Are you good at direction sense?

January 7, 2010 9:07pm CST
Good Day, everyone! I am a female, and i am total bad at direction sense, if i am in a strange city, and i don't have my hotel name card. The monet i get out of the hotel, i could get lost and never be able to work back to the hotel! What about you? Are you good a directions? I heard that men are better on women.
6 responses
• Philippines
8 Jan 10
my sense of direction is neither really good nor hopeless. just fairly average. whenever i travel the first time in new cities or countries i visit, i make sure i either bring a map with me or i walk around the vicinity of the hotel so i could familiarize myself with my immediate surroundings and landmarks. when i at least do that, i'd say i have a fairly good chance of getting back to the hotel and not be lost. honestly, i can get around in a strange city much better than in a big shopping mall. i think i'd get lost in a crowd of shoppers. -lol- during my first time in hongkong, we have toured around for a week without getting lost armed only with a map, with 6 first-timers in tow (3 shy kids, a senior citizen who's also shy, and 2 adults who are worse at being shy. -lol-). i'm not sure that gender has anything to do with being good in sense of direction. i'd rather think that people who can drive can grasp locations faster and are better in directions.
• China
11 Jan 10
Thanks for sharing~!I am easy get lost at big shopping mall too!
• Philippines
11 Jan 10
you too? really! i thought i must be the only female around who would probably get lost in a big shopping mall. quite nice to be not alone in this hehehe. thanks for the BR!
• Hong Kong
8 Jan 10
Hi vivianchen, I am not good at reading map,too. LOL Well, I think I am not good at direction sense but not too bad at that. I should say I am just lazy. If there are someone there, like my husband or someone that I trust with, then I do not bother to care about the directions. When I am alone or need to take care of someone who is really bad at directions or really too depend on me, I have to do it and I can do it. So, my type is "take turns"! LOL Have a good day! (3:56pm 8 Jan 2010, Hong Kong time)
1 person likes this
• China
11 Jan 10
Thanks for sharing~!I am the same. haha
@DenverLC (1143)
• Philippines
8 Jan 10
Hi Vivian, I am not also good at first with directions but I learned its importance especially when you are travelling alone in a huge place. Just look around and try to find good landmarks like buildings, street names, establishments and other signs that can easily be noticed. Bring a map always in your bag as well it can help for sure.
1 person likes this
• China
8 Jan 10
The worst thing is i am bad at reading map too!
@mazghang (139)
• China
8 Jan 10
I am the same with you! I'm poor in direction sense! when i am in a new city i sometimes could not find the way to the hotel in which I was living!! I don't think men are better than women!! I think they are the same! All the difference is that maybe women does not care about that!
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• China
11 Jan 10
Hi, I think you are right, coz we are not the one who always driving the car!
@lahari (133)
• India
8 Jan 10
No,I am not that bad at it. Whenever I go out from my hotel in a new city I try to remember the turns that I am taking and the landmarks so that I can get back to it later. Actually the key is not to get panicked if you find yourself in a strange place and keep your cool and use the logical senses(like which two streets are parallel to each other and which are the connecting roads between them etc). And if you helplessly get lost somewhere and just can't get it back then shed your inhibitions and ask the local people out there,believe me this has worked a number of times for me in the past! Having said all these let me add that I am a girl and I really don't think that gender has got anything to do with one's direction sense.
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• China
11 Jan 10
Thanks for sharing~!But i have bad experience with local people, they don't know the road either, and they just point wherever they think it's right. It turn out i asked 3 people, 3 different directions!
@Hadame (194)
• Indonesia
8 Jan 10
i'm no good... i once want to go to public recreation but choose wrong bus and go to opposite way... :lol:
1 person likes this
• China
11 Jan 10
Thanks for sharing~!I did the same thing once!