Will you believe in god?
@PrashanthGoud (211)
January 8, 2010 2:07am CST
Yes! I believe in god. There was one supernatural power who used to rule whole world. He used to be called God. People used to see him in different shapes ( Allah, Ram, Jesus ETC ) and used to call him with different names ( Allah, Ram, Jesus etc).
But what i believe he is invisible. He used to guide us in each and every moment. But I din' understood the treatment of him with human beings. Since many i am observing so many beggars ( Specially old people ), who didn't even get proper food daily. They didn't have even proper shelter.
In rainy season we used to closed all the doors to stop even the small drop of water before sleeping. I have seen the persons who used to sleep in rain. Why? God punishing them with so much cruelty. After all we are the children s of him. Why?
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20 responses
@bingchen (1119)
• China
9 Jan 10
i dont believe in god.since i meet difficulties and failure in my life,i find that it is unfair for me.i dont think that i make a mistake in my life,why the god punish me and share this unfair treatment.the bad people is bad people,they still live well and want any mind to cheat and press the poor and innocent people.if the god is real existed,i believe that he can change unfair thing and make our life safe.
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@trruk1 (1028)
• United States
8 Jan 10
I don't believe in any sort of supernatural being. It is all just mumbo-jumbo that was invented in order to control other people. The threat of punishment or the hope of reward from a supreme being is used to make people conform to a particular standard of behavior. There is zero solid evidence of the existence of any sort of supreme being. People believe it because they want to and because they have been taught to believe. Most of the problems that we have are of our own creation and we could solve them if we wanted to. Most people seem to find it easier to place the burden on something "out there". Karl Marx called religion "the opiate of the masses". He was correct. Look at any religious leader. They are all, without exception, primarily concerned with consolidating and increasing their own power. We follow like sheep because we are told to do so.
@6precious102 (4043)
• United States
9 Jan 10
There is suffering in this world because of the greed and hardheartedness of man. I'm a Christian and I know from reading God's word that He made it clear that we have a responsibility toward our fellow man. It is up to us to feed and clothe the poor and to take care of the sick, the widows and the orphans. But how can people know what duty they have toward others when there are governments that want to silence that teaching?

@6precious102 (4043)
• United States
10 Jan 10
You're right. Even without that teaching from the Bible, mankind knows instinctively how they should treat their fellow man. However, there are some who need it in writing, so there's no excuse.
@lynkshadow (299)
• Canada
10 Jan 10
I think you can know that the poor and downtrodden need help without a bible telling you it is so . We have all felt suffering, those of us who have compassion can reason out that if someone is suffering they need to have it alleviated. I know this without the word of god. I know this through common sense, good parenting and personal experience.

@chikahdorah (269)
• Philippines
9 Jan 10
i believe in God. if there is no God, then who made a perfect world? who made the sun, the moon and stars... who made the sea? I believe in Him because whenever i ask those questions i cant think of any person who could do those but God.

@chikahdorah (269)
• Philippines
10 Jan 10
I think you misunderstood how i use the word. Perfect which mean, the sun is at the center of the universe giving us light and warmth, the moon who lights us during darkest hour, the rain that helped the plants and farms and animals. There is gravity that help us stay in our place.
i hope you get it.
@lynkshadow (299)
• Canada
10 Jan 10
I don't think the world is perfect. Perfect usually means without flaw. Starving children and cancer are flaws. There may be a god but the world is confusing and messy in some areas so If there is a god I don't understand his plan or his motives.

@lynkshadow (299)
• Canada
10 Jan 10
Those are hard questions to answer but I ask them all the time too. I am not religious but grew up in a strict catholic family. I am still on the fence as to whether I believe or not. I think there might be things we can't see but are there like an afterlife, spirit guides, ghosts. But I don't know. The jury is still out.

@lynkshadow (299)
• Canada
10 Jan 10
My father abused me sexually and my mother did nothing about it. So, no I don't see god in my parents. I see spiritual goodness from other things I have experienced around me. I also feel that there is something there just out of reach that is ehteral freeing and unexplainable but I don't profess to know what it is.
@PrashanthGoud (211)
• India
10 Jan 10
I too don't about the ghosts etc. But i can feel the god in each and every moment in my life. What i believe he lives within us. He observes us each and every moment. He care about us. He loves us just like our parents. Still you don't believe him you can see him in your parents.

