Discrimination as an Anti-theist

United States
January 8, 2010 10:11pm CST
I find it very funny that in America, at least 80% of people claim to believe in god, and the teachings of the bible. Yet those people will discriminate, hate, heckle, and stay in their close-minded little box. The bible preaches forgiveness, yet 90% of religious people believe that Gay marriage is wrong and horrible. Strange how that works. Anyway, as an Anti-theist, as soon as I say that 'I don't believe in God', people get that shocked expression on their face, or get angry and try to tell me why God is the best way. Or they say 'Well I'm sorry for you that you haven't found the light yet'. I'm very happy without a religion, and a good person besides. I'd say that most of the wars fought in this world were over a difference of core beliefs, and most in reference to religion. I'd love to see a religion that said 'We may be wrong'. But that won't happen, because all a religion has is faith.
5 responses
@EvanHunter (4026)
• United States
9 Jan 10
Sorry to tell you but there is a lot of the same attitude coming from your side of the fence also. I have heard an awful lot of atheist say condescending remarks like "well I guess if it makes you better we should all just believe in the tooth fairy". I see you pointed out a statistic than pointed out that Gay marriage isn't legal (in most states). Marriage is determined by state law not federal and it is voted on by the people who live in those states. Since 80% vote against it in a state than that's called democracy, what do you suppose to do, not allow anyone to vote based on if they have religious convictions? You cant cater to the one segment of the population who doesn't have the majority vote and call it democracy. I would also have to say that I don't agree with your assessment over most wars are fought over religion either. We have had two world wars that had little to do with religion, in modern times religion has pretty much been used as a tool for other purposes.
• United States
9 Jan 10
There is a lot of attitude coming from me, yes. When marriage is determined by 80% of the people that fear something that is harmless, it scares me a little, sorry. We DID elect bush, after all, and that turned out great...While democracy works, we had slaves...we didn't let women have rights...that was all majority vote. WW2 was focused around hitler wanting to kill jews, which is religious in nature. And I'm thinking back to known history as far as wars go. 2 out of 100 isn't 'Most wars'. And I'm not saying individual belief is bad, not when it's kept to yourself, or never stated as the 'One right thing'. Then it gets bad. Organized religion is what I'm against.
• United States
9 Jan 10
How were the things you pointed out erased, by voting. Hitlers plan was to take over all of Europe than set his eyes on America. Point out any war and I can guarantee you there is someone who has intentions of seizing power or making a profit regardless of whatever their supposed religious convictions are. Constantly I see people dumping on religion and say everything is religions fault. Was it religions fault that an atheist dictator took over China and butchered Millions of his own people and Tibetan people? What about Lenin? More importantly what about people taking responsibility for their own actions instead of blaming religion for everything wrong.
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• United States
9 Jan 10
Religion has been used as a large tool, but without religion, would that have happened? If everyone believed the same thing and helped humanity out for itself, a lot of this wouldn't happen. A dictator rises to power when a people does not rise up to stop them. I'm not blaming religion for everything. Most religions are peaceful. The one centered around the bible tends to not be, to refine my point. Greed and power are the driving forces behind many things, but it is easily masked in religious discrimination. Without that mask, a lot of it could be prevented by the majority that realize it is still a wrong thing to do.
@PastorP (1170)
• United States
9 Jan 10
Wow. Well hi there Dluther89. I'm heading to bed so I'm making this puppy brief. 1- There is a difference between religion and a relationship with God 2- There are Christians, then there are "Christians." 3- God says homosexuality is wrong, as He does saying the same about stealing, lying, aldultery. But does this make Him unforgiving??? So, just because I or any other Christian states what is sin according to the Holy Bible does not make us unforgiving. 3a- speaking about unforgiving, seems like I detect no forgiveness in your post? 4- Let us not forget that the very forgiving Jesus forgave a woman caught in adultery and then guess what He said ??? Go and sin no more. Forgiveness comes upon repentance, which means turning from sin. 5- Faith, hmmm. Let's see, you can't see God right? There's lots of things you and I cannot see but by faith we benefit from them. 6-Per Hebrews 10 godly faith produces godly works. 7-I am very happy for you that you are happy without religion because religion can damn anyone. Take it from a former satanist, God hater, church and religion hater... the best is a direction connection with God through Christ. Feel free to read my testimony at petemacinta.bravehost.com/pete.html .
