Do you borrow things? and how responsible you are with it?
By Jane
@jaiho2009 (39140)
January 11, 2010 2:06am CST
Hello dear friend/mylotters,mere bhai/s,sister/s,
It's not bad to borrow things from friends,neighbors,and other people,as long as we know how to return it in time.
I wonder why people were so irresponsible when borrowing things.
They doesn't know how to value things that they've borrowed and even lost it.
My brother borrow my car,and did not tell me what happened.
I just saw the damaged when i cleaned it this morning.
The back light cover was broken...'s fine,he's's only the car and not him get hurt.
But,why can't he tell earlier before...i really felt mad upon seeing it.
Ugh...i even wanted to broke it more badly(grrrrrrrrrrrrrr)my first reaction of course(don't get me wrong guys...i'm not freaky
How about you dear responsible you are when you borrow things?
Have a good day always everyone

21 responses
@ckyera (17331)
• Philippines
12 Jan 10 much as possible i don't like borrowing things, i don't know but i just don't feel like... but i am not saying that i am not really borrowing things...
yes i do borrow sometimes but when there's really a need, and i make sure that i return it right away and i do my best to take care of it and return it in good condition as well... i feel embarrassed when i damaged something that i borrowed and i will offer anything to the owner to cover up for my fault...
in your case, maybe your brother was just afraid that you might get amd, or he's also embarrassed on what happen...
so have you talked to him already? hehe
but i do understand what you feel coz for sure, i will be feeling the same way if it does happen to me! i don't like people who don't know how to take care and return their borrowed things!

@ckyera (17331)
• Philippines
17 Jan 10
hello jaiho amiga!
no problem... its better late than never! hehe
well well, yeah i am also afraid to lose or damage something that i only borrow... and yes you are right, its better for us to provide for our self those basic things that are needed in our house and if possible just avoid borrowing of things...
but still, there's nothing wrong with borrowing as long as you know how to return & take care of it...
good to know that your brother is fine... maybe it will take time for him to borrow your car did he said sorry?
@jaiho2009 (39140)
• Philippines
17 Jan 10
hello again dear,
yah,...he,had this smiles (nakakalokah
.....and you about an eldest...(ugh!)
So...his smiles would launch a thousand "sorry"...hay naku!
Well...i had the cover replaced,with courtesy by our mom...(aha)
She shoulder the expense...good for my brother...there's always an angel around us.
Have a good day always amiga

@jaiho2009 (39140)
• Philippines
16 Jan 10
Hello dear amiga,
Sorry for this late response my dear amiga...just busy these days.
And,yes,if we can avoid to borrow things from other people,i think it is much better.
I also had this thinking...what if i will lost or damaged the thing that i've borrowed(not becoz,im careless or clumsy,but,we can't avoid things to happen unexpectedly)so...i always try to have my own,esp with common things and tools needed at home.
With regards to my brother,just like what i've's fine coz,he's fine.
But,yes,i guess he has learn his lesson to take care of things that he'll borrow next time.
For sure,he will be shy to ask/borrow my car(anyway,he has his own car)
have a good day always dear

@maharlikah (1045)
• Philippines
14 Jan 10
Hello friend! Hehehe borrowed things should be taken extra care...In case of damage or whatever it must be fixed first before returning to the owner. :-)
@jaiho2009 (39140)
• Philippines
16 Jan 10
hello amiga,
Hey..where have you been...i missed you for so long.
Sorry too for my shortcomings dear....
Well,how i wish my brother had it fixed before returning it to me...but he didn't(ugh...the burden with brother..hehehe)
Anyway hope to see more often here miga...and take care always

@nijolechu (1842)
• Canada
12 Jan 10
Sometimes I do borrow things from my friends. i am a very careful and responsible person with them. I treat them like they were my own items and try really hard not to damage them. I think I am very trustworthy with borrowing stuff.
@jaiho2009 (39140)
• Philippines
15 Jan 10
hello nijo,
It is good to know that there are people who really take cares of the things that they've borrowed from others.
But it is so sad when people doesn't know how to take care of things that they only borrow and even lost it.
thanks for your response and have a good day always.

