Wowed by public television

United States
January 11, 2010 8:26am CST
Wow I am afraid to even let my kids watch public television anymore. I guess I wasn't that strong. It is hard telling them they can't watch cartoons. Like family guy. this show has so much in appropriate content, just as bad if not worse than south park. And this show comes on at like 6:30 in the evening. It makes me upset they would put this show on this early. So I have let my kids watch it. Every time I hear something crazy I try to discuss it with my 9yr old. Like what do you think that meant, or do you understand that is not right to do and etc. Why would they let this show on public television at this time. I mean don't they have to only air south park at late hours? Why is this show not the same? I could understand on cable tv but come on is public tv not even safe for kids anymore? what is your opinion on this?
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11 responses
@writersedge (22563)
• United States
11 Jan 10
I agree with you. The first time I saw those so-called cartoons, I thought they should be adult-rated. Late night would be a good idea, too. Some of the stuff is awful and unlike you, some parents see a cartoon, don't watch it with their kids and oh my, they'll find out the hard way.
• United States
11 Jan 10
Yeah I might not always watch because after dinner I am cleaning up. But I sure do listen. And sometimes I am just like OMG what the heck are you watching. Now I know it's usually family guy.
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@writersedge (22563)
• United States
11 Jan 10
Well, you're monitorying what they watch in some way, some people don't, and monitoring is the important thing.
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• United States
12 Jan 10
Yes for sure. You have to watch the media your kids take in and at least discuss it with them. You can't always shield them from everything.
@GardenGerty (162496)
• United States
11 Jan 10
I agree that it is very inappropriate. A lot of their friends probably watch it. Television is not worth much even as entertainment anymore.
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• United States
11 Jan 10
Yea I try to let my kids watch as little tv as possible. But I dunno I grew up watching the road runner and coyote blow each other up and all that and I am okay. LOL.
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@ravinskye (8237)
• United States
11 Jan 10
My kids are 7, 4 and 2. I don't let them watch family guy at all. I don't think it is good for kids to watch. Here it doesn't come on till at least 8pm and my kids are in bed by then Monday through Friday. They know what the show is, but they also know they aren't allowed to watch it. I don't freak out about it or anything, I just turn the channel. I make them stick to Nickleodean and PBS. They also have plenty of movies they can choose from. It is sad what they let on tv. I hate to hear the swear words and bad topics they allowed on tv.
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• United States
11 Jan 10
Yeah I wish we had cable. We try to watch movies online a lot. I let my daughter watch it. She is pretty mature and understands most of the stuff. We discuss it and how some of the stuff is not right. My 4 yr old doesn't really understand all of what is going on. And she isn't a little repeater like my older one was at that age, so far anyhow, let me knock on some wood. Hehe. Yep the world is trying to make our kids mature faster. It's happening with the tv, movies, music, hormones in their food, but that is a whole nother topic!
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@shell2784 (752)
• United States
11 Jan 10
Um - Family guy is more or less adult rated? And its more or less a "cartoon sit com" if you think about it. its no different then the simpsons. I have a 3 year old that LOVES family guy... my husband and I have discussed it and we deemed it ok for her to watch. Most of the jokes in it would go over any pre teen kids' head. hell, there are a few jokes that go over my husbands head, and that's the kind of humor I think they intend. But just because its drawn instead of real people, doesn't automatically make it a kids show. And why would you HAVE to let your kid watch it? You can always change the channel to Nickolodeon or whatever. I know we just finally got cable again after 6+ months or so and we got a big ol' package with like 16 children's chanels... that way if Jos asks us if she can watch TV there is always something appropriate for us to put on for her. You don't HAVE to let your kids' watch anything - whether its south park or Family Guy, Simpson's or Barney. YOU are the parent and YOU decide what your kid is allowed to see or not.
• United States
11 Jan 10
Yes I let them watch family guy. Like you said my 4 yr old doesn't understand the jokes. And my 9yr old is mature enough to discuss the things said with me if need be. I can't wait to get cable again. And yes I would not let my kids watch south park, it is a little worse.
• United States
11 Jan 10
I think that family guy def pushes a lot of boundaries, but I don't think its necessarily bad. They use a lot of jokes that you have to be a little older to understand and I think that's how they get away with a lot of it. South Park on the other hand... no. They use classic "in your face" kind of "bad stuff" and that's how that show has always been. And also, say the simpsons. A lot of their stuff is over the head or just goofy/rude humor. Joslynn LOVES the simpsons movie! lol Have you tried Netflix? For $18.18 (with tax and whatever) you can get 3 movies at a time. And it normally is a one day turn around when you send them back. And if one gets lost in the mail or whatever, they don't give you any crap about it, so its really nice! We always set it up so Jos gets a movie and we get 2
• United States
11 Jan 10
Nope we don't have a credit card at the moment. We just went through a lot of stuff. Anyhow we use the free movie forums and to watch cable shows for free.
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
13 Jan 10
I have to agree with you on this one. And even more, it is not just the public television that is the issue at all. There are cartoons that come on Nick right after my daughter gets off of school that I question what they are thinking as well. Okay, back to public television. I think that these shows are entertaining, but they are nothing that small children like my own have any business watching. That is actually one of the reasons that we will never get rid of cable television. If we were to do that, there would be nothing for my children to watch on television.
• United States
13 Jan 10
Yep. And they deserve a little and we deserve a little too. Some people might think moms just use tv to watch their kids, but some people use it for a moments peace after a long day of dealing with your kids.
