Hating Muslims

United States
January 6, 2010 2:40pm CST
I received an email saying that Americans need weary and supicious of all Muslims. The reason is because Muslims can never be true Americans because they believe in Allah and not God and they don't follow the U.S. constitution because the creators of it believed in God. I completely disagree with all of this. Just because a few Muslim decided to do wrong people believe we can't trust them. Seriously there are born and raised Americans who aren't Muslim who kill innocent people. And was infuriated when I received this email. What's your opinion on this? Are we Americans really this ignorant?
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17 responses
@vandana7 (101605)
• India
7 Jan 10
Hi lostinloveanddancing, I agree completely. Frankly, some of these muslims are as scared. May be we force them to stand up in defense with our attitudes. Wish they would not allow muslims from other nations to call them brothers, nor identify with them. But then, we have Hindus as well who identified with the Tamils in Srilanka. Why Hindus were not termed militants? After all Prabhakaran unleashed a reign of terror for almost 25 years! Anybody can be like that, why single out muslims. I think it is so unfair to pick on one community. That is the reason perhaps they huddle up together across the nations. :( I think it is the clerics of all religions that are not allowing some dynamics to enter their religions. They are afraid that if all religions unite, their importance will come down. W4e must accept good in all religions, and discard the bad in each one. Funny, in our country, educated muslims have fewer children, but when it comes to poorer muslims, clerics specify that it is against the religion to go for family planning! So why is that applicable to educated people? This is how the rich get richer, and the poor get poorer. :(
@jb78000 (15139)
7 Jan 10
nasty. i would love to know what the god of people who spread hatred like this email is supposed to be like. i think this kind of thing is done by a a very small minority though. hope so.
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@saizo6 (2199)
• United States
7 Jan 10
That's probably just those stupid people spamming other people's mailbox with their junk. I completely ignore those kind of mail. It's dumb things like this that makes all us Americans look bad. And what that mail is sprouting is complete bull. Whoever thinks that something like that is true is an idiot. I know some Muslims and they are very kind and hardworking people. I also have to agree with your statement about those born and raised Americans too. Just look at people like Timothy McVeigh and Ted Bundy. Not to offend anyone, but I have to say that a lot of Americans are really ignorant and racist. I see and hear it all the time in the city I live in. The sad thing is that they pretty much attack anyone who isn't white like them. I myself have been hated on due to the color of my skin. Having been on the receiving end of that kind of treatment, I tend to not pay any attention to these kinds of things.
@saizo6 (2199)
• United States
7 Jan 10
Ouch, that makes things a lot tougher. It wouldn't have been so bad if it was just some random person sending you spam mails. But for it to be someone so close to you, it would make things awkward. You'd probably have to watch what you say and do in front of them for a while. People can be so unreasonable with their racism and other beliefs. I was in a situation like that once. There was a lot of tension between my friend and I because of our differing viewpoints and beliefs.
• United States
7 Jan 10
That's so true, sadly there is still a lot of racism and hate. It pains me to say, the email was from someone close to me who I didn't expect to be racist. Goes to show anyone can be racist.
@coolcoder (2018)
• United States
7 Jan 10
I'd like to see the full context of that e-mail. That having been said, I don't think we Americans are being ignorant, just cautious. The fact of the matter is, it has been mostly radical Muslims who have been doing all of this. When was the last time (aside from Timothy McVeigh) you heard of a non-Muslim blow something up? I really don't want to come across as hating ALL Muslims, but the sad fact is, the actions of a few force the good, peace-loving Muslims to be lumped together with the radicals. I hate that this is the case, but it's true. Just as with Christianity, you have a few nutcases murdering abortion doctors (which I don't agree with; the ends NEVER justify the means), the vast majority of us are automatically painted as crazy, murdering lunatics, and that isn't the case at all.
• United States
7 Jan 10
Still there are more non-muslim serial killers and rapists who terrorize out communities than Muslim terrorist. Perhaps we should start looking at ourselves rather than pointing fingers.
7 Jan 10
i don't like the muslims.
• United States
7 Jan 10
That was a very counter productive comment.
• China
7 Jan 10
in response to your final question, i don't think ignorance has that much to do with where you are from. Really we just hate what we don't fully understand or care to understand for that matter...i agree that you should have just deleted the mail. let persons have their opinions but it doesn't have to affect you.
