Is it dangerous talking on the cellfone while driving/crossing road
By udayrao2
@udayrao2 (781)
January 12, 2010 5:46am CST
They say that while driving talking on the 'phone is dangerous & the cause of many accidents & many countries have banned this or have stiff penalties for people who talk while driving; I feel that it is equally dangerous for pedestrians to talk while crossing the roads and this should also attract fines/ penalties - the pedestrians carelessness could lead to an accident and then the driver will is blamed- so why don't the authorities do something about this - I have tried to draw their attention but no luck so far- any one here can do something about this?
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16 responses
@classicemcegy79 (152)
• United States
12 Jan 10
Hello there udayrao2 :3
There is a bit of a problem with your argument. Drivers need two hands, one foot, both eyes, and theih neck muscles in order to drive a car; pedestrians don't. In addition, pedestrians are supposed to always have right-of-way. Just because a driver is involved in an accident with a pedestrian does not mean the driver is at fault. It all depends on that particular situation.
Would you care to further debate this? I would love to hear more of your reasoning. :3
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@pupupd (1515)
• India
13 Jan 10
I think pedestrain should be careful while crossing a busy road and should not be too busy talking on phone, as at the same time the driver in the car might be careless or drunk or busy on mobile so as a result both are on their own world and BOOM! The accident takes place and obviously the pedestrian loses his/her life.
I know that the driver who was responsible will be jailed or fined but what has gone won't come back.
If only the pedestrian would have been more caution, his/her life would have been saved.
I am not talking about justice here. I am just saying that if someone is careful it will be for his/her own life not for someone else. One can't depend completely on the driver and relax that it is his responsibility to honk horn and make me alert. NO!! I should be alert myself as well. Specially in highways where cars move a break neck speed and it is very difficult to control the speed if somebody suddenly comes on the road!
@classicemcegy79 (152)
• United States
13 Jan 10
Hell pupupd!
Oh no, of course I do not mean that pedestrians should not be responsible for causing accidents. However, it is quite unreasonable to create a law forbidding pedestrians to speak on a cell phone while walking. But pedestrians are supposed to be aware that their actions have consequences as well. Many pedestrians talk on their phone while walking. It's one of the many conveniences of the modern cellular phone. However, I agree. Pedestrians need to be aware that drivers are busy and cannot always be watching every single person along the road. We are, after all, human beings.
@udayrao2 (781)
• India
13 Jan 10
Yes and thanks- I am saying that the pedestrians should also be fined - only if they talk on the phone while crossing busy roads - b'cos here in India, unlike many other countries, in accidents the guy who caused it normally gets away scot-free and even if the pedestrian is the cause the poor driver is considered the cause and taken to task. And then just like the driver who has his attention somewhere else rather than on the road if he is talking on phone while driving similarly the same is with a pedestrian's diverted attention - so why this 'unfair practice'? After all here is a question of saving lives. This may not apply to your country if the rules on the road is strict but will definitely help in countries where road rule are lax.

@Sreekala (34312)
• India
12 Jan 10
Hi Udya,
Yes, it is.
When we talk on cell phone our attention will be on talking and we may not realize the happening around us. If we cross the road we should check the vehicles or check the signal (If your on signal) to avoid mishaps. I think there is no rule for individual who walks on road. Yes people are free to use the phone while walking. But rules are there for drivers, they are not allowed to use the cell phone while driving. But I have seen many drivers are talking on phone while driving. I have not found anybody to punish them.
I think people should conscious about their safety by themselves.
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@pupupd (1515)
• India
13 Jan 10
You are right there are no rules for people walking on roads and thats the main reason why people are careless on road. Only rules can make a person disciplined.
Without rules some people won't change themselves because there are people who think nothing bad can happen to them and the next thing they are on the hospital bed. In order to control such cool attitude some rules must be made!!
@marguicha (225702)
• Chile
12 Jan 10
Talking on the cell phone, even with the hands free device, if very dangerous. The driver needs his full attention to the road. Of course it is worse if you have a normal cell phone that you use with one of your hands. In my country it is against the law to do it, but noone cares about paying attention to the law.
In this post you are talking about two subjects. One is about the dangers of using a cell phone while driving and another is how to cross safely if you are a pedestrian. But what a pedestrian does does not exculpate the driver. He can also hit a tree or another car by driving without care.
Happy posting!
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@pupupd (1515)
• India
13 Jan 10
Right. Here we are talking about implementing strict rules for pedestrians who cross road carelessly. They should be alert and should not be busy talking on phone as it will lead to their own accident and not the car which hit it. The driver will come out scratchless but the person on road will be affected the worst!
So some rules must be made by the LAW for them too!
@marguicha (225702)
• Chile
13 Jan 10
You are right about rules and laws to pedestrians. In my country, there are rules for them also. And I´n sure it´s the same in most countries. There are special pedestrian crossings. But many pedestrians, in spite of them, will not walk half a block more to be safe. They won´t do it even with a child in their hands. Unfortunatly, rules and laws have been in the world since the begining of times and people don´t follow them. How old is the commandment that says not to kill? And the 10 commandments were not the first set of moral rules on earth. It seems we are a hideous species. We grow in technology but we are still cavemen as other things go.
Take care!
@nautilus33 (1827)
12 Jan 10
HI! As I have comment to many other discussion, it is dangerous and it is also forbidden, and if you don't want to punished from the police, you must not talk to the cell phone while driving!
@pupupd (1515)
• India
13 Jan 10
Talking on phone while driving is strictly prohibited already but here we are talking about pedestrians who talk on phone while crossing the road. Shouldn't they be fined too?
