rather like putting pieces of a puzzle together. That perfectly describes her older sister, too, so I guess that blue really does represent them, and I think it is a wonderful choice for you, too.

@purplealabaster (22085)
• United States
10 Feb 10
Thank you for such nice compliments.
I love both of my children equally, and I try to be the best mother that I possibly can to both of them. Unfortunately, when my oldest daughter was a little one, I had to work outside the home to help support my family, even though her dad (my husband) was also working. My parents were nearby at the time, so I could leave her with my parents knowing that she would be well taken care of until I got out of work.
Now, my parents are not living around here, and my little one has had medical problems, so my husband and I agree that it is better if I am a stay-at-home mom, even though we are struggling financially. It is not that I favor one of my children over the other, but my older daughter is now away at school, so I just have more time to spend with my little one. Trust me, I wish that I had more time to spend with my older daughter, too. In fact, since I quit my job and became a stay-at-home mom, I have had more time to spend with both my girls, which has been wonderful. I just missed out on some of the every day things that my oldest daughter did when she was the same age that my little one is now. My oldest daughter had more time to spend with my parents when she was younger, though, so she had some advantages that my little one has not had. My little one loves spending time with her Nana and Papa (my parents), but she does not get to see them as often as we all would like her to be able to. If we get to move like we want, however, then that may change very soon, which would be great.

@Lovelytear (14)
• China
10 Feb 10
I'm sure you are a great mother, as I can see your exquisite heart showing your decent love to your children. Though I'm young, not married and with no experience that I cannot feel mothers' great love for their children personally. However, I can see from you. Without a doubt that there's no absolute equality in the world, you are just one and your spare time is limited, so you couldn't spend much the same time for your both children. We have to admit we will be partial preference, as you know our heart is one-sided, so don't be sad that you couldn't spend more time with your older one to cherish her every shining moment. You have been always there for her when she needed you, I think that's enough, and you have done a great job as a great mother. :)
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@cream97 (29085)
• United States
7 Jun 11
Hi. purplealabaster. No, my kids have never done this before, but my husband loves blue. So I know that he is a blue. I think that my son is a red. My oldest daughter is a pink or a purple and my youngest daughter is a yellow.
I think that it is very wonderful that your little one is able to come up with a color for everyone in the family. That is very amazing!

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@purplealabaster (22085)
• United States
8 Jun 11
I think that it is pretty cool as well. Thank you, Cream, for the compliment. Many of the things that she says are pretty amazing and so far beyond her years ... she is the type that is a chatterbox but also its back and listens to everything that is said and observes what people do. She is very good at figuring things out and generally coming to the right conclusions about situations. Perhaps that is why she identifies people with colors, because colors tend to make people feel different ways, and she identifies a personality and/or actions with how colors make her feel ... such as vibrant or calm or happy, etc.
I think it is great that you can associate people with colors also, even though you might not do it in the same way my little one does. I noticed that each of your family would be a different color. I think that is interesting, too, because I suspect it is due to the fact that they each have a distinct personality that is different from the others. Of course there will be some similarities in their personality as that is inevitable, but I think that you have identified their unique qualities and associated them with the colors, which I think is very neat!
I also noticed that you did not specify a color for yourself. What color are you? I would say pale yellow (or cream
) based on your avatar and the little interaction we have had. Am I close?

@thebeaddoodler (4262)
• Lubbock, Texas
7 Jan 10
HI purple. I don't know what color your little one would associate me with, but I knew a woman once that associated people with colors and the colors denoted personality or profession. One of our classmates was yellow because she always seemed to be smiling and had a sunny disposition. I think she said I was purple and was a teacher at heart.
Little children see things we've learned to tune out. Most of us are born with the ability to see auras around people, but we quickly loose or put that ability aside when they find that it's not a common thing in adults, and there's no understandable purpose to it.
Keep working with your daughter and listen to what she says. She will eventually have the vocabulary to explain why she associates people with color.
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@thebeaddoodler (4262)
• Lubbock, Texas
8 Jan 10
It's interesting that you have this "intuition" and your daughter associates people with colors. It's very possible that it's auras that she's seeing. Just don't discourage her in her associations. This can be a valuable gift in later life.
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@purplealabaster (22085)
• United States
8 Jan 10
Thebeaddoodler, I find it fascinating that she associates people with colors, and I would never discourage this type of thinking, even if it is just her own way of learning and processing information. If she could actually see auras, though, I think that would be even more fascinating. I know that a lot of people might not want to accept that or discourage it or think it is not possible or whatever. I am open-minded enough to explore the possibility, because I know that we do not know even half of what our mind can do. If scientists that have studied the brain most of their lives admit that they do not fully understand how it works, then who are we to say that it is impossible? Besides, even if it is just her way of processing new information, I would never discourage creative thinking. Instead, I want to try to understand and perhaps be able to "see" things the way that she does rather than force her to see things the way most of the world does, because I think that it is better to have diversity and creativity rather than conformity.
@purplealabaster (22085)
• United States
7 Jan 10
I had never actually thought about auras until somebody else on here mentioned it, too. I wonder whether that is indeed the case, because there are some people that she has associated with a color, but we can't figure out why she would associate that person with that color. Also, not everybody is a color. We thought that it might be due to the fact that she hadn't found something to bond with them about, but maybe she just can't see their aura or has not learned that particular color yet.
I do know that people associate colors with certain things, and I think it is neat that you knew an adult that associated personalities or professions with colors. I wonder if maybe it is an intuitive thing rather like me being able to "sense" certain things about people right when I meet them. It doesn't always happen, but sometimes I get a very strong feeling or "sense" from a person right away, and this "sense" has never been wrong yet. Maybe other people "see" it rather than "feel" it. I really do need to read more about auras to try to understand it better. Maybe that will help me to figure out what she is seeing or sensing better.

