A Winter Storm is Coming

@dorannmwin (36392)
United States
January 7, 2010 12:28pm CST
We have our first decent snowfall of the year today so that got me to thinking about something that all of the people around here do when there is snow forecast in the weather. Everyone runs to the grocery store. What do they always buy? Bread and milk. People around here even call it a bread and milk storm. So, the questions that I pose to you today are: If there is snow in your forecast do you run to the grocery store? If you run to the grocery store what are the necessesities that you have to buy? If you don't go to the store, why not? My husband and I don't typically make an emergency run to the store and it has only come back to bite us in the tail once when the entire city ended up not having electricity for a week. So, I am just really interested in hearing what other people do.
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21 responses
@polachicago (18716)
• United States
7 Jan 10
We have snow here in Chicago from at least 22 of December 2009. Less and more and more and more.... It is snowing all day today. In fact I woke up with at least 10 inches of snow amd is snowing all day long. I have nothing but wind in my refrigerator, so I have to buy something soon, but not today. Today I am fine, hope I can drive tomorrow. I don't want to rush to the store, I have to drive to work tomorrow anyway. I will probably buy something on my way back home.
@polachicago (18716)
• United States
8 Jan 10
I need to moved down....I hate winter....
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
8 Jan 10
I sometimes wish that we lived in an area where there was always snow for us during the winter. However, in Kentucky it is actually a rather rare thing to have a decent snow storm. I know that a lot of my friends will say that the school system here is weak because they do cancel school at the prospect of snow, but I tend to agree with the school system because there are so many people here that just don't know how to deal with snow.
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
9 Jan 10
My husband and I have joked about being snowbirds only we would live in Florida or Arizona during the United States summer and then spend the rest of the year in New Zealand or Australia.
@TrvlArrngr (4045)
• United States
7 Jan 10
milk and bread - lol - no matter which state I have lived in - it is always the same. lol. We are supposed to get an inch of snow here in NC so that is an emergency to them. I am sure by now the stores have no milk and bread left. lol
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
8 Jan 10
When we ran to the store yesterday to get a few things that we needed, we were lucky to find one gallon of milk for our family to drink and we only needed it on account of the fact that it was time for us to buy some milk. It is crazy that so little an amount of snow equals and emergency for so many people.
• United States
8 Jan 10
I went on the way home last night and they were sold out of about half their milk and bread products. I didnt need any but wanted to check. I picked up some food for the weekend since it will be getting colder again here.
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
9 Jan 10
It is supposed to get colder again here tonight as well. I think the worst part of that for us is that we just bought a load of firewood a month ago and now we are basically down to having none of it left. We need to get another load of firewood sometime in the next week. We do have a gas furnace in our house but we've found that using our fireplace is a huge help in our gas bill.
@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
11 Jan 10
yes when we lived in the country in ohio we did the same thing. we sure didnt want being snowed in or have the car not start and have to do without i know i should appreciate it but we have no snow here and have a really bad wind storm about once every 2 yrs. thats about it.
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
11 Jan 10
You are lucky with the weather that you get where you are now. I'd trade the ice storms that we get here occasionally for almost anything else. Ice is so devastating to our livelyhood.
@suzzy3 (8341)
10 Jan 10
We have had really heavy snow but we only buy the usual shopping.At the supermarkets people who cannot get to work make the supermarket.They buy enough food for a month then they struggle home with it.Most of it goes off and then there are food shortages for the other people.My husband drives for a major supermarket and he has had to make more deliveries risking his life on the icy roads to keep the panic buyers stocked up,Probably the same people that worry about food miles and the damage big trucks do to the environment.Talk about double standards.
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
10 Jan 10
That is the truth. I've never been a panic shopper because I really don't see the point in it. I always try to keep plenty of nonperishables in my home because you never know when you will need them, plus I do use them on a regular basis. However, more than that, I don't think there is really a reason to panic.
@neelimaravi (1793)
• India
16 Jan 10
hi dora, actually, in our place, in any day, snow won't fall, just the climate will be very cool... i didn't see the snow here, but i like, my brother is staying in california.. he use to tell, here so much snow falls, he took the snaps and send me.. in that snaps, i saw, otherwise, i didn't see snow at all.. thankyou for your topic, have a nice day.
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
16 Jan 10
To a certain extent, I would like to live in a climate that doesn't have snow because the cold is hard on my joints. However, I also think that in the long run I would really miss it.