@PastorP (1170)
• United States
9 Jan 10
Hi again Dluther89, and please go easy on me tonight whereas I'm going to have to write a sermon outline for tomorrow . I'm glad I numbered what I did, and I'm glad you followed the numbering in reply. Thanks! First, I agree with your previous reply for #1 and 2. We're essentially on the same wavelength there. Now, back to #3-- Sure it's condemning. All such sin is precondemned by God in the Holy Bible. I'm not about to give preferential treatment to one group. God said homosexuality is wrong and so it is, just like stealing or lying is wrong. In regard to marriage, the Word of God indicates it is for one male and one female for life. In regard to blacks and whites getting married, that is indicated as ok in the Holy Bible. Those that are against it might want to check out what God said about Mose's Ethiopian wife --and I know Moses was not "white," but it was a crossing of the races. Btw, I don't consider myself white--just a putrid pink! In regard to what I do, I can refer to the Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek quite readily. I am not an expert in those, but I know how to look up the most ancient texts per the NT, and the OT there is not much question over. I use the KJV and have our church on the NKJV and there is not great discrepancy from the original languages. 3a- the first part of your reply goes back to what I said in points 1 and 2. But, ???, what do you mean you can forgive righteousness and kindness? I don't understand that. Those are good things. I won't tell you I'm right but I will definitely tell you the Holy Bible is right. But, I do agree with you on organized religion--and think you meant like the denominational type. 4-Ah, but it leaves nothing out. The Holy Bible specifically states it condemns all unrighteousness. And there is two that testify as to what is right and wrong. The Holy Bible and the precious life of the Lord Christ. 5-And I am genuinely sorry to hear you have suffered -- probably from someone's painful stupidity. Will be praying for you though.
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@syankee525 (6249)
• United States
9 Jan 10
growing being cathlic we learned alot, but as i got older i dont go to church much at all for different reasons. my thing is i dont or wont judge for what you belive in or anyone else either. i know to many who claim to be so holly and say they live thier life by God and the bible but these are more worst then someone who dont belive in God. they will judge all, then they are and can be most hatful and spikeful people ever. they come to me and tell me i will go to hell and judge me. but i like to tell them in roman 99 it say thy dont have to go church to be reborn, saved and worship God, and in Mathew it shy thy shall forgive. yeah most of them comes up with the most dumbest reason like i am not spirtal ready to forgive. i look at them and ask are you kidding me what in the hell is that ? have a good day
@Frederick42 (2043)
• Canada
9 Jan 10
The problem in America is that 80% of the people believe in not God, but a cruel and insensitive monster. Yes, there are a few verses in New testament which does preach forgiveness, but if you take it in its entirety, the Biblical God is a vengeful monster. Any human would be more forgiving than this God. I too am happy withou a religion. Maybe that is what irritates the religious people. They cannot tolerate us being happy.
• Canada
9 Jan 10
I mentioned the New Testament does preach forgiveness, which includes what jesus did. But when Bible is taken in its entirety, both old and new testaments, one cannot get a rosy picture of God. Since christians bleive in not only Jesus but also the OT God(Jesus is OT God incarnate), I cannot resist saying that this God is a vengeful one. 'Vengeance is mine' saith the Lord.
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@PastorP (1170)
• United States
9 Jan 10
Hi Frederick42. Does your view that the Holy Bible presents God as a vengeful monster include what God did for us in mercy and love through Christ taking our sin and dying on the cross?
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• United States
9 Jan 10
Yeah, I agree Frederick42, for a classic example would be Sodom and Gomorrah. God destroyed these cities for not listening to him. He saved one family. That family had children, which could lead us to believe that other families had children. There had to have been children in that city, unborn and newborn. Crazy stuff for a nice god.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
9 Jan 10
People have always been able to disguise hate in every way one can think of. In the end hate is hate regardless of beliefs. Lessons are needed. As far as believing in God, contrary to popular belief,Believing has never been important to God. Religion is going to be in trouble without it.