Have you ever experinece an earthquake and how was it?

Hong Kong
January 10, 2010 7:59am CST
I remember when I was studying in another country,something happened in my room.I was having a short rest on my bed,not really sleeping;but suddenly my room seems shaking and it was so unexpected and scare me for a short while.You counld even hear the sound of the shaking.Krum..Krum..Krum it sound like.I have a feeling that "what the head is going on".But for about 30 seconds,then it was totally stop. I found out in the news lately that there was a minor earthquake took place in that afternoon.Well,that was my experience.How about yours?
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18 responses
• Philippines
11 Jan 10
I think everybody experienced earthquake, after all we are all in the same planet. I experienced mild earthquakes and they don't really made me fear them. Well, they just make my head spin and hurt. I always pray that we won't experienced the worst earthquake ever. Many people will get affected for sure. Natural calamities when severe are very traumatic.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
10 Jan 10
hi wildlittlefan yes innumerable times from just a tremor to five points nothing to get shook up about,it happens all the time in Southern Ca and nothing you can do about it so just sit still and it will pass. if it gets harder then you worry but so far nothing too bad, we just go on about our business, no use in getting panicked as that does not help. the last time it scooted my desk chair two feet but not one book fell off the shelves. he he he.
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• Hong Kong
11 Jan 10
Looks like southern california is truely a place of earthquake because many people from your place are responding on my topic.I always think that southern ca. is a nice place with sunshine and nice beach and things like that.Although,I have never been there,thsi place has already been a popular area in my mind.But I didn't know that there is always earthquake in there.Mmmmm,it may be scary but since people in your area were so getting used to earthquake,so maybe it is nothing for you guys then.But it looks like USA is not really a safe place to go in this few years.Well,I think I still want to take a visit to this country somedays in the future.Have a good day.
@abruzzi10 (622)
• Latvia
10 Jan 10
Hey, mate! Noo... My country is located in not active earthquake zone. I just remember little earthquake in 2004. Hypercenter was in Kaliningrad (Territory, which belongs to Russia, located between Poland and Lithuania. So I was in school. There was a little noises and floor was shaking just a little bit.. that's all. Actually I'm really happy that I live in inactive disaster zone. I'm very sad for asians... for example Phillipines.. they have earthquakes very often...
@artistry (4151)
• United States
10 Jan 10
....Hi wildlittlefan, Happy 2010. I was sitting in my living room, and there was this loud noise, and the house kind of shook. I live on a main street and there is a manhole cover on the street, which rumbles when the cars roll over it. So when I heard the noise and actually felt the shake of the house, I thought it was a big truck rolling over the manhole cover. Turns out on the news, they reported an earthquake about 10 miles or so down the pike from my house. Kind of scary to have an earthquake on the east coast in New Jersey. Take care.
@poingly (605)
• United States
10 Jan 10
I was at school in Syracuse, NY when an earthquake hit not too far away. We thought it was the wind at first (winds in Syracuse are very strong), but it simply lasted longer than your average gust.
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• United States
10 Jan 10
Well I live in California so yes I have experienced more than one. There have been several over the years. When the earthquake in San Francisco in I believen 1989 happened I lived in Fresno about 200 miles south of its epicenter. This was the one that occured during the World Serier when the Giants played. Even where I was there was some violent shaking for a few seconds but no major damage. When the TV coverage came on was when we discovered just how devastating that earthquake was. Over the years we have had more than our share. My father once lost 6 feet of water from his pool as a result of an earthquake that shook his southern California home. But, This an area that is well known as earthquake country so we are as used to it as people in the midwest who have to deal tornado season every year. Its just that earthquakes don't happen as frequently.
@May2k8 (18491)
• Indonesia
10 Jan 10
in the room felt more than out of the room, I experienced an earthquake measuring seven SR and horrified when a house collapsed. The earthquake was quite long for up to 5 minutes, and shaking up all over place. I think my vision problems but it was after seeing my bed move, I just believe it was a great earthquake. I rushed out.
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• India
10 Jan 10
Oneday while I was in my grandmother's home and talking to her suddenly I have got the same experience like yours. The room has several glass windows and all are strangely shuddering and making noises for few seconds. I still remember at the time of earthquake I was in the room and having some humming noise for the same moment beside my ears. The reason is still not clear to me. Within 15 minutes I understand it was an earthquake. In the next morning from the newspaper I understand it happens in the all the north east India.