@Fulltank (2882)
• Philippines
12 Jan 10
I hate people borrowing without taking good care of the things they borrow. Or people who forgot to return the things they borrowed to me. As I hated it so much, therefore I should be responsible too to the things I borrowed. I know how we fell if the things borrowed to us was not taken good care-off. If this happens to me, I see to it he the borrower cannot borrow to me anymore. That goes to with money.
@jaiho2009 (39140)
• Philippines
16 Jan 10
Hello fulltank,
You are right friend,i also wonder why people have the guts to borrow when they know they are not responsible enough to take care of things that they've borrowed.
Same thing with money,people borrow and promised to pay on the date they've given,but,failed to fulfill,and never care to tell us their reason.
Worst is,they're the one who ignore us...(maybe they're shy...or whatever reason they had)
Well,i think people differ from each one another,i just wish,some will learn to be responsible too.
Thanks for your response and have a good day always

@tangurama (204)
• Canada
12 Jan 10
From time to time, I burrow money from my friends. I try to get it back to them as soon as I have the amount of money I owe them. They don't bug or remind me about it because they know I am trustworthy and reliable. When I lend money to my friends however, it takes them forever to return it, and when I ask them about it they turn it into a joke and say don't worry about it. My reply is okay.......
@jaiho2009 (39140)
• Philippines
15 Jan 10
Hello tangurama,
Yes,it is our duty to return whatever we borrow.
If we promise to return it,then,we should be responsible with our own words,so,our friends will trust us and will let us lend money or borrow things from them the next time we asked for it.
It is good to know that you are responsible enough and make your promises fulfill on time.
Thanks for your response and have a good day always.
happy weekend 

@175859078 (2)
• China
12 Jan 10
Sometimes we do not borrow things which are expensive as car or something else, my friend alawys borrow a book or some other cheap things,so I do not have to pay much attention on that.
But I think if your friend is so irresponsible that he does not deserve your friendship.
@jaiho2009 (39140)
• Philippines
16 Jan 10
Hello there,
Well,he's my brother that is why i let him use my car.
But with friends,i never tried borrowing any expensive things like a car.
There were instances that i also borrow things from friends,but not as expensive like a car.
And when i borrow something...i am responsible with the thing that i borrow and take care of it.
Thanks for your response and have a good day always

@dolce_vita78 (8062)
• Philippines
11 Jan 10
Hi jaiho2009!
There are instances that I borrow certain things from other people. When I do, I always make sure that I take good care of whatever it is I borrowed. Inasmuch as I do not want my things damaged or destroyed by other people, I always make sure I take good care of things I borrowed. I also return them as promised.
@jaiho2009 (39140)
• Philippines
12 Jan 10
hello dolce_vita,
Yah,there were really instances that we cannot avoid to borrow things,even if we tried to avoid doing so.
But,it is not bad to borrow things,as long as we know how to take care of it,and be responsible enough with the thing that we borrowed,so,the owner will always be grateful to lent us their belongings.
Thanks for your response and have a good day always

@MrKennedy (1978)
11 Jan 10
I stopped borrowing things to people a long time ago, and because of this, don't expect to borrow anything myself really unless they offer it to me. I hate having the kindness to borrow something to a friend or somebody else you trust enough, only to have it returned damaged or in a poorer condition than before you lent it out

@jaiho2009 (39140)
• Philippines
14 Jan 10
hello MrKennedy,
That's the real reason why i don't like other people to use or borrow things that i've taken care of for long time.
Some people doesn't know how to take care of things that they've borrowed and even lost it,with the thought of replacing it with new one.
I don't like new one...i always like the thing that i maybe old,but still...the thought that,i bought that one for my personal usage...and there,some friends or other relatives will lost it or damaged it.
Well,not all borrowers are careless...but mostly...they are.
thanks for your response and have a good day always

