How pathetic.

@MsTickle (25180)
January 12, 2010 3:09am CST
Yesterday I had to clean out the garage. We had been using it to store hay and there was hay everywhere. With the recent floods, I moved my car out so the goats could shelter in there, they hate the rain and also, they sleep under the house but the ground was flooded under there. So out, goats in. After a few days you would not recognise the inside of the garage. I moved most things out of their way but they still managed to empty a bucket of sawdust, a box of papers to be shredded and everything else was knocked over or pulled down. It looked like a bomb went off in I decided to get rid of some accumulated junk as well so there was lots of lifting and carrying and sweeping and picking up. Add to the mess all the goat poo (which comes in handy neat pellets) and I had my work cut out. The temperature was soaring and I was sweating so I needed a break to have some water...I made it lunch and went back a couple of hours later for more of the same. I also managed to wash the puppy, take all the rubbish to the dump and do 4 loads of laundry. I was so proud of myself. This morning, I got up okay but as the day progressed my body was shrieking in pain and it was getting harder and harder to move. just goes to show how inert I have become and how desperately I need to get off my bum and away from the computer and do other things. It's not just about my's everything else too. My life is passing me by. How much activity do you get a day? you do any exercise? Any tips on how to be motivated for longer than 5 minutes? I have good intentions but they are forgotten in 5 minutes.
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23 responses
@ElicBxn (63832)
• United States
13 Jan 10
I figure that if I can do 5 minutes at a time, that's good. But you have to get up again in a few minutes and do that 5 minutes AGAIN!
2 people like this
@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
13 Jan 10
5 minutes? Is that chores or exercise elic? It takes me 5 minutes to get out of my the time I'm thinking of a warm up, I'm exhausted. Whew!
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
15 Jan 10
It must be so great to have someone to share the chores with. From reading your posts I know you live a very active life. Good for you!
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@ElicBxn (63832)
• United States
13 Jan 10
is there really a difference? Actually, today I got home from work and the roomie had unloaded the dishwasher, so I loaded it. Then I started working on cleaning the counters/range. The roomie came out and started on the other counters (actually the worst of them) but by the time I had done the top/range/back splash & upper cabinets on that side, she had done the 2 sides of the sink. I then started washing the bottom cabinets and got all the way over to the dishwasher - I was sitting in a chair. I cleaned the stuff from the top of the range, and reconstructed it and then lay the plastic we have over the range back in place (this is to keep the cats from doing what they like to do on the range) By this evening, the dishwasher was done, she unloaded it and I have already loaded and run it again (some really big things in it) and its ready to unload again! Tomorrow... CAT LITTER!!!
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
13 Jan 10
LOL--you're not the only one that needs to get off their bum and away from the computer. For the longest time I've been telling myself to get back into a yoga exercise routine which I haven't done in years and years...I used to do it faithfully everyday for decades then stopped. I do SOME exercise but not much and what's discouraging I do try to do some of the yoga exercises I used to do with ease but now can't..just goes to show you how stiff my body has gotten. And yup I tend to do a major cleanup thing myself of course I don't have goats to clean up after, but just normal cleaning. So I tend to do it all in one day as, hauling a lot of garbage down (four flights of stairs mind you) and my garbage always feels like it has rocks in it...and then I pay the price the next day---in other words will feel like 150 years old
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@GardenGerty (162783)
• United States
13 Jan 10
Sleep is good. I have been known to fall asleep doing sit ups. That just tells you that you are over tired.
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
13 Jan 10
lol Gerty.
@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
13 Jan 10
I tried yoga...the positions were very uncomfortable for me and during the relaxation exercise, I would fall deeply asleep. So much for control.