@PastorP (1170)
• United States
8 Jan 10
Greetings PrashanthGoud.
I notice that you have Jesus in the list. Jesus Christ Himself said God is a spirit. Even after Jesus Christ came, the Holy Bible specifically says in John 1:18 "No man has seen God at anytime." Immediately you or anyone else might rightfully ask then, "Why do you Christians call Him God." The key to that is in the term "Christ," which is, "Messiah," "the anointed One." Christ is God veiled in human flesh. This is what the balance of verse 18 states: "The only begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father, He hath declared Him."
On the surface, no one, or hardly no one, would deny Christ as human, for the Word of God refers to Him as "The Son of Man." Yet, the Holy Bible states He is "The Son of God." So, when folks saw Jesus Christ, they saw God veiled in flesh.
Now, let us consider the beggars you mentioned. For some odd reason sometimes though we believe in God we forget completely about satan. So our human flesh tends to blame God for the inhumanity to man that we see! And, while in a sense we, because we are made in the image of God, might be called children of God to a small degree, going back to John 1 again and now verse 12 we see not everyone is a child of God through Christ. That means everyone in the world is not necessarily a true child of God, so the poor beggars exist not because of God's fault, but man's fault for not truly believing in God through Christ and then doing something about those beggars. There are true Christians that really help people. We just need more of them.