Of course they should not be punished but at least fined!! They are equally responsible for the accident taking place on roads, they are very careless sometimes. And if they are fined, it will be for their own lives.
@pentagan12 (757)
• Philippines
12 Jan 10
It is really very dangerous to use a mobile phone while driving. As what other people say, we cannot hit two birds with one stone. It means we cannot do two things at the same time. If you're talking with someone over the phone, you cannot concentrate and focus on driving which can be the main cause of many accidents on the road. On the other hand, you questioned about not giving penalties for those people crossing the street while talking with someone else. I think you somehow have the point but it isn't that punishable by the law as what you're thinking. People can cross the pedestrian lane only if the traffic light will turn red. That means, the cars should stop to give way for the people crossing the street. In that case, there will be no accident that may happen which can be caused by people walking while talking along the street. But of course, there is a limitation for that. Some people who do not follow the rules and regulations related to this one should be punished by the law and that includes jay walking. I hope this can somehow help you understand the different among these situations. Thanks
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@PastorP (1170)
• United States
12 Jan 10
Greetings udayrao2 .
Yes, both are dangerous. A way to correct this is to have those that in will bring children into this world in the future to teach their children by word and example that safety should come first. I personally don't like to carry on a conversation while driving a car. Year's back in the 50's there were signs on buses that said, "Do not talk to bus driver."
@veejay19 (3589)
• India
13 Jan 10
Uday, i agree with you here. It is dangerous for both motorists as well as pedestrians to talk while driving and walking. If a driver gets a call then he should stop and park his car and then talk. This is will avoid accidents. Pedestrians also should stop walking on the road and go to a safe place and then talk. After all it is their lives which are at stake as well as other people. There is no point in you telling anyone, people must understand the dangers involved since they are risking their own lives as well as others.
@vinslounge (1295)
• India
13 Jan 10
Well said udayrao2, especially in my country the problem is rampant. I could see many people crossing the road carelessely while talking in the cell phones. This must attract a sever penalty and it's a distraction to both drivers and the fellow pedestrians. yes, unfortunately the drivers are always been on the blame side even if the pedestrians make the mistake. I heard that in countries like Singapore people are fined if they are found walking on the road with cell phones in their hand and that is how the rule has to be implemented in the other countries too. Lets wish that many people join together and come up with a solution to overcome this menace.
@pupupd (1515)
• India
13 Jan 10
I agree with you completely. I myself drive sometimes and notice that some people are very careless while crossing the road. It makes me angry when I am at speed and I have to push the break hard just for the jerk so that I can save his/her life where as he/she is least concerned and busy talking on phone or Listening to music!!! Yes, this is one more thing which diverts the concentration of both the driver and also the pedestrian. Even this should not be allowed, and the person should be fined if seen by police.
I don't know when the LAW will take notice of this and take corrective measures.
Why don't you write to the editor of some famous newspaper, you might have already tried but still try to get this issue in attention of some highly popular magazine or through radio station. There are many ways!!
Good Luck to you in this!
@sublime03 (2338)
• Philippines
12 Jan 10
It is definitely dangerous to talk on the phone while driving or crossing because not everybody can do multi-tasking thus the higher the percentage of being very dangerous. Also, that is why even the government has added to the law of using prohibiting people using your cellphone while driving because it is a preventive measure and have been tested to be one of the causes on the road.
@kingparker (9673)
• United States
13 Jan 10
Even though people know about this rule, they are still doing it. I saw many young girls, majority of female, and male too, I won't exclude male counterpart, also doing the chatting while driving. They have no idea how extremely dangerous that could be.
@adamc151 (476)
12 Jan 10
Sure it may be dangerous but thats going a bit too far, banning people to talk on their phone and cross the road. People would feel they are losing their freedom and there would be too many rules. But it is much less dangerous as talking on the phone while driving :)
@pupupd (1515)
• India
13 Jan 10
Lol people should not be banned. They should be more careful themselves. They must be given warnings in the beginning so that they remember to be alert while crossing the road. With warning some amount of improvement will be seen and finally everyone will have a habit of asking the person on phone to hold for a moment because he/she is crossing the road! COOL! 

@kingparker (9673)
• United States
12 Jan 10
As advised by everyone, and by the television, it is extremely dangerous chatting on your cellphone while attempt to cross the street. If you take your eyes and your attention off the road, you will know the consequences. So, don't attempt. I don't really trust the authority myself, they don't help me on anything, except charge people for this and that.
@skyhawk3 (63)
• United States
12 Jan 10
Dudes why does everyone keep asking this simple question ! of course it's dangerous because you're really distracted, doesn't anybody know this stuff ! there are so many accidents like this because of stupid people driving and talking on the phone o looking at a text message.
@fedoralinux (556)
• India
13 Jan 10
you said a right one but we can't put penalties on there.the main thing is cell phone helps the people ,while they 're talking to others , they should know it's only for talking,but still many one don't care of that they talking in unnecessary places like ,crossing the roads,driving bikes, cars.hey do not care of u 're suggestion is right.
@coolcat123 (4387)
• India
12 Jan 10
Yes, its dangerous to use cellphones while walking on roads especially the high traffic area. Actually why not to be safe or to avoid things which have even a bit chance to harm you.
@Java09 (3075)
• United States
12 Jan 10
I believe it is dangerous even if you have a hands free device.Your mind is still being distracted either way.There is alot of people getting in accidents because they don't obey the law about it.Where I live it is against the law to drive and talk on a cell phone,but people still do it anyways.If caught they get a fine for it,but they don't catch everyone doing it.