Do we really need health care reform?
By oneidmnster
@oneidmnster (1384)
United States
January 8, 2010 10:50am CST
I admit there should be a little tweaking on health care.Do we really need to go through all the government is going through to fix a few problems and create many more?It's costing taxpayers millions of dollars just so the House and Senate can debate something that the majority of the people don't want.They're also debating something that none of them have ever read all the way through.Over the next few years,this whole thing is going to cost us billions.I guess this is what Obama does best,spend other peoples money.
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11 responses
@thegreatdebater (7316)
• United States
9 Jan 10
Do you have private health insurance? Rates have gone up 20% for the last 4 years, with absolutely no end in sight according to health care experts. Studies have shown that a family of 5 making less than $80,000 a year would have to have their taxes increased by 20% to make it more expensive for a public plan than their current private plan. The average health care plan for a family of five in this country is $500 a month. Do you really think that this is acceptable? In almost every state these insurance companies have no competition, and in the one state that does, they have the lowest percentage of residence with insurance in the country.
I hate to tell you this, but right now YOU are paying the health care industry TRILLIONS for health care, and we don't even have the best in the world. If you can spend BILLIONS to save TRILLIONS would you do it?
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@peavey (16936)
• United States
8 Jan 10
The only thing we need are price controls. They can do it to every other industry; why not medicine? I don't mean controls for doctors visits or things like that, but controls on how much a medicine and a treatment can cost. There would be a lot more people willing and able to pay their own way if the costs weren't so high. If there were controls or limits set, the companies and hospitals would find a way to comply and I don't believe our health care would suffer. Who believes that it costs $15,000 for a one time kidney dialysis? I don't. The machines are mass produced now and the supplies are basic, like bleach and plastic lines. I don't care how you cut it, it does not cost a hospital thousands of dollars just to have a room occupied for a few hours. How much do they pay for heat and lights, anyway??? One nurse gets paid less than $50 an hour, so where is the rest of the money going?
Let the free market take care of the rest. Insurance and doctor's charges will even themselves out if we allow them to and we quit allowing price gouging.
Obamacare is just another example of government myopia combined with a power induced "high."
@oneidmnster (1384)
• United States
9 Jan 10
I agree with you.I was on dialysis for 2 1/2 years.Mine was done at a clinic with about 20 machines.Lucky for me I had private insurance and medicare,so it didn't cost me.Well,I guess it did in the long run.
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@bobmnu (8157)
• United States
9 Jan 10
I agree that it need to be reformed but to dismantle the whole system and change it is not the answer. Some in Congress have had the Gal to suggest that we consider what is broken and work to fix that.
Issues that concern the people -
--Portability the ability to take your insurance with you wherever you go.
--Competition allow people to shop across state lines for insurance and to buy what they want not what the state feels they need.
--Tort Reform this needs to be looked at right now about 40%+ of all malpractice suits go to the attorneys.
-- expand medical savings accounts so you save when you are young and have the money when you need it.
We need to look at the reform piece by piece to see what is broken and what changes with each reform. What congress is doing now would be like you taking your car in and saying there is a rattle in the engine and the mechanic saying well you need a new engine, Transmission and power train only to find out you have a lose bolt holding your on fender.
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@OpinionatedLady (5965)
• United States
8 Jan 10
We do need a reform just not what our Government is proposing. What needs to be done is a set of laws outline both the rights of the Insurance companies and the clients. Caps on how high of a percentage can be charged and how low of a percentage can be paid. Also reform on the health care liabilities. I understand there are many who cannot pay their bills up front, I am one of those people, but it is not the responsibility of the public to make a hospitals losses. They need to be able to say no to illegals, repeat abusers and others who take advantage of the system.
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@epicure35 (2814)
• United States
10 Jan 10
What is happening in our country is not about "health", "care", "healthcare" or true reform, re the "tweaking" you mention necessary to make our healthcare even better than it already is. It is about power, control, the bloodless coup taking of American
economy, freedom and right to live or die. It is the last link in the merciless, deliberate jihad being committed RIGHT NOW by Barack Obama, traitor, usurper, and America hater and all of his evil, power-mad cohorts.
@MrNiceGuy (4141)
• United States
9 Jan 10
No, I don't think it needs reform. While there are plenty of people without coverage, the coverage we have here is the best there is in the world. And people don't want it! And its being rushed through naively. I saw it as a way that democrats gained popular votes from the same idiots that voted for Obama because he is so popular in mass media.
@lilwonders456 (8214)
• United States
8 Jan 10
it is not just what Obama does best....but our government in general. They are GREAT at spending other peoples money and wasting most of it.
Yes healthcare needs more work. But not more government control. Not more taxes. Not more waste. Not more problems. The lobbyist came in throwing around millions and all of a sudden it became a free for all for making a bill that made corporate america happy. Forget what made sense. Forget what was best for the people. It is all about getting the lobbyists to hand over millions for our elected offiicals re-election campaign.
Want proof of that. Look at the current bills. True they need to be reconciled but the main points in each are this
1. Mandatory healthcare. Everyone has to buy it. Lots of moeny for the insurance companies. More profits.
2. No pre-existing conditions allowed. But yet no cost caps. And sense you are forced to buy it, if you have pre-existing conditions the insurance companies can charge you whatever they want.....hope you can afford it. It won't be cheap. If not you get into legal trouble. Once again...more money for the insurance companies.
2. Lots of tax increases. ANd not just on the wealthy. The middle class is going to get hammered. More money for the US government to waste. THe middle class is barely holding on. They can't afford a tax increase. But you don't see the government caring about that. Nope they just lie and say they are taxing the "wealthy" but if you actually read the bills (which I did) the middle class is really getting hammered. But most won't figure that out until the bill has passed and they have to pay those tax increases.
These bills have good things in them....but unfortunately the bad out weights it big time. This is a case of a good idea turned bad. IT has turned into a money grab...and the bill reflects it.
It will cause more problems than it solves.
@millertime (1394)
• United States
10 Jan 10
I agree with you and I think the majority of Americans feel the same way. Most everyone agrees that there are some things that need to be fixed in our healthcare system but the radical remake that our government is trying to do is going to do a lot more harm than good. I think that's why most Americans are against the fiasco that congress is trying to pass and the polls clearly show that. But congress is not going to be deterred by what the majority of the voters want. It seems they are going to do what THEY want and they're totally forgetting who they work for. That's why we need to fire them. Hopefully, the American voting public will remember next November and vote the incumbents out. It's just what they deserve.