how to deal with your kids when they are teehting and sick.

United States
January 11, 2010 9:44pm CST
My son is 15 months old and he has 7 teeth comming in all at the same time and most of them are molers and on top of that he is sick with a cold and alls he does i s cry all day no matter what i do. He wont eat and he gets mean and wont listen to anything i say to him. So i was wondering ho wi should go about dealing with him.
4 responses
@cmhjjh (98)
• United States
13 Jan 10
I can so relate to this. My daughter is 18 months old cutting molars and more teeth along with a cold and ear infection. she is soooooooooooo crabby. Nothing makes her happy she doesn't sleep well it is tiring. Some things we have found that help a little is ice cream pushing water or apple juice and Mortin which helps with the teething my then tylenol. We take turns dealing with her because it is so hard. We also found a cold rag and rubbing it on her gums worked a little also. Good luck we are going on 2 weeks now and we have had some better days then others but i can't wait until those teeth are done.
• Philippines
12 Jan 10
Teething is a very delicate situation for us mom and for our children. Yours is kinda unusual coz 7 teeth are comming out at the same time. I didn't know that was possible. Did you contact your son's pedia about this? Maybe she can give your son something to relieve him of the pain. Try to give your son too an ice cream or something cold to lessen the pain. Other moms put honey in the swollen gums of their child to soften the gums a little bit and makes it less painful as the teeth cuts its way out.
@emarie (5441)
• United States
12 Jan 10
7 in one time is pretty harsh, how does that happen anyway? the most i know is maybe 4 at a time. but getting sick is normal when they are teething. they can get fevers because their immune system is down and weak. i don't know if this will work for him. hopefully it'll help him from being cranky because of the teeth. most of the time something cold would work. an ice teether or some crushed ice. if you want to try the baby oragel you can but most doctors say it doesn't work that much. waiting it through is always the key because it does pass and they become happy again.
@shell2784 (752)
• United States
12 Jan 10
Have you tried freeze pops? That'll cool down his fever, as well as make his teeth feel better. My daughter got all her teeth it seemed, at the same time too! It was just ridiculous! And you feel so sorry for them but at the same time its like "well, the doc won't let me give them vicodin! Tylenol doesn't do anything for them... What the heck?!" lol Frozen snacks though i say will be the best - frozen bananas, freeze pops... my daughter also liked frozen strawberries and things like that. The oragel always just pi$$ed her off more than anything - so I just didn't give it to her. But I made sure she had whatever else she needed to be comfy. I also tried to distract her more... but she was also teething in the summertime so we'd go get the mail and then she'd want to walk, so I'd skip and sing songs so she didn't have a chance to focus on the pain so much... maybe curl up with him and read exciting stories... but make sure you're REALLY animated in the story telling! I wish you the best of luck... it'll seem like a lifetime till he's better... but I promise it will come soon!