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• United States
12 Jan 10
My motivation to be active comes and goes with the seasons. I try to go to the gym for at least an hour a day 3 days a week but it has been so cold lately that I use the snow and the temperature as an excuse to stay snuggled up in bed as often as I can. I have half a dozen pairs of tightening pants to show for it. I play Dance Dance Revolution with my two oldest children when they want and occasionally I will put on the exercise channel and do a step workout but that is the extent of it. In the winter months I consider myself a hibernating bear that cannot be bothered. lol Come March when some of the snow starts to melt and it gets above 25 degrees I will become more active with hiking and then bike riding in the spring. This summer we are moving so I will be getting a great workout ever weekend hauling box after box to the new house. Having gone through a mini midlife crisis at the young age of 30 the only advice I can offer you is to make your mind up to do and then just do it. You are in control and no one can force you to be motivated. If you find yourself lacking energy, take a B complex vitamin about 30 minutes after the first time you eat for the day. That is always good for a little added boost but ultimately it comes down to having the will power and determination to just do it :-)
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
12 Jan 10
I'm going to get up now, get dressed and take the dogs for a walk...I know you are right cyn, (see post I just wrote above You are so gorgeous looking, even with a few extra pounds you would still be great. I'm huge, very tall and now, very wide, all the way round. Are you moving far away or close by...a bigger home? How is your avatar, the kids are surely growing fast...the avatar must be going on six now, surely?
@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
12 Jan 10
I nwas getting a bit ahead of myself there. Wow, the new house seems huge. Did you get it for a good price? it's certainly a buyers market over there. Our real estate seems to be holding it's own in spite of the fact that quite a few are losing their homes.
• United States
12 Jan 10
We are moving about 45 minutes closer to Pittsburgh but still in the same county we live in now just at the very very end of it. It's a gigantic house. It used to be a Personal Care home that was foreclosed on. There are 16 rooms and more closets and storage space then I have ever had in all the places I have ever lived. I can't wait. My avatar will turn 4 this July. She currently attends Head Start Pre-School half a day 4 days a week. She loves it and is soooo smart. Sometimes I think too smart. My boys are both doing great in school this year and my oldest has her first boyfriend. I think it's time to admit I'm getting old.
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@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
12 Jan 10
Did the goats eat anything that they shouldn't? I try to get a walk every day, but some days I get lazy and other days the weather doesn't cooperate with me.
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
12 Jan 10
They probably ate some paper, definitely some cardboard. My goats are all fussy...they don't eat a lot of stuff. There are weeds in the back yard that they avoid...there is grass in the back yard they avoid. How far do you walk? Good on you for that effort .
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@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
12 Jan 10
Well if it's nice day at work and I have time at lunch, I walk to the lake which is 20 minutes each way and sometimes farther along the lake. At home it's usually 2 15 - 20 minute laps around the block via the beaver stream.
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
13 Jan 10
Sounds very nice dawn...idyllic even.
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@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
13 Jan 10
Hey MsTickle! You poor thing! That must be so painful! That is alot of physical activity for anyone, let alone someone, who like me isn't used to doing so much heavy stuff in a day! You really need to pave yourself! I know that you are going to say that it needed to be done! I do stuff in my house in a fit because I decide it "needs" to be done! And then I "pay bigtime" for the next week or so! You really need to be careful with doing such physical stuff! You could really hurt yourself by overdoing it! Try to do things a bit slower! The goats are happy that you brought them inside! The rest of the stuff can wait a bit! Please tell me you will take care! Hugs, Opal
2 people like this
@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
13 Jan 10
I'm fine again Opal...back to my regular aches and pains thank you. I did a few bendy stretchy exercises late yesterday then I vaccuumed for about half an hour. Heating up my muscles again seemed to take away some of the stress from my muscles and joints. Now I'm suffering from the mozzie and sandfly bites which have turned hard and red and angry and so itchy, I'm ready to rip my skin to shreds. This time of year brings our best rainfall but we have to contend with minor flooding and rotten mozzies afterwards...this year brings the added misery of sandflies . None of my creams are working..I've also tried anti bug spray, washing and antiseptic. Nothing is working. I've ordered some telfast from my online chemist but it might take a few days to get here...groan. Thanks for your care and concern dear one.
