Have you ever done anything really stupid ?

@mtdewgurl74 (18151)
United States
January 8, 2010 11:41am CST
I Know I have more then a few times but this beats the cake..A man in Des Moines had only planned to be out for a few seconds but ended up out for hours..I guess the smart thing to have done was atleast slip on a pair of shoes first. Here is some of the story. The 27-year-old had dashed out to his car in subzero temperatures to get a pack of cigarettes about 4:30 a.m. He returned to find the door to his house at 1729 10th St. locked. He said he curled up on the porch and waited for his roommate to return. "I thought he'd be there any time," Dowie said. When police found him five hours later, Dowie's body temperature had dropped to 86 degrees, 12 degrees below normal. He was freezing to death. Dowie said his teeth chattered so much while he was on the porch that they cut into the flesh on the inside of his lips. Dowie was admitted to the hospital under the name John Doe. He remained unidentified for about four hours. to read more click this link.. http://www.desmoinesregister.com/article/20100106/NEWS/1060367/1001/NEWS/Des-Moines-frostbite-victim-was-paralyzed-by-cold So have you ever went out without shoes? I admit I have went on my porch without shoes but left the door open when doing so..What is the stupidest thing you ever done?
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11 responses
@free_man (7330)
• United States
8 Jan 10
Hi Mtdewgurl. That is awful is he still alive? I don't think I would have went outside without my keys in tow. Never done that before. I think the dumbest thing I ever can remember doing is going outside without the proper clothing on. I have run out to the mail box in my pj's. I don't walk without my shoes on I don't care if I am just going on the steps. I have locked my keys in my car in front of a motel in las vegas once. I had to call a lock smith to get my keys out of the car.
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@mtdewgurl74 (18151)
• United States
9 Jan 10
Thanks for the response. Yep, he is still alive. And I doubt he will be going outside without the proper shoes and clothes on anymore...for atleast awhile till the memory dims a bit..lol I think that everyone has locked their keys up atleast once in the car and locked them selves out of the house. That is why it is always good to have a spare key hidden...never know what can happen sometimes.
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@mtdewgurl74 (18151)
• United States
10 Jan 10
After a few minutes atleast he should have went next door to call the roommate or to stay till the roommate got there..What about going back and staying in the car? That would have been better then laying on the porch..well if he didn't lock the car that is..
@free_man (7330)
• United States
9 Jan 10
Hi Mtdewgurl. Thank God he is still alive. I don't think I would ever forget such a thing if it happened to me. I would have broken a window if I didn't have a spare key.I could at least put plastic on the window till I could have gotten it replaced. I think I locked my keys in the car cause I was screaming at someone. I don't like to have my attention distracted.
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@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
11 Jan 10
I do stupid things all the time and a lot of them are too stupid to mention. The poor guy that got locked out was very lucky not to die! It reminds me of what happened to me many years ago; it was a little stupid and I didn’t have shoes on either but I have a good excuse because I was only nine years old! My parents stepped out and left me alone in the house with my beautiful Siamese cat Geo. Geo was not desexed and loved going out and this particular day he ran out of the front door of our fifth floor apartment and as I chased him the door slammed shut behind so here we were a barefoot kid with an excited cat! Fortunately my aunty used to live next door so I ended up spending the afternoon with her all the while praying that my cat didn’t need to go to the toilet!
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@mtdewgurl74 (18151)
• United States
13 Feb 10
I would have thought he would go to his neighbors or at least go back to the car and wait. I am just glad it doesn't happen to many people..we see it on television on several occasions and they make it a funny laughing matter but in reality it really isn't..so..thanks for the response it is appreciated.
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@vivianchen (2646)
• China
9 Jan 10
we all thought we are smart enough that will not do anything stupid, but in fact, we are wrong! I've done somethng stupid too, and i don't even want to recall it, i felt so embrassed even i think of it now.
@mtdewgurl74 (18151)
• United States
10 Jan 10
We are all guilty of doing something that isn't wise or that we regret..makes us human, I know I am not perfect, far from it. And will likely make more mistakes and do something stupid in the future..but we do try to learn from them..so it is also a learning process of what to do and what not to do.. thanks for the response I appreciate it.
@justmeh (188)
• Philippines
9 Jan 10
oh my...we are the same..i have also done a really stupid thing without my knowlegde...In fact maybe because also of my clumsiness and dumbness sometimes that I have done such things...like what happen the other day...my mom asked me to make a juice to sell the other day...so i did get all the things i needed for the juice and then here comes me...i have bought with me the juice 2 packs of it 250 grams and 2 1/2 kilo white sugar...what i did is that i just pour everything of it in the big container,the 2 packs of juice and 2 1/2 sugar...afterwards i realized i should have put only 1 1/2 of sugar and 1 pack of juice in it but what i did is that...it's too late for me to realize it. My mom never believe me in my explanation that i did pour all of it cause she thinks i was just back to my clumsiness again that i forgot i have thrown it on the garbage bin....really...what do you think?