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@magic9 (980)
• China
11 Jan 10
Gee ! you are asking this! an earthquake? guess what? I just experienced an earthquake last week ! during 1.40 and 2.00 in the morning. That night I could not fall asleep at all, just felt upset with no reasons. suddenly I heard a shaking sound. My bookcase trembled. that was horrible. I was frightened out of wit. I knew it was earthquake. I dared not move but open my eyes wide. I instinctively grabbed my cellphone and clothes. I was lying on bed thinking whether or not I should immediately tell my parents next room who were sleeping soundly. I was afraid that they were in sleep and would not believe it. And even if they believed, they would refuse to put on clothes immediately and run out of the room with me. I lay still and held my breath to detect any further shake. Nothing followed in a few minutes. Just then, it was my mom who went out from her bedroom. I asked if she felt the earthquake. She said she knew quietly. Five minutes later, I was able to fall asleep quietly. See? maybe there is a sign that human can feel like animals, the animal's instinct.
• Hong Kong
24 Jan 10
yws.I wa lying on my bed too,when I had that experience.my bed was shaking and my bookshelves were all shaking as well.Everything happened so fast that you just didn't know what was going on.I think most of the people will experience the same knids of emotion duting an earthquke.fear,worry and confession are just some of these emotion with human soul when earthquake arrived.I wonder if someone was having a buffet in a grand hotel,he will probably see the fish jumping around on the plate during an earthquake.Surely different people will have different experineces.
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
12 Jan 10
It has been a long time since we've had an earthquake where I live. The last time that there was an earthquake that was close enough to where we live that we were able to feel it was when I was a teenager. I actually was in the bathroom when it happened and there were some things on the shelf above the toilet that fell on my head during that time. It is slightly scary when it happens here, but it is not nearly as scary as someplace like California where they have much worse earthquakes than we have here.
• United States
14 Jan 10
If you do not mind me asking where do you live. I felt plenty of earth quakes in California when I had lived there. I know there was an earth quake back in 1983 and it was in the Chalis area (about 100 miles from where my husband lived at the time). He said the bed was shaking and his parents had thought he was moving furnature around. My husband thought his parents were moving furnature around. It was not until there was a breaking news story that said there was an earth quake.
• United States
14 Jan 10
I used to live in California (southern) and I remember the Northridge quake in 1994. It had happened early in the morning on Matin Luther King's birthday. I was sleeping (it was 5AM) and all of the sudden my bed was shaking. I thought it was my mom or my sister shaking the bed to wake me up. My sister thought it was me shaking the bed. The next thing I knew was that we had an earth quake. Schools had been closed the rest of the week because of the after shocks and also we were without power. The only good thing was that there were not many people on the streets because it was 5AM and it was also a holiday. I know when an earth quake occurs while you are driving it feels like you have a flat tire.
• India
11 Jan 10
Hi I too had this experience once it happened in my home it was morning 7.15 then again 7.30 we all went out speaking among ourselves then after some time people came running saying water is coming from sea we didnt understand after a while they announced it was tsunami i have never heard a word called tsunami and i totally not aware of it Then again we had an experience in our office that also frightening Regards Kannan
@b4balaji (410)
• India
11 Jan 10
There has not been big or huge earthquakes in my part of the country. But there have been some mild attacks. I have felt it once while I was in schooling age. I dont remember when exactly. But the thing with the mild attacks is that you never know that they were, until you see them later in the Tv news. So only after I saw the tv news, I was able to recollect that the slight movement of the cot is because of the tilt and nothing else.
@SteveJi (78)
• China
25 Jan 10
I had felt earthquake more than 10 times. The most impressed is May 12, 2008. That afternoon, I felt light in the head suddenly. A few hours later, I saw the news that earthquake thaken place in Wenchuan, Sichuan, China. Please note, the distance between Beijing and Wenchuan is more than 2,000km! So how huge the destructive power is! it's really can't image!
• China
11 Jan 10
i, in fact, like u, just experienced a little one, while i only knew it the next day. it was abt in 2006, that night, i stayed in the office, suddenly, i heard the window shaked, at the same time, i felt my hand on the desk shaked too. i thought it blowed heavily outside, and also thought my hand shaked because of some disease. only for several minutes later, everything was ok again. the next day, i heard workmates said the neighbour province had a big earthquake.my god, that's really horrible, when i thought it later.
@nijolechu (1842)
• Canada
11 Jan 10
I haven't experienced a big earthquake yet. The area I live haven't experienced a big earthquake in a very long time. I am prepared if a big earthquake does happen to hit because I have an emergency kit ready. I have experienced a minor Earthquake. It shook things for like around 20 seconds. I wasn't injured and nothing was damaged.
@olisaur (1922)
• United States
10 Jan 10
I grew up in southern California, and I experienced a ton of small earthquakes. Some of them were at school, and we'd do the "earthquake drill" where we went under our desks until the shaking stopped- they were really mild, the most the did was knock pencils off our desks. I used to think that earthquakes like that were normal for everyone, every where. w
• China
11 Jan 10
yes 5.12 it's such nightmare that i would not like to recall.bless everyone!