• United States
12 Jan 10
When the tornado came through this fall, we worked hard at the clean-up for about a week straight. During the summer, I was walking and swimming almost every day, so I was not really out of shape. However, the work that we did during clean-up was different from the exercising that I did on a daily basis, and my muscles could definitely tell the difference after about a day. Even though I was sore and a little stiff in the mornings, I really enjoyed the feeling of accomplishment that I got after a hard days work. When I got back home and settled in, I started to get in a routine where I was not getting as much exercise as I had been getting, which was partly due to the cold weather and not being able to get outside as often as I would like. I have been making a conscious effort to exercise more, though, and I am starting to feel good again. I know that when I first start to exercise or workout, I have to just about force myself to do it, except in the summer when we can play sports and do other physical activities or games that do not feel like exercise. After about a week or two, though, I start to enjoy the feeling that I get from exercising, especially when I start to not only feel it toning and building my muscles but also have more energy during the day.
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
12 Jan 10
Good for you sound a lot younger than me. You're lucky too that you have people to play with. I think living on your own doesn't help to overcome a sedentary lifestyle. My daughter runs nearly 10 klms when she comes to visit...that's around the block 10 times...she's done it in extremely hot weather and in pouring rain. When at home she also cycles sometimes, she goes to the gym (there is one where she works) and she has karate lessons with her daughters. She says she doesn't feel right unless she does it these days. Once upon a time it was a very different story. I don't know where she gets it from but once she decides to do something she becomes very focused and determined. I know the changes must come from me but I lack that determination.
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
15 Jan 10
Hi purple...I live out in the middle of nowhere in a small village with a mostly aging population...there are about 75 people, including children in the village. I've tried to get together a walking group and several people show interest but obly 1 or 2 ever show up the first week and none the next. I purchased a Tai Chi DVD but I find it too difficult to get the movements right and it's no fun on my own. I like to walk but I'm having real problems with my feet, knees, hips and back these days so I'm doing it tough. I saw the doctor today and he is sending me for hip and back x-rays so I hope they find something that can be fixed.
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• United States
13 Jan 10
I do find that it is a lot harder to workout or exercise, especially to stay motivated and do it on a regular basis, when I am alone. I do not like being alone (like for days or weeks at a time), so I guess that depression plays a part in that, too. I don't even really like exercising alone, because the time goes by much faster and it does not seem as much like work or exercise if there is someone there to share it with me, which is why I try to get my husband to exercise and workout with me. He always says that he will, but actually getting him to do it is an entirely different story. Fortunately, our house is very active, so even when I am "inactive" I still get some exercise, because I am always chasing the little one around the house. Is there a sport that you like or some kind of physical activity that you really like doing? It doesn't have to be particularly strenuous to be a good exercise - just getting out and walking for at least half an hour a day is good. If there is something that you really like to do, then it doesn't feel as much like exercise or work. If there is a particular activity that you like to do, then you could see whether or not there is a recreation center or other place that offers that activity that you could go to. There, you could meet other people that enjoy the same things that you do, and you could meet them there and get physically fit while you are socializing, which allows you to kill two birds with one stone so to speak. The more fun you can make exercise, the less determination it will take for you to do it, because you will actually want to do it if you are having fun.
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@Lindalinda (4111)
• Canada
13 Jan 10
I am impressed Ms. Tickle. All that work in the incredible heat that you have in Australia right now. Well, I don't know what possessed you to let the goats into the garage. I think the pellets are o.k. to clean up but the urine really smells, doesn’t it? Maybe your whole garage would smell bad after a while. Look at it from the bright side though. The mess that the goats made inspired you to get rid of all kinds of junk. I can see how all that activity made you sore the next day. As to your question of how much exercise people get, well it is really hard to stay motivated. I am diabetic and it is essential that I have physical activity because blood sugar, cholesterol and blood pressure as well as weight are greatly affected. I was really doing well until before Christmas. Tai Chi on Mondays, Fitness and weight Training on Tuesdays, Exercise for diabetics on Thursdays and a daily walk. Well, of course before Christmas the programs stopped and only the weight training has continued (which I skipped since the middle of December) I have had a cold, the pathways are slippery and the fully equipped gym in the building where I live is too hot for me, and I am having some renovations done in my condo. Can you think of any more excuses that I can use to procrastinate some more???