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@mtdewgurl74 (18151)
• United States
10 Jan 10
Everyone makes mistakes. I would probably found another container if I could and tried to fix it so it would be okay. I know I have probably done something similar a hundred times..either made it to weak or to strong then would have to fix it. I feel none of are stupid. Sometimes we are unlearned at somethings and don't know what to do or we forget. Doesn't make us stupid. Thanks for the response.
@bingchen (1119)
• China
9 Jan 10
i dont remmember what i done the stupidest thing.but something make me ambarassed and feel uncomfortable.maybe one or two stupid thing i can remmember.when i was child,one letter send to my family.i saw the reciever who i dont know.but this address is right.so i dont think about too much and tear the letter.oh,my god,i find that it is not my family's letter.it make me uncomfortable and seems that i make a mistake.finally the real master of letter find me and ask me this letter.i take back it and make an apology.i feel ambarassed because he is my neighbor.so i feel ambarassed when i saw him every time.
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@mtdewgurl74 (18151)
• United States
10 Jan 10
People make mistakes like that often when the mail man puts others letters in their mailbox. I know I have and many others have..I live next to my husbands family and we all have the same last name and our addresses are similar..like J.Doe 4343 and J.Doe 4342 it can be mixed up when your just glancing at it before opening..My sister in law has the same initials as me..so she has gotten alot of my things and didn't know it till she opened it.Thanks for the response.
• Philippines
9 Jan 10
thank god ,the really stupid i have done in my life is to enter the world of playing some kind of damnest things.
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@mtdewgurl74 (18151)
• United States
10 Jan 10
Thanks for the response I appreciate it alot. But did you have fun while playing?
@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
9 Jan 10
I had to think about this for awhile.. and something finally just came to me. You know how it's such a pain to get kids in and out of the car due to their car seats and all that junk? When mine are too young to buckle themselves up, I have a tendancy to leave them in the car when I know I'm going to just be a second, like running in to pay for gas or something of that nature. So, my twins were around 2 years old. I had to stop at the bank. I figured no harm would come from leaving them in the car for a moment. I left the car running, it was middle of winter and cold, so I left the car on so they'd stay warm. Came out of the bank a few minutes later, all appeared to be fine until I tried to get in my car. My car had those automatic lock doors, and because I was more worried about the kids, I'd forgotten to put the car in park!! It was still in drive, so the doors locked themselves, and the car was on. It didn't go anywhere because the plows had pushed all the snow to the edges, so I was parked against a bit of a snow bank. I ran back into the bank and told someone what happened, and they called the police, who got a tow truck driver to come open my door for me. The kids were fine... I was worried about the heat being on and windows up, you know. It all worked out though, thankfully. I've been more careful ever since.
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@lelin1123 (15594)
• Puerto Rico
8 Jan 10
Thank goodness the stupidest thing I did, didn't result in a trip to the hospital. Well let me start by saying I'm a clean freak (OCD.) I was in the shower one day and you know the fan that is in a bathroom if there is no window. Well I unplugged it before getting into the shower because I wanted to clean it inside. Thinking that it being unplugged I would be safe right? So instead I ended up getting a nice SHOCK. Remember I'm taking a shower and cleaning this fan. Stupid right? I didn't know even unplugged that there is still a live current of electricity going thru it. Thank goodness I was ok but how stupid was I?
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@mtdewgurl74 (18151)
• United States
8 Jan 10
Now that sounds like something I would do.I'm just okay your okay. Thanks for the response, I appreciate it.
• Portugal
8 Jan 10
mm...problably when a gang was trying to assault me...and i said them some things that really offended them....2 secs latter i was running like a horse or the time i throwed a water baloon at a man
@mtdewgurl74 (18151)
• United States
9 Jan 10
Throwing water balloons is fun as long as the other person wants to play too..lol Thanks for the response it is appreciated.
@Hadame (194)
• Indonesia
9 Jan 10
It happened when i was about 8 years old... I was out of battery for my gamewatch and i didn't have any money to buy it... Then i found a crazy idea,- Since it was all about electricity, i tried to subtitute the battery's power with the electricity in my house... Got some wires to connect the gamewatch to the electric slot... And when i push the ''on'' button, BoooooM..!!! It explode... I didn't know about the voltation until i was in junior high school... Battery is about 1.5 volt, and my house is about 220 volt...
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@mtdewgurl74 (18151)
• United States
10 Jan 10
Wow! you were lucky you weren't hurt really bad or even killed..electricity is nothing to mess with. To bad making batteries with potatoes or lemons doesn't make enough of it to do anything but light up a small flashlight bulb. Thanks for the response.
@rebelann (113514)
• El Paso, Texas
14 Mar 20
Yeah, I've done more stupid things than I ever want anyone to know about but thankfully I never got caught outside in freezing weather without shoes or coat on.