@PastorP (1170)
• United States
12 Jan 10
Hi matsulori .
There are two terms in the Holy Bible that will help us to understand the distinction between a true child of God and a general child of God. Those two terms are "son" and "offspring."
In Acts 17:28-29 the Apostle Paul by the spirit speaks to the Greeks and says they are the offspring of God. The Greek word for offspring there is genos (pronounced gee nos) which can me stock, nation, offspring, etc. We can say everyone is the offspring of God because we are all made in His image.
But as you know, through the sin of Adam, that image was severely damaged by sin. No one with sin will inherit the Kingdom of God. Adam and his descendants (us) lost their rights to the inheritance, and became servants to sin in the kingdom of darkness (see Col. 1).
However, God fixes this problem by being veiled in flesh in Christ (termed the "second or last man" in 1 Cor).
Over in John 1:12 we see that those who believe on Christ (the force of the word believe meaning to commit) receive authority from God to be sons of God. We take on His moral nature as His image within us is restored. He rescues His offspring that had lost their inheritance from the kingdom of darkness and places those who commit to Him in the Kingdom of His Son. By the spirit Paul uses the term "adoption" in Romans 8.
We know the difference by 1.) the inward witness we have from the Holy Spirit and 2.) a change in our life in that we then truly think and act like Christ. Of course we are still not perfect since we must learn by experience to obey, and 1 John (the whole epistle) gives us facts to see whether or not we are in Christ. If someone is truly in Christ, as much as it is in their ability to do so, they will meet the needs of the beggar.
@sudiptacallingu (10879)
• India
11 Jan 10
I believe in God and the Hindu philosophy of Karma which determines our life. So if you see suffering and pain all around you, don’t think that God has abandoned the hapless…no, God never abandons anybody but people suffer due to the consequences of their own actions.
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
8 Jan 10
Hi PrashanthGoud, My feelings are that God is within each and everyone of us and in all things. In the same way, we are all one and what hurts one person hurts us all. We are one with God and God does not punish anyone. While there is much that we don't understand as yet, I believe in reincarnation and the law of cause and effect. Blessings.
@PrashanthGoud (211)
• India
14 Jan 10
Exactly! Hrtings the fellow hunan beingd really not desired. Some times will do this with out knowing any thing, but some times ...I dont want to talk about cuelty. But can to tell me what exactly role of god?
@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
14 Jan 10
In David's Psalm 37:3 & 4 it says, "Trust in the LORD, and do good; dwell in the land and befriend faithfulness. Delight yourself in the LORD, and he will give you the desires of your heart. And in verse 25 it says, "I have been young, and now am old, yet I have not seen the righteous forsaken or his children begging for bread. In Luke 12: 22-31 Jesus tells us not to be anxious about our needs. If we seek first the kingdom of God, all these things will be added to us.
Those who have put their faith in God and His Son Jesus have always had their needs met.
@May2k8 (18491)
• Indonesia
8 Jan 10
each had a god, but the question is why any religions have different god. God is the one that I believe is Allah, because he was able to do everything. This world will not mean anything if he's not there, and the only one who has super powers. God gives everything to mankind, but men seem never satisfied with what he gives.
@PrashanthGoud (211)
• India
8 Jan 10
God is the only one with super powers! You used call him with name Allah. I used to call him with Ram. Some people used to call him Jesus. But finally we all are praying the same.
Yes! Human beings never satisfy with god. But it's our nature. But still i will argue on the issue of that poor old people. If they have done any mistakes just kill them. But don't give punishment daily like that.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
9 Jan 10
Actions speak louder than words. Look around you. The physics of this world appear to work in a simple manor. When you look beyond the surface, you see a complexity far beyond the understanding of man and yet the answers stare us in the face for us to discover.God does not punish. Perhaps there is more going on than what appears at the surface. God is very very smart. That is why few really understand. If all the physics add up perfectly, you can bet the people factor does as well. God is very very smart. To understand what is really going on in this world, you are going to have to look deeper.If you can figure out the complexities of this world, you will understand.It is a masterpiece.
@venkatachary (1165)
• India
9 Jan 10
I too strongly believe in God. We pretend ourselves to be helpless. The state has wide responsibility, but they fail to look after the need of their citizen. AS, we are surmounted with our own family affairs, we become ineffective to go further in helping the needy. But it is not good. I am also not able to understand whether the god punishes them. Let us unitedly pray the Almighty to remove the sufferings of the people as a whole.
@StevenZhu (198)
• China
8 Jan 10
Hi PrashanthGoud, it's hard to say, I don't believe god in my heart but I keep them in my mind. How to say, or just a example, if I do something successfully I will really appreciate gods, but if I fail I will blame that I haven't enough endeavor.
@PrashanthGoud (211)
• India
8 Jan 10
If you really used to do in real life, what you are saying i am very happy. And also we have to help our fellow human beings as much as possible. Because after all humanity is the best religion. God also like it very much. I am not saying that i am a very good human being and i am helping others. But i am trying to help as much as possible as i can
If it's not possible we have to just say hai! to the people who used to work like a machine. Believe me! it gives not only happy to their hearts, but also it gives 10 times satisfaction to our hearts also.
@angela018 (143)
• Philippines
8 Jan 10
hi prashanthgoud..
well, everything happening in our lives has a purpose.. and we dont have the rights to question God why it is happening.. GOd has a future plans for us.. for us to be prospered, and he is giving us a hope and future.. He will never fail us, as long as we are faithful to Him and accepting that he God (Jesus christ) is only our lord and savior.. and by his grace we are alive because we are saved by HIM
@lynkshadow (299)
• Canada
10 Jan 10
I think you are reffering to the christian god right? I disagree with you when you say we don't have the right to question god. All I want to do is question him about suffering, purpose and beauty. I am not even sure if he exists.
@fchalida (196)
• Indonesia
8 Jan 10
Yes i do believe in GOD. But being human always forget about their god. God always give the best life for His creation. But every human get needs quite a lot, they are forget to prayer to Him and thanks to Him. Never go to Mosque or church for prayer. I believe if we are not beg and asking need to Him, He will not give anything what we want. Otherwise, If we want our need to accomplish so we must to get hardly in world. Sometimes we are not have the heart to see some one sleeping in rain. But it is a temptation to us. are we want to help them? In our heart "are they bad people and will even rob us or people should we help?". If we help them we will get reward from god. The choice is in your hand.
@vandana7 (101605)
• India
8 Jan 10
Hi Prashanth, there were many such incidences that I too can recall and they do upset me as well. I remember seeing a young boy of about 8 or 10 sleeping on the road divider, all alone! I'd be terrified at my age! And then a sweet boy clearing my table when I'd just finished eating at a hotel. That was painful. My first need was to ask him why he was not at school. I wonder where such children are. I also saw a grown up pick up some discarded packet of curry from the dustbin and pour it into his mouth. That was very painful. I too ask god where was the necessity to invent arms. Couldn't we have less of hunger and no need for shelter just like it was in jungles. And that is how I find answer. God gave everybody the jungle. We -humans made homes in which there are haves and have nots. It is not god who went wrong, it is us. Isn't it? I dont really believe in diety or god of any specific religion. I am too grown up to do that. But I do believe in god as a supernatural force somewhere out there, whom I can call whenever there is emergency. And I believe that if I am truly helpless, he will come, and give me the required tools to handle my problems. :)
@indocorner (546)
• Indonesia
8 Jan 10
The Mercy of God!! God creates the overall creatures with abilities, instinct, n the weakness as well. Each person has chance to attain their lives, even though they have particular disability physically/mentally. It depends on the person to strive improving their lives. How much effort they strive. I was ever so surprised when i saw my friend's video. The video as if warned me n others that disability should not be used as reason to be a beggar. In video, there are two handicapped men...one man is a bajaj driver, n the other is a beggar. When the beggar asked for some money, the passenger of bajaj gave him some, otherwise the driver didn't at all. then the passenger asked why the driver didn't give the beggar just a little of money tough, did't he feel so pity?. but the driver didn't reply then move away to have to have the exchange. How surprising it was for the passenger that the driver had the same disability as like the beggar but he 'd rather standing on his own feet than begging. The driver works hard to make a living even though he is a handicapped. He doesn't wanna beg either ask for one's pity.
@nar8988 (409)
8 Jan 10
I don' know whether I believe in god ,when I want something or desire for something God seems to exist and I pray for thing to happen ,that means I believe in god,but when I don't get the desired result I just think as if there is no god ,and I just tend to stop myself from even praying god,that is so mean of me ,I know ,but I can't do anything about that.