• Canada
14 Jan 10
o.k. o.k. I promise I will get back into the groove. However, I cannot open a window because the gym is in the basement but I did tell the building manager that it was too hot down there.
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
13 Jan 10
I let the goats into the garage because under my house, where they sleep, becomes flooded and they become stuck under there. They've been in the garage several times now. Normally, I would go in every day and change their sleeping bags, hang the wet ones out to dry, sweep up the poo pellets and restore order generally. I didn't do that this time, suffice to say, I had my reasons. As for their urine smelling, it only does sometimes and not very often, the garage doesn't smell of it at all. I actually don't mind the smell as it makes my place smell like a farm. lol. How lucky you are to have all those means at your fingertips to make use of for exercising but how rotten that you are not as well as you could be. I think you have covered your excuses pretty well but heck, why would you want to be well when you can myLot all day? Get to it young lady, get down to your gym and open a window or I will come over there and give you a kick. Hmph!
@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
15 Jan 10
You'd think they'd at least have some fans down there.
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
12 Jan 10
Well I have to take Gissi out as you know, also I get up and down in between being on the Laptop doing washing, my housework Once a Month I go out shopping so I get out for half the Day then But apart from that I am happy to stay in and on my Laptop as I love doing my Graphics and Layouts on here But I do get my fair share of Exercise during the Day lol bit by bit
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
13 Jan 10
He stays at home as he does not like the car I am normally only gone about 2 hours 3 the most but of course when I get back he goes through the Shopping Bags to find his goodies and then I have to pay him attention, also I will find my Cushions on the Floor and if I did not shut the bedroom door he will have had a way of time messing my Bed up that was made before I left lol so he does keep himself occupied as you can see lol
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
12 Jan 10
I think Gissi keeps you incredibly active gabs. What do you do with him when you go shopping?
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
15 Jan 10
He sure is a little rascal.
@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
12 Jan 10
Now that was a work out!. adn no I think about doing things but it mighgt takes months to get it done!
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
13 Jan 10
Oh no thats not good. I can still put on shoes and sox whithout huffing and puffing!
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
12 Jan 10
I've just pulled on one sock and put on one runner to go for a walk and I'm puffing like mad. At this rate, by the time I have them both on I'll be exhausted and won't have to go anywhere.
• United States
12 Jan 10
If I had done all the work you did and now suffered aches and pains I would just be sitting back and patting myself on the back for the hard word I had done.. I have no tips on how to keep motivated to exercise. I wish I did because I seem to exercise in spurts. I get really enthused and after a few days it dwindles to zero.
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
12 Jan 10
Don't worry mate...I was grinning my head off for having accomplished what I did. I have been getting behind with everything and to have the feeling that I'm getting control back over my chores is fabulous. There is a good sense of achievement. However the aches and pains told me how slack I have been. I think I should try to walk each day but the idea doesn't last very long. I've tried some short stretchy type exercises here in my chair but I keep forgetting to do them. I need a routine...even a 10 minute daily one but have no idea how to make it stick.
• United States
12 Jan 10
I have a small stationary pedal machine and I really do have a problem pedaling away while watching a favorite TV show or my soap opera.
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
12 Jan 10
I bought one of those years ago when I first began gaining weight. My knees had given out and I was not able to be as active as I had once been. Do you know, I would pedal away on that thing for ages several days a week for months with no result? It became my grandsons favourite toy.
@savypat (20216)
• United States
13 Jan 10
Ir's amazing some of the things you have to do when you have animals. It's also amazing how fast your body deteriorates when you sit at the computer each day. Once I am walking I can keep it up but to get my shoes on and out the door is another thing entirely. A friend would help, that way we could keep each other going. Good Luck
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
13 Jan 10
Now that they are shut out of the garage they are trying to cram themselves into the laundry. I've put up a beaut shelter for them but they like MY areas best. You're correct about the deterioration...I was so totally knocked up I was really shocked tpo be that way as I have always been very active. I have always been a walker but it is just so easy to say no these days and find excuses. Today, it's the mozzies...they made a meal of me yesterday and I've had a reaction to the bites...great big angry, itchy welts that I cannot overcome unless I'm asleep.