@deepamoorthy (239)
• India
11 Jan 10
normally when i borrow i am very carefull with it to return as i got it .mostly i avoid to borrow .it is good not to borrow so that u can aviod any such situvation .
@jaiho2009 (39140)
• Philippines
14 Jan 10
hello deepa,
I guess some people doesn't like to borrow things from other.
And,some people doesn't like to lend their things to other people.
There's always reason for both side...
What is important is...the borrower must know how to take care of things that they've borrowed to the owner will be happy to see their things being taken care of by the borrowers.
thanks for your response and have a good day always 

@chikahdorah (269)
• Philippines
12 Jan 10
The best thing about me is that when i borrow things, I make sure to protect it and return it on time.
And when I damage something on it, I always tell the owner before handing it to him or her. And then I make sure to pay for the damages.
I hate people who borrow and doesn't return it. and when they return it, it's damaged. and they just don't care. I really make sure those people couldn't borrow things from me again.
@jaiho2009 (39140)
• Philippines
15 Jan 10
hello chikadorah,
That's good for you dear.Not everybody has the same thinking like yours.
There are people who doesn't care for the things that they've borrowed.
I hope all borrowers were responsible enough for things that they'll borrow,so that the lenders will not be upset too.
Thanks for your response and have a good day always

@agito121 (176)
• United Arab Emirates
11 Jan 10
i dont borrow things that often but when i do i take care of it the best i can if i break it or lost it i try to apologize, but i try to not lose or break it.
I know how your brother feels if he told you, would be upset but he thought you wouldnt find out that's why he didnt tell you, if he told you, get upset if he didnt and you found out, would also get angry so there is no ending.
It's like a big cycle.
@jaiho2009 (39140)
• Philippines
14 Jan 10
Hello agito,
My brother's know my attitude.
The mere fact that i let him use my car...means...he should take care of it like i take care when i am the one using it.
He knows very well how meticulous i am when it comes to my belongings.
Anyway,just like what i's fine becoz he's fine...and it's my car and not him getting hurt.
I just hope next time...he will be careful with things he uses which he knows is not his own.
thanks for your response and have a good day always

@jaiho2009 (39140)
• Philippines
14 Jan 10
hello Rvd,
Oh,it's one of the thing that i also noticed...when people borrowed pen and always forget to return it.
i always carry pen with me...and many times i lost my pen not becoz i lost it by dropping or put it somewhere,but,i lost it becoz,someone borrowed it and forget to return it to me...(ugh)
I hope you will learn to return things in time dear.
thanks for your response and have a good day always

@joelle3800 (20)
• United States
11 Jan 10
I try not to have to borrow things from other people .I hated it in school when people asked if they could borrow a pencil, and then I would never see it again, and the very next day the same person would ask me for another pencil. Then again, they would not return it. It gets very frusterating.
@jaiho2009 (39140)
• Philippines
14 Jan 10
hello joelle,
Yes,actually,it just happen to me last night.
Someone borrowed my pen and forgot to return it.
And,i just realized about it when i need to sign for some papers.
Oh,i really hate that...and i wonder why people doesn't carry things that they know they might be needing.
And,the worst is...they borrow and never return...and it ended us with nothing to use also.(ugh!)
thanks for your response and have a good day always 

@allisonspalding (1)
• United States
11 Jan 10
I try to be responsible when I borrow things, but to be honest, I'm not. I'm messy and disorganized, clumsy and forgetful! That is a bad combination of things. So, generally when I borrow things, they get misplaced or broken or never returned or ruined and inevitably I end up borrowing things, screwing them up, and buying it new to give back to the person. sigh. I should just learn to buy it for myself in the first place!
@jaiho2009 (39140)
• Philippines
14 Jan 10
hello allison,
Ohhh,if that is the case...i guess you are right your own things. borrow things from other people...and ended up buying new one as a replacement
Well,you can replace the ruined borrowed thing with new ones,but the reality can't be trusted by people anymore.
There are people who value their things a lot,and replacing new one will not means too good for them.
I hope you will learn to organize your own things dear...and,will value the things of other people too.
have a good day always 

