Do You Have Any Scars On Your Body Or Broken A Bone?
By Janey1966
@Janey1966 (24170)
Carlisle, England
January 10, 2010 7:06pm CST
I have one of each! The first is a faint scar on the bridge of my nose and between that and my top lip after someone pushed me over whilst he was drunk many years ago. I needed stitches at the time but it seems to look better the older I have become...but it was over 20 years ago! During the same incident I received a cracked (not broken) bone in my nose and my friend at the time said, "For God's sake don't look in a mirror!" as there was a flap of skin that revealed this bone but it looked better once stitched up. I've also got a red mark on my wrist due to scalding it with very hot water from a pan a few weeks ago. Thankfully, I've no scarring with that but it is more sensitive than it used to be....but I can put up with that. I'm quite relieved as it could've been a whole lot worse.
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32 responses
@highflyingxangel (9225)
• United States
11 Jan 10
I have lots of scars on my body. I have scars on my legs, my hands and arms and on my chest. The one of my chest is a special scar though. It it was is called a keloid scar. It's basically a scar that never stops growing. They're itchy and quite painful and don't look much like scars. They need to be taken care of by a doctor especially if they are in painful spots. I'm not sure how I got that scar really. I got it after a sunburn once and it's been giving me problems ever since. All of the other scars I recieved when I was a child.
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@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
11 Jan 10
That doesn't sound very nice...if that was me I'd be researching it right now on the internet. Not all doctors are efficient (most are though) but I'd still research it anyway.
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@Preciousgem (1182)
• Philippines
11 Jan 10
I have a scar mostly in my legs and my arms too, i get this when i doing something or cooking food, mostly i do some remedies on it but it remains scars.
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@BarBaraPrz (49099)
• St. Catharines, Ontario
11 Jan 10
I broke a toe in a fit of pique many years ago.
I also have many scars, some surgical, some not.
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@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
11 Jan 10
I've stubbed my toe on furniture a few times. My father-in-law very wears footwear in his house and it makes me cringe because I'm always thinking that he's bound to stub his toe on his coffee-table...and I'll probably be there to witness it, knowing my luck!
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@BarBaraPrz (49099)
• St. Catharines, Ontario
11 Jan 10
Thanks for clearing that up. I was wearing footwear when I broke my toe. Unfortunately, I forgot I was wearing sandals when I kicked the immovable object...
@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
11 Jan 10
I meant to say, "my father in law never wears footwear in the house." Just thought I'd clear that one up!
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@elmiko (6630)
• United States
11 Jan 10
yes i have a scar from a dog that bit me on the leg when i was a kid. thank God i was whereing sweat pants or it would be much worse. it didn't help when it was going after my leg to bite it when i raised it up to try to keep it away. the dog just jumped up and bit a chunk into my leg and held on,lol. i would have been better of keeping my leg grounded that way gravity from the dogs weight would have been less likely to pull worse on my skin. i had to get a shot due to the deep wound. its just a small scar so it didn't turn out really bad as it could had been much worse looking.
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@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
11 Jan 10
That reminds me of my nephew who got bitten by his own dog a few years back. At the time both his parents had drink problems and I really think this probably affected the dog's behaviour. Had to be put down which was necessary as it did some awful damage to my nephew's leg.

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@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
11 Jan 10
Ooo nasty, I bet that hurt...a lot!
I suppose I've been "lucky" (if you can call it that) in that I haven't had anything major happen to me. I have fallen over a few times but never broken any bones although the older I get the more likely it is I shall break something. Something to look forward to in my old age!

@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
11 Jan 10
Ha! Ha! Self-inflicted injuries are the BEST lol!
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@allknowing (142807)
• India
11 Jan 10
A road accident broke 7 of my ribs and injured two vetebrae which necessitated bed rest for a few months and a belt that I needed to wear when I was travelling. With a bit of care such as not bending or twisting I am up and about as any normal person but did indulge a bit on myself to reach this stage.
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@allknowing (142807)
• India
11 Jan 10
Initially I was on pain killers which lasted for a week or so. But the nurses did a marvelous job of turning me when they needed to sponge me, etc and I am truly indebted to them. Ribs per se normally get set on their own although some discomfort is felt even now.
@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
11 Jan 10
I really would love the courage to go into nursing but 2 things hold me age and the fact I can be quite squeemish at times! Not good in that type of profession!
@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
11 Jan 10
Seven ribs broken, ouch, that must've hurt (probably an understatement in your case) and I am glad you are fully recovered.

