Copywriting, Why the Best Headline Wins!

@Kowgirl (3489)
United States
January 9, 2010 5:22am CST
In Part 1 I explain the main principles of Copywriting. Now lets move on to The Headline The most important part of your copy on your website is your HEADLINE. Why is the headline so important? Your headline is what draws people in to the rest of your page. If someone finds your headline interesting, they are far more likely to read your sub-headers or opening paragraph. Your opening paragraph should keep your visitors interested enough to read your second paragraph, so on and so on. Your headline should GRAB your visitor’s attention and make them want to read more. "Welcome to my site” just doesn’t do it. And I see that often...Welcoming a reader is nice but that's not what they are there for. As an example, let's say you are selling an e-book about teaching your dog new tricks. Here's some headlines you may use. “How to teach your Dog New Tricks!” "How to teach your Dog New Tricks in just a few Days!" "How to teach your Dog New Tricks in 3 Easy Steps!" "How You can Teach Your Dog New Tricks, Today, using These 3 Easy to follow Steps" Which one would you most likely read? Most people will choose the last one. Why? Well,for one thing it is more personal, Using the words YOU and Your,It talks directly to the reader. It also tells the reader it can be done in 3 easy steps. It also says it can be done today. With a headline like that wouldn't you want to read more? Your best headlines are based around the benefits someone will get once they’ve used the product. In the example above the benefit is getting your dog to learn new tricks . The words "3 Easy to follow steps" lets people know it is fast and easy, all they have to do is follow these steps to get results, Then there is "TODAY", which indicates now, not tomorrow or next week but today! Isn't that simple enough? This approach normally works because it’s emotive. As you may know, we all buy based on emotions and rationalize that decision to buy, later, just to make us feel better about spending our money. Your visitors need to solve some problem and you just offered them the solution. It’s by far easier to sell to a “needy crowd” than those who are hobbiest. The needy crowd wants it now, right now, TODAY! Yes, the Internet has created an impatient bunch. That my friend is why your headline is so important. We live in a world of marketing messages, just look around you and you will see hundred of headlines and yours has to stand out, otherwise it wont get noticed. Brett McFall really knew what he was talking about when he wrote: “You have to stand out like a hippo in a herd of flamingos” So do your Headlines... When people arrive at your site, you need a way to capture their interest. A good headline can do that. After all, the majority of people go online looking for information about what their wants are, or how to solve a problem or how to do something. Training your dog new tricks is just a drop in the ocean! Have YOU got the information they’re looking for? Can you solve their problem? Make their life better? Make their life easier? Make them richer? Make them slimmer? Help them in some way? Then tell them. When you pick up a newspaper or a magazine, how do you decide which articles to read first? By the Headlines of course. 1. “Local man finds odd shaped leaf in Yard” 2. “Government to lower age of retirement to 40 and pay more to those who continue to work" Which story would you read? Unless you’re a collector of odd shaped leaves, I’m guessing number 2. OK, so now you are beginning to understand why your headline is the most important part of your website copy. Don't be afraid of long Headlines, sometimes it takes more to get noticed. Look for more about copywriting, tomorrow, right here on MyLot Next: Understanding the difference between features and benefits. Did this help you understand why your headline is so important for your website/blog? Do you want to read more about copywriting? Have a Safe and Prosperous Day Kowgirl
2 responses
• Pakistan
9 Jan 10
I read half of ur post looks interesting! i think u r marketing student or done it!;) i m also the student of business administration. So in your post you are trying to say the basic thing that marketing in on the internet is targeted or niche marketing where products are for specific consumer! can debate you on it but i have to go now bye take care! happy mylotting
@Kowgirl (3489)
• United States
9 Jan 10
What I am trying to explain is what copywriting is and how to use it to your advantage. You use it to get people in a mind set to purchase whatever you are selling. It could be a pair of shoes or a digital download or to get them to sign up for a program. It's words of persuasion that will your readers to take action and do whatever you want them to. But first you need to grab their attention and make it worth reading.
@sirnose (2436)
• United States
12 Jan 10
Hello Kowgirl, I was responding to one of your discussion about copywriting the other day and just as I was reviewing my respond, myLot deleted your discussion. I really like it and was going to copy and paste it and put it in my archive files for future reference. You should consider writing an article about this topic and posting it with one of the many article writing sites that pays you to write articles. Thanks for the insightful discussion on copywriting.