@unique16 (1531)
• United States
8 Jan 10
Hello dorannwin, My daughter and I were watching the TV News last night and saw like North Carolina and South Carolina were getting snow like a 1 or 2 and were going to stores to buy milk and eggs incase they get trapped inside for a few days. They usually do not get alot snow like MidWest or Mid Atlantic states etc.. Personally I buy my food last me a month. First I try to use all my coupons in one shopping trip and buy in bulk and save on money less gas I am using to travel and less wear and tear on my car. I work for a grocery store for two years and first mention of snow flake and people are scrambling here to get eggs and milk and bread. I by extra milk and freeze and let dethaw in refrigerator so I always have milk on hand. Eggs I buy in 18 count box and they last like a month here for two people and when my daughter comes home from college then it 3 people. I freeze extra carton or orange juice and ice teas too. This way if there is a lot snow like 12 inches or more I am prepared. Thanks for a wonderul question Sincerely unqiue16
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
8 Jan 10
Well, I've lived in the south all of my life, but I've never been one that will scramble to the store when I hear that there is going to be snow. I think a big part of the reason for this is the fact that both of my parents were northerners. I know that a snow storm is not going to be the end of the world. Now, an ice storm, however, is a whole different story.
@unique16 (1531)
• United States
8 Jan 10
Sorry miss sentence my daughter and I laughed at the TV when we heard the southern people were going to grocery store like that...oh well if they live in the mountains then that is differnt story... Sincerely Unqiue16
@Thoroughrob (11742)
• United States
7 Jan 10
We went and bought milk only. That is only because I opened ours today and it was dated Jan. 1, and my son takes his meds, with cereal. It was a necessity.
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
8 Jan 10
Last night we went to the grocery store to get a few things that we needed and milk was among those things. There was only one gallon of 2% milk in the entire store. They didn't even have any milk in the back. We were lucky to be able to get a gallon of milk that we legitimately needed, not a gallon of milk that we wanted because of the threat of a storm.
@lynnemg (4529)
• United States
8 Jan 10
THe weather here, where I live, has been horribly cold, and in total, we have gotten close to 30 inches of snow. Twice in the last 2 weeks, the roads have been closed due to drifitng and white-out conditions. Each time, we have had a day or so notice that the bad weather was coming, and as a result, there have been many people rushing to the store to stocko make up on supplies, even the gas stations seem to get busier. I am not one that rushes to the store just because bad weather is on the way though. I do make sure that there is at least a half of a tank of gas in my vehicle so it is less likely to freeze. The only way I worry about rushing to the store is if we are very low on groceries and don't have enough in the house to make it a few days. I figure that the storm will pass and as long as we have enough to get through a few days, we will be fine. There is no sense in panicking, in my opinion. Just be reasonably prepared and use good sense.
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
8 Jan 10
I've actually been one that tends to laugh at all of the people that make emergency runs to the store. We try to always keep the things that we will need in our house. However, we did have to buy milk this time because we were away from home for a day and when we got back we did need to buy some milk.
@PeacefulWmn9 (10420)
• United States
8 Jan 10
Ours hit today, and it is so beautiful! Well providing you don't have to go into the biting cold or drive in it. So far, so good with the electricity. Last time we lost it here was in the summer time and it was 90 deg...not a great situation! But the neighbor lady and I sat on the patio come evening, and just chatted and then watched a show together on her tiny battery operated tv. That part was fun :) Winter necessities from the store? Milk, bread, water in case the power goes, and things that do not require cooking! Oh, and a good flashlight and some candles and a lighter or matches. And...a small battery operated tv or radio is handy, too. Other than that, I keep pretty well stocked as far a groceries go. Karen
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
8 Jan 10
Our main necessity that we've found for our house in case the electricity goes out is an inverter that we keep in the car. That way if we are without power we are able to operate a small television and also a lamp. We also have several flashlights in our house and some candles as well.
@bingchen (1119)
• China
8 Jan 10
if the winter storm is coming,i think that i have this necessary to prepare foods to pass this storm.actually it could not convinient to buy foods during winter storm,the traffic would be prevented by this weather.so i should do preparation before winter storm.so i can run to grocery store and buy milk and biscuits and noodle,it is basic diet for me.at the same time i can buy my favirate foods and be happy and safe to pass this winter storm.
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
8 Jan 10
That is a great philosophy to have. In the past winters I've really never worried too much about it because of the fact that we lived within walking distance of the grocery store. However, now we are not in walking distance of the store so I think that I may have to be better prepared if there is ever a truly strong winter storm that will come through our area.
• United States
9 Jan 10
I also live in a snow area and this year I stock up on food. I have canned tuna, bottled water, bread and peanut butter. I have been lucky where the power has only gone out twice. Once during the day for 2 hours and once for 5 hours at night. When it was out for 5 hours I had to make peanut butter sandwiches. I was getting worried because I had some food in the fridge and was worried it would spoil.