@savypat (20216)
• United States
13 Jan 10
I hate itchy bites, most leave me alone but I find if I eat bananas I get bit a lot more.
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23 Jan 10
The one thing I have learned when it comes to doing more exercise is to actually schedule it into your daily routine, setting aside a specific time to do something you've already planned. If I don't set aside a certain block of time, usually before I start all my other jobs, then I will never just stop and go and do some exercise because everything else has become too important.
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
23 Jan 10
HI tdc...yes, I have come to that conclusion myself. I tried a formal routine for housework when I first moved here 4 years ago but with constant interruptions it all fell apart and I did not bother to try again. My time is more my own now and I have yet to begin working out that schedule...I'm afraid if I do I will get the constant interruptions again. Yes, I know I'm procrastinating
@aerous (13434)
• Philippines
20 Jan 10
I will do an exercise for myself. I always doing an exercise because I feel not good if not doing it regularly. I have learn many techniques of exercise when I was in martial arts school that is why I need a regular exercise to maintain those knowledge that I know...Have a nice day!!!
@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
20 Jan 10
Hi aerous... Keep up the good will eventually forget the exercises if you stop doing them.
@aerous (13434)
• Philippines
20 Jan 10
You right, my friend...we need a regular exercise to make our body healthy enough
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• Pamplona, Spain
19 Jan 10
Hiya MsTickle, That can be really hard on you like digging in the snow. My Husbands family have Houses like that where you can store Hay in the bottom part and they have to clean the rain and mud out on a regular basis as the River next to them overflows in the flashstorms quite a lot. I had a David Carradine Video a workout routine of Tai Chi but because he had a face you remember the memory makes it easier to remember the exercises you did well more or less and some of it I still practice but not everyday but I move a lot all day long too. The video of David Carradine broke ages ago you see and now I have to buy some kind of Dvd similar to help coax me into remembering how to do all that kind of thing.
@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
19 Jan 10
Hi loving . We have a place where we can go to make necessary contact with the "outside world" for any sort of support we need. I have been trying to get a tai chi instructor to come out here. The next town had one and we missed out. Hope you find a suitable DVD. They are out there and you never know, you might find a familiar face .
• Pamplona, Spain
20 Jan 10
Hiya MsTickle, Will do am still looking for a suitable one for me. There are no professional Tai Chi Teachers here it´s really a very small village. If the familiar face was Tom Welling well all I can say is I really would remember those exercises all of them. He has such a nice face. I know he does´nt do Tai Chi at least well hey who knows maybe he does but on his own. I like watching Smallville all I can when I can. Take care now.
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@flowerchilde (12529)
• United States
12 Jan 10
I have to fight with myself too. I get plenty of exercise spring, summer and part of the fall what with doing a lot of gardening and yard work because I usually have a project and idea going for our yard, flowers and garden.. making paths.. whatever.. but winter is terrible as everything I do is thinking, studying, writing, etc.. This winter I have my new mini laptop on my dresser so at least when I'm on the computer I'm not sitting! Also when thinking I try to pace rather than be sitting all the time, and when I go to get a book i can pace while looking something up.. I guess my desk is now stand up. If I put music on I will dance, but I cannot seem to discipline myself to put the music on.. how ridiculous is that?! And how silly it has to be discipline, who doesn't love their favorite music and dancing? One year I walked round and round our yard. It's an acre. I was in good shape that year and have to get back to that!
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
12 Jan 10
Ditto you about the music and dancing...what's up with that? Why do we do this carp to ourselves...or not do it? I'll put the music on and start to shake and shimmy, boogey and bounce and I have a wonderful time imagining I'm a hot, good looking, young female who is just the most fabulous dancer with some uber cool moves baby. day: nothing! zilch, zip, nada. Even if I think about it for a fleeting second a part of my mind is rejecting the whole idea big time. What's up with that?'s like the part of me that wants to dance and feel good and be fit doesn't get to have a say.
