According to you what is infatuation??

January 7, 2010 9:21am CST
According to me, it is the state of being completely carried away by unreasoned passion or love; addictive love.
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5 responses
• Malaysia
7 Jan 10
ifatuation and love is far apart - passion is acceptable , additive love i dont agree either infatuation is mere "attraction" and it evolves only skin deep - you dont get to know the other person in depth love is such a deep feeling that cant be described by words while infatuation is as what you said "being carried away" by what ever attracted you to the individual (but not love) For me infatuation may turn into a long lasting love but it may also die away ones you get to know the other person well .. cheers
• India
7 Jan 10
But i think infatuation will lead to love.These two are not separate things as infatuation is the starting of love.... Burrrraaaa..........
@shavvy (86)
• India
8 Jan 10
yes you right...
• Malaysia
9 Jan 10
infatuation cn happen to many people/persons but deep tru love happens only to that one , normally we hear of many teenage "monkey love" well this is basically due to infatuation - then "middle age crisis" well when this happens most of this man tend to find young girls very attractive which is also called infatuation but i dont deny infatuation can lead to love cheers
@shavvy (86)
• India
8 Jan 10
Well i think infatuation is passion,curiosity,attraction towards other person, based on fantasies, more depth,fear of losing someone who are very close to you,impatience, feeling of butterflies,excitement,jealous and its a feeling of more deep intensity.You are right its addictive love...when one person complete the feel of others incompleteness and loneliness and sadness then its true passion.If intensity between both the persons failed then its just attraction..not to long for any relation...but if feeling are more passionate & serious & caring then its more beautiful love...long lasting Love....
@Java09 (3075)
• United States
7 Jan 10
I think I would describe infatuation as an addicted love.It's sort of like some obsession with someone or something.
@Genericbe (1376)
• Philippines
7 Jan 10
I agree with your definition about infatuation. It is more of physical attraction than looking over the over-all being of the person. IT is an instant reaction of any person who admirably driven by sudden flick of emotions and immediate response of unexplainable passion.
@maria1081 (1251)
• Philippines
7 Jan 10
For me infatuation means crush, feeling of admiration to the other person you like. Infatuation is not a stable feeling than can vanish or turn to love.