@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
11 Jan 10
hi janey oh my G yes four or five years ago I was on my way to have breakfast in my favorite cafe, as I was newly retired., but it was not meant to be. I fell on a greasy slope of concrete beside the cafe, and broke,no the orthopedic surgeon put it more grafficaly as he said Mrs,Hatley you have smashed your shoulder,we have to do A total joint replacement. so yes been there and done that. So yes your broken bone could have been much much worse. I only have partial use of my left arm now but I cope just fine. the scar on my arm is so tiny and neat people marvel that a large plastic and metal gizmo cou ld have been put in my shoulder and left such a neat little scar., I had 25 tiny butterfly clips in that and they had to take them out after three weeks. it was not painful just a tiny tweak on my skin each time a clip came off.
@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
11 Jan 10
It's amazing what the medical fraternity can do these days. I'm so pleased that you are coping OK after your ordeal. I don't "do" pain very well. When I accidentally poured hot water onto myself I was in agony...not for very long because I immersed my arm in cold water yourself, it could've been a lot worse. I didn't half feel sorry for myself and I only had a bandage on from the hospital for a couple of days!
@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
12 Nov 10
Look at this scarred old discussion that has popped up. lol
I have a scar on my heel where I cut myself sneaking into the Christmas presents, one on my elbow where I fell off my moped, and a c-section scar. NO broken bones...
@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
13 Nov 10
I love it when old discussions get re-visited, it's great!
As for your scars..all I can say is "OUCH!"

@thedailyclick (3017)
12 Feb 10
I've got plenty of minor scars such as a 4 inch one down my arm which I got when I used to work on a loading bay and whilst I was walking past a lorry it pulled away and left a lovely deep cut in my arm, lol.
The biggest scar is an 8 inch one which I've got inline with my spine from back surgery I had a couple of years ago. Annoying it's very sensitive even after two years and often flares up if anything is against it for too long.
@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
12 Feb 10
Ouch! Backs are sensitive even without scars so I do sympathise my friend. I hope you sit in a decent chair when you're online...can't be too careful!

@CynergyDiva (805)
• Canada
9 Nov 10
I have two scars, one on each knee that I got when I was about 8 or 9. I scraped both knees in the sand at the park.
I have a scar on the inside of my thigh that I got from a nail that was sticking out of a bunk bed. I was probably about 11 or 12 when that happened.
And I had a broken ankle. That happened almost 3 yrs ago and I only just got my pins and plate out a few months ago. I have the pictures here:

@CynergyDiva (805)
• Canada
9 Nov 10
It wasn't believe me. My cousin was chasing me around the house and I decided to hop up on an upper bunk bed because I knew he was too small to get up there. I didn't realize there was a nail sticking out of the side and when I pulled my leg up, it ripped about a 4 inch length on my inner thigh. It was pretty deep too because it bled profusely and I could actually see the fatty tissue.
@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
9 Nov 10
The nail incident doesn't sound at all pleasant. Ouch!
@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
12 Nov 10
I would've fainted at that point, I'm sure. I was rather squeemish when I was younger. I'm not as bad now.

@HansonFan (1653)
• United States
9 Feb 10
Yep - three at once actually. I was in the fifth grade and it was my best friend's birthday. We were jumping on her brand new trampoline and I guess I landed wrong. I didn't notice anything and just kept on jumping and having fun (I have a high pain tolerance). When I got down on the ground I just collapsed and couldnt get back up. My friend's brother helped me and I remember being more shocked about that than the fact that I couldn't walk. Ahh, the innocent naive years.
As for scars - I have many of them. I was in a camper trailer that exploded about 6 months before I broke my ankle. I had first, second, and third degree burns all over my body and missed part of my fifth grade year. I still have scars on my hands, under my arms, and on my calves. They were all burnt the most. So, needless to say I am still scared of fire - but bring on the trampolines!!!

@msfrancisco9369 (10002)
• Boston, Massachusetts
12 Jan 10
Hi Janey,
Yes I have some scars on my body. the scar as a result of my having two cesarean (of course on my tummy). the other one is on my knee as a result of my having a big boil. some scattered mini scars due to chicken pox.
@msfrancisco9369 (10002)
• Boston, Massachusetts
12 Jan 10
i forgot to mention about my having broken bone. i had one when i fell from the stairs. my little foot finger got broke.
@msfrancisco9369 (10002)
• Boston, Massachusetts
11 Feb 10
yes i am fine now...but you know what when it's cold, the scar from my CS is painful even my broken little foot finger. but according to my doctor it's just but normal so nothing to worry friend. thanks for your concern. i can still maintain my smile hehehe!
@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
9 Feb 10
Oooo painful. I bet that wonderful smile of yours went for a few minutes due to the pain.
Glad you're ok now though. 