• United States
7 Jan 10
The reason I didn't delete it was so I could show others how ignorant people can be and try to help show that this is wrong. Also I didn't expect that type of email from the sender.
• China
7 Jan 10
fair enough. I see your point. I pray a day comes when people aren't hateful anymore.I'm liking your sign in name by the way
• India
7 Jan 10
I disagree with Islamic views about God but I don't hate them.I love Muslims and some of my best friends are Muslims.All Muslims are not terrorist,but only few people in the name of Jihad creating all problems.I am from India and here you can see so many religions.God can be found in all religions .God has not created the religion.Religions mainly created to keep the human beings in control and to avoid not to do any harm to others.God is one and all most all religions says the same thing except some changes. Those who can understand the what exactly the god is , probably that person doesnot follows any religion.
@syankee525 (6249)
• United States
7 Jan 10
yeah my dad was telling about this last night. he is against them big time myself like any kind of people there are good and bad people in this world no matter what they are, like good white people bad blacks, good americans and bad ones too. to me if people can learn that not everyone can be the same or have the same belife and stop starting wars over this, then just maybe we can world peace
@benny128 (3615)
6 Jan 10
this sort of email is madness, there have always been wars fought in the name of various religions and some people cause suffering hiding behind religion. Unfortunatly there are people in every faith in every country worldwide that we can't trust some of them are even politicians lol. So if defiantly doesn't help and I don't think that is the view of the majority.
• United States
6 Jan 10
I completely agree. Its sad that people cant learn to see their own faults and mistakes but they can easily point out other peoples problems.
@rakesh284 (1472)
• India
7 Jan 10
The main thing in this case is that few people are cursing entire Muslims religion and considering them as some terrorist group. Every religion has some good people and bad people. If we will only look at bad people and think about them then we will develop anger about that religion but they are the people who are bad and not the religion. This kind of thinking should be changed because this is not good for the peace of any country. These days racist activities has increased to a great extent in different part of the world and this is mainly because of the mind-set in which people are thinking. Change in the way of thinking is necessary at this point of time. You have right kind of thinking.
@agito121 (176)
• United Arab Emirates
7 Jan 10
For the most part i would say some americans are ignorant, but you cant blame them the media is what influces these thoughts. If you have some common sense you would know that if doesnt matter what religion you are Muslims, Christians, Buddist all of us are people. But some people have their own beleifs, and they see things differently from people.
@pramodppk (112)
• India
7 Jan 10
ok, i am from india if you vist our country you can see hindus,muslims,christains,budists,jaines,sik, and also so many casts and subcasts we are all living peacefully and love eachother, on the chrismas day all christais go to church and ofter that they go to their frinds hose they invite muslims, hindus, and others for dineer,they sarve them,and muslim also on ramzan do some and hindus alos do like this on devali hating muslim is so bad thing if you hate some one he or she also hate, if you love some one he or she also love you,so love every one and get every onece love thats a great way of love
7 Jan 10
Allah and God are the same, so it makes no difference besides the name. Muslims are people, just like we all are, and just because some do bad does not make them all bad. The same could be said for Christians, Jews, or any group you can think of.
• Indonesia
6 Jan 10
really??? i'm a muslim, and i'm glad there's still someone like you. diversity what make us beautiful. what will a rainbow looks like when it only has red as its color. there's blue, yellow, etc, so colourful and nice. that's why you should respect that diversity. and for your information, for us, Allah is God, so Muslim following the US constitution. :)
• United States
6 Jan 10
I took a class on religion in college which is part of the reason why I was so infuriated. It's sad how ignorant Americans can be. I know that Allah is God, but just because there's a different name being used, people automatically think that Allah is something else.
@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
6 Jan 10
I, like yourself, believe it is a small extreme portion of the religion that is the trouble...the extremist ideology of sharia that permiates various places and people. Most religions have their nuts, muslums have Al Quieda and the saudi government, christians have the westboro baptist church and such. There are those who would like to impose shiria in the U.S. though.. there is no doubt about that.
@edxcast (1168)
• Ecuador
7 Jan 10
HI Well i think its really xenophobic. And besides there are people who dont believe in God at all, should this people also be banned and rejected from usa. There are some people from Usa( i dont like to call american to you as america is a continent not a country, dunno why people say america to refer to usa) who should forget about this phobia to foreigners.
@mains50 (299)
• Canada
7 Jan 10
lol, what a way to spread lies about muslim. I want to have a word with this guy whoever made it... so i can know his email address?