@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
11 Jan 10
Hi jai!
I try not to borrow anything from any body, untill and unless it is very urgent and I do not have other options. You are very right, if we borrow something from anyone, we are required to maintain the same and upkeeping the 'thing' is our primary resonsibility. Sometimes, it has so happened that the borrowed thing got damaged by me, in that case, I immediately tried to replensish the same. I also do not feel good, when others borrow my things.
@jaiho2009 (39140)
• Philippines
14 Jan 10
hello dpk,
I also try not to borrow things from other people for the same reason that i don't like much the idea of people borrowing things from me.
I am not that selfish...i just hate it when things i been taking care for long time being borrowed and then when it returned,,,you will find some scratches or damage(ugh!!!)
I am very careful with my things still appear as new even if it lasts for years...that is the reason why i don't like my things to be borrowed.
Thanks for your response and have a good day always

@shibham (16977)
• India
11 Jan 10
Hi didi, once i read a story of a prominent writer of britain. He had a library of more than ten thousand books. One day, a reader came to his home and asked for a book. He honestly replied " sorry fnd, i shall not give a book bcoz i know that nobody returns a book after borrowing."
"why do u think so?"
"bcoz my library is created by borrowed books." hehehe.
Me, i seldom borrow something bt if i ask, it will be definitly a book. Lol
@jaiho2009 (39140)
• Philippines
12 Jan 10
hello dear brother,
you really made me laugh dear (ahahha)
And you also give me an idea(weiiii)
Then,i will tell you how many books i have collected after(hahahaha)
And,surely when you came here in my country,i already had a library for you to read books
Have a good day always my dear bhai. :)

@Mebgem (131)
• Philippines
11 Jan 10
Yes, I do borrow things from my sister and cousins. Sometimes my sister and I share clothes and everytime I wear her clothes, I'm extra careful to avoid staining it and after wearing I see to it that I wash it after use and return it to her just the way I got it from her.
@jaiho2009 (39140)
• Philippines
14 Jan 10
hello Meb,
That's least you know how to take care of things that you've borrowed.
you are responsible with things that you doesn't own.
I hope all the borrowers are like you...then,i am much willing to lend anything that i can lent.
Thanks for your response and have a good day always 

@kannanmohan1988 (36)
• India
11 Jan 10
The first thing i will try my self to not to borrow from others then i if so a situation comes to borrow i will return it soon as much as possible but if we borrow things we should be extra careful with it.
@jaiho2009 (39140)
• Philippines
14 Jan 10
hello kannan,
Yah,some people really try avoiding to borrow things,but,some instances we are forced to do so.
Then,the best thing return the things that we've borrowed at the right time and as good as how it is when we borrowed it from the owner,in that case...the owner will trust us next time we borrow again.
Thanks for your response and have a good day always 

@maria1081 (1251)
• Philippines
11 Jan 10
Yes, I borrow things from my mother, friends and relatives. When I borrow things I make sure that I treat it as my own. I'am responsible enough and return things as expected, same condition as before and exact time as I said I would return it.
@jaiho2009 (39140)
• Philippines
11 Jan 10
Hello maria,
I hope all people were like you.
Sometimes,our loved ones feels comfortable borrowing things from us and returned it damaged...becoz,they know,we won't get mad (ugh!)
Don't they know that,how much we take care of our belongings(wahhhh)
I really feel sad when people damage things that they've borrowed from me.
Have a good day always

@shonat85 (35)
• United States
11 Jan 10
When I borrow things i take really good care of them, b/c I would want that person to do the same for me. How ever if I end up borrowing a shirt from my best friend I usually end up taking care of it too well and forget it's hers, but she does the same to me so it works out. Sorry about your car.
@jaiho2009 (39140)
• Philippines
14 Jan 10
Hello shonat,
Of course,we must take care things that we borrowed,and we wish that people will do the same thing when they borrow our belongings.
Sometimes,if there is always a way...i don't like borrowing things...for the very reason that,i also don't like much people to borrow things from me.
Thanks for your response and have a good day always