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
9 Jan 10
It is the worst when the power does go out for an extended period of time. Last year there was an ice storm here that knocked out many people's power for up to a week so needless to say, they all lost all of their food in their fridges and freezers. I felt so bad for those people.
@acer5540 (354)
• China
8 Jan 10
Hello again! The forecaster said there will be snowing this weekend, but now the weather is fine except of cold.I don't go to grocery store to buy food, unnecessary,though it is cold, we shop is open everyday, vegetables and food are sufficient,but the prices seems a little higher than before.
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
8 Jan 10
With the cost of the foods that we eat, I've never personally noticed that they raise the price in the face of a coming storm. However, there are other things that I have noticed the prices being higher because of an ice storm (which we get here every few years). The biggest culprit is generators.
@emploi38 (27)
• Canada
7 Jan 10
Hello, well, where I live in Canada there are several snow storm during the winter. We are used to it so there is no run to the grocery store for us usually. It is very rare that we are out of power because of the snow. It happens more frequently with icy rains.
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
8 Jan 10
Yes, as far as being without power it rarely happens with snow, but in the past seven years alone, we have had two major ice storms here that have left us without power for a few days. Those storms really do stink.
@ewinner (86)
• India
8 Jan 10
I would rather not move out from my cottage as it will be really shivering outside, I WOULD send my servant to bring my grocery shop..I WOULD like to drink coffee and make my self warm..
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
8 Jan 10
This could work for me. That is, however, only if my husband would allow me to call him my servant.
@rusty2rusty (6763)
• Defiance, Ohio
7 Jan 10
A snow storm is here in my area now. i live in town and the roads are bad. I canceled my therapist appointment because it is right by the river and you have to drive down a hill to get there. My sister canceled her daughters appointment that is an hour drive away for another time because of the weather as well. They are calling for another 2 or 3 days of this.
@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
7 Jan 10
oh my G if we had a wintersnow storm in Southern Ca I can see people getting panicked as it would be the event of the century its been 45 years since we last had a little snowfall one February day. he he when I was back in South Dakota on the farm we were pretty much always prepared for winter storms ahead of time as you just cannot always plow through five foot snow drifts to go get milk And bread so keep supplies on hand.
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
8 Jan 10
The thought of a snowstorm in Southern California is definitely a funny thought. I got a laugh out of just thinking about it. However, to turn the tables, the thought of us having a major earthquake here is just as funny. Different disasters for different people I guess.
@thedaddym (1731)
• United States
7 Jan 10
The snow storm has already hit here big time. My wife went the store on Sunday and stocked up on lots of food. If we were to lose the electricity I would be pretty mad though because we have a lot of food right now, of course we could always put it out in the snow to keep it cold, LOL. We have enough bottled water for the whole neighborhood too I think, so if we were snowed in for days we would not be thirsty or starve.
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
8 Jan 10
Honestly, there have been times that I can remember where they were predicting a major storm and my mother would buy more food than the fridge could hold and until there was space in the fridge, she would use the sunroom as a fridge because of the fact it was cold enough to do that.
@lelin1123 (15595)
• Puerto Rico
7 Jan 10
Here in New Mexico there is really never a snow storm that warrants a run to the store. Back when I lived in New York for sure I would make a run to the store. The items I would definitely need to get would be Milk, bread, eggs, butter, snacks, lunchmeats, soups and salt for the ice outside.
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
8 Jan 10
Believe it or not, yesterday when we finally made it to the store, there was tons of sidewalk salt still left. I've not shoveled our sidewalk because I don't have a shovel yet and also because of the fact that we live at the end of a court so there is really no foot traffic on our street.
@nautilus33 (1827)
7 Jan 10
Hi! You mean the first snowfall for the year 2010 or for this winter? Well, if there is a snowfall in the weather forecast I don't go to the grocery, just because we haven't got any big snowfall from years and I am so sad. I still remember the winters when there was so much snow, that I couldn't go out without a shovel and a high boots. I love when it snows and when it snows hard and with hours, I just go out and take a walk, catching the snow flakes with mouth, lying in the snow and making snow angels. Winter is very special to me- everything looks different( when there is snow of course), the people are in some way nice, and everything looks so pure and innocent.
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
8 Jan 10
It is the first snow that can be considered to be a winter storm for this winter. The first time that it snowed in 2010 was actually on Monday night, but that was nothing more than about a half an inch of snow. It was just enough then to make traveling a pain. We don't get a ton of snow here in Kentucky and there are so many people that don't know how to deal with it that I actually laugh looking out my back window and watching people trying to drive.
• India
7 Jan 10
This year at most of the places in the world observing lowest temperatue and huge snowfall.Even in east,sout Asean countries the air waves are changed,,and these people dont know how to fight the situation in snow fall..