@Grandmaof2 (7579)
• Canada
12 Jan 10
If I even tried to do all the work you did in the garage it would have killed me. I need to be more motivated as well but it's icy and we have had very severe winter weather so I basically never go anywhere. I am not a very healthy person and need to be very careful. Good luck and keep in touch with myLot we all need each other here!
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
12 Jan 10
It was one of those jobs Grandma when every time you stop to look and take alll still looks just the same. It wasn't till I had picked up dozens of Hessian potato bags, lots of chewed, flattened cardboard boxes, heaps of garden pots, a few gardening tools, a rubbish bin and started sweeping the dirt, hay, poo pellets and smaller bits of paper into the middle of the garage, that I began to see clear spaces around the edges and then I realised I was finally getting somewhere.
• United States
15 Jan 10
me? good lord i'm lucky i get a spare moment anymore. if it's not the house that needs something fixed,it's mom. have always been the best motivation for me while doing something i'd rather not be.keeps the mind off the unpleasantness.
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
15 Jan 10
You are so right about that. Provided there are no mirrors about, I forget who I am now, what I look like. I can pretend I'm that red hot Mama that was a disco queen 30 years ago. I know I can't quite carry off most of the moves and I have to be careful so as not to fall over but I'm still carried back to the good ole days...
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@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
13 Jan 10
oh that is quite wonderful. sounds like you have such an interesting life there. i've had a couple goats many many years ago and aside from being kind of nasty they were a lot of fun. getting back to the question, no, i get very little exercise and i've been really coming down on myself lately to get moving more because of my emphezema and ruematoid arthritis its really hard but i've been gaining way to much weight and know i have to fight this some way. now, going to go work in the garage for a few minutes as i still have a couple of boxes unopened since my move over a year ago thanks for the little push there girl
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
14 Jan 10
I believe emphysema is a dreadful disease that grows steadily worse...I surely feel for you. I have osteo-arthritis and movement is difficult. They say "use it or lose it" and that's what I did...I used it alright and bloody wore it away. There's bit's of me that are gone and they ain't coming back.
@artistry (4151)
• United States
12 Jan 10
...Hi MsTickle, You really put yourself through the wringer. Your body reacts when all of a sudden you are doing much more than you did the day before, don't have to tell you that. I have a girlfriend who goes out into her backyard every now and then and starts cutting and pulling and weeding, goes in the house finally and relaxes. The next day she is in agony. She tells me about what she did, just afterwards and I always say to her, "tomorrow will not be good". But she insists on over doing it whenever it hits her. I try to keep it in the middle, no streneous movement all in one day. I exercise just a little every day. I should do more, to try to lose some weight, but I am not into pushing myself right about now, so I will muddle along. As we get older, adjustments have to be made, when I am sitting at the computer, I try to move my arms, and my legs as well, every little bit helps. Before I get out of bed, I will do leg lifts ans swings. Be kind to yourself, try not to overdo it. Take care.
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
12 Jan 10
Once upon a time I could do anything. I was very strong...I worked hard and played hard. Yes, things change as we age and most of us are not prepared. I never used to have a problem with what I ate or my weight...I could eat as much as anything I wanted with impunity...that is certainly not the case these days. Little or no exercise is most often the case with me although I do still manage the occasional walk. I've also been doing some chair stretches and I get up often - usually for a snack or a coffee lol - bad Tickle, BAD! Get your friend into a tub of warm water with lots of salt or epsom salts. It will take away all her aches and pains. I have a long narrow bath which I no longer fit into.
@bounce58 (17385)
• Canada
12 Jan 10
Hi MsTickle. I think your body shrieking in pain just needs another doze of working in the garage. Have you finished your work there? Are the goat still there creating havoc. You might need to clean up some more. I think your body just need to familiarize itself with work, or workout. Exercise is one of my resolutions for this year. But I've set my target start date at the first of February. Hopefully, I don't complain and change my mind by then.
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
12 Jan 10
Yes, I've finished my work in the's goats out - car in. There is still plenty to do in there but I'm waiting for some shelving to go in so I can be better organised. The mess the goats made has been cleaned up, the place is looking better and cleaner than it has in a while. Why are you putting things off? Start today...immediately. There will always be an excuse to put things off. Focus, be determined.