@jewels49 (1776)
• United States
12 Jan 10
Family guy is the one and only show that I have forbid everyone in our house from watching..I watched 3 episodes of it when it came out so I could see what it was, and I hate this show in a way I have never hated any show, my 18 year old isn't allowed to watch it if there is even a remote chance the 8 year old can hearor see any part of it..I can't believe that it isn't on late the way southpark is either, and I really can't believe that the holier than thou groups that count how many times the coyote blew up the road runner aren't picketing tv stations that are airing this excuse for a cartoon in the early time slots I see it in.
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@emarie (5441)
• United States
11 Jan 10
Well, first off Family Guy was NEVER meant to be viewed by younger kids. Family Guy here (CA) is aired only during night, past 8 or 9pm. I don't know if it's the time difference that causes it to air, but on Cartoon Network it shouldn't play it during children viewing hours and would be part of their Adult Swim area. TBS plays it but again, it does it at night. The second thing I need to say is that you never HAVE to let them watch it. As a parent you control what they're viewing. I know there are things I don't want my children to watch that DO air on the cartoon network block for kids that are meant for kids. I've told them that I'm not sure about weather they should watch it and they listen. The best things to do is watch TV with them. If the show is on at such an early hour why not change the channel or better yet, don't watch TV at all. My kids aren't allowed to watch cartoons during the week when they have school. Only on the weekends where I'm still able to monitor what they're watching. And most TV sets now have the parental chip placed where you can actually block certain programs from being viewed. I think you're doing a good job on discussing the show with them because it does more in their thinking. I have a nephew who is always glued to the TV and his parents would let him watch stuff like Star Wars (he's only 3-4) and he would start imitating them by shooting. Well he's now banned from watching anything but disney channel and nick jr. Back to the Family Guy thing. When you say public you mean the basic channels? I know that FOX is the one that owns Family Guy and I think they only play the new episodes along with the Simpsons and American Dad on Sundays. So if that's the case then I know here that whole block starts at 8pm here and probably earlier at some places depending on the time difference. But still, you don't HAVE to watch it. There are more things to watch on television or just how the commercials say, just turn it off and let the kids run around.
• United States
11 Jan 10
Here in Kansas city family guy comes on every weekday eve at like 6:30 or maybe 7. About the only time of day my child really has to watch any tv. And yes I know I don't have to let them watch it. And a lot of the time I do turn it off depending on what the episode is like.
@MrNiceGuy (4141)
• United States
12 Jan 10
So don't let them watch it... Family Guy may be a cartoon but its clearly not for children. I think its hilarious and I love the show.
• United States
12 Jan 10
Yes, but to me it isn't so much worth the fight. I would rather just talk to her about it. But if it aired later, she would already be in bed. I didn't let her watch it at first, but I gave in some time later. Oh well life goes on, like I said there are much worse things in real life then they air on tv.
@olisaur (1922)
• United States
12 Jan 10
Broadcasters have every right to show what they want when they want; if you don't want your children watching it, then it's you that's got to do something! w
• United States
12 Jan 10
Yes that is true. And I am not complaining, I am discussing views. I think they could show it a little later, that is what they have always done with the adult like shows in the past. There isn't much on public tv at this time, so I let my kids watch it. It is surely the only cartoons on at that time.
@Amigone (43)
• United States
12 Jan 10
The air the show a bit early becuase there are adults who don't have cable who watch it at that time. TV before eight is not eternally kid time. The show is not that bad. It is not suitable at all for children however it isn't even on the level with South Park. It's like a raunchyier version of the Simpsons which people hardly bat an eye at. I understand you do not have cable. I don't have it either. But that doesn't make it someone elses fault that your child is watching it. So what if there are worse things in the world? What happens outside that door is not under your control. You can however control what happens inside the house. If I don't like what's on TV my kids do not watch it. Period. They can whine and complain all they want. I personally think that parents are relying on tv too much these days. I know I have fallen victim to this as well. I reserve TV time for only when there is NOTHING else they can be doing. As in it's too early to go to bed but it's too late for them to really be running around getting riled up. Or if I'm trying to make dinner. I have my children read books and do art projects. I play music for them to keep thier mind occupied. I try to keep the tv turned off for most of the time. Netflix, btw starts at five bucks a month. I think it's 8 for unlimited streaming videos from the site. they have all kinds of children's show and take debit cards and bank accounts (I believe) if you don't have credit. If you are so disgusted with public tv but can't live your daily life without somethng you might want to look into it.
• United States
13 Jan 10
Well I wasn't complaining. I was just starting what was obviously a good discussion. Seeing how people felt. The only time my kids watch tv is between 6 and 7. After dinner while I am cleaning up and before bath time. And we occasionally watch movies. I was just saying they used to be more careful about what they aired before 8. It isn't there fault. I still let my kids watch it. I am not having a hissy fit or anything. But sometimes they do say some crazy stuff on that show. And yes my kids watch it right a long with the simpsons. I try to put on something else though when family guy comes on, but this is a busy time in my house. And I am not that discussed with public tv I was just saying.
@tabet20 (14)
• United States
13 Jan 10
I agree that there is alot of content on Family Guy that younger viewers shouldn't watch. I'm not a parent but I'm a big sister. I wouldn't let my 8yr old sister and 9 yr old brother watch it. True some of it may go over there heads but it's still inappropriate. They don't get to watch alot of what they want to. They go stomping off to there room and an hour later there as happy as lark. I don't want what they see now to affect there future. But every person has there belief of what is appropriate and what is inappropiate. If they are comfortable in what there children are watching then that's fine.
• United States
13 Jan 10
Yes sometimes some things on there make me a little uncomfortable, that is why we talk about it. I do think it is inappropriate in some ways but oh well, I guess life will go on lol. There isn't much else on at this time and they sit still and watch it. I need that peace sometimes.