Have you made your own..?

@Hadame (194)
January 7, 2010 10:47pm CST
i never make my own ice cream... my mom did, long time ago... chocolate flavor...
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10 responses
• United States
8 Jan 10
Have you ever made ice cream made out of snow? My mom did when we were little. It was so good! Yummy!
@Hadame (194)
• Indonesia
8 Jan 10
No, I never,- I never make it,- I never see and touch white snow... Tropical country here...
@smileonstar (4007)
• United States
8 Jan 10
I used to make it for my cousins. .... we mixed milk with some sugar and some other favor... and put it in small clear plastic bag and then went to freezer. it is really good... try it
@Hadame (194)
• Indonesia
8 Jan 10
Sounds so flavoriuos...:lol: I like to have one that you make...
@jbb316 (1779)
• United States
8 Jan 10
oh yes. It is soo sooo good. We like to make banana icecream in the churn. It is really good. My grandfather used to make that for us on special occasions. It quickly became my favorite.
@Hadame (194)
• Indonesia
8 Jan 10
Banice cream, banana ice cream...
@ladym33 (10979)
• United States
14 Jan 10
I did once a long time ago. I think I just tried making plain vanilla since it was my first time and that was the basic recipe included in the ice cream maker. It turned out really tasty but it was kind of on the soft side. That could have been because I was impatient and wanted to try it and didn't give it enough time. I don't know why I have not made since that time.
• China
12 Jan 10
Hi,hadame,me too,I don't have a clue of how to make it.I like icecream I just buy it from shops,yummy:)
• United States
3 Apr 10
i have tried to make my own ice cream before. but it didnt turn out right. it ended up just turning out all watery and stuff and didnt taste right.
@coolcat123 (4387)
• India
8 Jan 10
I once tried to make one but did not succeed , it was not near to a soft ice cream at all, it was a liquid one which did not solidate at all, actually it did but ,wasnt like a soft ice cream which we get in the markets.
@Canteen (592)
• China
8 Jan 10
nope. i don't know how to make it but i want to learn. and now it's in winter, i can't eat cold things because of stomach problem. maybe in the summer, i will find some ice cream making course on internet and try to make one. and i've seen some people use tofu to make ice cream. really funny. so i'll try this first.
@danitykane (3183)
• Philippines
8 Jan 10
hello Hadame, My mom use to make home made ice cream for us. It was strawberry flavored ice cream with real strawberry chunks. I think it is more healthier and special.
@lahari (133)
• India
8 Jan 10
No,I haven't ever made them but my mom does make them from time to time and specially during summer. It tastes a bit different than the ones we get in the shops but it also tastes delicious and mouthwatering! My mom can make all type of them but chocolate being my favorite flavor it obviously remains on the top of the priority list!