Do you Feel Jealous when someone Talk with your Partner?

January 11, 2010 11:31am CST
Hye Friends..!! As Jealousy comes after a Fear of losing something which you always love and Dream for!After getting Someone whom we loves more Just seems to going away from ourself to someone else a new Feeling emerges in the Form of "Jealousy" which makes and Force even a Good Person to do some Evil Deeds which can spoil his\her Image or Reputation towards other,even the Evil Deeds of himself can Drop love and Respect with himself only.So If we Take an Example of Fear of losing someone whom we love very much like your Life Partner or Someone who you Loves very much.So If someone Talk with your Partner Do you Feel Jealousy?Do you Starts Feeling that someelse of your Gender is getting Close to your Partner whom you loves very much?What will be your Reactions and What will be your Steps?
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19 responses
@ElsaElsa (323)
• United States
14 Jan 10
Hmm. If I have a fear of losing him. I'll have him back off. I won't just stand there and watch the two get close. But I'd approach it in a way that doesn't make him think I'm jealous. I won't test his feelings for the other person either. I'll just distract him towards me and with other things that prevents him from seeing or talking to this other someone. Love has to be political sometimes. Do you agree?
• India
16 Jan 10
hehehe.. i completely agree.. im not yet committed to anyone.. but i take this point for my future use/
• India
11 Jan 10
yes, i feel jealous because she is my partner,i always care about her ,she is my better half how can i allow to anyone to talk with her, this is not jealous this is a possessiveness so i cannot allow anyone to talk with her.
• United States
11 Jan 10
well, my dear, possessivness is NOT something good in ANY relationship! In the end, you'll lose her and she'll hate you for it... so I suggest you work on that.
@cher913 (25782)
• Canada
12 Jan 10
no, not at all. my hubby tells me he loves me every day and after all, i am the person that he comes home to at night, so it doesnt bother me at all.
• United States
12 Jan 10
I naturally am a jealous person, I do not even like the thought of my girlfriend talking to other guys. But I trust her now not to betray me and do something that would upset me. She knows I would not do such a thing to her.
@stand87 (664)
• Bulgaria
12 Jan 10
I'm very jealous person. I think it's not a bad thing. It means that you have feelings, you love your partner. Most of the people are feeling their partner like something they own. And that's why when someone is getting close with your partner you feel more jealous than ever. I can be jealous even when my partner enjoys the blowing wind or the sun :) But I think that we should take it too serous. In most of the cases there is no reason of being jealous.
• Philippines
12 Jan 10
i think you have to trust him.. if you really love that person trust him.. well, as long as they dont dare to do some other kind of malicious thing you should not be jealous. let your partner be happy enjoying what is right, then if you think he's too much then talk to him, conversation is a nice way right? if he really loves you, he will never cheated.. but if he does, then let go! even if its not easy, if you're not the priority anymore .. hehe .. you should be happy for him!
@kalav56 (11464)
• India
12 Jan 10
Thankfully I have never had such feelings ever in my life.I am generally not the jealous type.
@rosey19 (951)
• Philippines
12 Jan 10
I really don't feel jealous unless there are other actions other than talking to that woman. It cannot be avoided that your partner have his own group of friends (girl and boy) before you become partners same as with you. So you have to give considerations that both of you have friends and both of you are obliged to entertain them.
@codris (781)
• Italy
12 Jan 10
sure! i'm very gelous, expecially when she talk with other persons, i'm gelous because i love her so much and i don't want to lose her, none can touch her, or i'll kill him, i'm not joking, i'm serious about that, if someone try to touch her i'll hit him so much and so heavy that he will not be able to walk for months or for teh rest of his life.
• Philippines
12 Jan 10
I trust my partner very much. Wherever he goes and whatever he does I know that it wont ruin our relationship. I sometimes get jealous when he is talking with her ec girlfriends but I believe him when he said they are just friends now. I guess it's normal to get jealous a little but not paranoid to the point of fighting.
@lazuardy (152)
• Indonesia
12 Jan 10
Depending on the reaction of my spouse. If my girlfriend acted reasonably, I would not be jealous. Responding others who asked to speak with the natural course would not make us jealous. And I'm if he did love us, surely she would not try to make us jealous. Of course it depends on us, what my partner think reasonable, is reasonable for us ?
@atefft (31)
• United States
12 Jan 10
I feel very jealous if somebody talks to my partner especially if I am not around. I think that the first thing I would do is just step back take a couple of deep breaths and talk to your partner before you do anything dramastic. Hope this helps.
• Philippines
12 Jan 10
Hi! Jealousy is but just natural to all human beings but don't overdo it as it becomes toxic and may cause a healthy relationship to die. To be jealous with someone else is a sign of love. But depends upon the kind of person he/she is talking with. Are they displaying affection with each other? or are they whispering and avoiding others? There is always an intelligent approach to make your partner feel that you are jealous when he/she is talking with him/her. Maybe you should say it jokingly, "Hey sweetie, I am jealous of him/her, can you please keep your distance and refrain from talking with her"? At least by doing so, you made it known to him/her about your feelings. You know your partner better than I. You should know how to deal with him. You can also discuss things like that at bedtime before sleeping.
@shalome (178)
• India
12 Jan 10
Hi sahilpadhiyar, I don't get any jealous when someone talk with my partner.
@cryw0lf (1302)
• United Kingdom
11 Jan 10
I don't think there is anything wrong with feeling jealous, as it's a normal human emotion. Jealousy just shows you love and care for your partner... that is providing you try not to be possessive and controlling. I get vaguely jealous when a women is getting close to my boyfriend, but thats because of my previous experiences.
@savypat (20216)
• United States
11 Jan 10
Being jealous only harms you, learn early in a relationship that you never have ownership over another person. If you are agreed that you will abide by certain rules in your relationship then trust each other to do so. If that doesn't happen pick yourself up and move on.
@shell2784 (752)
• United States
11 Jan 10
No, I do not feel any jealousy when another female talks to my husband. I do not expect my husband to shun all women the same as he doesn't expect me to shun all males. And in my experience, jealousy of that nature will only pull you apart rather than make you stronger. He can look, talk, flirt, whatever, all he wants (although he doesn't) and those are my "rules" as well. If you stick with those, you won't have to worry. And... you'll be MUCh happier in your relationship overall!
• United States
12 Jan 10
whoa buddy!!! you really are upset but we all as human have some sort of jealousy trait... It's who we are... I myself am jealous but only because I am protective of my loved ones and sometimes things.. truth be told, I trust my man but not the women.. There are many deceitful femmes out there!!!!
• Indonesia
11 Jan 10
I might be jealous but i have to be able to control myself not to be very possessive. Our partner needs to socialize with other people whether with men or women. What we should do firstly is asking him/her for explanation about his/her relationship with that one. So that, we can wisely consider what we should do then.