When Your Census Form Arrives, Will You Fill It ALL Out?
By Maggiepie
@Maggiepie (7816)
United States
January 11, 2010 11:48pm CST
I won't.
The Constitution doesn't require anything but a head count, & that's all they'll get from me--if that! Not only is it a pain to do, it's frankly extremely intrusive--& don't even try to convince me that the info won't be used on us! Not with the government we've been trapped under for most of my 62 years! I wouldn't trust them not to abuse the knowledge any further than I could throw a cliche! There have already been abuses, after all
Frankly, I'm nearly at the point of not filling it out at all, & were I not already in their system, I would. Maybe I could fake my death...
I suggest that, if you've somehow managed to stay out of their web, you toss yours as soon as the Post Orifice delivers it.
Of course, they promise to go door to door to get info from those who don't fill out & return these long, nosy forms, but if you have a peephole, & you see one of them (I believe they wear uniforms) on your doorstep, just leave the doors locked & take a nap!
HAVE A SAFE & HAPPY (& a somewhat warmer!) 2010!

4 responses
@deannad414 (17)
• United States
15 Jan 10
When I read your post and those that replied before me, my mouth dropped. I am shocked at your opinion of the census. I work in a government office and use the census information all the time. You obviously have no idea how this information affects your neighborhood, town or city, schools, churches or businessess. That information is used based on the need for funding, town or city improvements, special grants your town, church, schools or businesses can apply for. The more funding available, the less the need to raise taxes, which I'm sure is something you probably complain about also. If your nearing retirement or already retired, it can affect services available to you.
You may think it's a waste to do, but it's used much more than you can imagine. I work hard trying to get as much money in to my town as I can for all the above sources, and I rely on accurate information from the census to do it.
And besides, the census is only done once every 10 years so I don't see how it can be that much of an inconvience to you.

@ElicBxn (63796)
• United States
15 Jan 10
You said: "The more funding available, the less the need to raise taxes"
I also worked for the government - and in case you never noticed, all the money that comes from or to the government comes from TAXES!!!
Oh, maybe not LOCAL taxes, but you are still PAYING for it with YOUR tax money. You don't think INCOME TAX is just to pay the President's salary and retirement funds do ya?
I would rather they think I live in a dirt floored shack and pay less property tax and let them think I'm living on just my pittance from the retirement. Any way I can hide some of my money from the government - the happier I am!
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@Maggiepie (7816)
• United States
17 Jan 10
You tell it, Sister!
It always amazes me, the kind of disconnect some people have when it comes down to where the "government (which was supposed to be of, by & for the people--NOT the other way 'round!)" gets "its" money to pay for all the "free" stuff "they" sooo kindly bestow upon us mere citizens, out of their "compassionate" hearts!
Maybe you recall that doofus, Obama-supporting woman who was interviewed, as she stood in line to collect some kind of bailout check, by a reporter who asked her from where she thought her benefits would come?
First she said, "I don't know...it's free money."
"Well," the reporter continued, "but where does it come from?"
"Ah...the government?"
"Okay, where does the government get it from?
"Obama! He give it to us!"
"Obama? All right, so...where does he get it from?"
"It's his money! He got it outta his stash! (laughs) It's Obama money."
At which the equally ignorant crowd began chanting: "O-bam-A! O-bam-A! Etc.
That was a microcosm of the government-"educated" voter. Sad. Worse than sad...scary!
I often wonder if that woman (& all the others like her) has suffered from "buyer's remorse," to which so many are now admitting? I wonder if she still thinks it's "Obama's stash."

@Maggiepie (7816)
• United States
15 Jan 10
Apparently you're either ignorant of how intrusive & unconstitutional the Census has become, & how much of the info is misused by the state against people, or you're shilling for them. Out of charity, I'm going to "assume" it's the former, as self-education will disabuse you of your belief that what the Census does now is good for us. If you are a shill, then I despair of ever finding a cure for such a person's character.
It's wrong (& illegal!) to wrest such information from people. ALL the Constitution requires is a head count--nothing else. Nothing else is legal to ask, therefore. It's not about "inconvenience," but about our current nanny state, of which you are a huge supporter, knowingly or unwittingly. They even want to just "estimate the number of people--another illegal & conniving move! That's the same state that has already taxed us into financial third world status--thanks to people who are ignorant of what they're doing to themselves! Sadly, you are very naive if you imagine your info remains secret. Yet I'd bet even money you dislike the Patriot's Act which allows eavesdropping on possible terrorist's phone calls.
No, I wouldn't fill out my private info if it were only every 30 years; I'd still do only do what the Constitution demands!
"That nation governs best which governs least." Remember that Founder's words!

@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
12 Jan 10
Depends who fills it out. If I do it, it will just be a head count. If the husband does it, he will no doubt fill out each and every question fully and completely. And not have a clue as to why I might have a problem with that.
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@echomonster (2225)
• Greenwood, Mississippi
12 Jan 10
I believe this year's census form will only have ten questions and there won't be a dreaded "long form" distributed. I imagine I'll fill them all out...not because I think any more highly of the government than you do, but precisely because making a statement with my form would seem more likely to bring attention to myself. I definitely don't want one of those dreaded visits from census workers!
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@Maggiepie (7816)
• United States
15 Jan 10
Sorry I took so long to answer; I had to deal with some "real life" issues. But I'm back!
I don't care if it's just 2 questions. Legally, they have a Constitutional right to ask only ONE: "How many people live at this address?" That, I will tell: One.
And you're right, they might get curious about you, but they'll have far less info from which to draw to check you out. If everyone would just flat refuse to answer the illegal questions, they couldn't be bothered, however, as they'd not have the financial resources, or even the staff.
For the sake of our Constitution, we owe it to the country (as well as our own safety & rights, not to mention the literal lives, blood, sweat, tears & money our Founders shed for the right to keep government off our backs!) to refuse the other questions. A simple act of civil disobedience to defend the Constitution only asks one moment & costs us nothing. How can anyone who loves the freedoms we used to have refrain from doing such a comparably & painlessly easy thing?
By the way, I was hunted down by a census taker, years ago. I told him I refused to answer any illegal questions. He settled for obeying the law, & got out of my face with only the legitimate question answered!

@allknowing (141981)
• India
12 Jan 10
I think we should as they can 'kill' several birds with one stone. They can feed the data collected in their data bank and use it for various projects.
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@Maggiepie (7816)
• United States
15 Jan 10
Sorry to take so long to answer; I had to deal with some "real life" issues. But I'm back!
You are so right. A couple of folks here wouldn't know what you're talking about, but I see you've done your homework!
Maybe they missed it when people in the White House began keeping private citizens' info, & using it, as do many governmental bodies.
There's plenty of evidence of it repeatedly happening, but most probably won't understand until they find themselves in deep kim chi. Then they'll get it, but it'll be "Too sad, too bad, but it ain't me (for which I'm glad)!"