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@aerous (13434)
• Philippines
14 Jan 10
There are many color that kid would want most specially clothes and toys. I think that your daughter choice of color is good. I don't suggest any color because I want only a plain white...Have a nice day!

@purplealabaster (22085)
• United States
14 Jan 10
Yes, children do like a lot of colorful toys and clothes, especially when they are young. I think it stimulates their senses and helps them to learn. It is also very pretty to look at. I do like my little one's choice in colors, but I am still not sure why she associates people with colors nor do I know how she chooses which people are what colors.
You said that you would be plain white. Why do you think that my little one would see you as plain white or is that the color that you would choose for yourself? Why do you choose white? Do you think it looks good on you or is there another reason for choosing white?

@Sandra1952 (6047)
• Spain
6 Jan 10
Hello, Purple. I think of myself as red. It's my favourite colour, and it suits my dark colouring. I'm also warm-hearted, but I can be very fiery when the need arises. I think your little one would think of me as either red or purple, because those are the two colours I wear most often.
My own granddaughter is definitely pink - all her Christmas toys had to be pink - 'pink bike, pink kitchen, pink dolly.' She's 3 next week, and I've just posted her birthday present - a pink dress and a pink rag doll. I think your daughter would also class her as pink, as it's the only colour she'll wear at the moment.
I can't think of any associations my kids made, but they're a lot older than yours - my eldest is 40 this year.
I'll come back if I remember anything.

@purplealabaster (22085)
• United States
6 Jan 10
Yes, I agree that my little one would probably view you as red due to your fiery personality and the fact that it is one of the colors that you wear most often. On the other hand, she might she you as purple, since you said that you are not only warm-hearted but also wear this color quite a bit. She says that I am her "lovey, purple Mommy", so I think she associates purple with affection.
I am sure that she would think that your granddaughter was pink, because she not only wears it all the time but also most of her toys are that color. My little one and your granddaughter are almost the same age - my little one is two and a half. Isn't that a wonderful age? They are all about exploring and learning new things about the world around them, and it is when they really start to notice things that people do.
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@Sandra1952 (6047)
• Spain
6 Jan 10
Yes, they're lovely at that age. It's only been 6 weeks since I saw her, but already her speech has improved a lot, and you can have a real conversation with her. I was speaking to her on Sunday and she disappeared. Her Daddy said she was bringing all her toys to the telephone to show me - bless!
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@purplealabaster (22085)
• United States
6 Jan 10
Sandra, that is so cute! I can just picture her proudly holding up all her new toys to the phone while she was trying to show them to you. My little one nods or makes hand gestures when she is on the phone, because she doesn't get the concept that the person on the other end can't see her, either. I have to "translate" when she does this, and sometimes she gets annoyed with me about it, because they obviously should be able to see for themselves what she is doing.
I just love to see how their minds process information and come to conclusions that we don't even think of.

@txddawn39 (47)
• United States
7 Jan 10
Purple, you and your kid are rockin' this game!
Right now, I'm pink, but sometimes I'm orange or midnight blue. All of these colors are my favorites, and I feel like they match my moods/feelings, too.
P.S. As a child, I remember thinking about numbers as male or female. EX: 1m, 2f, 3m, 4m, 5f, 6m, 7f, 8m, 9m, 10f.
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@purplealabaster (22085)
• United States
8 Jan 10
I think it is really cool that you just found it "obvious" that certain numbers were male and others female.
That is exactly what I was talking about, and I totally agree with you that the mind is one of the most beautiful and mysterious parts of our body. After all the years that scientists have been studying it, we still do not know all that much about it, because it is so complex.
Thank you for saying that I am doing good at fostering my little one's creativity, imagination and artistic vision. A lot of adults want to eliminate that in children and force them to see the world as they see it. I would much rather encourage her to see it her own way and try to visualize it with her to better understand her way of thinking. In my opinion, that is much more beneficial than trying to force her to conform to a particular way of thinking.

@purplealabaster (22085)
• United States
7 Jan 10
Thanks txddawn39. I think it is neat that when you were younger you thought about numbers as either male or female. I wonder why you made that association and how you determined which number was male and which was female. I love hearing about different things like this, though, because the mind is such a beautiful thing, and everybody's mind works a little differently. I really love the creativity that some people have, especially when they think that the relationship (or association) is so obvious and yet most other people can't see it.
@txddawn39 (47)
• United States
8 Jan 10
I don't really know how or why I did it. It just seemed really obvious to me at the time. Our minds can be one of the most beautiful parts of the body human. Imagination, creativity, & artistic vision need to be nurtured in all children so these incredible insights and understanding can continue to happen for the rest of their lives. Keep up the good work with your kid! D
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@purplealabaster (22085)
• United States
7 Jan 10
I find it amazing how they can look at something and see something totally different than what an adult will usually see. I love trying to figure out how their minds work, especially since the way they see the world usually seems so much nicer than the way us adults see it. I think that as we lose some of our innocence, we also lose some of our creativity, and I really think that is sad. I would love to recapture just a little bit of that by seeing the world through the eyes of my little one.