How Do You Remember 2009?
By margaux08
@margaux08 (1094)
January 10, 2010 5:17pm CST
I would love to hear your own thoughts about these. This is a good way to retrospect the things we done, the things that should not be done, and the things that should have done last year - 2009. So here goes:
1. What did you do in 2009 that you've never done before? Buy health gadgets like comb massage, weight reducing belt, needless accupuncture tool and reflexology mat.
2. Did you keep your New Year's Resolutions, and will you keep more for next year? Unfortunately no. I was not able to learn how to drive (again!) and obviously, the weight is pretty much the same. Poor old me!
3. Did anyone close to you give birth? My sister-in law, my brother's wife, to their 2nd child, Sophia Angela, who looks just like me! (Oct. 13, 2009)
4. Did anyone close to you died?
My mother - Nov. 28, 2009
5. What places did you visit for the first time? La Union province. We also got a chance to spend our 10th Wedding Anniversary at Club Manila East in Taytay, Rizal
6. What dates on 2009 will remain etched upon your memory?
Apr. 17 - 10th Wedding Anniversary
Oct. 28 - 42nd Wedding (and the last) Wedding Anniversary of my parents
Nov. 28 - Mama passed away
7. What would you like to have in 2010 that you lacked in 2009? Optimum growth in my career; Be debt-free!!! Be healthier!
8. What was your biggest achievement of the year? Detecting who my real friends are
9. What was your biggest failure? Not able to work on my weight loss management program, huhu...
10. Did you suffer illness or injury?
I was diagnosed to have premature leukemia.
11. What was the best thing you bought? Computer printer
12. Whose behavior merited celebration?
Ryz is a consistent honor student so I bought her her much desired present - a guitar.
13. Whose behavior made you apalled and depressed?
So-called "friends" who only used me.
My boss, but we already talked about it. Hope everything's okay moving forward
The other one is someone close to me who judged me only because of the updates in my FB. So lame!
And the other one? That's the secret I'll never tell, haha! xoxo...
14. Where did most of your money go?
Paying bills; Lunch out
15. What did you get really, really excited about?
coming of 2010!
16. What song will always remind you of 2009? Love Story by Taylor Swift - my kids memorized it!
Try by Asher Book - the song speaks it all
17. Compared to this time last year, are you: Happier or Sadder?
Sadder. Even if there are a lot to be happy about, nothing can match the depression I am going thru when my mother passed away.
Thinner or Fatter? About the same
Richer of Poorer? About the same
18. What do you wish you'd done more? Stick on the Weight Management Routine; More sleep.... zzzzzzzzzz....
19. What do you wish you'd done less? Isn't it obvious? Eating! And dine out... and ranting
20. What was your favorite TV Program?
I found Glee, Gossip Girl, and The Vampire Diaries appealing, though they cater more to the young adults genre. I became a fan of Melrose Place 2009. Recently, I started watching Criminal Minds, Dexter, and Brothers & Sisters. They are all good and worth my time watching. And there are TV programs which still keep a part of me like Desperate Housewives and Grey's Anatomy.
21. Do you hate anyone now that you didn't hate this time of year? Hate is a strong word. More of indifferent.
22. What was the best book you read? Twenties Girl by Sophie Kinsella
New Moon by Stephanie Mayer
To Kill a Mockingbird by Lee Harper
23. What was your greatest musical discovery?
That I can still learn hot to play guitar. Old dogs can still learn new tricks after all, LOL!
24. What did you want and get?
Peace of mind; a moment of time alone;
25. What did you want and not get? Obviously, slimmer figure; learning how to drive
26. What one thing would have made your year immeasureably more satisfying? Hubby will make the initiatives for our Wedding Anniversary celebrations. Or a surprise celebration from him; Career wise - a promotion!; Also, if my mama was given a chance to live a lot longer, I can better understand things probably...
27. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2009?
28. What kept you sane?
My twins; journalling; writing blog articles; my 2 best friends from work
29. Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?
Rob Thomas; but now I kinda like Dave Annable
30. What political issue stirred you the most?
Maguindanao Massacre
31. Who did you miss?
My mother
32. Who was the best new person you met?
Probably the people in La Union we met. They are happiest even if they don't have affluence their lives can afford.
33. Tell us a valuable life lesson you larned in 2009:
Never be too trusting. Learn to say NO. Love the people who love you. Take time to thank these people, no matter how little they've doen to you. Life is short. Don't hold grudges.
34. Quote a song lyric that sum up your year:
" Maybe I'm not ready but I'm trying for your love..." Try, Asher Book
Now it's your turn!

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