@faridmadeabillion (1127)
• Bangladesh
11 Jan 10
I broke my left leg when I was 6 falling from a guava tree. It took 1 and a half months to recover. It was such an uneasy feeling to keep lying down on bed all the times. Within this period I became impatient to think when I'll be able to walk, run and play around freely.
@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
11 Jan 10
I take it a guava tree is quite high up is it? I know guava is a fruit but I can't picture the tree. I'm glad you are OK now.

@infatuatedbby (94912)
• United States
10 Dec 10
I have never broken a bone but I do have a scar from when I was little. I was sitting on a two seater swing its not common now but before it was on my swing set and it was old... and I was standing and swinging myself then I fell on the side of the swing - where the nail & screws were where you attach the parts, my leg was stuck between it & I had to have like 15 band aids no stitches though and it left a 2 inch scar its faded now though.
@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
10 Dec 10
I wasn't a big fan of swings. I nearly got stuck in one of those baby swings where you're enclosed in.

@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
11 Jan 10
Oh dear, a double break, that was unlucky on your part.
@nrn2003 (661)
• United States
11 Jan 10
I have one scar on my foot. It is right about where my foot starts off my leg. I was walking and ran into a piece of metal in our yard, and it cut me open pretty good. I probably should have gotten stitches, but i guess i'm too tough :) other than that I have been fortunate enough to have never broken a bone. I drink lots of milk :)
@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
11 Jan 10
Yes, I should drink more milk too (although I do have it in tea and my cereal every day) as I might get osteoporosis when I'm very old. I think osteoporosis means "brittle bones" and a few older people can develop this if they don't drink enough milk earlier on in their good for you that you drink lots of milk my friend!

@doormouse (4599)
11 Jan 10
i've broken 1 bone and got loads of scars,my main scar is from 3 c/sections,the 2nd biggest is on the underside of my arm,i burnt it on a hot pan i was getting out of the oven,3rd biggest is on my little toe,which i cut open and had stitches in,,there are lots more,to many to mention
@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
11 Jan 10
It's amazing how many people have responded to this discussion (and thanks everyone, including you my friend) and it just brings it home to me how accident-prone we all are..or have had unfortunate things happen to us. I wonder how many MyLotters HAVEN'T got scars or had there's not many!
@TickleMeBreathless (590)
• United States
11 Jan 10
I have a scar on my wrist from seventh grade. I was baking cookies and accidentally touched my wrist to the pan as I was reaching into the oven to pull it out. My friend gave me part of an aloe plant to rub on it - and over the years the discoloration has disappeared, and there's just a tiny scar left. I have quite a few scars on my legs from my trip to Virginia... Apparently the mosquitoes just love me. I have a 'mystery' scar on my right palm, it's about an inch and a half long, and I've had it since anyone can remember. My mom doesn't even know where it came from! I just noticed it one day in middle school, the scar, and nobody remembers me doing anything to possibly get it. That's why it's my 'mystery' scar, haha! I have a few tiny scars from when I had the chicken pox when I was young, and other random tiny scars from random things.
I broke my left arm when I was seven, falling out of a tree, haha! Long story, but now my wrist has problems. I was glad when I broke it though, that I'm ambidextrous, so I could still write! When I was nine I broke my right leg, and now have knee problems. Both times I broke both bones nearly all the way through, but they were only hairline fractures. My leg has an interesting story behind it, but I won't share because it's kind of long, haha!
@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
11 Jan 10
Many thanks for your informative response, it's much appreciated.
You have had quite lot happen to you and I'm ambidextrous too but not because of a break, I was probably born that way (if there's such a thing) and I'm quite proud of the fact I can do allsorts of tasks using my right hand but write with my left. I've been like that for as long as I can remember and may explain why I could play football using both feet as well!

@AmandaMBF (284)
• Brazil
11 Jan 10
Hi Janey,
I've already broken my finger. About the scars I've some. I've scars in my hands, in my legs, in my foots, in my arms and in my fingers!!!!!!!
@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
11 Jan 10
Wow, you're 16 and had already been in some scrapes. Be careful my friend!